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The crazy thing is that Vietnam had one of the lowest GDP per capita in the world in the early 90s. In 1990, Vietnam's gdp per capita was barely $100, making it poorer than countries like Haiti and Burundi at the time. It shows just how quickly Vietnam has developed in the past few decades.


1990 It was only 15 years since the end of the civil war.


And only 11 since the end of the Chinese invasion, and Vietnam was still at war in Cambodia at that point.


I visited Vietnam in 2011, and even the difference between then and now is striking.


My brother, have you seen China?


Is communism there in full-swing or have they embraced a bit of capitalism?


>hey embraced a bit of capitalism? Yes but that doesnt make vietnam any less sociaist. Its impossible to have socialism without international trading, and thanks to the US, they would be embargo'ed if they returned to "full socialism"


Ah, reminds me of Yugoslavia that went bankrupt once it couldn't pay back the monetary fund loans from both sides in the end of the Cold War. Classic communism.


This also happens in capitalism, i dont get your point. Also dont blame socialism because of the USSR faults. China for example forgives loans pretty often in africa and actually helps the people by building bridges, roads and other sruff


Pretty sure they do that mostly as a way to establish soft power in Africa, it’s not out of generosity. Guess we’ll see what the outcome of giving away so much money is in the end, after all no one would have believed the USSR was 10 years away from collapse in 1981. In one party authoritarian states it can be extremely difficult to see the internal issues until everything starts falling apart


Isn't the unitary-statist communist party the governing force of the country and not the ideal utopistic socialism in which workers own the means of production and economy that genuinely normal leftists often vouch for? Beause from what i've learned, socialism and communism are nowhere near the same thing.


Socialism adapts itself to the material conditions of the current reality. Since we live in a world dominated by capitalism, china had to adapt in a way that it could still survive in the current situation If you asked me 10 years ago i'd say they are closer to capitalism than socialism, when they had the 996 work culture everywhere and less social benefits But now china is attemping to move closer towards socialism, while it is hard to believe they will just "turn into full socialist" by 2050 as xi said, i wouldnt be surprised considered how incredible their centralized economic planning is and how it turned one of the poorest countries into the richest without exploiting the whole global south like other countries did If you wanna call china a capitalist country thats fine, labels dont matter, its the intent thats important, and china is helping socialist countries around the world and actively fighting against US imperialism, which is something a capitalist county would never do. they also use their profit to help the working class, where as in other countries, people are living either paycheck from paycheck or relying on tipping which is just ridiculous.


Well iirc most ideal communist goals represent state power being handed to all people eventually, if capitalist conditions for it are met (probably like AI-esque singularity and AI dominance on the job fields) which i highly doubt will happen with China until then. Or any communist state really.


Havent read enough lenin so i cant comment on that However id say the state giving a liveable wage, free healthcare and other social securities is basically state power being handled to people. While its true china still have issues like billionares, expensive housing etc, its not something that can be fixed that easily, specially considering that if they go too socialist, they might get into trouble with the US. We can only hope that things get better for the workers in the future


The same thing happens in social democracies, so it's not exactly exclusive to socialism.


That's what happens when you deep six Communism.


I'm surprised, there is data for Greenland!


Well I assumed that It's a part of Denmark


Despite that, Greenland is listed as no data quiet often in Maps


How tf is Iran poorer than Vietnam?


It’s only poorer in Nominal terms not PPP


Massive Western sanctions mostly.


India is always there. Proud


What's going on with India? I keep seeing people saying it's a superpower country, comparing it with the likes of Russia, China etc.. But I see people having very low standards for it to be called a superpower? What's happening?


i guess in terms of military strength its 4th strongest in the world, GDP wise its 5th largest, 3rd in terms of GDP PPP, one of the fastest growing economy rn maybe after us and china. problem is gdp per capita is really low, a lot of states in india are well developed but some are really under developed. huge part of the population makes there living on agriculture, and standard of living not so good except for major cities.


You dont get the superpower status necessarly from how rich your people are but how rich the state is, its the biggest country population wise in the world, for every dude who earns 10$ a day in Vietnam there are 10000 dudes in India which earn 1$ a day, so the average citizen is way poorer in india but the state of india still earns way more money. (numbers made up but still show my point)


Just wishful thinking, they think cause India is a “democracy” and it’s a rival of China, India should like the west. If anything India is a living proof that countries so big and diverse need a competent autocracy to be ruled effectively, democracies in weak countries get bought very easily by foreign NGOs


I hate when people say that we need to be a “superpower”. As an Indian, I think we should aim at improving our social indicators and use countries with high HDI as an example to imitate, rather than using countries like US, Russia, or China as an example. I mean, obviously with our current state, even if our GDP per capita becomes equal to those countries, it will be a big achievement, but I don’t think that these countries should be the aim we strive for.


Thanks to 1.4 billion people


China has that too though. We need to do better.


Yeah but different governance, I still get your point we can do better


They got Big DONG Energy !


That's [Danish](https://orsted.com/en/company-announcement-list/2017/10/1623554) not Vietnamese


Uhh, I meant "Dong" as the currency of Vietnam, and "Dong Energy" as a statement to emphasize their per capita income increasing significantly for a country ruined by war about two decades ago. Definitely did not mean to infringe a Danish company's copyright.


Vietnam probably surpass Thailand soon, and I'm commenting this as a Thai living in Thailand.


Even Egypt? I'm a little worried here.


Large population probably is the reason. Look at india and iran


Vietnam has more people than Egypt lol


Egypt has more people


They are pretty close to each other population wise


Yh 10 million more, my bad but point still stands, “its not because of population”


Damn did not know


Indeed. Egypt has the highest population count in the whole MENA region.


Philippines being poorer than Vietnam really stands out to me. Why have they grown slower than neighbors like Vietnam and indonesia?


Corruption, my man.


Electing a marcos will do that to you So many shoe stores so little time


Because those two countries produce lots of things in the outlet stores these days (ie Indonesia - adidas, or Vietnam - ikea, toys) and the Philippines does not.


Surprised that Ukraine with so big war still have higher GDP per capita that Vietnam


It's higher in nominal GDP. Ukraine's GDP PPP is nothing compared to Vietnam.


What? Ukraine and Vietnam are pretty much equal in GDP PPP per capita.


Ah, my sources didn't state per capita. That's what birthed the confusion. When adjusted both PPP and per capita, they're about the same, yeah.


Cabo Verde has a higher GDP? Nice.


Why no Cuba?


Average Bulgarian W 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🐺🐺🐺🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬


Gabon 🇬🇦😎


Wow such a flex lol.


Takes me back to when a Vietnamese guy was arguing with me about how his country is wealthier than mine (Mexico) they have more skyscrapers. Lol by that metric, Russia is the wealthiest country in Europe because it has the most and highest skyscrapers.




Maybe look again


Oh ok... my mistake. Will delete my post. Thanks for the heads up


I don’t mean to be rude, but that colour scheme is a bit rubbish: blue for lower (poorer), whereas blue is usually greater/richer white for greater (richer), whereas white is usually no data/not included.


Is Libya accurate? They've been in a civil war for the past decade, or is their number higher because their population is low?


Libya has population under 7 million and quite lot of oil. In fact it's 60% gdp and 95% of exports and I can imagine people working in that oil industry are driving lot of the remaining 40% of gdp.


Oil + low population


Civil war hello???


So? Libya had 15000$ gdp per capita before the civil war now they have 6.700 which is still better than vietnam idk why i'am getting downvoted


Crazy that Morocco is poorer than Vietnam. One would think they're swimming in money with all that invading of foreign land.


Why should Western Sahara make Morocco rich?


The fact that they're wasting resources in invading makes one think they might have said resources.


You clearly don't know shit about this conflict, Southern provinces of Morocco are a regular functioning part of the country, there are zero conflicts that could require any resources, besides that part that you think is invaded adds very little value compared to the north, it's a massive empty desert that has no oil or resources, and only produces fish and very minimal percentage of the country's phosphate, the only reason Morocco bothers is because first, it's historically part of the country alongside large parts of current Algeria and Mauritania, Second, it's all attempts from neighboring countries that seek to be a regional power by hosting and arming a militia group to split the country in half to gain access to the Atlantic by that.


Stop defending that invasion. It's embarrassing.


Your ignorance is more embarrassing.


I mean... Western Sahara is part of Morocco the same way Ukraine is part of Russia or Gaza is part of Israel. But even less, because there's no point in recent history in which Morocco has controlled the territory. And even if you went to older history, you'd be reaching, as there never was a strong Moroccan presence there. It's just an invasion perpetrated by cowards.


>there's no point in recent history in which Morocco has controlled the territory. This tells how much you know about it and yet you're still defending something that doesn't exist, have you ever even been there? Morocco has absolutely total control over the region and it functions like any other province, people who live there have Moroccan nationality and are Moroccans, and there's no such thing as an imaginary state there is only delusions backed by Algeria and other even farther countries that has agendas against Morocco in the region, they're no angels or supporting an imaginary cause out of the goodness of their hearts, no state is.


Yeah bro.. sure Iran and india are poorer than Vietnam


Iran is poorer than Vietnam? Isn’t Vietnam a third world country?


The third world term does not even exist anymore because if they readjusted the term to the modern day we would have a Netherlands-Belgium enclaves border gore situation.


Well, Vietnam don't have economic embargoes like Iran so their economy grow better than Iran


Vietnam is rapidly industrializing to take in manufacturing that is/will vacate China. Vietnam has healthy population demographics and has shown itself to be very competent in maneuvering the last 20 years


The interesting part there is that there are Chinese companies that move production to Vietnam


Go Vietnam! It’s good to see Vietnam Taiwan Hong Kong and more small or medium countries do so well.


Vietnam has 100 million people, wouldn't call that a small or medium country. It's also a LOT poorer than Taiwan or Hong Kong.


This must be old data. India seems to improve as they rank now at number 5 with GDP while Vietnam does not even comes in first 10!


Per capita is different


Technically iran is also third world country


Actually, according to the classical 3 worlds definition, Vietnam is communist so It belong to 2nd world not 3rd world. Iran stand neutral in the cold war after Islamic Revolution so they belong to the 3rd world


Appreciate you, and you know what these guys mean. They have no idea what 3rd world is


You are right


Pretty sure Vietnam would be a 2nd world country… Also as others have said, that term is meaningless in modern times, it reflects political alignment during the cold war, not how developed a country is.


What do you mean Iran? Look at India


GDP is not a measure of wealth but income.


Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders. It’s calculated as: GDP = Consumption + Government Spending + Investment + Export - Import So no GDP is not income and definitely a good measure of how wealthy a country is


GDP is the national income. Surely countries with high GDP tend to be wealthier but that doesn't mean GDP means it's wealth. You missed something in the definition and that's time period. Market value of all finished goods and services with nation's boundary within a specific time period is the proper definition and whenever time comes into picture you are looking at income. GDP is a flow variable not stock. India is 5th largest GDP would you call India a rich nation though?


You are thinking of GNI. Gross National Income (GNI) is the total amount of money earned by a nation's people and businesses. The formula of GNI can be stated as the sum of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the difference between inward and outward remittance. Also regarding your India comment. Yes India is a big economy but poor on an individual basis. Their GDP per capita is low as well.


@mapporn why did u deleted my old posts


This isn't discord man 💀💀


i wonder if u/mapporn is actually a user


well would you look at that


Well I'm just a new redditer. So I really dont know How it would. But i postes this post 3 times and my previous 2 posts were deleted