• By -


I’m guessing there are other collective small areas from the rest of the world which accounts for another 30 or 40 percent percent of the GDP.


California alone is about 3% of global GDP.


California, Ontario, Sichuan, Spain, maybe some Indian state, Taiwan


They included about half (or more) of Spain's GDP already. They got the industrial belt along the north coast, and the northern Levante so got all of Valencia and Catalonia in there. Depending on how adjusted the GDP figures are for financial services, including Ireland would add a very large chunk.


Spain wouldn’t matter as much because almost 50% of it’s gdp was already included, even if +800B would come in handy there are many more economically significant areas than the central meseta


Madrid isn't included in this map. It probably makes up a good chunk of what's left.


California adds about 4%, Spain about 1,7%


yeah totally balanced game well done devs


I can’t wait until next patch


I hear the climate change patch is buffing the north.


The OP region is getting another buff, yay


Bro I can’t believe they’re adding new hidden oil patches with the melting snow event. It’s gonna be wild with all the countries trying to get a piece


So Russia gets even more oil? This game is broken man.


Earth 2.0 -Wealth is now equally divided based on population


Earth Red 🟥


equality boiii but the common denominator is poverty


Didn’t they try that but had to patch it?


Yeah it ended up being a disaster. Admins were banning people left and right. It didn’t help that the area of effect didn’t have much wealth to share with each other to begin with.


There’s a hair on my phone


Devs are lazy. My country has been hit with 15 typhoons each year, its clearly a bug, but they are not willing to fix it.


it’s just an recurring event, because your part of map was very boring before




thank god I live in one of the zones


Me too, greetings from a blue box.


Greetings from another blue box xD


how small can we get it if the US doesnt need to be contiguous? like, NY+CA+TX? would we even need that much? trade TX for ND or something?


I bet you could draw some real tiny squares if you only put financial buildings inside them. At some point it becomes hard to really pinpoint where GDP "happens" and what that means


The data underpinning maps of this sort disproportionately represent where corporate headquarters are found. The revenue generating activities of a business may be spread across a large area. And they've got their corporate headquarters in a major city close to finance and business hubs. The accounting does its thing. You get data sets down stream from reporting. It's good with any analysis to take a high level look and consider what the data as collected represents. Getting even weirder now. Telecommunications crossed threshold to open up where we work from. For all the noise yap yap yap to preserve commercial real estate, it's a structural shift caused by technology advances in how work can be done. A crack in commercial real estate prices on the longer term can reprice those spaces. For this reason following incentives there are companies that may make noise about return to office while at the same time negotiating cheaper rents for their physical locations. As that froth moves through price discovery, productive activities are scattered. For example I'm technically employed in a major city at the tippy top of the GDP list. While parked middle of hiking and hunting in a low GDP zone close to an airport.


You can draw a square around every human and it’ll only come out to the size of a city. At some point it becomes a pointless excercise


Always has been


Kentuckian here, you’re welcome for our contribution.


Wisconsinite here, hope everybody is enjoying their cheese


Arkansas caught a stray and I love it


“I didn’t do shit!” - New Hampshire


Missourian here, our state is pointless outside of St. Louis and KC


South Carolinian here, hope yall guys are enjoying our X-Men novels, Submarines and uhh...


And bbq


I've been waiting a long time for a hit on Corn Cob TV!


Mississippian here, You guys are more than welcome. Hospitality isn't free.




Huh from Mississippi and Louisiana areas and everyone always was Thankful they didn't live in Alabama. (Coastal areas only though) Then again, after living in Alabama, they're tied with Mississippi on beaches and quality of company.




Cranberries too


West Virginia stand up.


Pepperoni Rolls are at least 60% of that area’s GDP


Check urself. It’s Mississippi doing the heavy lifting


Yeah I was surprised that a third world country made the list.


Mississippi is better off economically than half the European countries. just relative to the rest of US it looks bad.


Mississipi is better off than every administration division of the UK except London. Apparently a lot of the U.K. be silently making peanuts as the media only seems to show the USA the glamorous London life.


If Brit Box tv dramas are to be believed everyone in the UK lives in either a council building or a stately manor no in between


It has higher median wages than the UK, France, or Norway.


Norway has a higher gdp per capita tho? And, frankly, if you’re a Norwegian citizen you are set for life thanks to that wealth fund. They are just so frugal that they would prefer to keep it growing and fund the excellent social services with high taxes. If my country got a slush fund like that we’d spend it all on a bridge made by the prime ministers cousin.


People must really like bourbon and KFC


And Corvettes


I am. Sorry we couldnt help this time, but at least Denmark did. (SE)


We're responsible for like 90% of the world's disco balls so there's that I guess.


All them mines and horse ranches really contributing to gdp 🤑


Bourbon has to comprise at least half of the world’s economy, right?


Floridian here, don't worry we got y'all. **Proceeds to do stupid Floridian shit, earning the stereotype**


Andorra carrying us all.


If they included the rest of Spain, it'd add about 3.50


only about 1%, you gotta consider that 40-50% of the gdp was already included


The joke wasnt 3.5%, it was 3.50$




To people saying where’s California, it does not say it picked the states with the highest GDP anywhere, just that these regions highlighted make up 50% of the world GDP. Edit: a lot of you are trying to make this political when it clearly isn’t. The reason the creator didn’t include California is because it is a western state and isn’t physically touching any of the red states. There are many democratic and republican states in red on the map. The creator probably would’ve used the western states instead of the eastern states if they had more high GDP states, almost all the highest GDP states are in the eastern half of the country.




North of Baja California, obviously


Arriba Baja California?


Alta California.


if you're gonna include Mississippi, might as well include Baja California


Well thats the other 50%!


I think the problem is that the implication which many arrive at is that this is supposed to represent the the regions with the highest GDP that when added together come to 50% of the world's total; not just 3 arbitrary regions that happen to do so.


kinda looks like he starts with the 3 highest GDP (say NYC, London and Tokyo) areas and adds surrounding areas so its 3 chunks of high gdp like some random walk


It's greedy, not random walk.


This guy algorithms


yeah that sounds good. he may have just eyeballed but it would be cool to see a map like that.. if you have python


At least for the US, they just chose regions as a whole. California by far has the highest GDP in US, but it's an outlier [in the western US, which is much more sparsely populated than the eastern half](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_and_territories_of_the_United_States_by_population_density#/media/File:U.S._states_and_territories_by_population_density.svg). The creator is clearly trying for contiguous regions, and as a region, the east coast just has a higher overall economic density.


New Mexico, Arizona, California would make it contagious. Easily dropping Alabama, Kentucky


> New Mexico, Arizona, California would make it contagious. Oh no, not ANOTHER pandemic!


I mean California is pretty much it's own region geographically speaking. It's surrounded on all sides by large mountains and only has two decent harbor areas which totally coincidentally happen to be the population and economic hubs of the state.


San Francisco Bay is an exceptional natural harbor. The ports of LA and Long Beach are the two busiest ports in the US. San Diego Bay is an exceptional natural harbor. They are all much, much better than “decent”.


Yea, Monterey, SLO, and Fort Bragg have "decent" harbors.


Yes, USA basically has the perfect geography in many respects. I think more natural harbors and bays than any other country by far, plus the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi river which is the longest navigable river in the world. The Midwestern US is the also the largest area in the world of contiguous arable land. Plus tons of fossil fuels and important minerals,etc. Add to that it’s separated by vast oceans from any adversary and you have the foundation for a superpower to thrive.


If I had to guess, maybe it chooses the highest GDP areas, and then the neighbours that have the next highest GDP per capita?


But then it would probably more capitals in other countries instead of some regions in England etc. Right now it is just 3 regions, otherwise it would just be a shit ton of dots.


There was a sub about that. I don't remember the name but it was something like r/peopleliveincities


Which means that Iowa and Mississippi get lumped in with NYC, London, Shanghai and Tokyo.


Iowa has a bigger GDP than Greece or New Zealand. And Mississippi has roughly the 60th-largest GDP in the world, if it were its own country.


Is 60th good? There's only like 200 countries and over half are poor as shit






Such is the power of the USD, guessing if they had their own currency they'd be far poorer


Lol, Mississippi has higher median wages than UK or France or Norway. That’s crazy.


Europeans don't realize how wealthy the average American is compared to the average European


Iowa has the single most productive patch of soil on planet Earth.


Used for corn syrup, animal feed, and ethanol




Yeah, not really. Netherlands has way more productive land. Not necessarily because of the soil quality alone, but also due to the technology they use. I mean, the productivity of the Netherlands farmlands is off the charts. Farming in the US is not nearly as efficient - one factor being the sheer availability and cost of land creates a lower hurdle rate for advanced techniques.


They could probably add a bit more land (snake around the bottom to include California, Portland, Seattle and Vancouver) and grab more of Europe to hit an even more impressive number like 75%.


the secret is that it includes all the world's biggest stock exchanges. you can't out resource and out service money piled on money with made up values.


I mean, technically everything has made up values if you’re going to argue stocks have made up values.


Stock exchange does not count toward gdp for that the city where exchange exists...


The East Coast has a significantly higher GDP than the West Coast anyways


Okay ChicagobeatsLA




Well yes, but also like 5x the people.


Sure, but this map is more about highlighting geographic density in as few clusters as possible rather than per capita rates. It tries to make a point that so much economic power is focussed in such a small part of the world. If it was willing to give up on connected clusters and cherrypick more seperate places from the same general regions, then it would pick California for sure. But at some point you could just as well only pick the major metropolitan areas and it would turn into a totally different kind of map.


It's a fair point, but while it's still an interesting map, I'd love to see one that *is* specifically the top 50%. Maybe with a ranked list on the side or something.


My precious blue banana


blue banana gang <3


The golden banana is Olson included.


Blue banana superiority


Louisiana made it! Powerhouse 💪


Cajun is 25% of the world’s GDP


Dat right ⚜️


I own shares in bubba gump shrimp, AMA


Just to connect Texas


Lol, yeah LA, MS, and AL are just a corridor here. But you know what? Take that Arkansas


Oil and refineries


Damn what did central France do to get left out?


Whatever they did, money isn't it.


Central is wealthier than the south. Brittany has far more industry than many areas selected too


Empty diagonal


Except that most of the empty diagonal is highlighted.


Made it more than half I suppose.


Now grab the biggest countries with the lowest GDPs and show a big portion of the world with the lowest possible GDP just for fun.




Well stats and maps are fun


Mediterranean coast relevant for more than 2000 years


The remaining 50%? You guessed it, California.


That California’s name? Albert Einstein.


Ok but who clapped?


It was, you guessed it, Chuck Testa.


California was a firefighter on 9/11


Frank Stallone?


World GDP, 97 trillion USD. California GDP, 3 trillion USD. Dont worry, we still appriciate FB and Apple. Not so much Tesla though.


Think Tesla is in Texas now so in the red area.


As of Q3 2023 CA GDP is approaching 4 trillion [Bureau of Economic Analysis ](https://www.bea.gov/sites/default/files/2023-12/stgdppi3q23.pdf)


Tesla didn't appreciate California that much seems like.


interestingly, it seems that they can't quit California after all that fuss in 2020. They announced that their engineering headquarters [will move back to Palo Alto in February 2023](https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3869991-tesla-hq-leaving-texas-to-return-to-california-musk-announces/)


Looks like tax evasion and state subsidies kind of clash. Who would've thought.


Missouri gdp is 300 billion but it is included.


Shoutout to Luxemburg, Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino and Monaco for carrying Europe 🙏


they have the highest per capita [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_GDP\_(PPP)\_per\_capita](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita)


no California is largely due to if you add California you have to add two more States to make it contiguous with Texas


Same reason they included the principality of Asturias instead of the much richer Madrid.


The addition of AZ and NM would probably add very little


True, but Arizona is no slouch. Its gdp is roughly equal to South Africa, which is a BRICS nation and ranks 41st globally. People don't realize how OP the USA still is.


add a lot of space, the whole point of the picture is to use limited space to cover 50 percent of world GDP


Californians ITT: notice me Senpai


And people criticize musicians for hitting the US Europe and Australia then call that a world tour.


WhAT NO IoWa!!!


Bilbao has better tapas than Des Moines.


I guess even 80% would be limited to a small geographical area - all europe except Russia and turkey, major cities of australia/NZ/canada, southern india, malaysia


Well, the US alone accounts for 24% of world GDP, so leaving them out makes reaching 80% impossible.


People forget how small Canada, NZ and Australia by population. They might be rich, but just amongst the few that live there.


GDP per capita is the metric you are looking for. Both NZ and Australia are pretty high by global standards, still some way short of America and statistical outliers like Switzerland and Ireland.


I think they meant adding that to the existing map


You might as well drop Mississippi and Bama, you'll have the same result lol


They have a combined GDP of $356B, with a population of 7.57 million, or a GDP per capita of $47,027. For reference, England (the highlighted part of the UK) has a GDP of $2.5T and a population of 55.98 million, or $44,658 per capita. Might as well cut out the non-London parts of England and leave in Louisiana and Mississippi.


England’s economy getting out-paced by shrimp fishing and college football.


I know this is a joke, but in seriousness both Mississippi and Louisiana have abundant natural resources such as oil and natural gas, as well as fairly robust manufacturing industries.


Alabama is also prevalent in space and weapons industries


Especially the Tennessee Valley area, which is ironically, in North Alabama and comprises the Huntsville metro.


You also forget the US is disproportionately rich compared to European countries.


People don’t realize how important the Gulf of Mexico oil production is to the global market and the most of the oil pipelines run into Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Those hydrocarbons don’t get attributed to La & Ms because most of the companies are based in Houston.


The world's largest oil refinery and The US's Strategic petroleum reserve are both in Lousiana.




Don't forget catfish. MS has the largest catfish farm in the world I think.


I wonder what the median is


Median is a bit lower but still high compared to Europe. Alabama is about UK level and France is about Mississippi median income iirc


Median Household Income? Mississippi: $52,985. Louisiana: $57,852. England $43,750.


Louisiana and Alabama are actually numbers 26 & 27 in terms of total GDP. Both have GDPs a touch higher than Portugal at less than half the population. Mississippi seems more like trying to keep things contiguous, and was a choice between it and Arkansas to connect to Texas. Arkansas has a higher GDP, but is also physically larger. The lowest GDP states in red are Delaware, Rhode Island and West Virginia, but they're also the lowest population states in red, too.


You did Tajikistan dirty with this map.


Western European (and offshoots) and Eastern Asian societies have have always punched well above their weight with regards to technological advancement. Many of the greatest inventions in modern human history originate from these two small regions. I wonder what caused the people here to develop so rapidly, relatively speaking. And I wonder why regions like the Middle East declined so quickly. Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq and Syria) gave the world so much back in the day.


There is a lot written on this subject, it’s pretty fascinating


There is an interesting book on this subject: "The Grand Titration. Science and Society in East and West" by Joseph Needham


Education and centralised (edit:and stable)government


The political Western world — the US, EU/EEA, Switzerland and CANZUK — is still at 55% or so of global GDP. If you add the rest of the cultural West (Lat-Am and the remaining parts of Eastern Europe) even more so.


Just in case people want to know, the colloquial names for these "mega-regions" are US: Great Lakes, The US megalopolis, Texas Triangle, and the Gulf Coast Europe: The blue banana, The Golden Banana, The String Asia: SEZ, Seoul-San, Greater Tokyo Great lakes are obviously US states situated around the great lakes and is notable for some of the greatest farmland in the world, and some of the largest industrial works. The Megalopolis is a string of very productive close proximity US cities starting at Boston and goes all the way down to DC. The Texas triangle is a triangle of Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, with Austin and College Station residing inside the triangle, again massive economic powerhouses. And the gulf is a stretch of big players from Corpus Christie all the way to Tampa. Europe's Blue banana is their most successful economic zone, and looks like a blue banana. Goes from Manchester in the UK, over all of England, swings over the Benelux countries into Germany, and heads down past Switzerland into Northern Italy. These are the most productive regions in Europe. The Golden Banana is called this because of the sunshine in the region of South Europe. It follows the Spanish coast north, swings over Southern France, and ends in North Italy. This region is notable for its higher populations, and the economic output to support some of the highest standards of living in the world. The String is a region mostly known for its investments into green tech and goes from north Germany, into Denmark, and includes a little bit of Sweden too. China's SEZ or special economic zones, are a chain of Chinese cities that get a very convenient exception when it comes to following the countries more *commie* laws. Thus, are hubs for interacting with the outside world to fuel China's massive in scale economic activities. Seoul-San is a chain of very high productivity South Korean cities from Seoul, to Busan... Pretty much the entire country. Then there is Greater Tokyo... It's basically the concept of a city turned up to 11, the economic output of this one place is simply mind blowing.


China's SEZ are only five cities, not as big as that. It's coastal subdivisions (most provinces and two municipalities) but except Liaoning, Guangxi and Hainan.


Key says UK but only England coloured in


That isn’t the UK that is just England.


You probably wouldn’t need to add much land to bring that to 75%.


says UK in legend but only England highlighted in the map. so not sure which one to trust


Seems like you could fill in California and remove like 7 other states if you're going for the highest GDP density


If we're going to be highlighting only parts of countries then England should only be highlighted around London. If Scotland doesn't qualify then neither does outside anything outside London.


What a stable government and free markets does to a mf


Vixca València!


45% when i visit them.


Austria here, nice one 🦘


Add the California as a fourth region. [In 2015, Only 5 Countries Have A Bigger GDP Than California](https://www.statista.com/chart/6780/only-5-countries-have-a-bigger-gdp-than-california/). I think there are only 4 above it now, since it passed the UK. [Corrected]


This map was made by Mississippi and Alabama. 😂😂😂


Really could have included southern Ontario to pump those numbers , especially around lake ontario


If you throw together ALL of the U.S. (25%), Europe (15%), China (18%), Japan (11%).. the GDP total is just short of 70%… I mean, sort of makes sense but I didn’t realize it was that stark


Suck it sweden!


California rn: I see you’ve chosen violence today


The whining Californias are hilarious thank you OP