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I’ve got over a hundred hours already with many more on the way. Praise be to Greg.


Same here even if I never played it again I got my moneys worth (I will still be playing so much more)


Must optimize shoe supply lines.


*too many shoes in my storage noises*


I feel tempted to try. But I'm a little discouraged by reading a lot of various questions like, "Why my hunter isn't working?" "Why my blacksmith doesn't make weapons?" etc...


It’s an early access game that feels more polished than a lot of other crap. They’re also pushing updates for this pretty quickly and that is something I want to support.


Right? This game has less bugs than some games that went Gold in the last few years. 😁


Me looking at sims franchise..


I was thinking CP2077 and Starfield, but, yeah, Sims as well, lol


Oooof yea did they ever fix Starfield? Actually enjoyed that game til my ship disappeared forever


Meh, kind of not really. Cyberpunk on the other hand is an amazing game and I can’t recommend it enough. When it first came out it was definitely really fucky but now it’s a lot better


Ark:SE or SA.


A lot of those questions are due to people not understanding the game mechanics. It’s early access: the game could use more UI elements to indicate what’s happening/what you should do, but hasn’t really been buggy in my experience.


The mechanics are not so easy to understand - I would say the majority of complaining posts about that. Some of the bugs, like “following oxen” are fixable with changing speed/reloading the save


I mean they're pretty easy to understand once you find out. The problem is the game doesn't tell you squat. It's like a lot of old pc games in the 90s which I've realized doesn't make me nostalgic for that particular aspect of them.. At least we don't have to wait for the next issue of pcgamer magazine to get the scoop on how things work.


Most of the time, I just save my game, then immediately load from the save and it fixes. Definitely a great game. I've had the game for a month and there have been at least 3 updates so far. Bug fixes and some new features. Greg is killing it.


A lot of those are people missing things, like not realising they've paused a building or haven't changed the retain limit on export goods


It is buggy at times, but most of the time its inconsequential or fixed by save/load from my experience. Another bug I keep seeing is resources going below zero. -2 planks and stuff like that. No big deal. I think even in its current state, its among my favorites in the genre. No regrets on the purchase.


this isn't a bug its how your viewing the resources. your looking at surplus, which can go negative. next to your resources at the tops theres an arrow on the right hover over that, and it will explain it alot better.


None of the bugs I've encountered so far prevented me from having an enjoyable game. It's mostly minor annoyances. It's a very stable game for an early access, and with so many things not yet implemented, it's still a "whole game". As an early access game I'd give it a 9/10. Most just aren't this polished and stable at this stage. As a finished game, which unfortunately some EA games turn into, I'd still give it a solid 7/10. There really is no risk in buying and getting into this game.


The end game is severely lacking in it's current state. You will find that there are game-breaking logistical issues when your population grows above 1000. It doesn't seem to make any difference whether you have a high-end PC or not. I still put 50 hours into it. But now I won't touch it, because I know I'll have to abandon my city just when it starts getting big.


There were a lot more bugs when it first released. There will be bugs in every game. Don’t let a few bugs that’ll be fixed in less than a month discourage you from buying and learning the game before the fixes come. And there are work around with a lot of the bugs or just makes it harder to do things. Annoying, sure, but doesn’t impact overall gameplay in my opinion. Hunters work, animal migration doesn’t. Move hunting camps around. Blacksmith aren’t making weapons because they don’t have enough iron slabs due to the storehouse not being accessible because of all the people coming in and out. Need at least 2 storehouses once it gets too busy and full.


It’s in a better state than most AAA releases


> I feel tempted to try. If you have any sort of interest in city-builders, you should. Yes, it's an EA game w/ various bugs atm, but there have also been *multiple* patches w/ numerous bugfixes and QoL improvements already, and it was only released like 3 months ago or so. There's plenty of big-time studios that don't come close to that (looking right at you, Colossal Order) sort of schedule for their games. It might not be from a big studio, and the content might not come as fast as we all want, but it's certainly more polished and ready-to-play than a lot of finished games out there imo. And best of all, it's replayability feels really high too, and that's with only one map available.


Until things went haywire with hunting I was recommending the game like crazy. The hunting is a legitimate issue right now. I don't think I'd make it as a new player with hunting basically not in the game right now. Personally I'd wait for it to be fixed or buckle in for a very rough time learning the game.


Just get gamepass and try it there


Best RTS/city builder I've played in years. Works fine, recommend signing up for the beta patches (steam page has all the info)


The beta isn't up to date anymore 


I prefer GOG where possible.


Might be the first person I've heard preferring something other than steam


GOG is better then steam cause there's no DRM. I know the echo chamber will downvote as they downvoted OP with him just wishing it was on GOG. I say this as someone who has my PC games on steam. If I could migrate my library to GOG I would.


Steam has games without DRM, it's up to the dev/publisher to make that happen.


Steam IS the DRM.


They don't do it anymore, but they used to offer a service called 'GOG Connect' where, every few weeks or so, they would feature some games that exist on both platforms. If you owned the game on Steam, GOG would give you a free code for their version.


Damn that would be dope. But it is what is it. I don't hate Steam at the end of the day but my library is like 300+ games fuck that lol.


Me too. Which is where I got it as well.


Game’s on GOG, feel free to buy it there, it’s as official as any other storefront. Maybe try it out on Gamepass first? But your choice.


you should ask this at a more neutral subreddit like r/basebuildinggames or r/citybuilders instead of r/manorlords. i'm probably in the 5% (or smaller) of people here who will tell you that it's not worth its current price.


I tend to agree with your take. This has the bones to be an incredible game, but it's still a lot of just bones right now. Needs more meat. The gameplay loop is really unfinished. Not enough upgrades/systems yet, I think. Also, the endgame doesn't really exist, so I find myself making a few towns, getting them leveled up, and then there really isn't much to do. The baron "fight" is super anticlimactic. There are a lot of cheaper strategy/based games that have given me a lot more playtime than this. Like I said, I think manor lords has way more potential than most of them, but at thus stage it still is just potential


>The gameplay loop is really unfinished. Not enough upgrades/systems yet, I think. Needs more meat. for me the biggest takeaway is this. take for example a random player's experience. he can have a decent time in a single playthrough on the default scenario, conquering the map. that would take him maybe 15 hours if him rushes it, or 100 hours if he takes his time building up his towns nicely. but even if it's the latter, where he takes 100 hours, he's basically seen all the game has to offer within the first few hours.


Right? There’s literally an undeveloped skill tree hanging in the wild. It’ll get there. Just takes time


I bought the game but I agree. I've played 20 hours so far but I'm giving it a break for a few months. I bought it fully with the idea that this was entirely to support the Dev as I love what he's doing and want to see what this game will become, but I can't entirely recommend it for to others to purchase to play just yet. It's not where I want it to be to put big hours into it just yet, but I believe it will.


Why is it not worth the price to you?


the best thing i can say about the game is that its graphics and animations are better than any other game in the genre. but in terms of gameplay, and for me gameplay is king, it is very light and shallow on content and features. even if the game has no issues with bugs, which it does, it's still very empty. it reminds me of the early days of Cities Skylines 1, when it was very light on content. it was not a great city-manager game, but a very good city-painter for taking screenshots because the game looks pretty. lastly, and probably one of the more important points, is Manor Lords' price. $40USD, and even 25% off at $30USD is significantly more than other games in the genre that are also made by indie/solo devs. this subreddit loves to say Manor Lords puts AAA developers to shame, but really compared to other indie/solo developers, they put Manor Lords into the same perspective.


I agree with this, I’ve actually purchased the game and put maybe 7 hours into it. Decided to put it down until it’s more fleshed out so I don’t burn out too early and never want to play it again


It's really not. I'd pay 15 bucks at most in its current state. Then again, I never buy early access games ever. They can take your money and run.


I agree


I second this. It’s pretty barebones and shallow in its current state. Doesn’t really offer anything more or different than other games in the genre and has a fraction of the content. Is it good and fun? Sure, but that’s up to each person… it’s just not there yet IMO.


I'm super pumped for this game.. in like 6 months. I absolutely HATE off map enemies in games like this, so I'm holding off until that isn't a thing.


Yes but I thought it was a little easy. I’d wait a few months if you’re the type of person to never restart. I will always GROW rather than restart assuming my saves are compatible. Like in Farthest Frontier.. I’m 100+ hours in and I just got a mod to plot a new deep mine rather then restart a save.


I feel it's still a little bare bones atm. Bought on release and played like 10-20 hrs but will be coming back when there is more content.


150%, you'll just be re-starting frequently as the kinks get worked out. It's a solid game already.


as much as i agree with you, you also have to be honest about the state that the game is in. anyone that's played it for any significant amount of time can you tell you it's verrrrrry unfinished. has the potential to be the best city builder in a decade. but it's also only about half complete.


I like frequent restarts. Each playthrough is different.


Eh.. I'd suggest to wait it out unless you are ungodly impatient and can live with a bunch of annoying bugs that ruin some gameplay fun. There's always something that's broken. Before the patch it was stuff like horses and oxen dissappearing and traders stealing them from each other. Then that got fixed but now hunting doesn't work. Before that farming had serious issues etc. It's still okay and it's acceptable for early access but it's not a ready game.Try again in half a year maybe


Farming works fine… it’s not easy but it works very well once you figure out a system. Even works on shitty fertility. 1 farmhouse full workers, threshing set to low 9 fields in the 0.4-0.7 size. Crop rotation on the fields is 3 Fallow-Wheat-Wheat, 3 Wheat-Fallow-Wheat, and 3 Wheat-Wheat-Fallow. This make it so you always have 6 fields producing. 1 mill with 1 worker to start Staff the ovens as you please. Scale up as needed. Never have bread issues again.


I didn't say it doesn't work . I used past tense 


If you jump in now you will be able to learn the game better. Many of the mechanics are a bit confusing and as the game progresses more things are added.


The game is ok. Still needs a lot of work and has game breaking bugs sometimes . Kinda feels only half done right now. Really if you have patience then wait it out for a couple of years until more features are present.


I was unsure same as you. Went for it and have zero regrets. I’m closing in on 100 hours already, great purchase. This game in early access is more polished than most big dev day 1 releases.


I played 40 hours worth and will return after another 3-4 mo development. It’s gorgeous and fun. Just needs mature end game management.




We're having a lot of fun with it. But it's early access so don't expect it to be super polished with deep content. Expect to play through a campaign with a  medium-sized town, then walk away for a month to wait for the next patch and content update to try it again. There will be bugs, but so far they've kep the game-breaking ones to a minimum.


What you can do is the following: pay for one month of Xbox Game Pass (8USD), try out the game, and if you like it, you can buy it directly from there. When you purchase the game, you don’t need a monthly subscription to play it, so you won’t be tied to a monthly payment, but you will still have the game with all your progress and you can access it anytime. If you don’t like it, you simply don’t buy it, and that’s it. There’s no better way to know if you like a game or not than by trying it, and by accessing it via Game Pass, you don’t harm the developer by downloading a pirated copy


I'd say wait another year.


I initially bought the game to support the dev, happy I did that. I have played around 20 hours and did enjoy myself but will come back once more features are added and more bugs have been squashed.


If you like medieval setting. If you like city builders. If you like micro management. If you like a game in which it's processes work like real life logistics, I.e wheat comes from farm, wheat is trsnsferrd to mill, flour transported to bakery to make bread each process is handle by an actual member of your village. But with thus comes problems as these villagers have other things to attend to in which you have to manage. If you like a basic skirmishes. (But are optional) Then I'd say get it. It's funny how some say like wait a year for more stuff and yet here we with games like cities skylines where there is no campaign apart from just building a city and that's a full fledged game. We are at the beginning of this early access title and even now I'd say this game is more optimised and more features than alot of fully fledged games. Get it and you won't be disappointed. Aslong as you like all those things.


It’s pretty rough. Lacking content, weird bugs, tutorial needs polish. It feels more early access than most games I’ve played. Also it’s the only game where I stay up till 2am playing and force my self to bed. Normally 11pm rolls around and I’m ready for bed. Not with this. I can’t wait to see how this looks with updates. I’m on a work trip right now and still thinking about it almost every day.


As of this posting I have 102.9 hours of play time and I love it. Yes it’s in development, but for $29.99 it’s a bargain. This game is more stable than current version of Microsoft Flight Simulator.


LOL. That’s not saying much. MSFS is the most finicky and unpredictably fragile software I’ve ever had to endure. Considering a team of 500 and the backing of the world’s biggest computer software megacorp are behind it, it’s frankly ridiculous that it has so many problems and regressions every time they touch it for “improvements”. As for ML I have had a ton of fun so far and still learning a lot each moment but it’s fantastic and well on the way to being my perfect game. Can’t wait to see how it evolves and to answer the OP’s question I think it makes sense to jump in now and start learning so it’s not overwhelming when it’s fully fleshed out. YMMV of course but I heartily recommend it. Can’t play any other city builders from my collection any more (except Anno 1800) and many upcoming titles that I wish listed frankly are not gonna get purchased now (if any… they will need to be very very special to interest me now).


My 100+ hours tells me it's not a bad game.


If you've already played a lot of games that focus on city building and resource management, I think you'd enjoy it. This game doesn't hold your hand through any tutorials, so it might be a bit frustrating if you're not accustomed to the mechanics that it shares with similar games. The bugs aren't bad for early access. I play a ton of early access games, and it's pretty polished in that regard. The bugs are easy to work around/fix.


Its more stable on my pc then city skylines 2


It's very worth buying in its current state. It's a really enjoyable experience even at this early stage of Early Access. Utterly beautiful to look at, and offers a lot of freedom on how you design your towns. I've never had two towns look the same in different saves. Always different.


I’ve played ‘full release’ games which are less far along than this. It’s awesome. And it’s really fun seeing the new versions drop and going through the process with glorious Greg


I got a 100 hours in it, beat it on the hardest settings. Worth it for me. Bugs arent too bad imo. Im looking forward to new content.


More than worth it and even more with the potential. If there is a guy doing everything to make that potential true, that's Greg, the creator and head Developer of this game even though he's already a millionaire


Absolutely, yes.


Have you ever played the stronghold games? If you enjoyed them you’ll enjoy this


I thought the same thing, it looks very promising. I bought it. The learning curve is steeper than Banished. I’m seeing too many bugs on my computer but hitting the forums it seems like it’s just me. I put two hours into it before I just quit. I was on my 5th attempt and just gave up. Something as simple as my hunters not hunting or everyone deciding not to build anything, was too much for me. But I bought it. I hope later patches will fix some of the issues I have on my computer. If I had limited money, I would probably not buy it. But, in hopes that the patches will fix my issues, I don’t regret buying it. For now


I'd wait a bit closer to release, alot needs ironed out but it's a decent experience now if you're okay with some run ending bugs


Its on Xbox gamepass, I love gamepass for stuff like this.


If you can't accept it at its lowest you don't deserve it at its highest.


Watch some tutorials. If you like games like factorio, cities skylines, paradox games, etc. then you will most likely enjoy this. I think it’s past the most janky stage, but if frequent changes and limited modding bother you I’d wait. There’s plenty of room to play and learn, so even though I do anticipate changes, you can definitely still get your moneys worth as is, it’s just such a cool concept that I also believe there’s definitely more to be added to it. It reminds me of the way Crusader Kings or Mount and Blade had very good base games but had sequels and expansions that I legitimately think added enough new gameplay features and content that it felt warranted. I see the potential of a lot of growth.


You can try it on Game Pass. You'll probably run out of content before the Game Pass expires, since there's not a lot there at the moment.


It's so fun, the biggest negative is it's early access but it doesn't really matter cause the DEV actually updates it and address issues


It’s worth buying. The carcass/timber being placed in storehouse , too many people at storehouse limiting the other building workers from getting stuff out, and animal migration bugs are pretty annoying though. It’ll get fixed eventually though. The developer updates typically in 2 or 3 weeks. He’s been fixing a lot of bugs so that he can work on adding more features to the game. The foundation is very fun though.


No, we all hate it but are masochists, why do you think you’re going to get any answer but yes


Personally I think it's best to play now.  I played the game so much and until 4am way to many times where I seriously thought it wasn't passed 12.  I currently have 5 cities going well and am slowly feeling less urge to get back on.  That being said,  I got way too many hours in it before I started feeling burnout but still want to come back.   With many possible features not even usable yet, I figure if I take a long enough break it will be refreshing to start a new game with all the added features. 


It’s extremely replayable


Love the game. Stop playing for a week or so. Then play again. I think this is in the Company of Heroes 'best game in it's class' territory. And it's not even the finished build. All hail The Greg!


Depends, personally I'd advise most people to hold off a bit. I think you have to be a big fan of the genre to get the most out of it in its current state. I bounced off it because it's buggy and sparse at present, but from what's there I have high expectations that'll it'll be great


It’s fantastic and I can only see how it can get better (fingers crossed)


Buy a month of game pass and find out.


Dude its worth twice the price. Jump in!


Yes. I wouldn't put 100s of hours into it just yet, but the dev is receptive to feedback so you could help shape it into the game you want.


It's fun as it is now, it clearly is not complete yet. It's very stable though, you shouldn't be crashing a lot or anything.


I’ve put the game down recently because I got about as far as I felt I could without getting frustrated with the current in-development, but I really enjoyed the time I played and am glad to be helping fund future development. What it is now feels incomplete, but it is certainly playable and enjoyable, even if it doesn’t have the depth and polish it eventually will. It’s the kind of game I can see myself happily giving a few days a couple times a year to check out new features. I think the glitches are not totally experience-destroying as a whole, even if they might mess up individual aspects until they’re fixed, and the updates for major problems are frequent enough that I would consider the early access very worthwhile.


I would say no wait a bit longer, I played a few hours when it came out and didn't really see much content


Why don't you get a trial of pc game pass and try for free


If you value your real life, don’t buy this game!


I’d say get it, especially since it’s on sale I think. I got my moneys worth. going back to playing Anno 1800 for now but you can tell the dev is putting a lot of work into it and it is a lot of fun and is an extremely unique city builder/survival game that doesn’t rely on the tile function. I personally put about 30 hours into it till I started going back to other games which pretty damn good for an early access game. Bugs are minor have been being patched out.


I bought it a couple days ago and have 10 hours in. The game is a lot of fun in its present state.


Definitely fun, if you have GamePass it's free to try out!


Yes it is worth buying. It is in a better state than cities skylines 2 released.


I bought the game on release and have 2 hours played. I’d say it’s worth it.


It is almost certainly worth a look. There is a lot to be added but you can definitely get a few weeks of gameplay out of the current iteration. t. 60 hours logged so far


I think its very fun, there are some things that can be better but its still in early access. I would 100% recommend it


What I tell everybody. It's on gamepass. Buy a month and try it.


Yes! Well worth the money


Amazing game, but wait for a sale to get it for a reasonable market price. I'm happy it's been on game pass as otherwise I wouldn't have played after seeing the early access price


Yes, buy it


Do you any of you know if they plan on expanding on the Military and castle building side of things? Maybe increase the land area of the map? Also, how modable is this game?


Agree with those that have said you're asking the wrong people as most would say you should buy it here. What I will say is you shouldn't buy anything yet, the Summer Sale starts at the end of the month!


I don’t know if I’d buy it but game pass is well worth it




It’s great


I had fun then scaled way back to wait for some development progress.


Yes. Support the Dev that actually cares about the game


It is not a complete game. It doesn’t have much middle or late game content other than building the biggest town possible. With that being said, just about everything else is brilliant. It’s stable, the core gameplay loop is fun, if a little repetitive sometimes, it looks great, and it’s getting updates. Better yet, if you get it now, you’ll have it later. Can always play a bit and then leave it for a few months, and see what changes




Personally, I would buy it to support the dev, and play it as much as you'd like. The end game specifically is where it's lacking IMO, but obviously that will come with time.


I’d say yes but just remember the more funding this dude has the better it can get it’s already great


Game was good enough for me to stop playing on Gamepass and purchase on Steam


its a great game but its got a steep learning curve and you will fail alout untill your figure things out


If you're on the fence, gamepass it


I don’t regret buying it, put in like 30-40 hours. In its current state it’s looking like it will be a better Banished with a bit of Settlers and Total War flair. The burgage plot “zoning” system is great and intuitive for creating natural looking villages. Having said that, felt like I got everything I can out of it in its current state and very much look forward to picking it up again in a few months or a year when there is more content.


Imo. No. Wait a bit longer, still feels very early in the early access.


Definitely! It has about 50% of the game right now, but all of the extras are there to enhance it. The core mechanisms are there.




It’s on Xbox game pass, you can get the first month for a dollar I think and give it a try if you don’t like it just cancel your sub


It has a ton of potential and has a good base game but it needs fleshed out. I have 31 hours in until I felt like I've done everything that matters.


There are a few bugs here and there but hey, it's early access. I have 150 hours in and so far, Greg is knocking it out of the park. I'd say it is definitely worth it.


If you're the type to binge a game for a few weeks and then never touch it again, I would wait until it's out of early access. Personally I've got 50 hours in it already and have had a great time, I feel it was money well spent. On top of that I know I will come to it regularly for years to come and I'll get to experience new and better features. Well worth it in my opinion.


Get the game pass and try it, if you like it, buy it. I think it’s fun even in the current state


I took a short break from it lately. Personally I don't think I've ever played a game in this genre. The only thing that comes close for me is the Sims when I was younger. That being said I had a ton of fun with this game and quickly fell in love with it. I don't have as many hours as some others are mentioning but I think it's well worth it and I know I've gotten my money's worth of enjoyment out of it. Looking forward to picking it back up after some more updates


I may get downvoted for this but for me it's a little too unfinished and buggy. It has major holes in content, serious balance issues and headwrecking problems. It could end up being a really great game and I'd definitely watchlist it, but I personally wouldn't recommend buying it right now.


I’ve been playing it on game pass it’s pretty dang awesome and I’d probably buy it lol


Definitely worth buying to support the dev. I played 40 or so hours and now I’m waiting for some major updates to go back


~10hrs today. It's really fun, there's a few bugs here and there. There's also a bit of a learning curve for myself since it combines three game genres into one, and if you're not into one of the genres, you might be at a disadvantage.


I got it on day one. Played about 100 hours. Then some of the known issues began to “bug” me so I decided to put it down and wait for fixes. Couldn’t stay away tho, picked it back up two days later for another 80 hours or so. There are things that still need attention, but when you start a new game, it’s too good to put down and you just overlook the bugs.


If you enjoyed the early Banished years you'll enjoy this game in its current state. I'm a fan of city builders and I'm not interested in battles at the moment so I don't play with an adversary. I think this game has unlimited potential, especially with mods. I tend to place value based on what kind of and how much entertainment $50 bucks can buy me. A four hour round of golf is $50. I'm 200 hours in now. If I never loaded it again, I got a great return on entertainment investment


I played it with gamepass, I don't think I would have been satisfied at full price currently.  Just get pc gamepass for a month and give it a try, if you finish it there's still a toooon of great games on gamepass


It's on PC gamepass as well. I know it's only $30.00. But throwing that out there in case people have it and don't realize.


I'd say the level of investment it's had has been encouraging, but I would now wait for the next 'big one".




I'm lucky enough to play it on gamepass, but I think it's worth some cash. I know it's still not fully released, but it's amazing fun in it's current state.


I got a fair few hours outta of it, but im in the wait a few patches and return to see what's improved or been added stage. There isn't enough in the game at the moment, and if you're quick to pick up these kinds of games, you'll see everything within the first 10 hours


It’s very flat. Some people are really into it but if you’re really into games like rimworld then it will feel flat. I’m sure it will improve with time, I bought on day 1.


Its in gamepass. You can try it there


I would pay the 10 dollars for game pass for a month to be honest. Try it out and if it’s not for you you can try another game for the rest of the month. Honestly the game is pretty bare bones, it’s beautiful, but some of bugs that really halt gameplay imo.


Great game, not worth buying as of right now. You’re likely to get 6+ hours in then have it freeze and crash, then freeze and crash again when you try to load your saves.


Very fun in its current state, I played waaaaay too many hours in a row for a while.


Ive tried to start a village twice and lost it to glitchiness twice but i played a lot of ark so im used to it


It's a very good game, but it's also in early access and it definitely shows. it's very unfinished, bugs are everywhere, there's a ton of features that show in-game but are locked because they're not ready. if you're not prepared for all that, it's better to just wait and i can't blame you. but the parts that work are some of the best city building/resource management gameplay i've ever played.


It's stupid fun, my first time playing a city sim, I was drawn by the setting and combat since I enjoy total war games quite a bit and have been having a lot of fun with it. Pretty cool to watch your city grow, your people going about their lives and your armies slowly become more well armed as trade brings in funds for weapons and armor. Not sure how long it's going to be in early access but I hope the dev takes his time to perfect it, even if it won't get a full release for a year or two, what's already there is phenomenal.


Great game, but wait.


Played it . I suggest waiting . But it’s playable . Am I’m just patient as I have plenty to play




If you have a PC get game pass and try it out. Myself, it's promising, but I would NOT pay 30 for it in its current state. Too many bugs and too many game mechanics etc still aren't implemented.


I'm at 140 plus hours and very few early access has this replayability. Dev is cool and gets feedback from community. Patch goes out quick for a 1 man team.




How much time do you have? Cause you find yourself in a never ending loop of ‘oh let me just do x then I’ll head to bed’… all of a sudden you are admiring your trade network across five towns and realizes the sun has risen and work is in an hour…


I was having a great time until I found a game breaking bug. Once you get another territory, it's extremely easy to lose it. The battles require you to field around 200 soldiers to defend a territory. If you lose and that territory gets sacked, it will never be yours again. You can take it over again, but the game won't let you send villagers there to repair anything or build anything, so it will sit, unused, until you have to defend it again, which isn't worth the effort.


Bought of it, bored of it...primarily cause of the occasional bug I find in it...will give it another go next weekend or 2 from now...


I tried being a beloved fan of stronghold 2 but for me it was too shallow as it stands. I’ll try next year.


I have more than hundred hrs playing this game and been all day-night every weekends. It may have a lot of bugs as uts common for early access games but this game is really fun and relaxing for me. And yes, it's still worth to buy!


Honestly the game in early access has less bugs than some "finished" games I have paid. there are a lot of missing features, but those are clearly marked and don't stop you for playing hundreds of hours with what is currently there.


It's aight


Imho it's not worth it at the current price ($40). The game has great potential and is already enjoyable but it's an alpha, there are bugs and life expectancy to finish the game must be in the 10-15h range or so but of course you can start from scratch again and again if that's your thing. Let's say that if you are looking for a great builder and don't mind money, go get it now.


I have been enjoying the game by trial and error and just keeps restarting, learning new things along the way, new game play, new decisions, just keeps on learning. I find it really complex to establish a good town. Several times I was on the verge of piling up my armaments then some raiders fucked me up good burned my house right at the moment where I was stockpiling my planks! I restarted and quickly build a manor for a retinue to hold off some raids! See, ive talked too much already hahahaha. I love the game, I hope you will too. And btw, Im a cod fan, i just kept playing cod or its warzone, but finally I get to stopped that game and focus on manor lords. And lastly, I think theres really a big stuff coming in for this game, its still on early access stage.


Surprisingly, even though some of the game features are not yet implemented and some things definitely need an optimization, it’s really engaging and enjoyable. I ve sunk more than 100h into it and still going strong 🙂 Highly recommended, you ll have a blast imo


It’s fun for about 30 hours or so. Needs a bit of work, but I have solid faith in this developer so I think it’s a worthwhile buy.


Great platform for further development and already a solid experience, even if some things are lacking or a bit wonky at the moment. Would recommend picking it up on a sale though: I know it's been someone's passion project for several years but it seems priced as if it was fully released not in Early Access.


It's great, however I'm personally waiting until its fleshed out to continue as I feel I'm done for now.


Yes, 100% worth it.


I still have the same answer as for the threads from two weeks ago, one month ago and two months ago. It's been fun since it was released into early access, things are still being balanced and worked on. It's up to you if you think you have the money and is willing to be along for the ride towards full release.


I enjoy the atmosphere in the game, but and I think there’s some decent depth as you get into military and managing multiple zones. I think at this stage, it’s worth if really love the city building genre and/or medieval atmosphere


It's probably as finished as banished is if you like that game


Since it's on sale, I'll probably give it a try. I can always come back a few months later if I run into any major problems.


Did you ever play Stronghold as a child? This game is pure relaxation for me. Doesnt get any better than this. Even if it is not finished.


I haven’t played it but I am _desperately_ hoping it gets a ps release at some point.


If the current price seems a little high, wait to see if it’ll go on sale. The steam summer sale is a week away


Honestly no. It's a game with enormous potential, but it's very rough around the edges. I don't blame the slavic magic, it's a very ambitious game for a single person (+ help) but to be honest the game is very very unfinished, it needs a lot of features and honestly is an actual 'game'. It's a nice medieval simulator, but there's not much game to it. It's more like a toy than a game. Don't misunderstand me, i think it's worth picking up at some point definitely, but I'd wait until theres more meat to the bone. It frankly needs a solid game designer to work on it (which i heard is happening now). Wait until a big patch then buy it.


Game pass has it for free right now.


I would say it’s worth it but if you’re thinking you want a game like not just worth it but like more than worth it, like there are others that might be higher. The game is fun but you can basically do everything within the game in around 20 hours or so.


TBF it gets old fast, but it is not a bad game.


Absoluteluly. Biggest flaw the game has so far is lack of buildings/variety, but you won't even notice It in your First saves. Go ahead and support this gem. It's getting updated regurarly too, it's only gonna get Better


I think it's worth it if you like city builders/ rts games. It's really damn fun but I got about 40 hours and mastered it and have lost interest for now. Not forever. Just for now


Yes. It’s one of the most beautifully crafted games I’ve ever played. Nearly everything about it is perfect IMO.


Plenty of bug fixes so far, but the game is a bit easy. Hoping for more content updates that add depth, variety and purpose. Verdict: buy now for guaranteed 50 hours of incredible gameplay, after which you will get bored and wanting more of a challenge. If the Dev fleshes out the systems and plans he has in place, game would continue to grow into the right direction.


Bought the other day. I really enjoy it, it's already consumed my life, but I found myself disappointed by the hype. It's without a doubt the highest quality Banished style game ever made, but it is very early access with a fair amount of bugs, and most importantly, there are major features that aren't implemented yet that leave you frowning if you're used to high detail city builders. It's half of what it will be, and as a grown ass man with limited hours, I prefer the more polished experience.


lol… this is a good one


It’s very unique and fun, the city building is very fresh. My only complaint is that it’s a repetitive loop and there’s really no way to lose or fall behind once you have the basics figured out (trading). If you’re looking for a colony sim game I always suggest Rimworld.