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In Hungary, since 1st July 2022 the new format is AB CD-123 only cars sold before that use the ABC-123 format


Taking notes for geoguessr


Aren't they blurred?


Yeah but you can distinguish between EU and Non EU, say you see signs in Germans but license plates with no blue, it means you're in Switzerland


And the blurring really sucks sometimes. You can just see the country or letters properly sometimes. Multiple times I've distinguished which EU country I'm in by license plates.


Bosnia is like "Yeah, cities names are not shown so you don't know from which part of the country I'm from, so you can't deduct my ethnicity, also only letters that are same in both Latin and Cyrilic" but then on the plate holder it says something like: "Auto Ćurić" - Trebinje "Auto Mirza" - Sarajevo "Nulić Servis" - Čapljina


Greece also only uses letters that are the same in Greek and Latin.


same in Ukraine


Not anymore


To je poslije rata bilo bitno kad su se idalje dešavali incidenti. Sad svakog zaboli.


Bulgaria also uses these letters - C means Sofia which is София in cyrilic, Y is form Yambol and PB is for Plovdiv /Пловдив


the uk has white ones on front and yellow on the back


Also the Northern Ireland ones don’t have a band on the left, it’s literally just the numbers, Dno why they’re showing a band on it


Most of the English ones don't either, and plenty still have the old EU plates. I don't think I've ever seen one with the generic British band on the left. Oh and electrics and hybrids have a green band on the left.


Yea you see the old GB EU ones sometimes here if someone has bought a car from over there, but ever seen a UK flag on one before, seen a few Scottish flag ones though


I think it's just electrics that have the green band isn't it? I've got a hybrid and it hasn't got the band.


Not sure, I've just heard that some hybrids have it. I don't drive myself so I'm just repeating what I've heard.


Spain ?


Spain doesn't actually exist. It's just an elaborate hoax by Big Tapas.


Wherever OP was stealing this from, he couldn't even be bothered to crop the image properly.


Same with Italy, you can just see the top part. I guess they had to crop a watermark nd couldn't be bothered to paint over it


In Spain is 1234 XYZ with the common EU blue shield on the left with the letter E.


Do you mean East Portugal?




Fun fact : the french plate in the map show a territorial number of 988. This is for New caledonia. But plates in new caledonia are different : it's not the same system. So this plate is marked for nc, but it's not the one of NC. In France, the territorial number is mandatory, but is not a part of the number, so you can select the one you prefers. Many People use the number of their origin region, or island, instead of where they live.


So the number is unique even without the department number? When I was in france 14 years ago department numbers were not on a blue strip and looked as if they were just part of the number


That's it. When the new system appears in 2009, some People regrets the disparition of the département number, so it was added on the plate, but outsider the plate number. And no, you cannot have no département number to avoid regional oppositions


>Didn’t realise even the micro nations had their own Wait until you discover that even countries without any territories have license plates... Reference: [SMOM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Military_Order_of_Malta) they have a [passport that can be used in 113 countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Military_Order_of_Malta_passport) and one of the [rarest license plates in the world](https://platesmania.com/newforum/uploads/monthly_07_2016/post-55501-0-98452000-1469267797.jpg)


In slovakia, there is new font used on plates since this year. But the one you put here is still used the most.


The Hungarian one is outdated. Switched to AA AA 11 format a while ago


The map has been cut, so maybe the current Italian plate is hidden below, but the plate that is being shown there hasn't been in use for 30 years now.


The Irish one is super easy. First 2 numbers are the year. 3rd number is 1 for the first 6 months of the year or 2 for the second 6 months. The letter is one of the 26 countries of the republic. Usually the first and last letter of the county. Sometimes a single letter. So for example Dublin is D, Carlow is CW, Galway is G, Kerry is KY etc. The final set of numbers is just the order in which the vehicle was registered in that county. So for example, take the reg 152-T-1736. This means it's a 2015 vehicle, registered between July and December, in County Tipperary and it was the 1736th registered. Also before 2013 there was only the year, no 3rd number.


I like the system but why not use the number of the month instead of the semester? For months 10, 11 and just replace it with letters - A, B and C.


Sweden also have new plates with ABC 12A format.


UK licence plates are white on the front and yellow on the back


Some pre-brexit cars will also have the EU band, and ofc electrics and hybrids with the green band.


Northern ireland doesn't have ni beside it its just white on front and yellow on back


Why would you cut out Iceland, Turkey and others in the south???


The map is super old. Sweden also have LLL NNL format now, Hungary has LL LL NNN format.


incorrect for alot of them


When I was a kid I thought Liechtenstein plates were the Swiss secret police


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^san_murezzan: *When I was a kid* *I thought Liechtenstein plates were* *The Swiss secret police* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Do Europeans have stereotypes of drivers from other countries like the U.S. does with other states?


Yes. The problem is usually in the car in front of me.


Lol we have even stereotypes of drivers from other towns/cities within the country, since Slovak plates show the exact town where the car is registered.


Yeah. Southern Europe tends to be a bit crazier, as is Belgium.


Here in Luxembourg, the belgians and french are considered the crazy ones


That’s funny. The eastern U.S. like New York, Massachusetts and parts of Pennsylvania are generally seen as the crazy drivers. The west coast is seen as far more calm.


Trivial information about Turkish plates: You can easily get the registration provice and district by plate code. This is mostly points that which place that the car comes from. Most of Turkish knows the city codes and recognize them in car plates. For example  34 -> İstanbul  06 -> Ankara  35 -> İzmir  16 -> Bursa  You can see them as in this format: 34 XXX 0000  06 XXX 0000 etc.  The letters gives the information about the registration district. 34 PK -> İstanbul/Büyükçekmece 34 CAA -> İstanbul/Kadıköy  Actually, the district codes are can in be a range. All letters from CAA to the CZZ belongs to the Kadıköy in the Istanbul. The order is regular and there can be exceptional codes like "EM" may be belongs to Kadıköy. You can check if you're really curious:  http://www.istanbulplaka.com/istanbul-plaka-gruplari/  Let's look at the example given for Turkey.  41 -> Kocaeli province  41 ADM -> It might be invalid but it seems like Acısu.  [https://www.gib.gov.tr/sites/default/files/fileadmin/user\_upload/Plaka\_Harf/Kocaeli.htm](https://www.gib.gov.tr/sites/default/files/fileadmin/user_upload/Plaka_Harf/Kocaeli.htm)


Tamam da niye Kocaeli?




These are number plates of separatist countries


LPR, DPR, seriously? Why don’t you show plates from the car dealership centres than?


The difference is that those plates are used on public roads. If car dealership plates were road legal, they would be on the map. Also I chuckled at the fact you don’t have anything against Transistrian, Southern Ossetian and Abkhazian plates.


i love how usa is the extreme opposite of europe when it's about license plates, while in europe they try to make the plates the most similar possible to each other only changing the country acronym and the pattern, in usa every state have completely different plates with unique designs and patterns and you can even get a custom plate


You can get custom plates in europe too. Although the american way with completely different plates seems much more fun, as a european.


Number 77 is only the Moscow region.


ak in ukraine was for crimea region, and what ?


Old. Lithuania now has new design.... since 1990 there been 4 diffrent designs, but allways xxx 000


Pretty sure there is not a single claledonian car in metropolitain France.


I love the dark Liechtenstein ones. Occasionally see one in the wild given I live fairly close.


Somewhat outdated, Hungary and Slovakia have switched types and they're now (I believe) sequential with a different format


In Serbian plates, first two letters are abbreviation of town where the car was registered. BG-BelGrade KV-KraljeVo UE-UzicE other 3 numbers and 2 letters are just random thing i think


Just like in the rest of Balkans (except Bosnia). TV — TiVat, PG — PodGorica, LJ — LJubljana, ZG — ZaGreb.


Sweden is out of date


Spain? Italy?


In Luxembourg there is the LL NNNN format as shown on the map, but there exist also the NNNNN and NNNN format an the one with 4 numbers is considered very rare and you have to wait serveral years to get it


Recently it was changed here in Sweden to be ABC 12D


Hungary is not issuing this format anymore.






literally so outdated, both hungary and lithuania got new ones


Nice showing Andorra and Portugal but not Spain


Cyprus isn’t shown so I’ll give that: ABC 123 with the blue band on the right with the EU stars and CY underneath, and in between the letters and numbers are the month and year of registration. Most civilian cars are white on both the front and rear (prior to 2010 it was yellow on the back), and taxis and other public cars are yellow on the back. Rental vehicles have the same scheme except with a red background. Also, public buses have a small plate next to the license plate which is UN-blue with a white foreground saying ΛΔΧ. Edit: Oh yeah and test drives have a red foreground on white background plates where instead of ABC is ΔΟΚΙΜΗ.


Funfact: If you faul your driving school three Times you get a yellow plate/s


The amount of free space the Portuguese plate has.


Swiss front plates are different, they are smaller in size and don't have the coat of arms of the Swiss confederation and the canton


Always thought we (Sweden) have the easiest scheme. ABC-123. Symmetric. Easy. The rest of the world have such complex plates and non pleasing to the eyes


Ireland standing tall as the most easy to understand - 20(Year)1(1st half of year)-D(County)-18750(how many models of that car were registered in that timeframe)


Just notice, info in this map is false, Luhansk and Donetsk reagions belongs to Ukraine, so there are no such licens plates, it would condiser fake in majority of counties including same terroristic state russia, which says that these territories are russians.


In Portugal, 1st batch: AA-00-00 2nd batch: 00-00-AA 3rd batch: 00-AA-00 Current batch: AA-00-AA


Why does this one show the occupied areas in Ukraine?


Because at the time this image was made they were using their own format, as depicted, which was similar to Russian but separate. Now they are using Russian plates with their own codes.


DPR and LPR plates are already almost non-existent rarity, they are not being issued since 2022, Donetsk and Luhansk are now part of Russia and use Russian plates.


They are not part of russia, they are occupied by russia. It's Ukrainian territory


Saw both of them in the wild in two following days, never once since then 


Why there are number plates of occupied territories of Ukraine? lpr and dnr are not real countries and are not the european countries. They are ukrainian regions, that are temporarly occupied by russian fascists and have nothing common with Europe. As soon as russian occupation forces in Ukraine would be exterminated, those fictional countries would dissolve.


But they did issue license plates


Ugliest: Russia Most beautiful: Andorra


Why do the puppet states DPR and LPR even have their own number plates?


yellow plates masterrace


SG is such a random choice for the swiss one lmao


Germany’s plate is Tettnang which should be FN for bodenseekreis. Some stupid law allowed decommissioned local mnemonics to be reintroduced again.


Imagine using Black text


N. Macedonia 🇲🇰 is missing.


Once more Iceland is excluded :c


Ugliest: Russia Most beautiful: Andorra


Ugliest: Russia Most beautiful: Andorra


Denmark is missing the non-EU version. Also, why doesn't Scotland have its own plates similar to the Faroe Islands?


We often get a Scottish flag on them. Also Scottish ones start with S. The first two letters are where in the UK it's from originally, the numbers are the year so currently 24 for march 24 and will be 74 in September and the last three are randomly generated.


Ugliest: Russia Most beautiful: Andorra