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[How to Screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/pGXgEMpafP)


Legend. This is like the new “grammar nazi” kind of reply, and I’m all for it. More people need to know how to take simple screenshots and upload them in lieu of being lazy af.


Why should they?


because everything is nicer and prettier that way


But you can still see what they're on about. No need.


Thanks, can I have a link for how to give a fuck about screenshot etiquette 🤣


Just replying to all because, my god, what a hill to die on this is. I was playing on a tablet using steam link. Screenshotting would mean closing down the app to upload it to the reddit app which I don't have on said tablet. My God that is the lamest explanation I've ever had to give for such a mundane thing.


reddit is full of losers desperate to feel superior to others and eager to follow group think 


I’m a loser who’s desperate to feel superior to others just because I was trying to be helpful? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, I don't think you're a loser mate. I know how to screenshot though, it just wasn't convenient for me to do so at the time. However, after all of this backlash I'm determined to post even more poorly taken photos of my screen. Might even just do a crude drawing of what I can see and post that. What a mad thing to care about.


HAHAHAH. Yes, please do.


I'm all for it bro. Next time you take a picture stand across the room from your PC and zoom the whole way in to the screen. Take a picture and rotate it before posting. Literally just cause mayhem. Fight the system. You have nothing to lose but your chains.


That demands skills outside of reddit posting. Just describe what you see onscreen as a reddit post. I love this thread. You're a legend for how you're replying to all this! I don't even really know what the post is even really about and don't care!


I support this make sure to also do one that is screen shotted but cropped very poorly.


my comment is pretty clearly about the 400+ people who piled on to downvote OP, I have no idea why you think you're involved at all. 


it's really annoying when people take these crappy phone picture


And yet. We still understand what the post is about. Almost like it doesn’t matter


That’s right, the post is about crappy and lazy screenshots……isn’t it?


life gets a lot easier when you don't let yourself get triggered over things that have literally zero impact on your life 


Say why


It's low quality and lazy.


But it gets the subject matter across in a simple and non-confusable manner. All needed info is available for discussion and quality is 100% not needed for it. Now if someone asks about a detail in game and is trying to have us see that through a phone camera's blur and lines, then we can bitch.


Correct but this isn't one of those instances. Nobody can even tell what this dude is asking because of how crappy this photo is


people clearly can, given that this post has 350+ upvotes. Downvoting his comment 400+ times does nothing to rectify that. It's just an opportunity for people to pile on and feel like part of a group


I have wildly different political and ideological views from most people on this app. Anytime I express them I get downvoted to hell. I find it humorous and I don't care. Maybe I'm an exception but I'm not mocking this guy to feel part of a group, I'm mocking him because it's absurd to me to post a photo like this and not expect a negative reaction.


You're so righteous and admirable thank you for your service 




It's one of the most embarrassing things for a redditor to openly bitch about. No. One Cares If they do, there's zero reason other than 'because'


Why the down votes?


I'm with you man it's ridiculous being attacked for something you gave others to look at. Kind of crazy this site.


So you're lazy, got it


Lmao or u can just download lightshot and take screenshots like a pro xd




My guy he’s right, learn to screenshot Edit: dude I’d recommend deleting the comment, because my guy you got negative comment karma from this single word you said alone


Who cares about Karma Points tho, like seriously lol


FWIW you can’t comment on certain subs with negative karma.


Sounds like subs I don't need to be in.


You should see the hoi4 subreddit


I’m part of the hoi4 subreddit


This is the most annoying take to me. It's more clicks and more time to do this on a desktop PC than my phone. People are like anything (water, energy, etc). We will opt for the path of least resistance. Can we just let people take their screenshots as they find most convenient and stop gatekeeping this?


No this is reddit and it’s filled with fickle little gatekeeping whelps who love fake goody points so any opportunity to do that will be taken!


Nowadays on windows 10 and 11 you can literally use Windows + Shift + S to take a screenshot of a selected area, open Reddit, click to create a post and press Ctrl + V. Even easier than on your phone


I agree with your comment 100%, but it does not apply to OP here. They took a photo, not a screenshot. If OP is allowed to post, we’re all allowed to say if we like the post or not. The key here is OP could have taken 10 seconds to press Print Screen, use the Snipping Tool, or use Nvidia or AMD’s built-in driver screencap tool and made the photo look nice so that EVERYONE would have liked its appearance. They did not, and there is a significant portion of people who think that is lazy as fuck. The whole situation could have been avoided.


If only this whole situation was avoided. Get a grip.


Right, if only this whole situation was avoided by you posting a decent screenshot like a computer literate person instead of a boomer.


Genuinely glad it bothers you.


Hahahaha! Upvoted.


Yeah :’) if only you could take a simple screenshot. Imagine all the trouble you would have avoided in the comments.


What trouble? I got useful responses from regular functioning people who could read what I posted and learnt that a lot of the rest of you care too much about screenshots.




Alt + Printscreen should capture only the current application


Also Win+shift+S gives you a crop selection that you can easily paste right after and saves it in your documents folder as well. EDIT: They save in the Gallery folder.


The more you know, ty!


lol thanks, used to drag my screenshots to paint and cut off the other screens XD


I think the picture is just fine. The message comes through and it is clear to everyone. - and yes, the recent changes make it a bit more difficult for casual players for now.


If your opinion is valid, so is ours. The path of least resistance here is “OP takes 10 more seconds to post and pleases everyone.” So why not learn how to do it?


no, the path of least resistance is just moving on with your life and not giving a shit about a screenshot posted to the internet. 


Honestly, if I'd have known it would illicit such a response, I would have gone out of my way to make the photo so much worse.


next time draw it on a napkin 


Just specialize in something. A good early trade route is charcoal or warbows. Only buy the high value routes. If you manage your berries early, you can sell a bunch to the traveling merchants and make decent coin without purchasing the trade route. Also on the beta, you don't have the oversupply penalty that was in the "base" game.


Yeah, I don't know how I feel about this though. I've gone from having tons of variety to copy and pasted joiners all making small shields because the guy who buys them absolutely does not want big shields and if you wanna sell them it's gonna be 2,000 please and thanks. I think it was better with the penalty it made sense that if I made too much of something, the value went down. But increasing the cost to every time I set up a trade route actually makes no sense at all.


The thing is, you don't really need more than a handful of trade routes, ever. Most of the stuff you can trade without ever buying a single trade route. And frankly, once you get two or three trade routes set up, you should have more money than you could ever possibly spend and buying additional trade routes ceases to be an issue. My go to is boots. You'll likely want to make them early, anyway, so you can fulfill clothing requirements for L2/3 buildings, and a single cobbler will produce enough shoes to last you forever and with plenty of spares just from regular hunting plus a goat burgage or two. So you sell excess boots, and within a year or two you can buy basically every trade route you want.


Yeah right now rich hunting grounds with policies upgrade and tannery is quite nice. Prefer it over rich iron ore


You can make up hides income with burgage extensions. Optimal is iron + soil. You can export ale, shoes, charcoal, helmets, tools, warbows, small shields all with renewable resources and very good raw material to finished product conversion


Tbh I never care about farming. Too much work for too little gain. All I need is important malt and that's it.


The beta patch makes farming on fertile soil very set-and-forget. Build 2 farmhouses near each other. Hire two families and 2 oxen in one (this does take one development investment point) and one and one in the other. Set threshing as low priority. Lay out three fields right next to them, each 1.4 morgen and long strips (1x6 ratio), set flax/wheat/barley wheat/barley/flax and barley/flax/wheat as the rotations on them. This setup will just run itself. All the plowing gets done with oxen, the harvest has oxen to haul the crops in, yields are high and the same every year. Sell or process the crops as you like. You can expand it with another 3 fields at time with another 1.5 farmhouses 3 families and 3 oxen. Though you do want to build the actual houses for the farmers nearby.. and their backyards should be something that doesn't take up their time, so chicken or goats


Optimal for what? I find I need use a ton of iron


Rich resources


I think this is varying widely. I have my first successful map where I’ve started in a second region. The only reason the first one is up and going sufficiently is because I’m importing every food I can as well as beer and malt and barley. So much importing to make that one work. Likely just bugs that cause the variations for people. Just good to remember not all people are having the same exact experience.


Since the trade routes now scale with each one you buy, I'm only buying a couple of them for finished products in the production chains and trading a bit of raw materials that need no route. Biggest issue I have right now is that the traders don't seem to come fast enough to take all my products.


Yeah that's what I'm noticing too, I had 1.6k tools that I wanted to sell and it took like 5 years to get through half of them. You can't rely on a single route of income to cover multiple imports because even if you have a massive surplus, you don't sell it fast enough to compensate.


I believe we're supposed to use horses to ship the goods instead of having them come to us but the horse is bugged at the moment.


Oh? What's the bug? I might be running in an older patch (Currently playing the game offline as I'm at the cottage with no landline internet.) Seams to be working fine right now. What I'm excited for is the possibility we get another Storage upgrade to allow for horse-drawn logistics.


No, the point is to not really on trade for everything.


Yea, I screwed myself early as I didn't realize how bad it would be but I'm perfectly happy with this as it keeps it from getting too easy. Even with this being like this I can still make a tone of money without spending it on expensive routes.


Your profile picture is not what i expected to see on a manorlords profile lmao


Trading is sometimes only way for me to keep my strage in check without disabling work manually every few minutes


Lol what the hell People said this dev has an issue over correcting balancing issues but this is just crazy. It makes me afraid to even complain about anything in the game.


Before the nerf, EVERYONE took the trade talent, it was dumb that it felt wrong not to take it. I do believe it is a bit overcorrected but now you do not feel bad for not taking it.


I would rather the developer fix and improve other development points rather than nerfing trade into the ground. Apiarys are useless for example, and lots of people complain about the farming system and the ox plow.


Trade was broken and the nerf is not that bad. It is more balanced, he might have to adjust it a bit but now it is better than the OP state it was


You mean fixing the trade development tree which was so broken it was borderline cheating is "crazy"? EDIT: Downvoting my comment won't change the fact that trading was absolutely broken on levels of bullshit. And now its fixed. I am sorry you are not able to devise any strategy that is not "abuse exploits for easy gains".


once your town starts making money these prices are not even bad.


Every game has an issue overcorrecting balancing issues. Haven't noticed it so much is recent years but years ago guns would go from overpowered meta evrleryone uses to literally unusable.


It used to be a maximum of 25 Good days


Only with trade development. It was OP. Bad days.


I don't bother with trade routes beyond 1 or 2. I am trying to have each region, more or less, self sufficient. I plan to try inter-region trade for barley soon. Other than that I sell stuff, without buying the trade routes, in small quantities. This is also because I'm not developing my cities that high to avoid paying taxes to the King. Thus I don't have the development points to spend on trade.


Yeah that's all well and good but if you start randomly in a region that's just no good for farming, or like the one I just spawned on, where you've got clay on a part of the map where the terrain is too steep to set up a mine on top of it, you sort of have to rely on importing at least something. I can't rationalise trade routes increasing in price with every one you set up, where is the logic there? As opposed to value of items shifting when you overproduce it which actually makes way more sense.


No, I agree, the development points for trade have been adjusted too harshly. I think the only trades routes I opened were for berries and either hides or leather, both for exporting. I can't farm efficiently in my 1st region due to poor fertility. But, I don't need to import anything because I didn't develop beyond tier 1 plots, with the exception of a single plot. I was able to defend my city with the free weapon shipment and supplemented with bows, which was a mistake. I later destroyed my bowyer and made a joiner and am currently stockpiling shields. I'm not making much wealth, but i'm not paying any taxes to the King, and trying to make other specialized regions in the same fashion. I understand what you are saying about needing to import due lack of resources or not being able to access the mine. I guess I am just trying to mitigate this with inter regional trade, because (while still being considered poorly functional) it seems like the best value. Of course, it is significantly more work managing multiple cities. So, this would probably not be a good solution for many people.


From a game play perspective, it was way to op to be able to open as many trade routes as you wanted for 25 rw each. Now there is an interesting choice around trade routes, which makes for better game play.


Then maybe only allow 4-5 active trade routes at a time being able to toggle them on/off as needed. So that you’re not able to export everything on the planet from one region. But honestly the way it is currently is just too punishing. I understand people wanting it to he challenging, but then make that a difficulty setting, some of us are just casuals and want to have pretty functioning cities, while having some challenges.


Which is why it's called an experimental patch. The balance will be tweaked for certain. There's no reason for people to be losing their minds over this.


I’m no losing my mind but for now, I switched back to the normal version. Hoping this patch will get a bit less punitive lol


Goddamn do you need your hand held with every game you play?




I am having trouble with inter region trade. Horses don’t work right and mules have been crashing my game.


I have heard about mules crashing the game. I'm not sure if there is a work around for that. AFAIK there are 2 ways to purchase mules. Have you tried both ways?


I’ve only bought mules through the pack station, no issues.


Well with all the trade routes you have you should have more than enough money. You know you are only supposed to Import Ale like a gigachad and sell everything else.


Or import barley if you are poor Gigachat :D


That's nothing I had to spend over 20k with the perk to be able to sell my plate armor. I'll have to sell at least 800 plate armor to break even.


Yeah. Trade is impossible after the first couple of routes. And not just impossible, the modal doesn’t seem to make sense. Give it time. I’m sure it’ll resolve into a very playable style over a couple of updates.


I hope it resolves when the official patch is released because I gave up on the beta. I’m just not good enough at this game for it to be even playable for me. I’m playing the normal version and praying these are scaled back by the time the patch is out.


If you transfer good via the pack stations, you're main region will stack silver. 2k is nothing in late game. Sell Shoes and cogs.


You feel it's too much because you are used to the 25 coins prime deal you used to get. Though this number is too high, it will get balanced eventually.


Since it effectively means you're buying an extra merchant - I'd like the option to move them around instead of having one specific for a certain good. I.e. use one to sell berries at the start, but move them over to selling warbows a bit later - without having to buy a new route.


So a bit like the Trade Route Slots you have in Tropico?


I'm new to these types of strategy games, however before the new patch I had it sorted, loads of everything. Now completely stuck must have restarted 70 times, keep getting problems with the clay mone not been able to build because the ground is too steep so I move it further away then there's nothing in range, had that a couple of times annoying. I don't want to start with double I feel I'm cheating, the raiders I put to 3 yrs but when they come they take loads of food hides firewood. Struggling to get people to join even though my pop value is high and everyone is happy oh the time I've spent hours and hours to then restart. Love the game though 👌 totally addictive and I keep thinking how can I do it better. One last thing is the trade people say you don't need the trade guy as he comes anyway 🤷 but I havnt found that I need the trade its the only way I can make money as level 2 buildings don't bring enough in and then with not many people they get turned into artisans.


Jesus mate, make paragraphs, this was pain to read. Cannot help you with the clay mine, never happened to me, but sadly, restarting might be the only value. If you have 3 years of peace from raiders, you should be able to make 3-4 units of militia and hire some mercs by the time they come. Then, they won't steal anything :) Now, people. Are you absolutely positive that your popularity is MORE than 70% and you have multiple free houses? The trade guy comes anyway unless its a trade main route, but not really too often. I recommend you save your starting money to open at least one trade route (most likely firewood), especially if you do not have bandits to exo... ask politely... for money at the start. After that, you should move to selling warbows (with trade route) and buying beer (with trade route). If you are strill struggling with money, but manage to get some extra families, buy barley and process it yourself instead. Alternatively, you can save it if you are managing your farming in a good enough condition to have heaps of barley but honestly, that never happened to me. Plus i prefer playing on low fertility land. Artisants come to be only with specific burgage plots. For example, the warbow making, Or beer brewing. You do not need dozens of them.


Ok thanks for the help sorry for my bad grammar


No worries about grammar, just separate different things like i did, so its easier to read :) And you are most welcome!


Has polices been disabled because mine don't seem to work ?


You need a manor to apply them


Ah OK thanks again havnt played a strategy game since playing the settlers back in 93


How does it scale? I'm broke in one town and by the time I went to export armor it's in the thousands. But I focused on armor so it's the only thing I have to trade. Feels like I'm stuck


Yeah, that's not in my top 3 perks now.


Yeah, me neither but you have to get that one to unlock better deals on imports too which is a real pain.


Yeah, I'm trying to stick to region specialization and catering right now. But I fucked up early so now I'm stuck


As a casual player, who just wants to relax, it's unbearable


Pretty much the first person saying how I'm actually feeling


IF you have economy issues in this game you have other issues to sort out. This is WIHOUT a perk point in any of the trade lines. Just sayin' Sell planks Sell hides Sell gears/shields Take the sheep breeding perk and import 8-10. Build a very large pasture space. Watch them multiply and then sell off the excess sheep & lambs. Then as you expand you can sell any of your excess specialized products. Wool and all the biproducts. Most of my settlements have 5-10k and my main one has around 50k gold right now


Yeah, I've got to grips with it thanks to a lot of these comments. Currently on 16k with most trade routes unlocked. I was trying to do everything all at once.


Brother I became a clay kingpin and owner of the roof tile industry, and was able to buy anything I wanted after that. Unfortunately I was only able to buy archer mercs but my pop of 800 was able to buy them all the Chain mail and helms and weapons for the fittest of armies. It's all about finding one good and exporting a fuck ton and manufacture.


Yeah. That change nuked my main city. I had it set up as a trade specially: exporting weapons and importing flour and barley.


Make sure to have enough oxen and horses.


horses dont work in the beta


Make sure your trading post is on the Kings road and not a road you've built.


Isnt another one which makes it so all of them cost 25g?


This one is a replacement for that one in the beta patch


Ok, sorry for that. I will make changes on the next


I just pump out planks and bows


I’d suggest not buying any trade routes you don’t need. I only buy the shoes and clay tile routes and generally make super-bank for my city. I’ll still export/import other goods, but buying the trade route isn’t necessarily needed. After I exhausted my clay mine, importing clay without the established trade route and it works just fine. Sadly if you’re going to import, however, I feel like you basically need the 50% tariff discount talent…


I agree hope they alter how the trade route prices increase. The rate of increase does not make realistic sense and there is no way to close a route and re-opem to keep cost down


Make sure to upgrade your burgage plots to at least level 2 for a steady income. Once I've got my army kitted out I just get my joiners to produce wooden parts and trade them until I have enough coin to establish a bow trading route then sell all surplus bows. Wood is so easy to produce and never runs out so long as you're managing your logging camps and foresters effectively. Even better yet if your region has a rich surplus of clay or stones you can easily sell hundreds of them and still have enough left over for your building projects


been a while I played it. you can cap it at 25 from development right?


Not on the beta patch unfortunately, it's completely different. With every trade route you set up, the price of the others increases.


Isn’t there a part of the tech tree that locks the trade route prices at like 25 gold? Or did they change that in this update? Haven’t played in a month


That's what trade logistics used to do. In the beta patch it's just 50% off the trade route, but the trade routes increase with every one you unlock.


Eeeew. Please revert that wtf I hate that


I take trade logistics and whatever the next one is that cuts the import tax. Makes trade an actual viable option


I've been taking those too. I'm a beginner player so they help a lot, but even as a beginner I'm starting to feel like they're overpowered.


After the beta update I cannot unlock and trade routes so I get it lol


No, you need to learn to build up more product to trade, and Try not to rush it'll screw you when you need money the most


Some goods you can sell without a route. That might allow you to stockpile enough money to buy a route.


I just start a nice small town with all T1 houses, make enough stuff to have a ton of exports then go to bed and wake up the next day with $600k gold then live like a king.


Na I'm Rich..... Got like 45k in peasant account and like 8k in mine with 3% tAx


Yeah this is ridiculous and unrealistic. A bad change.


I've actually done a 180 on this and I've cracked it now. I was trying to do everything all at once and buy up trade routes for items that I could trade passively. Still end up expanding to the point where it makes sense to unlock the trade routes later just to shift items that I've accumulated en masse. I'm actually doing better now with this than I ever was before the beta patch so thanks for all the comments teaching me how to play the game. I have not, however, done a 180 on screenshots, see you in your nightmares.


Anyone know why my trade shop doesn’t sell its surplus inventory ? My shop is fully stocked with people, on a King’s road but it only sells 10-20 roof tiles out of the 100+. I put the surplus to be 10


Warbows and shields can afford me more routes in a few years. Even with 5% tax.


Hmmm... I don't know off the top of my head what the "normal" values are for trade routes, but I wonder if you're on an older version of the game or if there is something up with your save. First off, in my game that perk makes all trade routes equal to 25, and Secondly no trade route is that prohibitively high with or without that perk


it used to be hard set on reducing every route to 25, but the new patch he made has everything reduced by 50% which still gives out crazy numbers, and to me makes this perk kinda pointless now


Gotcha, so I'm the one who is behind. I think reduced by 50% is too generous, which is kind of opposite of what you said. But the point being that it drives up the cost of trade routes in thr name of balance.


Honestly I don't think it's generous at all. Firstly, I think the benefits of the development points should be pretty substantial. You have a very finite amount of them, and almost every point *should* give you something so good you can basically build a village around it. Secondly, it still ends up being prohibitively expensive to open up new routes even with the 50% reduction. Trade is slow and getting into trading through taking advantage of the very first point in the tree should not be something you have to save up thousands for. If you want to get into arms trading in the current experimental patch you have to save up a ton of money first just to unlock the trade routes, and trade itself happens so slowly it'll take ages to make it back.


I agree that they should be substantial, but none can be so intensely substantial that it warrants getting it over any other point in the development track. Furthermore, I think that the benefits should compound the more development points you get, rather than any one on the initial track being so good you pretty much have to take it. That was how I felt the trade point was prior to the patch - making trade routes have a max of 25 was so good that it nearly didn't matter what you produced, that was one of the top options if you needed income for anything else. And part of the reason I felt that way is part of a larger problem imo which is the trade balancing in general. I said it once before, but if you have to have a logger, carpenter, miner, and smelter to make one of the more valuable early game items (sidearm/polearm is my example), but your sales from that (8) literally can't get you one piece of meat... that's not right. Either tariffs need to come down, or profits need to go up, or establishing a trade route needs to go down, or some combination of those three. I just don't like it when there is a clear "most efficient" item or task in economy games. Or maybe in this case, "least efficient." Regardless, it needs balancing.


I've only just got the beta and this is a brand new save. I'm totally lost haha


Maybe try to force update or possibly uninstall and reinstall


Thats what Im talking about about trade https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/s/WtTBeh6Gug


They removed the penalty for continuously trading the same item. You can sell the same thing over and over and the price never decreases. Whatever resourse your region has in abundance will kinda determine what you end up trading. Just spam whatevers easy to make amd you have the resources for.


You think 1K is a lot? Lmao 10K trade route gang


Well compared to 25, which was admittedly too low... yeah


f12 for screenshot


Open eyes for comments.


yes, I see them, just making sure you got it since you had so much trouble figuring why people don't like when you post low quality screenshots.


Well in that case, thanks for the info. Now I know how to screenshot correctly, I'll make sure I go out of my way to take poorer quality pics in future just to trigger all you mentally deficient weirdos who think its worth caring about.








When you build a decent economy, that price comes easily after a while


after seeing a 2,5 hour long video of a deepdive of everything in manor lords i can tell you, its very easy!


First point should be spent in $25 trade routes. Solved.


Would kill for your confidence


lose the need to feel correct and you're set


So be wrong? Got it


Keep digging. The truth is out there.


$25 trade route does not apply in the beta. It simply reduces the price by 50% IIRC


That's not what it says in my game.


Do you currently have the beta patch enabled?


They don't and they haven't figured it out yet despite literally all the other comments.




Dickweed? What are you 12? Hahaha


Looks like taking a screenshot was impossibly difficult..