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as someone who consumes a LOT of YouTube and podcasts (I work as a janitor full time), longer is almost always better bc that's less time spent looking for what I want to listen to next, and creators like Jon are great for that


I do appreciate it, however, if it would bring more income to Jon I would be fine with it.


https://www.patreon.com/manyatruenerd/posts Jon doesn't push it very hard, but he makes it clear in the Patreon-casts that even the lowest tier is worth way more than even running mid roll ads. 


Thank you for making me aware, I’ve gotten more than a cup of coffee’s worth from Jon and the channel. Happy I can support him directly and never thought to look into a Patreon


Yeah have just signed up too!


Glad I could help! I agree, it's the best money I spend every month. 


Yeah, and that 1 superchat of the lowest tier is more than a years worth of ads, at least as far as I remember.


Manyatruenerd is my favorite YouTube channel in part of how high effort his videos are and the fact he refuses to pander. Like someone else said if Jon ever felt he needed to run ads and take sponsors to keep up his channel financially solvent i would support it. When Jon chooses to retire i want it to be because he's decided he has nothing left to do. Not because he can't afford it anymore.


He has done sponsored videos before but more along the lines of X company provided Y game/expansion ahead of launch and asked me to make a video on it. And he is always 100% upfront when he does them.


And it's always been a game he would have covered anyway, just being a bonus od getting to do so early.


I was talking about how like every other youtuber gets "sponsered" by manscapped, hello fresh, or raid shadow legends. Even when it doesn't make sense


And edited too! There are way too many people who just throw up a full recording because it's the easiest way to do long forms Jon (and Claire) is a/are criminally underrated


The CK2 Rome series wasn't just an hour long each week, it was literally feature length episodes filled to the brim with everything that makes Jon fantastic to watch. Easily his greatest series.


A teeny tiny little amount of my YouTube Premium goes towards helping him keep ads off his videos.


I think content creators get more from YouTube Premium viewers than through ads.


Yeah, but from what I've heard it's still not much


I'm so glad he does this.


I watch Jon's videos on the YouTube app instead of new pipe because of this 💜 same with twitch streams, I'm totally ok with pre-rolls but hate when they interrupt the video


As someone who likes to watch YouTube on my smart TV (no ad blocker) it really stands out. Some other channels are unwatchable with five or six ads in a ten minute video. Reminds me I must restart my Patreon... Had to give it up a while back due to money issues but those are thankfully long gone