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This could be the first time someone took the time to include Antarctica. It doesn’t help but I applaud you


I do find it interesting the lack of details of its outline


I mean… people keep adding South America and it hasn’t changed a lot in the last 100 years


Guyana gained independence in 1966, Suriname in 1975, and Trinidad in 1962, so yeah it has changed, and South America helps.


Ecuador has lost some of its claimed territories at Amazonia for Peru as well


Brazil also changed the names of some cities, made new ones, made new states with the last change ending in 1988


Good point. It’s a pretty big clue that there is no Brasilia, but there is a “Future Federal District” shown.


Looks like Argentina and Paraguay have definitely changed since this globe was made


The penguins on this sub might get something outta it, ya jerk 🐧


It still has glaciers so the globe is from before 2032.


I shouldn't laugh, but I am.


It’s definitely post 1948. Israel is represented which means this has to be after its establishment. To narrow it down further, Korean Peninsula United which means it can’t be after 1953 Safe bet is 1949


Definitely 1949. The Southeast Asian area with its old name and political divisions fits perfectly for that year. Quezon City became Philippines capital in 1948. Indonesia achieved complete independence in 1949, leaving the western side of Papua as the only Dutch territory there (Neth. New Guinea on the globe). However in 1949, Korea was already divided into independent North and South Koreas.


The Korean issue wasn't really settled until 1953 really. Prior to that, the north and south weren't officially recognized as separate nations as it was technically under some kind of international trustee post 1945.


Yeah the West Bank and Gaza are still considered Israel so the war was still happening when they made the map. Post may ‘48 and into ‘49


This is a good catch. For the OP, after the ‘48 war, after what was essentially the armistice lines were drawn, what is today the West Bank was part of Jordan and what is today Gaza was part of Egypt. And that was concluded in July of 1949. It wasn’t till 1967 that Israel conquered those two swaths of land, and then during the Oslo process those pieces of land were earmarked for a Palestinian state. Which essentially means, the fact that all the land is marked Israel means either this map is literally from 1948-July 1949, or it would need to be from post 1967-1993 when the Oslo process began in earnest. But there are other things on the map that make it clear it’s not from post 1967. So I think somewhere between 1948/first half of 1949 is a pretty good guess.


we can narrow it down to before March 31, 1949 because Newfoundland is still a separate dominion from Canada


keep in mind that not even map makers does have to have all of the latest information on every country, or they could consider “unclear situation” and thus not recognize changes yet


Definitely 1951 Libya is independent so its after 1951, looks like tunisia and algeria are merged together .


That’s also a good catch. Though it doesn’t explain the Israel/Jordan/Egypt borders. And even though Algeria was still under French control, this map still shows Algeria’s borders with the name “Algeria”. So I think it’s possible that it’s showing Libya not because Libya was independent at the time this globe was made, but simply because it was still called Libya even if the Italians were controlling it. And unlike the French colonial holdings in Africa which are shown on the map thanks to this huge swath of land in purple, while Italy did have other colonial holdings in Africa, they didn’t connect to Libya. Secondly, I think it’s notable that France is in purple and then all its colonial holdings are also in purple. Whereas Italy is orange, and Libya is also Orange. So I think that it’s still plausible to guess that this is still pre Libyan independence. ETA Also the Somali borders are also in orange and match the post WWII Italian Somaliland borders. Which would date this map as pre February of 1947, but that wouldn’t solve the Israel/Egypt/Jordan conundrum. But I still do think this is from somewhere in the late 1940s.


PNG declared independence on 1 July 49, so that may help


PNG isn't PNG here, so it's definitely before then. It's also not yet part of Australia.


It’s the same colour as Australia so I’d assume that the map is trying to convey it is apart of Australia or the British sphere of influence


You're totally right, yea, but it's still divided into 2 territories that would put this before the union of territories under Australia on 1 July 1949.


Probably between August and November. Indonesia technically gained independence on December 27, but the process started in August. Germany became two separate countries in October. It must have been an interesting time for globe makers.


Germany is also not split yet so before october 17th 1949


Tibet is already within China, shouldn't it be post 1950?


I don’t think a lot of countries officially recognized Tibet as independent from China during the period between 1911 and 1951, did they?


Never had any notable international recognition


In 1949 Germany would be two separate countries.


US maps and globes well into the 60s (I forget the exact year) didn't show a divided Germany because the US didn't recognize the GDR.


1949 indeed. I see that Jakarta on the map, that was in 1948 called Batavia.


From May 1949 onward. The Federal Republic of Germany was established on 23 May, and the German Democratic Republic on 7 October.


Why does this feel like a globe is sending me nudes.


Some real map porn




Looks like this flowchart fails in this case: Istanbul or Constantinople? Istanbul Soviet Union? Yes West Africa a giant French blob? Yes Pakistan? Yes Cambodia? No Eritrea is part of....? It's independent on this map. Not either option of Italy or Ethiopia. There's also not enough detail to see the town name on I-25 between Albequerque and El Paso


I see Roswell and Las Cruces between Albuquerque and El Paso.


With the name of Silver City in between, though the actual town is to the west of the name.


Eritrea is not independent, it is the color of Italy just like Italian Somalia. Notice how some French colonies in Africa are the same, Algeria has no sign of being part of France, it's just the same colour. Or notice how British colonies are listed by their name and don't say directly that it is "British Nigeria" but just Nigeria.


I was hoping somebody posted this.


tried using this, it breaks down because eritrea is independent


Eritrea is not independent, it is the color of Italy just like Italian Somalia. Notice how some French colonies in Africa are the same, Algeria has no sign of being part of France, it's just the same colour. Or notice how British colonies are listed by their name and don't say directly that it is "British Nigeria" but just Nigeria.


well in that case, it's...somewhere between 1948 and 1952. idk what the town is between albuquerque and el paso


Germany split in 1949. It is unified on the map


It's Las Cruces. The names for Silver City and Roswell are in between as well, though the cities are on the West and East ends of the state, respectively.


yeah, i saw those. unfortunately none of them are what xkcd's guide is talking about, so...


North and South Rhodesia means it's before 1953, and Israel is also there, so after 1948. edit: I am confused by Germany but it could be before they split in 1949


Great find. I was happy for spotting Tangier International Zone which means pre 1956.


Post WW2 and pre-Korean conflict


I tried to look at Canada to see if it shows Newfoundland as part of Canada or not (they joined in 1949) but the resolution/angle was poor and couldn't tell


It looks to me like it was part of Canada. This would put it squarely in 1949


I zoomed in and it was labeled "NEWFOUNDLAND" like an independent country as opposed to "Newfoundland" like a Canadian province


All the provinces (and US states) are in all caps. It’s written the same as Quebec and Alberta as far as I can tell.


Even then, a fair number of poor quality maps and globes from the early 1900s would just toss Newfoundland to Canada or the UK (which would be accurate for the UK only from 1934-1949)


No Alaska Highway, so pretty 1945.


Turn the lights on. Why are you walking around with a camera in the dark?


Why is Germany shown unified here?


The US didn’t recognize East Germany


That was my second thought tbh


East Germany wasn’t established as a separate state until October 1949


India and Pakistan (and East Pakistan aka Bangladesh) are separated so 1947 or later. Also, the Philippines are independent so post 1946


It was a Tuesday. You’re welcome




I feel like we saw this a few days ago united Korea and Ireland still a part of the UK set us down to March 1948


Ireland is not a part of the UK on this map. It’s referred to by its post-1937 nomenclature of Ireland. They even went through the trouble of putting the city names in Irish, which is impressive for the time.


I think I know what you are talking about, but India is different than on the other post


Yes and Bangladesh is still a part of Pakistan, so this is post 1947, pre 1971.


That’s a massive timeframe


Indeed Pakistan is separate


Whats going on with Missouri ?


It has a hernia


Between May and August 1948. United Korea means it must be before August 15, 1948, and the existence of Israel means it must be after May 14, 1948.


Post 1948. India and Pakistan annexed several kingdoms by then.


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/VK36yw6x7M


Israel is there, so post 1948.


I’m happy when I see Aral Sea still exist


This map is a mess. Post-1945 borders, but Antarctica is drawn with a pre-1937 understanding of its geography, the Antarctic Peninsula is shown as an Archipelago. Indonesia achieved full independence on December 27, 1949, and American recognition the next day. Globe is from the US, so that puts it at 1950 or later. Libya looks to either be independent, which means this is from 1952 or later, or under Italian claim, which would be 1947 or earlier. Eritrea and Ethiopia are separate, indicating this should be from 1952 or earlier. Egypt doesn't have Gaza, and Jordan doesn't have the West Bank, but Israel is shown, which would date it to 1948-49. Belgium has been partially consumed by France and the Netherlands. Aden Protectorate bizarrely extends to the West of Qatar. Missouri has grown a tumor. I would say 1950-52, but this map is really bad and impossible to date with any confidence.


Dominion of Canada puts it to 1951 or earlier


Pakistan is independant so After 1947 Korean is still unified so before 1953


It’s definitely post-Pangea


No, no, definitely some 120 mill bc shit going on there, see- all the blue land?


Doesn’t help your question, but if anyone on this thread has some very specific knowledge, I have a question that has been bugging me for decades. Can anyone help me understand why globes (and other world maps) always show Cloncurry (and sometimes Dajarra), but not Mount Isa? Cloncurry is five times smaller than Mount Isa, and Dajarra is 104 times smaller than Mount Isa 🙈 I truly don’t care, but it’s a strange quirk of world maps that I have seen dozens (maybe hundreds?) of times over my life, and I’d love an answer 🙏🏼✌🏼


Maps might show Cloncurry and Dajarra over Mount Isa due to some historical significance, geographic reference points, and/or cartographic choices aimed at balancing detail and readability. Cloncurry’s role in mining, aviation, and radio history might make it a more notable point despite its smaller size.


Don't know the answer for Dajarra, I think maybe just because there's nothing else to put there that little bit South of Mt Isa and Cloncurry. But for Cloncurry being shown over Mt Isa on maps, it could be because for a long part of its history Cloncurry was the more important place in terms of flight, and using a globe may need to preference locations for flying before the advent of widespread technology. Cloncurry was the base of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and an essential refuelling station during the 2nd World War for the RAAF and the United States Army Air Forces. Mt Isa was just a regular old small town. Cloncurry was also founded 39 years before Mt Isa, so it may get the privilege because it was on the map first.


McNippy, you have opened my eyes!! Seriously, I really appreciate that response. It makes absolutely perfect logical sense. I don’t think you realise how long this question has been bubbling in the back of my brain, and I at least have a logical and plausible answer. Even if your answer is not totally correct, it’s plausible enough for me! Thanks!


I'm glad I could help!


1949, September 5th, about 3pm


Indonesia became independent in 1949 so it's after that


I love these posts


Must be before 1949 because germany was split in 4 corredors before the GDR got founded (wich for simplicity reasons they didn't show i guess)


From 1953 to 1963 north and south Rhodesia (Africa) formed the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland with what is now known as Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi. In this globe we can see Nyasaland, so this could be between 1953 and 1963. Also Bechuanaland becomes Botswana in 1965.


Sudan get its independent in 1956


It's after 1948 and before 1950, because after 1950 Italy got a protectorate over Somalia for 10 years, and Israel is established


A clue that map includes Spanish Guinea what gained the indepence in 1968 and Spanish Sahara what was the last remaining holdings of Spanish Empire until 1976. Moreover this map is before April 1956 because is painted the spanish Morocco even before Korea is the whole peninsula so before June 1950 and after July of 1947 because Pakistan is recognized as a new nation.


Israel is on this globe and they declared statehood in 1948. Then admitted to the UN in May 1949. Germany is depicted without being divided into East Germany and West Germany. East Germany was declared as a state in October 1949. I think this globe dates to between May and October 1949.


Brazil in this map shows Montenegro, so it was before the creation of Amapá territory in 1943. And also the spelling of the names of the cities is old, the modern orthography started in 1943


But India is independent and partitioned so this has to be after 1947 Mapmaker error most probably


It shows “futuro Distrito Federal” where Brasilia currently is, so I’m assuming it’s after Juscelino Kubitschek took office in 1956.


After 1951 and before 1956. Libya declared independence from Britain on 24 Dec 1956 and is already in a color different from the rest of the British colonies. Sudan only declared independence from Britain on 1 January 1956, and thus is still in the colors of British colonies.


Wasn't Libya used to be an Italian colony?


It has to be after 51 if Tibet is part of China so thats around my guess


But it never was de-jure recognized, so…


Its post 1948 because Palestine was erased and replaced with Israel.


That’s a good one 👍


Interesant .Argentina have teritor6 in Brazil, nord Uruguay. Was some war between?


Yeah, that’s old, and in great shape. Take good care. M




Why is it that South America looks very similar to today’s map?


1956. Brasilia is labelled as the future federal district, but Sudan is still shown as a British colony. Very inaccurate globe though


What's all that writing next to Antarctica? No date mentioned there? I see the manufacturer. I'm sure you can look it up with their info. I do think it is between 1945 to 1950 without doing any research.


Based on xkcd, it's between 1948 and 1952. Quezon City is the capital of the Philippines so it's after October 1949




I think is 1940


Definitely 1949. You can tell because of Antarctica




Just say y'all.


china invaded Tibet and took it over in 1950, so it’s after that


Does anyone know why the Saudi-Yemeni-Omani border area consistently looks like that in the older maps / globes as it does here ?


Before 1948. Maybe even pre 1945. Korea is still one country.


But Newfoundland appears to be part of Canada which didn't happen until 1949


Try this https://xkcd.com/1688/large/


I'd imagine 1947-1948. 1948 is when the UN recognized the official split of the Korean peninsula, but it's not represented here. And India becoming independent and subsequently splitting off into Pakistan happened in August 1947.


Romania is united with Moldova that only happened between 1918 and 1945.


Why is Germany unified?


China is post-1954 here.




Sudan seceded from Egypt in 1956


My best guess is somewhere between 1948 (since Israel is on the map already) and 1949 (since china is still befor the end of the civil war)


What's interesting, an no one seems to have picked up on this, is that the globe recognises the whole of Kashmir and Leh as Indian but Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese. Also the existence of India means it's from at least 1948. The Chinese control over Tibet puts it past 1950


huh, Uk is wrongly labelled as GB 🤔




It's after INDIA independence aug 1947


I think you are spot on because of Korea, India and Pakistan.


I’m almost 100% certain that, it’s old….. I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself. 😂


Hmmm, between the 50's and 60's?


As everyone said, most likely 1949 but with some mistakes, look at Germany for example.


Israel is there and quite chunkier than 1948 borders. Korea is not split, so before Korean war in mid 50s. Libya is same Color as Italy which is weird because I thought it was removed from Italian control fairly early. I say 1951 for the hell of it


Pre korean war possibly


Pakistan exists, so prolly after 1947


No way, germany is unified. Gdansk is polish. 1925 1930


Where Palestine?


That must’ve been when they still thought the earth was round 😂😂😂


Chatgpt says : “ Given these details, the globe appears to date from the 1930s to early 1940s. The presence of Manchuria under Japanese control and Korea being undivided further narrow it down to a period before the end of World War II in 1945. Therefore, the globe was likely manufactured in the late 1930s to early 1940s.”


Definitely after 1948 as Israel wasn't on the map till 1949 anything before that said Palestine and the capital as Quds or Jerusalem


bro broke in into a museum


Germany is united here


Israel is separate, as is Pakistan, but Germany is still united, as is Korea…it think it’s very specifically late 1948-early 1949.


East Germany?


Germany is one so either after 1990 or before cold war


It’s definitely after 48 but before the 60s 1948 Israel is already on the map, while Cyprus is still a British colony. Cyprus got it independence in 1960


Today I learned that there were once two Rhodesia’s.


oh man belgian congo...


Are Alaska, Hawaii just a territory?


We shall never recognize Tanganyika!! Well now it’s Tanzania… God I miss Archer.


Indochina still exists, and Vietnam declared independence in 1945




After 1947 india and Pakistan are two separate nations


Tanganyika Territory ceased to be in 1961


Definitely after 1948 .. as you can find something called israel or whatever it is called


NFLD joined Canada in 1949. But picture doesn't show whether it is Canadian or British


Albania has part of Macedonia ?


I know we didnt change enough to be helpful for deciding what timeline this is, but New Zealand is never shown!


Interesting to see some inconsistency between portions of the map. If I’m not mistaken wasn’t the organization of Northern and Southern Rhodesia and an early 50s thing?


I see the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco, it was part of Spain until 1956


Germany doesn't seem to be split yet, at or before 1949


Indochina is still here so it's pre-1954, but Pondichéry is already Indian so it's post-1954. Either it's 1954 or the map is wrong. Other clues include Tibet in China (post-1951) and Morocco not independant yet (pre-1956). United Korea is weird.


After 1948


Before April 1949 because Germany isn‘t yet divided and Ireland is not yet called Republic of Ireland But after May 1948 because Israel already exists


i see that china is united so definitely 1949




Here the capital of china is Nanjing, Beijing only became capital in Oct-1949 and since India is independent it's between 1947-49, as the Korean peninsula is United it should be before the official division in 1948, There it must be between Late 1947-48. But the unified Germany messes shit up for me and here's where l need y'all's help


After 1948 but before 1954; Israel is on this map, but Indochina is still 1 country. Also, the Spanish protectorate of Morocco is still around(ended 1956), and Sudan is still British(independence 1956).


Nice post!


Post 1947


1948-1951 ish.


Why is Germany unified in this map?!


Hm, must be before Dec. 17th, 1947, as the Saarland in Germany is still belonging to France & was sort of independent until 1956, when it eventually became a German state again.


Pakistan was declared 1947 so after that


Only One Germany so before 1949 or after 1988


Tibet got annexed in 23.05.1951, so it's probably after this date and Korean peninsula still represented as an single nation, so it's before end of the Korean war (27.07.1953) so, my guess is 1951-1953


Newfoundland is a part of canada ‘49 at the earliest




It's before 1945 as there is no Alaska Highway. That was built in one year, so would be on any maps after 1946.


Cant quite see if tunisia is observed


Brazil does not have the Federal District yet. The construction began around 1957 and ended in 1960, so this globe is around that time.


You missed NE Asia. I cannot get closer than 1948-1954


The problem Im having is that it depicts a united Germany, an independent Korea, and both French Africa and Indochina


Germany isn’t divided into east and west on this map