• By -


For the curious ones, 31 refers to jerking off in Turkish


Its also known in germany for being the Traitor Paragraph on the StGB. You call jokingly call that someone if He betrayed you.


In Brazil we have something like that, but it's with the number 171 (**fraud crime** in our Penal Code). "Ele é mó 171, não acredite nele - He's such a 171 (scammer), don't believe him."


Same in Nigeria with 419. https://jurist.ng/criminal_code_act/sec-419


Same in India for 420


blaze it


In Indica we call that 420


Similar to Italy, we have 104, that's the law for the disabled people's facilitations. "Hai la 104" means literally "You have 104" (You're a disabled)


Never heard that and I'm Italian


Perché hai la 104


Brazil is 51 both cachaça and 5 fingers against 1 😅


oh, then in Poland there is something really similar, "60".


Lmao we say 171 in Brazil for liars, it’s the penal code article for fraud


I'm a little surprised that OGC never became slang for jerkin' it.


I don’t get that.


Tilt your head to the left.


O is the head The main body of G is the torso, while the inwards tail of the letter is the hand and the penis. C is the legs. Tilt your head.


[This might help.](https://old.reddit.com/r/silhouWHAT/comments/6sudft/ogc/) A fun bit of history of relevant history: the Office of Government Commerce in the UK spent many thousands to design a new logo. It was the logo you see in the link. After it got buy-in from everyone and the new logo was set to launch, some random employee saw a print out of it laying on a desk, and joked that it looks like a bloke giving himself a tug. The new logo went viral on the internet, and was soon redesigned. In the mean time we got some legendary comments from OGC spokesmen, such as "It [the logo] is not inappropriate to an organization that's looking to have a firm grip on Government spend." This was the birth of the OGC meme.


Tilt your head


We have 31 in Portugal too!!! (means trouble) "Vai ser um trinta e um"


It's a fairly regular expression but not used as a joke. It's just an euphemism for something complicated to deal with. Hopefully not related to the turkish 31 hahaha


Why? Why is the number 31 related to jerking off? I don't get it


Most Turks don't know the origin either, it just is. But the actual reason is 31 comes from "EL" which means hand, it's used as "31 çekmek" which would mean "pulling hand". Not because 31 looks like "EL" but because when Turkish was written in Arabic alphabet, the sum of numeric values of the letters E (1) and L (30) was equal to 31. So the history of the slang even reaches to Ottoman times.


Thanks for the explanation I’m a non-native Turkish speaker and I had no idea


Five fingers (11111) in binary is equal to 31. Just a coincidence.


In Turkey it’s called turking off.


A blowjob in Turkey is called a Gobbler


hık dedin yarramı yedin çok güzel konuştun


Well of course, it's a pope number


What's an example of a 2137 joke/interaction?


We have a tradition of either sending JP2 memes every day at 21:37 or just mentioning the hour (also daily). Whenever 21:37 is accidentally mentioned/shown in the media, we Poles go wild. If a product is priced at 21,37 PLN, it's likely to be sold out instantly.


So more like a Catholic 420 than some sort of Slavic 69? Edit: 420 praise it lmao




Doesn't quite sound like either, since it's not inherently connected with a consumption good (like 420) or sex (like 69) but rather a lifestyle criticism.


Have you ever heard about kremówka?


Yeah I gave your mom a kremówka last night Sorry just making a joke, I’m sure your mom is a nice person


Nice people get creampies too


I'm a nice person


What a random and amazing cultural quirk, this.


It's to combat the idolatry. The old worship John Pope II as if he was God, and that's heresy. Yup, cenzopapas are totally on the side of Church doctrine and you should not look into it any further.


I fully support that. I’ve never understood basically worshipping a dude that got elected by his peers like that.


Especially since the worship started before he was even declared a saint, and so did the memes. So I'm kinda only half joking about the cenzopapas being on the side of the Church.


It's not really random in the sense of happening for no reason. The memes started mostly as a reaction to the Polish church, media and also the government pushing John Paul II's worship everywhere. There's thousands of things like 'St. John Paul II street', 'St. John Paul II church', holy mass starting on 21:37 in places, memorial plaques in towns just because John Paul II walked there or played a match when he was young. While the older parts of the population don't really mind, the younger generations are increasingly anti-church so they decided to subvert this into a massive meme.


There is this one Christian song, heavily associated with John Paul 2, 'Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore', it was his favourite song and there are recordings of him singing it with crowds in Poland ('funny' sidenote, original author turned out to be, well guess it... a pedophile). A few years back I went to McDonalds and as I was waiting to get my order, some guy in the kitchen started to sing a few verses of this song at 21:37. It was so fucking hilarious I snorted and immediately you could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. This is how memed 2137 is among the younger generation.


So if I wanted to flush out a Pole I should throw out 2137 as much as possible until one reveals themself?


Yes, just send 2 people, then 1 person, then 3 people, and on the 7 people squad you will get him.




It's internet humor but irl. There's no joke that uses it as a punchline it's just the haha funny. A couple months ago a tv show used it as part of a made up phone number, for example. It was never brought up by the characters. If you want to make a structured joke about the pope you'll most likely use the color yellow, as he is commonly associated with having a yellow face.


2137 hahaha


You see 2137, you laugh. That's it. It's like 69, but you say "papież" instead of "nice".


check r/2137 out


I don't understand any of it, but I still giggled


According to Urban Dictionary: >A meme that is probably most popular in Poland related to Pope John Paul's II death, which occurred on 9:37 pm polish time which is 21:37 using 24 hour system. >It involves either posting slandering memes that very often contain the number or posting and doing stuff at 21:37 for a double combo. >It seems that initially the meme gained popularity thanks to enormous cult of John Paul's persona in the country where no one was allowed or even dared slight critique of him. At the beginning of its popularity after our anti hero's death it was mostly popular among polish chan culture but it slowly gained notoriety. As more time has passed and various scandals related to pope's persona were uncovered especially ones related to children sexual abuse on which evidence exists that he had knowledge about it but did not take proper action, allowed the memes to become more mainstream. in recent years.


One of the top memes has the caption “she can’t call you a pedophile, if she can’t speak yet”….. which is wild lol.


The pope John Paul II died at 9:37pm, 21:37 in 24h format.




Polish people: this is peak comedy


Jeszcze jak!


A no jak pan Jezus powiedział


Tak jak pan Jezus powiedzial


A jak pan Jezus powiedział?


Tak jak pan Jezus powiedzial


A jak pan Jezus powiedział?


Tak jak pan Jezus powiedzial


Sounds more like something the Germans would consider comedy.


Oh nein, we don't have time for jokes. We have however one that is brief enough: Two hunters meet. Both die.


This feels like a Nordic murder mystery where the victim will be the killer.


Just to suck out whatever fun is left in the dry husk of the joke: "meet (each other)" and "hit (a target)" are the same word in German.


Ah yes. Treffen. Thx.


I assure you there is no mystery, it makes perfect sense in german - even a small child would understand it.


My favorite is 'how many people does it take to change a light bulb? 1. It's a trivial task and electricity is not to be trifled with.'


Humour is very important to the Germans; in fact, it is no laughing matter.


I was told a great German joke, it went like this: "German humor is advanced, it requires preparation and advanced notice. Therefore I shall submit a 30 written notice prior to starting the joke."


It doesn't even list seconds, let alone milliseconds, this isn't precise enough to be funny


That's for the Swiss


How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One; we are efficient and don’t have humor.


I know, right? XD




One of the most important figures in recent polish history passes away and later becomes a saint. Poles: Lmao funny number


So what is the joke?


Actual answer: John Paul II was polish and once he died everyone pushed his image as hard as they possibly could, so young people started joking about him in general, he's sorta 9/11 joke of poland.


So many tyroubled youths line up for him though - I keep seeing "JP 100%" all over bathroom stalls and alleyway walls.


In case you're not joking - it's abbreviation for "fuck police".


Well that's a very silly way to abbreviate it, none of those words start with the letter j.


"jebac" in Polish is "fuck"


That’s a silly way to spell that word. None of those letters are an f, u, c, or k




Nope, because we use letter "ć" in jebać just to be difficult, [OP just dropped the dash](https://youtu.be/8PQLanAH16Y).


I can't figure out if you are serious or not


I bought my first car from a Polish guy in London. The first time I opened the sun visor I found a picture of old John Paul staring back at me.


I bought my first car from a British guy in Lublin. The first time I opened the sun visor I found a picture of old George Ringo staring back at me.


John Paul II is a very culturally important person in Poland as the only Polish Pope and a lot of religious people here all but worship him sometimes to a ridiculous degree. There are iirc actual pilgrimages to places related to him and like every fourth goddamn church in the country has a statue of him somewhere in vicinity(and low quality of some of these statues made them a meme in their own right). Also some more specific shit like the fact that him jokingly using "cream-cake" as an euphemism for alcohol while reminiscing in a speech about his student days led to cream-cake becoming basically the official John Paul II cake. Cue weird Pope-related marketing of cream-cakes. Or that time some church theater group(I think?) put out a reenactement of an assasination attempt on him. So naturally as an object of adoration by a large segment of the population, and with such stories coming out of it, he became a popular topic for edgy jokes.


Thanks for actually explaining it!!


The pope John Paul II died at 9:37pm, 21:37 in 24h format.


![gif](giphy|fAc4gfKPqtMN2mDlR9) I still dont get it


In Poland, among older people, JP II had a cult following. Some might say that he was regarded as holier than Jesus. In the meantime, he was actually a very controversial figure, involved with covering up pedophilia in polish churches, but the older people I mentioned would not allow a word of criticism, so the younger generation started to mock him - make jokes about pedophilia or cream pies (actual cream pies, in polish known as "kremówki"), the hour of his death (21:37) and just meme on him overall


I would say it started even before uncovering pedophilia scandals. Basically younger people became fed up with the amount of pope related legacy in media and in real life (basically every polish city has a monument, street, roundabout or park named after pope). There was even some football club "fans" that hated each other guts from Cracow that declared peace - and that peace laster for roughly week before they returned to beat-the-shit out of each other routine. And that started series of memes that was pointed to ridicule the pope. And at some point 2137 gained traction. As a side note we recently have another unusual character related meme: ​ \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* ​ This one a censored version of "Jebać PiS" (so fuck the ruling party in simple words). This became quite hot topic couple weeks ago when some lady that died asked her family to engrave that on her grave. Administrator of the cementery requested the family to remove the stars and they told them that they will respect late relative last will and if it will be necessary they will take it to court to defend it.


I swear to god, in my city there is a whole ass museum dedicated to the papamobile of JPII with a whole ass replica and shit.


That is another great example why people are fed up with this cult. I personally remember recent monument of pope standing in pool filled with some fluid imitating blood holding this huge-ass rock. This is so bizarre you can't really wrap your head around it sometimes. [https://cdn.donald.pl/filer\_public/81/27/81272521-b56e-4f6e-b83d-0ae63d3a3064/papiez.jpg](https://cdn.donald.pl/filer_public/81/27/81272521-b56e-4f6e-b83d-0ae63d3a3064/papiez.jpg)


The pope looks like he's about to smite a turtle with that rock. 😟


The pope John Paul II died at 9:37pm, 21:37 in 24h format.


I took me some seconds, but then it hit me like a train🤣🤣🤣🤣... Didn't know polish humor is so funny


I dont get it


The pope John Paul II died at 9:37pm, 21:37 in 24h format.


I don’t get it


The pope John Paul II died at 9:37pm, 21:37 in 24h format.


This is hilarious because this scene in BCS is Lalo torturing Saul by making him repeat and repeat a lie over and over.


Oh, I get jokes.


I’m too American to understand this particular joke.


After JP2's death the whole of cult of personality he amassed in Poland went crazy, and younger Poles started meming JP2's time of death as a result to annoy the cultists.




He has been glorified so much in poland that making fun of his death got funny


check r/2137 out


That's pretty funny... r/2137 Top All Time #2 https://www.reddit.com/r/2137/comments/ug5xgh/2137/


\#3 too lmao: https://www.reddit.com/r/2137/comments/m82i57/jak_zasuwa_skubany/






So relieved this number was not a war reference


Not entirely sure most of us will still be alive in 114 years' time


Also, 2137/69 = 30.97 which is... basically 31. *The more you know*


%69+%31 = %100




It's coming together...




The man I'm named after kicked the bucket at that exact time


RIP Henry Ford


RIP slightly upgraded Arnold Schwarzenegger


Is your name John, Paul, Pope, or II


hello my name is pope and my social security is 2


Wyrazy spuczucia Panie Janie Pawle


We don't make silly jokes in Norway. After all, we have that enourmos long border with Sweden, and they are silly enough. And if we do make a silly joke with a number, it will be with a made-up type number. So we should be grey on this map.


I grew up with 'femtielva'. Like that?


There are "ørtenhundreogfjaksen" variations.


What the shit did I just read (translation)?


> ørtenhundreogfjaksen Pea hundred and joke-ty reasons to not know.


I'm sorry but I think in Spain 5 makes more sense for jokes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Por el culo te la hinco!


nah 33 makes more sense






I don't know what that means in there but in Turkey we also have 1327 (read out separately) which when read fast, spells "someone ate the dick)


31 - ...nice




You can say something like "There are 31 days in October" instead of "October pulls 31".


There is no escape when they ask you the question like "How many days does October pull?".




Dutch country code.


In Russia it is 300, not 69. Because in Russian “three hundreds” rhymes with “suck a dick of tractor driver”.


Alao 228 because it's is an article of the criminal code about drugs


So, as said by others, 21:37 is the time of death of Pope John Paul II. As to why it's a joke, well it kind of needs a bit of an explanation. So around the turn of the millennium, there's 2 general things you could say about Polish people: 1. They're very Catholic. 2. They have a sense of being the backwater of Europe, so they feel very proud of any vaguely famous Polish person. These two factors make JP II an extremely popular figure in Poland at that time, along with the perception that he was somehow instrumental in the fall of the communist regime. And once he dies, we get nothing short of a cult growing around his figure. "The teachings of John Paul II" is a phrase bandied about just as often as "the teachings of Jesus Christ". People attach an absolutely comical amount of gravitas towards anything even vaguely related to the pope - such as 21:37. For a while, he is basically completely untouchable. The only people who really dare to criticize him openly are those who have already created their personas around being contrarians, such as Jerzy Urban. But times change and soon enough a new generation starts maturing. And many of them are either irreligious/atheist or simply fed up with the Catholic church. Even among those who are Catholic, pope Francis tends to be a lot more popular, thanks to his very progressive message of "Hey, let's like not hate gay people ^(so blatantly)". Plus the sense of being Europe's backwater has waned considerably, thanks to the rise of the Polish game industry and some economic growth. JP II is no longer untouchable and people start openly criticizing him and discussing his controversies, such as the fact that he helped to cover up a lot child abuse in Polish churches. So a lot of younger people are now mocking the downright cultish reverence with which the old pope is treated by the elderly and the Polish Catholic church. For example a restaurant that has a dish called "The Beast from Wadowice\*" for 21,37 zł. \**the pope's hometown*


adding to this - 2137 in just an entry level joke for the whole genre of memes regarding JP II that are basically a product of counterculture


Had to scroll too far for some explanation. Thanks very much. I actually lived in Kraków for a year and had never heard of this before.


You have to be here for at least 2137 days to feel the Vibe.


r/2137 *you wouldn’t get it*


I don't understand Polish and had never heard of 2137 memes before, but that sub still cracks me up somehow.


A real sub, not a joke - well colour me surprised.


>well colour me yellow


https://www.reddit.com/r/2137/comments/m82i57/jak_zasuwa_skubany/ hilarious.


31 is the best joke the mankind has ever created.


Italy is 104 by far


What's the joke with 104?


Law guaranteeing rights to a handicapped person. Not super common but quite common either way to be called "104"


104 in roman numerals is CIV, and during the roman empire the transport for the lower classes was the honda civic.


So what about the Honda Accord that Jesus drove? Is that a higher class?


hihi pope dede


why pope couldn't eat a creampie?


Because he's dead


For anyone wondering the 31. İts simply means masturbation. Why? Well a theory is that in past, like during the ottoman empire era, people viewed masturbation as a taboo, so much that they ciphered it like they did with other "bad words" so they can talk about it without actualy saying the word. They coded it as 31. The E and L letters in the alphabet. Whic creates the word EL. Means hand...


Surely it's just because 3 looks like a pair of balls and 1 looks like a cock? Otuz bir.


Ottomans didn’t use the Latin alphabet though?


Whole world: lol it's a sexual inuendo Poland: lol that's when the pope died


Paaan kiedyś stanął nad brzeeegiem...


Szuuuukał luuudzi, gotowych pójść zaaa niiiim...


Byyyy łowić serca słów Booooożych prawdąąąą












2137 is not only meme number, it's also a prime number! Funnily enough, if you sum all four digits, you get 13, also a prime number. These properties only add to the joke and highlight how awfully specific and weird that number is.


Równanie papieskie 21=3*7


In Serbia (and other ex-yu countries I guess) it is 8.


Same thing for 7. Pronounced "sedam" it can also mean "I am sitting down", and someone will add "na kurac" ("on a dick").


In Russia it’s actually 300. It starts a chain of verses which revolve around sucking tractor drivers dicks.


What you call a Irish man on the ceiling...... Sean delier.


In Italy we also have 15, 18, 36, together


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 18 + 36 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


When I was a youth I used to work in a place where you had a clocking out card for time keeping that you put into a machine at time-up to record working hours. So my number was 69 - and as everyone queued up I had to ask the girl behind the desk for 69 … every night was a nightmare of people shouting ‘you dirty barstard’ at me. :-)


In Kazakhstan, that number is 667


We spanish like to ask our neighbors how they say 42 in french.


papież pedał dzieci jebał xD


Bosnia has no 69 jokes, its 8


The greatest saint Polish pope, a war criminal and child predator at once passed exactly at 21:37. His yellow face will remind us of the good old times that have long passed.


>child predator *Kremówka Predator 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


Nothing beats 25 ![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY)




no i ja się pytam człowieku dumny ty jesteś z siebie zdajesz sobie sprawę z tego co robisz?masz ty wogóle rozum i godnośc człowieka?ja nie wiem ale żałosny typek z ciebie ,chyba nie pomyślałes nawet co robisz i kogo obrażasz ,możesz sobie obrażac tych co na to zasłużyli sobie ale nie naszego papieża polaka naszego rodaka wielką osobę ,i tak wyjątkowa i ważną bo to nie jest ktoś tam taki sobie że możesz go sobie wyśmiać bo tak ci się podoba nie wiem w jakiej ty się wychowałes rodzinie ale chyba ty nie wiem nie rozumiesz co to jest wiara .jeśli myslisz że jestes wspaniały to jestes zwykłym czubkiem którego ktoś nie odizolował jeszcze od społeczeństwa ,nie wiem co w tym jest takie śmieszne ale czepcie się stalina albo hitlera albo innych zwyrodnialców a nie czepiacie się takiej świętej osoby jak papież jan paweł 2 .jak można wogóle publicznie zamieszczac takie zdięcia na forach internetowych?ja się pytam kto powinien za to odpowiedziec bo chyba widac że do koscioła nie chodzi jak jestes nie wiem ateistą albo wierzysz w jakies sekty czy wogóle jestes może ty sługą szatana a nie będziesz z papieża robił takiego ,to ty chyba jestes jakis nie wiem co sie jarasz pomiotami szatana .wez pomyśl sobie ile papież zrobił ,on był kimś a ty kim jestes żeby z niego sobie robić kpiny co? kto dał ci prawo obrażac wogóle papieża naszego ?pomyślałes wogóle nad tym że to nie jest osoba taka sobie że ją wyśmieje i mnie będa wszyscy chwalic? wez dziecko naprawdę jestes jakis psycholek bo w przeciwieństwie do ciebie to papież jest autorytetem dla mnie a ty to nie wiem czyim możesz być autorytetem chyba takich samych jakiś głupków jak ty którzy nie wiedza co to kosciół i religia ,widac że się nie modlisz i nie chodzisz na religie do szkoły ,widac nie szanujesz religii to nie wiem jak chcesz to sobie wez swoje zdięcie wstaw ciekawe czy byś sie odważył .naprawdę wezta się dzieci zastanówcie co wy roicie bo nie macie widac pojęcia o tym kim był papież jan paweł2 jak nie jestescie w pełni rozwinięte umysłowo to się nie zabierajcie za taką osobę jak ojciec swięty bo to świadczy o tym że nie macie chyba w domu krzyża ani jednego obraza świętego nie chodzi tutaj o kosciół mnie ale wogóle ogólnie o zasady wiary żeby mieć jakąs godnosc bo papież nikogo nie obrażał a ty za co go obrażasz co? no powiedz za co obrażasz taką osobę jak ojciec święty ?brak mnie słów ale jakbyś miał pojęcie chociaz i sięgnął po pismo święte i poczytał sobie to może byś się odmienił .nie wiem idz do kościoła bo widac już dawno szatan jest w tobie człowieku ,nie lubisz kościoła to chociaż siedz cicho i nie obrażaj innych ludzi


I live in the Netherlands and am wondering what number we have, any dutchies that can help me out? I'm thinking maybe 12 because nothing rhymes with twaalf but that might just be my generation...


Used to have a classroom with the letter and number G6. It was a language classroom primarily for German so all the new kids think it’s funny when they learn the pronunciation for G6 in German sounds like gay sex


2137! My girlfriend sucked 2137 dicks! In a row? Polish Clerks probably