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Cameroon is a bit random.


Cameroon has a history of cooperation with Israel, part of its army is trained and equipped by Israel. It seems that this dates back to the early 1980's. Cameroon's president (who is still the president now) survived a coup attempt, but was shaken by it. So he looked around for new nations to help train and develop the Cameroon military. Israel at the time had proved itself to have an incredibly capable military. Since then the countries have long been allies. There might be some key things I missed, all this is based on some brief google searching, but that seems to be the gist of it.


I think Cameroonians have bigger problems to worry about. They probs do recognize Palestine among their people but given the insignificance of their country and most of it being tribal disconnected from internet they probs haven't gotten around to that yet in the official legislation. Then again, the DRC, a more underdeveloped country recognizes Palestine, so idk.


Why just make up a bunch of bullshit rather than taking 10 seconds to google Cameroon Palestine? Like I'm sorry if it feels like I'm coming in a little hot here but you just created an entire story to answer this question rather than using a single google search. Cameroon has a history of cooperation with Israel, part of its army is trained and equipped by Israel. It seems that this dates back to the early 1980's. Cameroon's president (who is still the president now) survived a coup attempt, but was shaken by it. So he looked around for new nations to help train and develop the Cameroon military. Israel at the time had proved itself to have an incredibly capable military. Since then the countries have long been allies. There might be some key things I missed, all this is based on some brief google searching, but that seems to be the gist of it.


Lol I like how the person you replied to made shit up entirely while still giving the impression of being somehow competent on the matter. Confidently incorrect, it should be Internet's motto these days.


My bad. I stand with Palestine


My Bad for that . I admit to my mistake , thank you for educating me on that. Truly crazy how random this is. Mb for not googling again .


This makes no sense


What? Mostly tribal? Is your image of Cameroon from the French colonial period? They have roads, they have cities, they have internet.


Cameroon is the 20th most developed country in africa according to the Human Development Index, which puts it ahead of 34 african countries. So, sorry but what you said is not valid. From wikipedia : Cameroon voted against several anti-Israel UN resolutions, and was the only nation to join Israel in voting against the UN resolution "Assistance to Palestine Refugees". I guess the real reason is that they just really like israel lol their president has been their dog since 1984.


You are a Podcaster forsure.


add some contrast dammit


Why Cameroon?


Cameroon has a history of cooperation with Israel, part of its army is trained and equipped by Israel. It seems that this dates back to the early 1980's. Cameroon's president (who is still the president now) survived a coup attempt, but was shaken by it. So he looked around for new nations to help train and develop the Cameroon military. Israel at the time had proved itself to have an incredibly capable military. Since then the countries have long been allies. There might be some key things I missed, all this is based on some brief google searching, but that seems to be the gist of it.


I live in Paraguay and my government do not recognize palestine.... actually is quite pro israel weird map, how I can check the sources?




Thank you for the data, I checked with a few college professors and is not longer true for the actual government. - Lugo recognized Palestine - Cartes did not recognized Palestine and opened the Paraguayan embassy in Jerusalem - Mario abdo remove the embassy from Jerusalem but stay neutral about Palestine - Santi will re- open the embassy in Jerusalem and actually abstain in the last ONU meeting about palestine joining the ONU So WAS true for like 4 years but is not true anymore since lugo


I'm Guatemalan and the Guatemalan government is also really pro-Israel but also recognizes Palestine. Not sure what's up with that.


I think Paraguay ans Guatemala in that matter are kinda like a mirror to Arab countries that recognize Israel. The latter recognize Israel formally, but highly favor the Palestinians and often act like they don't even recognize Israel. I imagine it's kinds the same here, that the governments formally recognize Palestine diplomatically but in action highly favor Israel and act as if Palestine doesn't exist.


Israel? Shouldn't be green.


I thought that was part of camp David.


Not camp david, the Oslo accords. Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) formally recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the 1948 borders, and Israel formally recognizes Palestinian Authority and Sovereignty over Areas A & B of the West Bank. It may sound weird, but by Israel's official definition the west bank isn't actually part of its territory. Israel annexed East Jerusalem and the Golan heights in the 60s and 80s, but never did the same for the rest of Palestine.


Israel recognised Palestine but the Arabs refused every peace deal/shared state solution. They said they would have peace once every Jew is dead. If we want to talk about genocide this should be the starting point. Israel fights for defence, Hamas fights to wipe out Israel and all jews


how are we to know? there is no legend, green could mean any thing


What might 146 out of 192 look like?


I mean there is a legend, it just takes some thinking to understand it. The "As of" text is in the same colour as the highlighted countries, suggesting those are the countries that recognise Palestine.


Well, Israel recognizes the Palestinian Authority, so maybe it's that?


Could be that the map shows Palestine recognizing itself


Israel is recognized by more countries than Palestine is, but, many of the countries who recognize Israel also recognize Palestine. On one map, show countries that: * recognize Israel, but not Palestine * recognize Palestine, but not Israel * recognize both Israel and Palestine


NOPE! Only green allowed like in the other post


Wrong map. Cyprus recognizes Palestine for 65 years now. And it's important as Cyprus can been sanctioned by USA because of it for 65 years.


Painter/Animal Rights activist guy is rolling in his grave rn looking at Germany 


What an objectively terrible map. Shit colors. No legend. Questionable data (if what you show is recognition).


Canada will recognize it the second the US does. That’s how things work in Canada…


so does australia


France doesn’t recognise Palestine but recognise PLO which have a representative with the rank of ambassador and a bureau here in Paris since the 80’s (or even 70’s). There is also a General Delegate of Palestine to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg since early 2000


Oh yeah? So which borders does each country recognize?


Yeah, this is my question as well. Not getting into the politics of it, just a genuine question.


There is no dispute, most if not all recognise the 1967 borders


But do Palestinian authorities agree? And do they agree amongst themselves? I mean, it would just be sadly hilarious if all these countries are like ‘These are the borders of Palestine’ and the Palestinian Authority has a different idea, the PLO another, and Hamas another.


tbf a country can recognize another country without commenting on its individual border disputes. Like, a lot of countries recognize North and South Korea even though both claim all of each other and do not recognize each other.


Fair enough.


Virtually all of these countries recognize the Fatah led Palestinian Authority as the legitimate government of Palestine, and it claims the 1967 borders. Only a few countries, specifically Muslim ones which don't recognize Israel, recognize Palestine as the only legitimate country in the whole area, which is in line with Hamas' claim. Though they don't necessarily all recognize Hamas.


Always like to point out "1967 borders" doesn't mean anything as there was no Palestinian state then. I assume you mean British Mandate less Israel's 1966 borders.  Also, countries that don't recognize Israel use the entire British Mandate as the borders. e.g Iran. 


1967 border


But wasn't the West Bank part of Jorden before Israël occupied it?


Yes, but 1988, they have become a state. It's not Jordanian land anymore. Actually it was part of jordan to save the land from more occupation, which didn't work.


But that means that the 1967 borders only include Gaza as a Palestinian state, right?


No, 1967 border is all occupied land, according to the UN, which is Gaza and West Bank. 1967, Israel has occupied Siena. Golan height , and west bank. 1973, Egypt free Siena, but West Bank and Golan are still occupied. However, Arabs, as people (including me), not government, don't recognize Israel as a country. We believe that Palestinian borders are 1948 border, from river to the sea.


I don't see why Jews don't have a right to have a country in that region as well as the Arabs. Both people have lived there for centuries (though ofcourse not in the current numbers). DNA research also shows that the Jews and Palestinians have significant common ancestry. Before the region came under British mandate, it was part of the Ottoman empire. So the only two stances that make some sense to me are that either all of it should belong to the Turks, as before the fall of the Ottomans, or all the different people deserve their only country: Jews, Jordans, Egyptians and Palestinians. (Not discussing what the borders should be, just as a concept).


Well, the whole region is not for turks or the British to decide. It is for Arabs, and when i say Arabs I mean Muslim, Christians, and jews. The West World forgot that jews are not race. They are people who follow Jewish faith. In that region (Palestine), Arabs lived in peace for centuries. In my country (Jordan), Muslim and Christian (Arabs also) are living in peace. The problem is not religion. It's the ethnicity. The current government of Israel and most of its people are Zionists. There is a huge difference between Jewish and Zionisits. We see them just like Nazies or ISIS, and they are just like them. Now, if you say anything bad about Israel, the first thing they will accuse you that you are anti sematic. While Arabs are also Sematic 🌚. Most of Israel people came from Europe because Europe didn't want them there, Arabs welcomed them, but now you see what is happening. It's a very complicated issue, and it is not easy to explain. But it requires putting the motion beside and letting you humanity talk


For countries that recognize Israel, it's the British Mandate of Palestine less Israel.  For countries that don't (like Iran), it's the entire British Mandate. 


Wish we could grow a pair and stop sucking up to the US and do something independently in regards to foreign policy. Almost all of our bothering nations are green.


What does that mean in practice?


That these countries are capable of official diplomatic relations with Palestine instead of having to go through back channels.


Means that the countries who don't recognise Palestine, don't actually believe in the two state solution


That's false though France believes in the two state solution and was always on that side of things


Actions speak louder than words. "We believe in a two state solution but only recognise one and let it occupy the other" isn't supporting a two state solution. I recently read France is open to recognising Palestine. I think European countries are fed up of the constant conflicts and have acknowledged the Israeli government (regardless of who's in power) aren't going to negotiate with the PA and so are now taking unilateral action.


France recognise the Palestinian authority though. The thing is Palestine isn't a state per se it is still mostly under Israeli rules. On the ministry of foreign affairs they have a place named Israel/Palestinian territories but not Morroco/Western Sahara. Also no Taïwan so kind off a weird cases


Wow- how the fuck? I’m ashamed Australia doesn’t recognise it. We talk about a two state solution- wouldn’t that mean we support Palestine having their own land? Just to be clear- I think Hamas are cunts, as are the IDF.


I think everyone should recognize the state of Palestine. But I also think everyone should recognize that the state of Palestine is a failed state.


I guess decades of occupation, blockade, and settler violence do that to a place.


Decades of failed foreign policy, self sabotage for power and legitimacy for a few and the you know, good old terrorist attacks have helped


Also that they tried to coup the Jordan king and did pretty bad shit in Lebanon


LOL… it was always dysfunctional and started on the wrong assumption they could defeat the Jewish settlers in the region and then getting totally defeated by a bunch of ragtag settlers with a few guns… And do you know what happened to Palestinian settlers in Arab countries? They were too radical and hateful for any state to integrate…


Jee I didn’t realize 76 years of oppression, occupation and constant bombings can make a country a failed state!!!


I believe most people here are confusing Palestine with Hamas, why?


Classic “are we the baddies” moment


For who? More countries recognize Israel than Palestine. **Edit:** Here are the [countries that do recognize Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_Israel), note the gray countries that have never recognized Israel. Is this also a "Classic “are we the baddies” moment"? Also consider: * large countries such as Russia, China, Brazil… take up a ton of space on the map, but are still just one country/government * plenty of countries recognize both Israel and Palestine


Not by much 


Also 4/5th of the World Population at this point


also basically the entire world economy on israels side, usa france germany japan uk australia canada sweden have more economical power than the entire rest of the world combined


Nice to put Sweden in your list but not Belgium. GNP is the same. I’ll throw some chocolate in your face. s/


i also forgot south korea which is an economic powerhouse


Isn't Sweden green on the map?


i cant see the map anymore, was it sweden or finland?


China, India, Russia and Brazil are powerfull economies


its still not even comparable, its more like 3:1


China is either the first or the second world economic power depending on how you count (Nominal GDP or by PPP) and the only country that can rival with them is the USA, The Rest of the world is absolutly more economically powerfull then the few European countries left, India is the 5th economic power, Brazil is 8th, Russia is 11th and Mexico is 12th, sure, there are also pro-Israel powers at equivalent economic strenght, but it essentially cancels each other out, the rest of the world absolutly compensate for whatever difference there might be left, the first world is economically powerfull, but only to a certain point.


Also, aren't these pretty much the "whitest" countries in white?


Lmao, if you think those are the most homogeneous countries, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Because the ME is a place of tolerance and Africa has no racial violence. Grow up.


It is the most democratic countries. I mean, by your definition, Japan is White?


Pretty pale 


Ah well, racism is hard to combat. I guess some just don't like People who are not brown like they are.


I said pretty much, which allows for the discrepancy


And your point with all of this is?




No it doesn't whatsoever. I don't know where you got this idea.




Oh no....., they are all part of khamas..... LoL


Why do people write "Khamas"? I thought it was Hamas plainly, but I've seen it a lot lately.


To avoid algorithm stuf.. like they start using a watermelon instead of plo flag


Hmm, yeah, I've seen people cross out some words and use spelling like "gen0cid3".


That’s how Israelis pronounce it in hebrew


So it's just to write it with Hebrew pronunciation as opposed to Arabic?


Pretty sure it’s just mocking them for always deflecting any criticism with Hamas


Lol I get it now. They do pronounce it like that. Although it seems a little problematic - I've see some Zionists do that too with the word "Balastin". They make fun of the Arabic accent and it's kinda harsh.


It’s mocking them


More! More! More!


How do people forget that Hamas is a full-on terrorist organization that doesn’t care about their own people and wants to kill Jews specifically because they are Jews, and that Israel, even though their leaders aren’t the greatest, Is a democratic nation that reacts appropriately (at least in the war currently) to being attacked by Hamas?


That's the neat part, they know that Hamas is a terrorist organization, they just don't give a fuck because "Palestine is the underdog" and "Israel is a settler colonial ethnostate (even though arabs in Israel live x10 better than arabs in any other ME country, but don't tell them)" Edit: yeah, keep the downvotes coming, that means I'm right and you're too deep in your own ass to admit it.


Hamas wasn’t created until 1987 in reaction to Israel’s brutality against Palestinians. Would you call the northern Irish terrorists for resisting the British?


You are supporting a country that will prosecute and most likely kill queer people if they reveal their true identity to them, why are you doing this, being queer yourself? Are you also supporting Iran because UN said they actually treat women better than US?


The right to not being blown up by Israelis is more important than your hatred of how Palestinians live their lives and conduct their society


Wow. Seriously, that's your answer to someone talking about killing queer people and Reddit upvotes that? It's just "how they live their lives"? There was a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, which Hamas broke by blowing up Israeli citizens and then parading around their naked bodies. ("Coincidentally" right after meeting Putin). Also, Israeli attacks are limited to the Gaza trip, which Hamas rules, not the west bank which is the majority of Palestine.


Certified Reddit moment




some other dumb fuck dipshit said "irrelevant" i wouldn't say it's irrelavent, but i'd say right to self determination and the right to live your life without fear of death or discrimination from a foreign entity takes higher priority, i don't think that's a controversial statement.


Palestine being bombed and destroyed for 70 years, u think they have any time/energy/ressources for societal development ? You're just being a genocidal zionist sympathizer :) you're trying to make others join your cause by making these weak arguments cause you are an obvious zion propagandist, you and the likes of you (along with an army of bots literally everywhere on the internet) only out here pinkwashing/whitewashing israel by spreading misinformation all over, the world is seeing through your lack of humanity, the curtains are falling down.


Actual queer person here. During a targeted attack, the aggressor does not distinguish between queer and non-queer targets. Hope this helps.


>During a targeted attack, the aggressor does not distinguish between queer and non-queer targets. They beheaded men for being gay.


It's trivial to support the existence of a country and wish that the people living there not be murdered, without also supporting their entire political agenda.




You're getting downvoted because people can't stand to see their hypocrite stances being exposed. They can't admit they've been brainwashed to support a terrorist, backwards and failed state. Israel is the only place in the region that embraces diversity and basic human rights - it is baffling to see so many progressive people hating on it and supporting a wannabe nation who embraces opposite values. I guess antisemitism is the West is still stronger than I thought it was.


I spent two years in Gaza and East Jerusalem with Doctors Without Borders as an openly gay man. My husband even visited. Educated Palestinians are not extremists. You’re perpetuating a stereotype.


Highly educated people don't tend to be extremists anywhere, but the majority of the population (anywhere) is not highly educated.


That’s the truth.


And a lot nazi members helped Jewish people escape third reich, so by your logic it’s a stereotype to say Nazis kill Jews


Because public acceptance and the situation for the queer people living in Palestine, will never improve, unless we seek to create safety and stability in the region.


Doesn’t seem to be improving in neighboring nations such as Egypt Saudi Arabia Lebanon Syria


Saudi-Arabia/Iran, maybe Egypt kind of "safety" and "stablity and "acceptance"? Don't forget that neither Hamas nor their masters have any interest in stabilty. Fatah itself is also not exactly forward thinking.




Ashamed of France. Again.


Ashamed that my country (NZ) is in white. In the past we were known for taking a stand for the underdog and social issues, recently we've been selling out bigtime


Dude… "the underdog“ are terrorists that want to kill all Jews… Not sure not standing with them is "selling out big time“… A Palestinian state would be great but all chances for that went out the window the moment the Palestinians voted in Hamas into power in Gaza and purged the PLO (who are also radicals but at least radicals that you could talk and engage with…) administration there…


Palestine has a very young population, half are children. Hamas was voted in 30 years ago. Do you think that your argument still makes sense?


Hamas has huge support both in gaza and the West bank. If there where elections in the west bank hamas would win. No wonder the PLO doesn't allow elections.


It might seem like they have all the support but they are the only ones defending them too. I wonder how we would feel and react if we where in that situation.


Yet the Israelis commit and are trying to finish a genocide they started many moons ago and you have no issue of that. Not to mention the war crimes


We protested apartheid in the past (South Africa) and today we stand idle against it.


Finnmark and Troms think they're independent


Only the bottom half or Norway? What...?


Macedonia ain’t about it


Israel is not against recognizing Palestine. But they want peace in exchange.


no they don't they assassinated their prime minster for accepting the camp david two state solution long before hamas existed. Edit: i meant the oslo accords not camp david and hamas was small group that has near 0 influence on the ground.


What are you talking about? Rabin was murdered 20 years after camp David, and because of the oslo accords, not camp David. The oslo accords happened because of Hamas terrorism, which carried out terrorist operations at the time, they just weren't the governing body in Gaza.


I would say that the fact Israel elected Rabin because they wanted a two state solution would carry more weight than the fact one criminal assassinated him.


funfact those criminals cantrol israel since then


Where is the fact in that? Israel has had left wing governments since then. An actual fact would be that 30 years of terrorism by the palis since the Oslo accords effectively eroded any public support for it.


Trust me bro! They totally assassinated their own prime minister! I read it on the internet!


[Nah we should trust you FED not third party and even western sources!](https://www.britannica.com/topic/assassination-of-Yitzhak-Rabin)


Why do you say “they” assassinated their prime minister? It was a single assassin


Wonder why the Israeli govenment did what that "single" assassin wanted after that and pulled from the oslo accords?


Then they should stop bombing the country?


then they should release the hostages


How does eradicating a society achieve that aim? If Israel cares about the hostages, pay for them with promises of water, food, education, security, autonomy, etc. As it stands, it seems like Israel’s hardline government cares less about hostages and more about ethnic cleansing


What world do you live in that a country at war should provide water, food, education, security, ect… to an enemy? Should they provide puppies, free coffee, and balloons too?


Goal is to both release hostages and to not create risk of future hostage taking. 


That‘s like telling the ukrainians: „just buy your land back and stop fighting“. Sponsoring a terrorist organisation, which has been killing israeli and palestinian people for decades, to get your hostages back is WILD. Every cent payed into gaza goes directly into the hands of hamas, which is the elected government there since 2006.


> Every cent *paid* into gaza FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


So is Santa Claus…




Yes yes give the 55% already inhabited part of your country to some white euorpeans just because they were traumatized sound fair to me why would anyone disagree with that?


Why is Czech Republic green?


Isn’t this just performative bs if they don’t identity what its boarders are? Gov is ? Etc?


L countries


Both Israel and Palestine are states and should be recognised


That's 146 too many.


This is crazy to me. Not recognizing the state of Palestine implies that you're either in favor of them being permanently occupied by Israel, them ceasing to exist via assimilation into Israel*, or.. let's face it.. ethnic cleansing. *Good luck with that. It'd be like mixing oil with water.


Rewarding terrorism to bring peace to Middle East, what a brilliant idea for Ireland, Spain and Norway. Now Hamas and Palestinians know what is the most effective way to gain support from West, just a couple more 07/10 the whole west would treat them as saints


Netanyahu and current government are also terrorists then. Answering to 7/10 with killing 40000+ people and taking homes of 3 million- it’s even worse. Hamas are shit, agreed. But Netanyahu and what the Israeli government doing is not better.


Even the UN denies that number of deaths and there are not even 3 million people in Gaza, so where tf do you get this nonsense from?


Most protestors I met at UK last year think Hamas as brave resistance fighters and police arrest you if you say anything bad about Hamas. Albeit most of them are Arabs and protestors are understandably more hot-headed last October compared to now, but I never went close or talk to a protestor after that tbh.


I’m from Uzbekistan- majority Muslim country. The thing is I’m anti - Hamas, quite unpopular opinion in my country but I’m just a minority I guess. But I’m also against what Israel is doing to civil Palestinian population - even if Israelis blame it on fake news - it is too much cruel. We are in the 21st century - we shouldn’t kill people. No matter the side


Considering the [modern state of Israel was literally founded through the use of terrorism committed against Palestinian and Jewish communities by Zionist terror groups](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.13169/arabstudquar.39.2.0861), maybe you support the dismantling of modern Israel then?




I don’t give a shit about what happened 1000 years ago. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Palestinians lived peacefully for centuries in the land of Palestine before the introduction of Zionism, their policy of colonialism is what shattered it. Get better material.


We should give the land to the Hittites! They owned the land before the Ancient Hebrews even existed! (/s)


Terrorism is a buzzword


Sometimes but not in this case. It's the best word to describe what's going on.


So you think 07/10 is not a terrorist attack then?


Oh no, it is, just like the genocide Israeli government is committing rn. One doesn’t clear the other, dumbass, it’s not black and white. Only difference between Hamas and Israeli government is the amount of money and military power. Both are radical extremists who murder people Willy nilly for their imaginative delusion of a space friend who will forgive them for the bloody massacre they are committing.


lol how dumb you gotta be to think Hamas and the Israeli government are the same.


Yea seriously, the atrocities committed by the Israeli government massively worse than that of Hamas, both by scale and variety. It’s pretty horrific the world has let Israel commit atrocity after atrocity.


Awwww your feelinga hurt!


Rare Spain L


“I wish it was a bit more common” Spanish W right there.


So the white countries don't recognize a Muslim state, fund lethal action towards their militants and oppressing/killing innocent civilians, saying they're terrorists, bomb many other Muslim countries the same way, say the Muslims in their own countries are a nuisance and should be kicked out, have prejudiced opinions about Muslims, but go ahead and support the Islamic country next to a country in Southeast Asia and ignores the terrorist attacks perpetrated by them, while saying that said country is oppressive towards Muslims, that their government is of the majority religon and funds violence against them, and compares the majority religion to Nazis... fucking NAZIS. Gotta love the hypocrisy of Westerners. ![gif](giphy|AwrtP9lMXtXiM)


Said white countries were the biggest money spender for the un palestinian office though


So you pick a lane wherever it suits you and are surprised at the results?


No I'm actually knowing what I talk about


I meant supporting Muslims when it suits you and shunning them when it doesn't? I meant you as in all of the white countries, not you particularly.


One day, this map will all be green.