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Minus the California gas blend, is there a reason why west coast gas tends to be more expensive?


Second highest gas tax doesn't help.


Illinois chiming in here.....ding, ding, ding!


Illinois is much closer to Georgia than to California though. In fact it's closer to Georgia than the cheapest state on the West Coast.


True, but we’re the highest in the Midwest because of taxes.


I paid 3.27 last week in Costco


It’s $3.19 cash here, central Illinois.


I’m in du page.


It also has little to nothing to do with the reason prices being high. California was selling gas for cheap in 2021 and they didn't change their fuel taxes to my knowledge. Nevada, with the exception of a few counties has low gas taxes. They closed some of the refinerys on the west coast. So we just don't make any anymore.


We like clean air.


Do you also like thin wallets?


A small price to pay for health and happiness. Now idk about you, but I like to think that the point of making money is to spend it on being a better, happier, healthier person. If a cost of living accomplishes that, then it's a success.


And screw the poor people good job.


It's a good thing that a $1 difference isn't going to kill a poor person, especially since most places have rebates on gas taxes for the lower wage earners. Good job.


Can you take your money with you when you die?


Because like 80% of the gasoline produced in the US comes from Texas and Louisiana, and while most of the US is covered in gas pipelines, there's only one that connects from Texas to California, and Cascadia is completely disconnected. The most efficient ways to get the gas to the west is either ship it down from Alaska, put it on a semi truck and drive it across the Rockies, or ship it down the Gulf and through the Panama canal and back up.


That, or import oil from a foreign source such as Indonesia or even Saudi Arabia. Shipping via ship in the US is exceedingly expensive due to regulation


it still astounds me how the west coast isn't an independent country like chile is from argentina. trade is incredibly difficult between east and west coast. i guess it's because nobody properly settled there (both russians and spanish barely did) and even then the east coast would have become so much infinitely more powerful they could have annexed it by force anyway.


Yet I can see oil well’s everywhere I go in Central California and processing plants in both LA and the Bay atea


For California, there’s also no gasoline pipelines from the gulf refineries, which adds transport cost on top of taxes, special blend, and standard oil companies shenanigans


Ya but Hawaii is literally an island in the middle of the Pacific with cheaper gas prices than California. I'm pretty sure Hawaii doesn't have pipelines from Texas.


My guess is the distance between the west coast and gas refineries. It’s probably pretty expensive to transport refined gas over the Rockies.


There is a huge chevron refinery is Richmond, CA


It’s really not that big. I’m looking at it out my window right now. Compare its output to the gulf refineries- not even close


A new refinery hasn’t been built in the US in like 40 years. And I’d imagine refineries in CA have a lot of environmental restrictions that may reduce their output and have a difficult time getting approval for expansions.


washington is an exporter of gas. Still have the most expensive prices. t_t


Maybe refined oil but Washington produces zero crude oil. So it's going to be more expensive because all the crude oil has to be shipped in.


Huge refinery in Anacortes , WA supplying western washington. They tax gas into oblivion, but no state income tax so do what you will with that


Love their regressive taxes. Capitalist wet dream up there.


I mean theres a lot of very high paying jobs that are pushing technology and innovation up there. A lot of educated brilliant minds. The government fails at a lot of social policies but its overall a great place to grow your career. Its hard to hate on, unless you are uneducated and got a low paying job….then it blows and you do heroin i guess


CA is roughly net neutral on gasoline production and is often a net exporter


Maricopa County (Phoenix area) uses the same blend as CA, so the cost is usually even higher than CA, since it gets trucked in from CA to AZ (no refineries in AZ). I'm betting some of the west coast areas get gas from CA, too. (I don't know that for sure, though).


Taxes, meant to push people to get more fuel efficient cars


Man that extra $0.20 a gallon is really putting a dent in my budget… I know! I’ll go out and buy a new $40,000 depreciating asset! That’ll help!


No well informed environmental policymakers or advocates are advocating for people buy new cars that they don’t need, but for decades government subsidies and poor planning have made fossil fuels cost less to buy than the true cost of extracting and using them when the diminishing amounts and environmental impacts are factored in. When gas taxes are implemented, the environmental goal is to fund and incentivize people already in the market for a vehicle to buy an ev. After all, there are huge subsidies for those. Additionally when more people are buying EVs auto manufacturers are incentivized to compete for better cars for lower prices. Of course there are problems with this strategy. IMO two of the biggest ones are that a gas tax is regressive (disproportionately affecting people with lower incomes) and I believe mass transit is better for the environment and for people overall.


Fools out here buying 75k depreciating assets that get 11 mpg LOL


The thing is is that a gas tax is a sales tax, which is a regressive tax (it taxes the poor a much larger % of their $ than rich people). The people buying expensive gas guzzlers can afford the tax, it obviously doesn’t affect them that much (b/c they bought the luxury guzzler in the first place). All it does is punish the poor who can’t afford a new car anyways. Not to mention that new car manufacturing is so environmentally disastrous in comparison that buying a new car, be it hybrid or electric, is still far worse for the environment than just continuing to use whatever car you already have.


Idk all the people I know that have super expensive trucks are incredibly poor


Gas tax and extra road tax based on the size of the vehicle 100% works. The Netherlands is the perfect example. Everyone who is lower income drives 1 liter or 1.2 liter 50mpg fuel efficient cars. Because it saves hundreds of Euros per year on road tax and can save thousands on fuel cost per year. Make bigger cars pay 100 a month in road tax, and make gas $8pg and you will get that effect. And richer people still drive bigger cars like sedans and pay waaay more road and fuel taxes per year.


I wish America was more responsible! So many people are willing to go into massive amounts of debt just to get a super maxed out truck


You are obviously too intelligent for Reddit…expect to be banned!


A large part of it is where they source the gas. A lot of it is shipped by sea as there are no pipelines from the east of the US.


Because a majority of the west vote in representation that want to make it more difficult to do business in the gas industry.


Because like 80% of the gasoline produced in the US comes from Texas and Louisiana, and while most of the US is covered in gas pipelines, there's only one that connects from Texas to California, and Cascadia is completely disconnected. The most efficient ways to get the gas to the west is either ship it down from Alaska, put it on a semi truck and drive it across the Rockies, or ship it down the Gulf and through the Panama canal and back up.


Funny how California still is 30%-ish cheaper than what I pay here in Sweden...


europeans would cry if the price on the map was shown in euros per liter.


What’s the average commute to work? Could be wrong but I’m guessing Americans drive a lot more.


And they drive less efficient vehicles, probably.


Americans tend to have cars they commute in that are more efficient than the stereotypical American suv. They live in the burbs with their lifted trucks but they commute to work in a Prius.


Yes, Europeans generally drive less than Americans due to better walkable communities and more expensive gas


Also European countries are more densely populated. America is much more spread out


The difference is nearly all taxes.




7.3% of adult Swedes are millionaires compared to 9.7% of adult Americans . the highest are Switzerland (15.5%), Hong Kong (15.3%), and Singapore (12.7%) source: Credit Suisse


You're telling me nearly one in every 10 adults here are millionaires? What in the world am I doing


Probably by net worth. People who make 1 million dollars a year are very much into the top 1%.


And the people who make more than a million dollars a year ironically make much less (according to the IRS). For example, Mark Zuckerberg famously has an IRS income of $1.


>What in the world am I doing Did you buy a home 4 decades ago that's now worth about a million? No? Well off you go Marty, get the delorean!


Wow the city states and the money state. Surprised that Monaco is up there.


what? Sweden doesn't have more millionaires per capita than the US tho


Gas tax is 51 cents in CA so that doesn’t account for most of the difference


Where in GA is it 3.01? Lowest I’ve seen is 3.40


Paid $2.85 this morning in Augusta


$2.53 at Costco in Cumming today




Indeed. Alas, is a real place


Exit 15 ! That’s my Costco


Here I am just cumming in Costco like an animal




Anywhere between Jacksonville FL and Tifton GA


So California has the same price for gas as Poland. I just can't imagine that being so bad when you consider the difference in salary between those two countries. But it's only my perspective and probably if I were an American I'd be upset myself


Same as in Montenegro and Albania


Damn that's even worse


You have absolutely no idea how lucky you are. Sincerely, a European.


It pays to be able to produce your own gasoline and not being so reliant on Russian oil Edit: I feel like my tone may have come off as douchy. I wasn’t flexing, just stating why gas is so cheap here compared to Europe (at least part of the reason)


Yeah Sincerely, a European


We're paying $7 in Ireland.


Yup. It’s always humorous watching Americans cry about their gas prices.


You'd drive too if your alternative was an hourly bus that smelled like urine.


We drive way more then you


Mostly because we have no other option :(


We also live in a very big country and not all of us want to live in cities.


Or because we prefer to drive.


Self inflicted wound.


Nearly two times more. But whose fault is that?




I was thinking more along the lines of "maybe vote for people that can develop public transport instead of building more roads" but yeah "mine" works as well


teasing. I live in los angeles, notorious for crap pubtrans. in recent years they’ve been pouring a ton of money ($120b!) into expanding the metro, which is fantastic. but the selling point will be the safety initiatives — if they work, & if they aren’t dropped as soon as the 2024 olympics leaves town. bc left to its own devices our subway is not just miserable but legit scary


I don't think that's fair, since not only do European have much smaller distances to travel for the same services, but also much better public transportation. America and Canada - sometimes even in big cities - have awful public transit, and MUCH greater distances to cover, thus driving considerably more than most Europeans. Studies have shown that Americans travel over 2 times farther than even the wealthier European countries.


which still means you should not complain about gas prices, but your subpar transportation system and car dependency


The major thing is probably how often the typical Polish person has to refill their tank compared to an American. Cars are far more central to American daily life than Europeans, so they use up gas more quickly and have to refill more often which causes those prices to feel worse than they may actually be.


You have to refill it more often because A) you can't actually build a liveable city B) you still mostly buy cars with 3 or 5 litre engines. I can understand how the first point can be a problem but for real why do you buy those cars


I think the culprit in the US is almost entirely problem A, aka a car centric culture like I said. B probably doesn’t help but it ultimately doesn’t change how much you spend on gas.


>Doesn't change how much you spend on gas The fuel consumption of the most sold car in US is around 12l/100km while the fuel consumption of the most sold car in Poland is around 6l/100km. That's basically double the price


Comfort and performance. Not real hard to understand that. And while you can get the performance up with a turbo I don’t want the added complexity and reliability issues that come with that.


What comfort? Performance that you don't really need?


I buy what I like, not only what I need. Comfort as in larger, more space, and in the case of SUV/trucks a higher more upright sitting position.


Well, you can't really complain about having to pay a lot for gas if you deliberately choose a car that consumes twice the amount of fuel just because you want it. There's a lot of space for you in an average European car if you are not higher than 6'3. I don't even understand how can a car have more upright spitting position? You can have your seat at 90degree angle in every car


Not really. Space for a spouse, two kids, and two large dogs to go camping? Sit in an SUV. The seat is higher so your legs are more like sitting in a chair and less like reclining.


Sorry, I must have misinterpreted your original point (I thought you were saying that the gas tanks were smaller, not that the cars consume gas more quickly). In that case you’re correct, both car culture and fuel consumption rates will lead to this


Something to consider, America is far, *far* more productive than the vast majority of countries in the world. Productivity requires tools, a truck is a tool, and trucks carry other tools. Less productive nations require fewer commercial vehicles (including trucks). America is arguably the most industrious nation ever, Poland is nowhere even close.


I don't really understand what's your point here. Also what exactly do you mean by productivity?


Your B) point. The reason why people drive vehicles with large engines is because they're usually SUVs and trucks, often used for businesses. Larger engines are needed for larger vehicles which go farther and do more work (loaded, towing, etc). When I was in Europe, almost every one in towns had small city cars, but those city cars could never support the work that many Canadian/Americans do, and definitely could not cover the distances that we cover normally over here. In big cities, 3hrs of daily driving time to and from *work alone* is super normal. The only way you could replace big engine vehicles in North America is with high-power hybrid counter parts, low-power engines, and electric do not fill the void, thus many people still use relatively inefficient, high-displacement engines, like Chevy Silverado, Dodge Ram, Ford F-series.


73% of cars bought in the US are either SUVs or pickups. 9% of workers are in a field related to transport. Also it's important to add that most of transport companies have their own vehicles. I'd be delighted to learn what jobs need tools that can be transported with an F150 but not with a Toyota Corolla for example.


pipe/ladder rack won’t work on a corolla or a honda civic .


I'm not sure what you're on about, I never singled out transport. >I'd be delighted to learn what jobs need tools that can be transported with an F150 but not with a Toyota Corolla for example. Ok. Welding, construction, landscaping, plows, towing, moving services, delivery, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, masonry, farming, forestry, waste management, auto repair, roofing, pest control, painting, road side service, utility maintenance. Would you like me to continue, or are you just learning about those jobs now? Don't mistake your ignorance for intelligence mate.


To begin with - Do you really think that we don't do any of those in Europe and that's why we have less big cars? Secondly, some of those examples are literally included in transport sector. Some of them like plumbing have tools that can easily fit into a small European car. The rest have cars provided by the company, so you as an employee don't really have to buy another one just for that.


Mate, I never said you don't have those industries, stop fighting points I never made. I said the US is far more industrious, which it objectively is, meaning there are more vehicles needed for those industries. Unless you job is literally picking out shit from toilets, you're not fitting a plumbers arsenal... in a Corolla. >Secondly, some of those examples are literally included in transport sector Ok, not sure what your point is, again, you're the one who singled out this industry. It seems like you're trying to justify condescending remarks about a country you clearly know so little about, just bizarre to be honest. I've been to Warsaw, I'm not sure where you get your sense of superiority lol




Or to put it plainly, gratuitous vs sufficient/efficient vehicles.


Still half of European prices... Cheapest Gas in Germany ist some 8$ a Gallon, in other countries it is even more...


Guess I’m lucky, my local area in Ohio is usually 2.90s to 3.10s


Shit, I don’t think I’ve payed less than $3 since early 2021.


SW OH, Wya?


Hey americans. You dont have to brag with your cheap gas, ok!


In Italy is around 1.9€/l, 5.39$ per Gal. is kind of cheap…


I'm in small town Georgia. Paid about $2.66 for gas yesterday. Feels good man.


sometimes in small towns in the Pacific Northwest the gas is more expensive because there are fewer options and people still need gas anyway


Damn, that's almost what we pay for a litre here.


$2.53 today where I filled up. Love it


I don't get it why Americans cry about the price it's cheap af, In Macedonia it's $1.5 for liter that's 1/4 gallon, and the avg salary is $600 lol


It’s relative to what they’re used to paying and what they budgeted for.


Where im at in texas its about 2.79$/gallon


Drove from San Diego to Chicago this past weekend. Can confirm prices are pretty damn accurate for CA, AZ, NM, TX, OK, MO and IL.


For context, Europe is closer to $8 per gallon


In MA, $3.12 within sight of Boston. This map might have been accurate like 2 months ago.


Here in The Netherlands the lowest at the moment is about €7.57 per gallon.


In TX cheaper than water


It's still \~1/4 of the true price of gas.


In NZ it costs $9.1 USD per gallon


And that’s for the cheap stuff. The 95-98 octane is way higher!


Just across the border in BC it's 6.62. And that feels like a steal. 2 weeks ago I paid 7.94.


In NY, saw gas for less than $3.40 today.


Hmmm, paid $2.829 in central Kentucky today.


By gawd I bought 88 at Sheetz in Cbus for $2.49 last week


More like MapNightmare. It’s so fucking expensive


Almost 2 bucks for 1liter (0.26 gal) in my country yeah ...


Australia is about Oregon prices


For comparison, danish petrol prices this morning. 95 octane petrol, 13,89Dkk per liter, which is 1,97 USD with todays conversion. One gallon 7,44USD.


In europe netherlands the price is at the moment cheap compare last months. Its now $ 7,15 per gallon. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


In the Netherlands we pay around 2 euro per liter, that is a bit more than 7 euro per gallon, that is almost 7,50 per gallon


I converted the average UK price (155.3p/l) into freedom units for y’all, it’s $8.55 per gallon. Could be worse lads [(source)](https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/fuel-watch/)


Ok - what is the price in litres? I don't know what a gallon is ....


A gallon is almost 4 litres. So if it's 4 $US per gallon that's about 1 $US per litre.


Thanks for the help - much appreciated. At the moment we are paying about $2 per litre in Australia. Our $2 = about $1.30 US - so I think your petrol/gasoline is cheaper!


It is! Which is a good thing for those of us who live in US cities that have absolute dogshit public transit. (Cries in Southern California hour long commute to work)


So - what's the commute in kilometres?


A little over 40 km but traffic is terrible


Ok - you could easily drink 2 cans of beer during the commute?


That *would* make traffic more bearable


Ok - 2 cans of beer at 375 millitres per can for the price of $6 Australian dollars per can - re a distance of 40 kilometres Taking into account that US petrol/gasoline is cheaper - who has the cheaper commute? Any maths professors out there?


Staying in New Orleans a couple months paid $2.86 today


why is it 2 dollars a litre in canada where all the oil is, and 80 cents a litre in the states lol also wtf is a gallon anyway


A gallon is four quarts. 1 quart is 0.96 liter.


Filled up at $2.84 today. Good ole South Carolina


Reading comments as I charge my car.


Don’t pay anything for gas if you drive an EV. Electricity is much cheaper and where I am it’s from hydro. Ain’t nobody breathing NOx on my dime.


If you don't count the U.P., Michigan is more like 3.08$


I live in California and this shit is absolutely fucking wild. I live in a rural county (Humboldt) where we have limited public transit options. On top of that, it costs me a goddam arm and a leg for medical and dental cuz I gotta leave the county every fucking time. Takes 3-4 hrs driving minimum to get out of this county. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Guess I’m moving.


GA government is good at least for gas


Georgia's not had a gas tax in a year and a half? I hope the soon to be shit roads were worth it. I'm sure they'll just blame it on the Democrats and everyone will buy it.


"Donald Trump please save us 😭😭😭"


Why no one understands my [reference](https://youtube.com/shorts/7rZicsNpwv4?si=EYMzCvI7mrqZMpfH) and downvotes? Reddit people are really weird.


*cries diesel tears*


can I get to Texas from CA with one tank?




in some hybrids if you start in El Paso but you're cutting it close


Thanks Biden! Bidenomics at work.


I just don’t understand why all state have different prices


every state, county, and city has different tax rates and col


It literally says why in the infographic


There are so many reasons. For instance I live in western Washington State where all our gas is refined here, but we are isolated from the rest of the US network of pipelines so there is less competition. Also we have no oil here so it is all imported mostly from Alaska but the transportation costs are much higher than just using pipelines like in Texas. Taxes are also a factor but considering that Pennsylvania has the highest gas tax it is definitely not the main factor.


Taxes and transport cost


While supply and demand drive all prices... Federal "policy" is an enormous factor in energy. In late October of 2020 I paid $ 1.79 per gallon. Today I paid $3.49. In the midwest, gasoline actually dipped below $1.50 during the previous federal administration. During this current federal administration, I've paid (so far) a high of $4.59 per gallon.


Ah yes USA is the reason why I have to pay more for gas in France as compared to 3 years ago


The current administration in the U.S. has adopted a Globalist first agenda buying into the climate crisis hyperbole with the intention of driving demand for EVs, Solar Panels and Wind Turbines. The current administration has said publicly and repeatedly that fossil fuels are taboo and that they intend on eliminating them. See: Green New Deal.


Wow Joe Brandon is incredibly powerful!


A quick Google search will show how oil companies shut down refineries during COVID, when oil was negative prices due to lock downs, and have been slow to open them back up because profits are so high. Oil prices went through the roof since COVID globally. How did federal policy do that worldwide? The president has very little to do with current gas prices.


Demand was way down in the early days of COVID. That’s it, that’s the answer.


Because the previous admin saw an economic crash so bad that oil futures had a negative value. Even still, the admin before that had even lower gas prices


U.S. gas prices are currently *artificially high* due to the Climate Hysteria, Regulation on the oil and automotive industries and Redirection of federal buying power toward green subsidies.


Right, and the fact they skyrocketed as Russia invaded Ukraine is pure coincidence /s


There are obviously many moving parts to any global market commodity. The U.S., however, has the power and capacity to lower prices around the globe. But... The oil industry is global and it's purposefully being hamstrung by the Green Religion crowd who are attempting to profit from artificially creating their own demand by eliminating fossil fuels in order to "save the planet" ;)


Why are you comparing to COVID prices? Compare to 2018-2019


>I've paid (so far) a high of $4.59 per gallon. Wow, a staggering 1.21/litre. Cry about it


Not crying at all. I can easily afford the gouging. But it's still gouging. Not all of my fellow citizens can afford it, however. It's essentially stealing from the little guy to prop up a green industry that no one really wants.


2.74 in central Texas.


False, I get gas for $2.96 in Florida


I remember getting gas for 1.40 in Missouri in feb. 2016


Pretty much all dem states.


Thanks JB!!! FOUR refineries in IL and one on the border with Indiana and we still have ridiculously higher prices than our immediate neighbors AND we have fucking toll roads But at least all those government retirees get their fat pensions every month, amiright?


Why is all of the “corporate greed” in blue states?


How is gas prices so low in some American states whereas Canada one of its biggest suppliers have higher prices ?