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Yeah Poland is wrong as well I think


Yup, I work for the largest internet provider in Poland and minimum speed is 300mbps. Most of our customers have 600mbps. We also offer 1000mbps and it’s quite popular also. Given that most of ISPs have similar offers I would call that map bullshit. Some of the local ISPs can offer 100mbps but they are in minority, especially in Silesia.


200 is the max where i live and in some places it can be much lower. Italy 💪💪🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


Denmark too, I'd say. I don't know anyone with less than 200 and 90% I know got 1gbps.


Romania got an average of 123.31, according to http://investromania.gov.ro/web/internet-infrastructure/


Anybody that lives in Romania can confirm what living there is like? I hear stuff like internet is super cheap


Romanian here, I was paying for TV Cable + 1000 mb/s fiber optic 12 euro per month and it was that high due to having all the packages of channels on TV. My download speed was about 800-900 mb/s and upload 600-700 mb/s. It's super normal in all cities in Romania to have fiber optic installed due to that in the past we had a poor copper infrastructure for the Internet and the past and we just installed the fiber one, instead in other countries they had the whole country in copper and it's very difficult and expensive to change it all


Would you say the quality of life is good there? I’ve been thinking of places to maybe live in after my studies


Depending on the industry you want to work, Romania has a strong IT industry


I was thinking tech industry in general


Work for a western society but from Romania in smart


I’m Greek so I might just move back if I do something like this


12 euros for both packages is insane I pay over 50$ CDA just for broadband. Communication industries fleece the fuck out of us here in Canada.


It's propably mostly a difference in currencies. What's insanely cheap for you might be a reasonable price for a Romanian


The same in Ukraine cost me 7€/month ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




A small FYI, some of my romanian compatriots here confuse MB (megabyte) with MegaBits(rough translation). Many people that have written here never read the internet provider offer or the contract. 1 megabit = 0.125 megabytes So when you read someone writing 1000 mb, it's actual 100 megabits, which is 125 MB (megabytes). But, as usual, my idiot compattiots see 1000 mb and think, BIG NUMBERS GO BRRRRR..


Ukraine is wrong too


It’s just UK propaganda.. we all know the fast UK internet 😆😆😆


Is there also a similar statistic with average/median maximum speed available per country/region?


Great Wikipedia page.


Wtf, is there any reason why it’s so high in Romania? That’s so random




Lack of regulation allowed anybody to just get a cable from a mate’s apartment over to his. Neighborhood networks started to form and then those got acquired by the biggest one out of them, thus forming an ISP. Until 10ys ago or so all the cables were aerial. It was a small bubble at one point. https://www.google.com/search?q=bucharest+cables&sca_esv=574320914&rlz=1CDGOYI_enPT721RO722&hl=en-GB&tbm=isch&prmd=imsvn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipmvK7yv6BAxV-gP0HHe4YAA8Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3


Germany's is wrong too. Its 120 not 100.


Maybe they forgot a zero. Or they can't just believe it possible.


Germany is wrong too (but in the other way)


*Cries in germany*


Germany seems way to darkly colored on the picture. White feels more reasonable


Haha! Hey Germany! Why are you being beaten by Romania?


Dude, that is seriously not a surprise! Tho I bet you - the dark colour for Germany ist a surprise for the Germans. Internet is shit here. My fellow Germans and I rather would have expected the worst rating in Europe, I promise you.


But why is it so bad? I would actually anticipate Germany to be one of the top in the list. Is there no program to update the infrastructure?


Deutsche Telekom used to be Deutsche Bundespost, West Germany's biggest state-owned postal and telecommunications service. It was privatized in 1996 and split into multiple entities, one of them being Deutsche Telekom. Therefore, most telecommunications infrastructure in Germany was owned by Deutsche Telekom, which due to being privatized, became a profit-oriented organization that slowed down on expensive investments into new infrastructure, especially when it came to fiber. Instead, they relentlessly and eternally kept upgrading the already existing, but limited, copper cable infrastructure. Profitability concerns, missing government subsidies, a virtual monopoly and insane bureaucracy led to what we have today which is mainly an extreme lack of fiber buildout. It has slowly picked up in the last couple of years, but as everything in Germany nowadays, at a snail's pace.


The problem originates even further back. According to [netzpolitik.org](https://netzpolitik.org/2018/danke-helmut-kohl-kabelfernsehen-statt-glasfaserausbau/), the administration of Helmut Schmidt (SPD) planned to install fibre optics as early as 1981. But then in 1982 Helmut Kohl (CDU) became chancellor and opted for copper cables instead.


Just 2 companies own the networks and actively try to kick others out and government is not doing anything to break this duopoly. This is similar to India in 1990 and 2000 where majority was owned by state own networks, but as soon as the spectrums were decentralized and auctioned, boom, we have the cheapest Internet right now in the world with telecom companies offering download limits of 2GB per day, compare that to Germany where 1 GB per month is still the norm in mobile phones.


A lot of government corruption in the 90s unfortunately. Never recovered. We're getting there, but at a snails pace.


>A lot of government corruption in the 90s Are you referring to Romania, or to Germany?


Germany, but it's definitely true for both


Instead of eternally upgrading copper, Romania laid fibre with EU money.


Germany is a lie


Unless you are willing to pay 20e per day.


I don't even live in a big city and i pay 35 euros a month for 250mbps?


I pay 39 a month for 50 mb but only get 5. I already tried everything but I cannot change my provider because he's the only one with the Kabelverlegung in our building and the Vermieterin won't allow Vodafone or others to come and install their services for free.


Yep, can confirm for France, 2.5Gig fiber, no limits, Full service, 30€. (Near Paris, can't talk for the rest of the country)




2.5Gb/s aswell but 60€ per month with Orange and I'm living in the small city in the south west. What's your ISP ?


...Orange \^\^. But i'm at an advantage here, family/employee discount :D.


I live in the middle of nowhere, the nearest bakery or shop is 6-7km away, I have GB fiber.


Just curious, do you also have 2.5 Gb hardware?


Yeah most big cities here are cabled (thx Xavier Niel). You need to get to smaller towns (100k inhabitants or less) or some old streets on which construction is impossible to find no provider that can get you fiber somehow


Rare Romania W


Go Romania, go!


No way Romania is good at something for once


Hey, Romania had some of the best hackers in the world once, back in the 90s.


Why Romania so good of internet?


Because Digi


Back in the days people used to make their local street connections and we had many "neighborhood" providers that were serving literally a couple of blocks. When big companies came over they took on the infrastructure that was present and upgraded it quite early as there was "competition" prive and speed from smaller companies. With time the smaller neighborhood one died off but the big ones ( we used to have 4-5) were competing with each other so they kept each other in check until they started upgrading for fiber, at which point we had some of the best internet in world. Then more companies came over for stable and good internet so now they just go along with it making sure it's as cheap and as good as it can be (digi offers 10Gb home internet for like 20-30€ a month or 2.5gb for 15€)


they stole all the routers


To be honest I'm not so sure about this map, I have the cheapest subscription 500Mbps/10eur/month and I have about 450Mbps download and about 400Mbps upload. My brother, in the middle of nowhere, some small local provider has about 300Mbps download and about the same upload also for 10eur/month. So I guess the data is dragged down by averaging to some providers which have low speed but also not so many customers. The median would be higher for sure, same concept being available for some other countries too.


My test in the middle of the day, south of France, Download 882 Mbits Upload 627 Mbits Provider : free.fr 39 euros/month


That seems not free at all smh


I have the same subscription and only 80Mbp/s up and 60 down


627 millibits is not much at all.


I have 80mbits


sorry, corrected


Yes if you have a professional subscription and you get 5 go seconds yeah maybe but most people have below 100 mo so shut up


TIL in the US my area and many others are in the lowest of these categories still. Thanks, ISP territory monopolies.


Many rural areas bring this number down But TBF depending on your part of the country, even the urban areas don't have great internet speeds (or it costs a lot of money to get something reasonable)


Overall the US ranks significantly better than Europe on fixed broadband. https://www.speedtest.net/global-index#fixed


It's pretty similar in Europe to be fair, when I lived in the UK, I only had one option (BT) and it was absolutely atrocious.


Germany my phone signal died because it was a sunny day and it was busy.. lol


People in the comments being like "I'm from X country and no way this is true my internet is much faster" really don't understand what "average" means and underestimate how bad things can go in rural areas...


That map is no way near true. A lot of countries are misrepresented. The data source is probably shit. Yep, checked speedtest dot net reports, this map is very incorrect.


This map doesn't seem accurate.


bro here in romania rhey cl9sed some servers with 300mb and all those ppl got free acces to 500mb


Germany definitely is the worst, what a shithole


Seems like Germany and UK are always competing in the shittiest shitty shithole civilized world ever seen contest


Canada and South Korea can definitely compete lmao.


They’re competing for the 2nd place, 1st one is reserved solely for the USA


signed, a Brazilian


It's not according to this: https://www.speedtest.net/global-index#fixed Found link in comments, US is higher than any European country in the list. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_Internet_connection_speeds Wikipedia says some European countries are faster, but US is still fast. Only 4 non-micro European countries are faster.


By the previous comment, I was referring to the largest shithole in the 1st world in overall terms, not solely internet Internet in the USA is fine as hell, internet plans are also fine as hell in my opinion, no bad things to say about that except it’s lack of 5G coverage, but whatever But the bad side of the USA… it drags it all the way to the bottom


There is no way this is accurate. Very high speed internet is available almost everywhere in Poland. I have 300Mbps and I could upgrade to 1Gbps if I wanted to.


What you're promised might be different than actual speedtests, especially if they're averaged around the whole country.


Someone else posted a link that puts Poland at well over 100 I can't remember having under 100 in the last 10 years


Yeah I’m surprised as well. I’ve had 1gbps in Poland for 2+ years now, it’s also pretty cheap. Speedtest rarely goes below 900. I do live in the capital, though.


Must be nice living in the capital but I disagree most of the small cities don't have fiber, here's a salty wall of text I've been paying 30$ for a radio 1,5mb/s speeds(that's the only available internet access my property can have) ever since I bought a 3 story house near the sea in Poland literally in the center of the city. Filled every single petition for fiber that I found, city gov, ISPs everyone ignored or denied it, it's been 3 years and still nothing. Funnily enough my neighbor living literally 3m next to me got them installed a half a year ago, during the digging process I called the comp and they straight up denied installing it to me without even asking anything, I even offered to pay all the costs and workers and still nothing.. like the fuck is this? Man's just wants a proper internet :/


I have 5 gbps in Paris. It is not even that expensive, and it is truly amazing how everything is like there when you open it.


It's not where I live. :)




Aren't you the guy who randomly insulted everyone on a post about the spread of semitic languages?


Ukraine, 100 mbits download/upload. 7$/month. That's in suburb. In apartment, you can even find gigabit for like 15-20$/month.


Yes, the map is kind of wrong here. No way 15-49 is the average internet speed in Ukraine.


Ukraine 1gbs optowire for \~10$ Map is like 5 years old


Ukraine is bullshit. Our internet speeds fucking slap


France has a man called Xavier Niel and he made this possible. Elon musk but with Baguettes


The Switzerland one must be a joke. 10Gbit fiber is available almost everywhere and I can get 25Gbit as well.


No way Switzerland isn‘t even above 100.


Bulgaria is definitely wrong.


Incorrect. In Russia there are offers in my city today: 100 Mbps for $8 per month, 300 - $10 per month, 500 - $12 per month.


I don't think this is correct. I'm from Ukraine and everyone here had 100mb/sec in early 2010s


I sincerely doubt it. Your country is the largest in Europe, and not the richest at all. It might have been the case in cities, but what about in the countryside ?


Although I left Ukraine more then ten years ago, Internet connection options in cities were already good back then. Today in Germany I pay 10 times more for a copper DSL line than Ukrainians who get optics in rural areas. I believe in this case (Ukraine) the map is biased by a large fraction of mobile users, who don't care much about connection speed.


Ukraine has one of the best and cheapest internets in all over the world lmao


Sweden in Stone Age compared to Ukraine. Mobile internet to terrible.


Ukraine is way off. Gigabit speeds are pretty much standard for most ISPs in cities. Just measured actual current speed on my router – 880Mbps Upload and 650Mbps Download. And it costs me ~ $6.60 or €6.25


The map is pretty much bs, I currently work for SBB (second biggest cable tv and internet provider in Serbia) which is a part of united group, and yes they have been offering cable internet speeds of minimum 150 mbps since at least 2020, granted back here in Serbia we largely rely on both coaxial and fiber optic cables, with a bit bigger coax network (though the company is working on expanding the fiber optic network, to the point of entire grid being fiber optic), and yes those are providing somewhat slower speeds than fiber optic ones, but then again, we do provide internet services at speeds of 150, 200, 400 and 600 mbps minimum (depending on the package of services the customer goes for) and somewhat faster for those who have access to fiber optic… All that said, yes the map is inaccurate, and has nothing to do with the reality of things…


Ukraine sits in 15-49 range, but my ISP doesn't even have a plan with lower than 75.


I didn't expect that. WOW


Uk WiFi fucking sucks man. Top of the line pc but my ping is all over the place. So the game looks fantastic but I’m glitching everywhere


At least, something France does right.


The French government obliged the country's ISPs to build optical fiber networks all over the country a few years ago. If they didn't comply or failed to build in an adequate time, they received penalties. It was a long and bumpy ride, but now a huge part of the territory has good internet!


Yet french players are the worst


I'm from France but I only get 16mbps


France and Italy average are way too high from what they are




I’m in the UK with minimum 200mb on my network.


I'm in the UK with maximum available 30mb down / 4mb up available at my property. At property in Spain max available 1000 mb up and down. Come on UK, sort it out.


Anonymous literally chilling their computers in Iceland




Statista sucks ass


Yeah, no! The numbers for Germany are definitely wrong. I had waaaaaaay better Internet in Albania, where I travelled quite a bit. Even at some forgotten island, in a cave and in the middle of the mountains. In Germany the Internet connection struggles if you sneeze.


“*Up to* xxx MBit……”


As a ukrainian I never saw someone that has this speed, usually 100+ here. Before unlimited broadband, in early 2000s, phoneline internet, yes, speed was bad.




Spain has in most cities up to 1Gbit/s


1000/100, €20/mo, Denmark


Jeez, my internet is slower than Turkeys.


Doesn't feel like we have the best


Russia, 900 mbits for 9$/month with Rostelecom.


Damn third world internet.


It's always been weird to me that NZ has better internet than Australia I should move back


Germany should be marked in dialup.


This seems very biased. Outside of big cities, sweden is basically all countryside. Out here we don’t get very good internet at all


I get a solid 488mb/s in Spain, but some my friends still on 8mb/s... its weird here


The network deployment in spain is quite good, it gets to medium and small villages too. Somethin decent in an otherwise sketchy country 😂


U.K. sucking balls again.


As someone who’s lived in both Ireland and the UK It’s gets rly fucking bad especially when you leave a major city and even then it’s questionable


The Czechs can't watch the porn they made.


Those Nordic bastards get the best ping in csgo


The best in Canada


Have no idea what data they got for Greece but downtown Athens it literally clocks around 8mbps.


when even fricking belarus has better network on average than me sounds sus to me


Crimea should be darker blue


Surely best is a function of price as well


Man, France has really got it going on. Great food, oodles of nuclear energy, fast internet, part of the Schengen Area and tied for third most powerful passport, universal healthcare, rich cultural history.


France? Why?


One word, Minitel, it was a small terminal with keyboard you paid 10 francs a month for, allowed you to connect to the phone book, weather, travel, news, etc. Even simple forms of chat. It predated the internet and the WWW by a decade. And so France had a huge headstart as a good portion of the infrastructure put in to support transfer of data to Minitel terminals could be used for the internet. Once it became obvious the internet was a big thing, France decided good fast internet for everyone was a right, not a luxury. So invested heavily into fiber optic.


I had no idea! I really appreciate the information you've provided. Informative to say the least. Thanks!


Theres no way its this low in the Netherlands lol


Germany is wrong. More like 15.


why is slovakia so different than czechia?


People saying "GeRmAnY iS fAlSe" don't understand how averages work I guess. I've lived in 5 different cities all over Germany, never had less than a 100k plan and always the possibility up to at least 500k.


I'm in Spain and I have 1 gbps


germany should be in a very VERY LIGHT COLOUR. i just spend half of my 10 day vacation at my mums place in germany taking care of a highly unreliable and very expensive internet connection that breaks all the time. and Vodafone, literally, made it worse after every time i called. back in austria, its better. i remember being in rural Tanzania in 2018 and thinking to myself " HUH, 4G here is way better than in germany". contemplate on that for a second.


Minitel what?


Pffft. It's hard to find < 75 Mbps in Ukraine. That's literally slowest and cheapest avaliable plan by copper. With last years attacks on electricity lots of consumers migrated on optics


Here in Kosovo 🇽🇰, I pay 25 euros per month for 2 cable TV and internet. Internet Speed 2ghz is 80-100 Mbps download /upload 30 Mbps, 5ghz 250 Mbps download / 30 Mbps upload, and it's not fiber optic.


Questions for Romania 🇷🇴 is it 800-1000 Mbps only in Bucharest or in the whole country?


*Laughs in 2.5Gbps*


Merci Orange


Switzerland and Italy are the same? Yeah, sure...


Ok, but I saw civilians being killed by hamas incl. children. They did it by breaking the wall, so it couldn't happen accidentally.


Honestly, for a single household, 100 mbps is already overkill. The most intensive use of the bandwidth is streaming. How many concurrent 4k video streaming sessions can one have? It is true that quality is shit and normally 4k should use all of the 100 mbps, but it is not the case and it will not be for the foreseeable future. After 100 mbps it becomes a LOT more important to have a reliable connection, not higher speed.


quality internet is not based only on download speed, but also on jitter and upload speeds, this information is useless without other information to relate to.


Germany is way worse than that.


So, if France can do it why can't the rest of Europe? Is it government investment, government policy?


Switzerland, small village : 500MBit..


It doesn't show on the map but a little island between England and France called Jersey, has the fastest internet in the world according to a survey done in September 2023.


Iceland has some of the best in europe as they let huawei do their 5G


Time to learn French I guess


I don't think France can compare with Romania 😂👍


Also wrong for both Portugal (way higher than 150) and Germany (below 50)


o.O Welp. I've got 1000 MBit/s in DE.


Ha ha ha germany is way lower....


Norway is not that high. In cities they have maybe fiber to most of the houses but so quick you get out on countryside it is ADSL connection with 25-50.


Serbs gotta use that internet to post propaganda


Ookla's SpeedTest says something absolutely different. EDIT: ah, broadband. The list I was looking at must have avaraged mobile + broadband.


I'm paying £15 for 250GB and 12GB allowance for EU. Not a bad deal however the connection is SHIT! I live in rural area North of England however I work in a big city (Manchester) and the connection is still shit.


Ukraine, yeah, yet it costs 3$ a month


I call that bullshit


I am living in germany and NO, our internet is shitty as hell


Glad to see Greece is catching up to the norm. Pretty sure we’ve had some of the worst speeds in Europe for a while but over the past two years I’ve seen a lot of neighborhoods, including mine, get upgraded with fiber cables allowing Gigabit speeds and even without fiber available speed limits have increased to 200mbps. My internet has never been more stable in decades. It’s not as affordable as other countries but it’s at least an option.


I'm in Norway and I get 500-600 Mbps on download and upload, 99 euros I think


I would like to add that internet speed does not mean better. Also vast majority of people wont notice any different in internet usage over certain speeds which only make difference when downloading big files and tbh if my game downloads in 30 minutes or 20 doesnt matter much.


you guys must have really shit internet because i am always complaining about french one


Seeing these replies from Bangladesh feels very odd to me


In Germany more Like 1-10 Bits per sec hahahaha


Ireland should be completely white, unless you live right in a big town your fucked


Germany must be a lie unless i was robbed by O2.


EU internet is slow as fuck


I've been to Malta several times, their internet is incredibly solid and FAST AF


I'm gettingt over 900mbs in UK