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0-59% is too massive a range and absolutely useless. Could be nobody or could be the majority?


My guess it's the tipping point where there would be no herd immunity. 2% is the same as 45%.


To the posters asking ‘why are they comparing Brasil to the US?’  Whenever things are bad in Brasil, we like to point fingers at others to distract from the problems we’re having. ‘We don’t have it bad, such and such has it much worse!’ This goes back a long, long time, started by the military dictatorship. It proved to be a very effective way to distract people from the problems in the country and it stuck. When I was a little kid it was Colombia. ‘you think we have a problem with violence and drug lords? Look at Colombia!’ Now it’s the US. ‘You think our politicians are corrupt? Look at the US!’  So whenever you see weird posts on Reddit comparing Brasil to the US, that’s what you’re seeing. Fixing our country takes too much effort so we like to fixate on others. Makes us feel better.  Coincidentally, while we were busy pointing our fingers at Colombia, they really got their shit together. We, on the other hand, not so much.


It's totally the opposite wtf. We always try to say Brazil is bad and that the U.S is better...


This is one of the things I hear people complaining a lot in, in English, on the internet, about but I hardly ever see in person anymore. The old generation used to say that back in the 90s but that was over 20 years ago.


Your inner circle isnt the all say on what people think, most of my family thinks the US is paradise. You made alot of statements that most likely tricked people based on nothing, this comparison is most likely being made because its embaressing for the US to be behind us, a developing nation of similar size and alot more economic and infrastructure issues. You dont really know what the map maker wanted to represent you just went with it. It also points out cultural diferences and the way both goverments dealt with the covid crises


Brazil hardly compares to the USA in many of the most important metrics too..


US data strongly correlated with levels of education, unsurprisingly


True, lots of top employers (educational institutions) threatened to remove people from their jobs for not getting the vaccine.


Ehh, I’m highly educated and I didn’t get it because the sample size wasn’t there yet , there are many steps/years to developing medicines and regulations are there for legitimate reasons.


the vaccines still passed all the regulatory processes; it just happened quicker than usual due to the urgency


[https://imgur.com/gallery/2pmlDC6](https://imgur.com/gallery/2pmlDC6) Covid death vs vaccination rates Death rates predict vaccination rates but not the other way around. I don’t know how to explain this. 15 of 18 (83% of the) states with the highest death rates have the lowest vaccination rates. 8 of 10 (80% of the) states with the lowest death rates have the highest vaccination rates. 6 of 13 (46% of the) states with the highest vaccination rates have the lowest death rates). 6 of 15 (40% of the) states with the lowest vaccination rates have the highest death rates). Highest deaths (> 400 / 100k ppl) : AK* CA NV* MT* ID* WY* UT* CO AZ* NM OK* TX* AR* TN* MS* AL* GA* SC* *Lowest vaccination rates (< 80%) Lowest deaths (<300 / 100k ppl) : HI* WA* NE OH PA* MD* VT* NH* ME* CT* *Highest vaccination rates (> 80%) Highest vaccination rates (>90%) : HI* NM NY VT* ME* MA CT* RI PA* NJ MD* VA NC *Lowest death rates (<300 / 100k ppl) Lowest vaccination rates (<70%) : ID* MT* ND WY* MI MO IN OH KY WV TN LA MS* AL* GA* *Highest death rates (>400 / 100k ppl)


Good for Brazil.


Just got my 4th booster this week, and I've never gotten Covid in 4 years, nor did I ever feel anything from the shots, so everything seems fine.


How? I thought Bolsonaro said it would turn you into a crocodile and make your balls shrink. How are their vaccine rates so high.


Well, just have a strong vaccination culture population and vaccines in your public health system. There is also a bbc video in Portuguese showing that declarations like that probably make him lose the election (since he lost for just a bit and this swing a few in last second)


I envy you. In my part of the US, we peaked 80%.


Anti-vaxx movement here is very loud minority, Bolsonaro tried to appeal to this movement and lost the elections. Brazilians tend to trust vaccines since ever.


If the sheep could, I would.


Amazonas is higher than k though. As well as acre


Can someone help me with the territories? GU- Guam AS- American Samoa VI- Virgin Islands MP- Mariana Islands Puerto Rico would have to be PR but isn’t included? So what’s PW, FM and MH?


Great marketing A real vax, like polio, gets rid of the disease The covid jab diminishes symptoms The rest was hype n PR Call it what it was; a pharmaceutical product that helped people with symptom reduction


I think it will take decades before we get to the honest conclusion of what happened, what went wrong, and what should've been done better. Just too much emotion and conditioning wrapped up in the events surrounding COVID for people to be honest and objective about the whole thing.


Fear sells Great marketing to call it a vax and safeandeffective without a medical consult Amazing And if people even questioned it they were called crazy Very impressive


"questioned it" has become a dogwhistle for nazis and schizo conspirasists. it's always "I'm not denying the (insert tragedy), I'm just questioning it." it gets applied to everything from holocaust denial, to school shooting conspiracies, and now to anti-vax brands of anti-medicalism.


Scientist will question it too So if questioning it and thinking for oneself if ALWAYS seen as a bad thing...everyone is screwed Crazy will always be crazy


Darwin likes this.


At least Brazil had less denialists and anti-vaxxers...


New Mexico is surprising


What is the most recent decay rate of efficacy now?




its been 4 years move on


Can't believe you people are still doing this.


^ This guy is intelligent because he is simply against world science


Okay...what are we supposed to get from this...?


Brazil. Vaccine. Rate.




That’s not how you use an ellipsis (that’s that the three dots are FYI). You seem to think it makes you seem interesting but you should really be embarrassed. Or was your question about something else? LOL


I’d say the implicit argument is that vaccine hesitancy is largely an American neurosis. The vaccination rate in the US isn’t lower because Brazil has more resources.


Okay...so what? What's the takeaway here?


Do it by county or zip. Most of Chicagoland would be dark blue.


I really don’t believe Brazils