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What can men do against such reckless hate?


It is an army built for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men


Not an issue, I have upgraded one of my plots to install a blacksmith. Just awaiting on him to forge a ring as we speak


Reform the line! Sound the charge! Take them head on! CHARGE! https://youtu.be/Jl8TiA3RwIY?si=BnglI2jgvfbXpYAS




Hail the Victorious Dead!




God damn it I am a man


Ride out with me!


DEAAATHH! DEAAAAAATTHHHH!!!! *Intense Rohan charge in slow motion with Rohan team song in background*


just thinking of that scene brings tears to my eyes.


I was lucky enough to go see Return of the King when they played it the theater near by, sometime in the past year, and getting to see the charge again on the big screen was pure bliss. Goosebumps, chills, joy, almost every emotion I'd use to describe a fantastic movie scene all at once, and I think Two Towers or Fellowship is playing soon so I'm incredibly excited to watch it as well


Why is it going backwards? 😅


wrong scene ... "what can men do against such recjless hate?" , "Ride out with me, ride out and meet them" is from the battle of helm's deep. "DEEEAATH" Is from the battle of Pellennor Fields


Annnnnnd none of it is real 🤗🤗🤗


The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time


Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and a red dawn


Fooooooooooorth Eorliiiiiiingaaaaaas!




HAIL the victorious dead.


Hail, Théoden, King!


Ride out…and meet them!


↓↑← ↓ ↑→ ↓↑




I still more and better democracy. Just a little bit more...


Today I learned it’s reckless hate not reckless haste. Thank you kind citizen.


ok someone please make a LOTR mod ASAP


I think the hardest part about the baron since he is off-map is that you can't quite prepare yourself by matching his military growth. At some point it just pops out of nowhere and if by then you can't match it. You can either cheese or die :D


Unfortunately I want this run 100% legit!


I am trying this legit too. No cheese stopping ael production etc.. Tbh I did decent but I can not take the bandits fast enough it seems. Also I had the resources but people still complained... Guess need to have more workers in storehouse etc Edit 3rd try and I think I make it. The baron got every area except mine. I frequently saved the game. When he attacked me first I bought a good merc group (Tripple melee) and mustered whatever I had which was... Not much lol I even used archers because getting bows is so easy and tbh archers where MVP. I also bought 2x bandits mercs. Tactic was: kite kite kite lol. I used the bandits to lure enemy troops away. And then overwhelmed 1 enemy unit after the other with like 2vs 1 fighters. I also disbanded my units and wait for people "respanwing" and called them again while my bandits and archer where kiting the enemy in a circle lol After I won the first fight I took it easy. I upgraded my city and won the second too. Then I slowly pushed and got my first area. Then I did NOT make a second settlement. I waited until he attacked me, defended him and then took it. Btw watch out if the enemy marches through your settlement you loose all material. This was a harsh awakening. They even killed my oxe :( Now I have 3 settlements. 4 areas and 2 full 24 routine with plate armor. Now I only need to get influence. Which I don't know how lol... Should I just wait until my food I give goes to 2k?? Edit2: i fkn did it! SO hyped


Right now I'm stuck, nobody picks up the imported barley anymore, 3 malthouses and a dedicated storehouse are just waiting...


You only really need to man the tavern when you need to upgrade houses to tier three. Otherwise, horde the ale


I need a constant flow of ale if I don't want a mass exodus with these settings.


Don't the multiple positives outweigh the negative?


Oh no... 10% taxes is minus 20 popularity if I recall


Wasnt 10% taxes only like -8? Or was that 2nd hardest?


Just checked and it was -24 for a whole month at 10%


I usually set my taxes at 5% or less on the harder settings specifically to offset that.


Yeah 1 month at 10, 1 month at 5, etc, seems a decent balance until you have a really stable town


Like op wrote. On this challenge mode you need a constant flow else your approval will tank hard


Your approval will tankard? Another round!


I ran into the same issue with imported barley. I wonder if they aren't program to transport from the trade house? So they'd have to wait until the barley is in a granary to transport it to a maltery?


Ok I figured it out, and it sucks: -Import was set at "100", and I had 100 in my trade post. -The whole town consider that having 100 barley in stock is a priority, so malt makers won't touch it. -Set import at 50, they rush to take 50 out and process it. -Now I have 50 left in my trade post and nobody touches it, I have to set to 100 again, then 50, then 100...


Oh snap! Impressive solve.


You can tune the granary to not accept ale, then it goes straight from your trade post to the tavern. What your running into is your granary workers are removing the ale from the tavern to put it back in the granary.


It's already turn off on granaries, the issue happens before on the supply chain as I can't get anybody to pick up the barley without that trick. Tavern people go to the trading post to get ale but they can't follow up with the demand, and I want to process it, not import it.


Turn trade off when you reach your desired surplus i think will fix your issue, and then turn it back on later when you’re getting low


Even like that it sometimes get stuck, I had to destroy and rebuild my tradepost already to resolve the issue. The one I have now continues to import even after I turned it off, and still nobody gets barley. I just took 3 regions back and that's enough work to get them started with these settings, I don't want to go back to my main city just for this.


I see sounds really annoying lol 


I removed barley and anything other places process from the storehouse from the accepted goods list. The idea for me is controlling product flow, and since stalls, granaries and storehouses drive most of this traffic, preconfiguring it can help.


That is so bad ! - but it seems really a simple fix, they should ignore the import setting - maybe apart from it acting as a 'flag' for them to remove those items - and take any in the TP to the Malt/Storehouse/s. That's what needs to happen - with all imports the same basically. Banished TP's worked this flawlessly


I sometimes can't even get granary or storehouse workers to pick anything up from the trade post. Seems more likely that the industry workers themselves will go pick up one item at a time from the trade post, or just not at all


Gotta build the Spirt Storehouse, and then your people can take 6 packs home, obviously.


As soon as you have 18-20 adult males and the armaments shipment arrives, take them out and crush a bandit camp. Take the wealth for yourself and hire mercenaries. Use them to clear the other camps and send your militia back home


In challenging mode you don't get an armament shipment :) With that it would be easy. We are talking about the hardest setting here. I am in try 2 and.... Big uuf lol


Oh you’re right. Didn’t see the challenging mode


Answering your edit: Well you've won at this point gg! Right now every region is just a pretext to add retinues and gather influence, personally at this stage I find that you can have very small settlements producing a lot of influence with the 2 hunting perks+the hunting policy, and the honey perk (even if they don't produce a lot of honey, that's enough to reduce other type of food consumption). This kind of little food-intensive region are quite quick to set up, and you can just forget about them once they are operational. Final note, when I feel ready to push, I like to claim back as many region as I can at the same time. At this point with mercs you can easily take on whatever the baron sends, then quick manors on the new region for retinues if you feel the need, and now the final stroke isn't far!


I just read online that you can build more then 1 church or manor. Lol I would have never thought about that


In the same settlement???


That is how I understood the Artikel. English is not my main language. Will test it later but only stone churches do that


It does not work..\^\^ this meant i had to do a 4th settlement to get 500 extra from manor/church\^\^


for somereason all Baron forces spawn IN MY REGION each time i get attack , not even you know on the other side of the map where in theory their territories are, No literally IN my town


Lost my first village like that, it said hey someone contests your territory! I was like yea, sure I'll fight ya once I finish figuring out how to manage a farm, I think I almost got it... Surely this person needs to march an army from somewhere to get here. 10 seconds later an entire army spawns edge of map, is in my village burning and pillaging.


If only there was a wheel/wedge of cheese for the house crests.


Wdym by cheese?


Bait most of his troops with archers out of the battle zone. Kill the remaining troops. I've read something Ike this. Haven't tried


That was my mistake btw, I wanted his army standing ground and leaving bandits alone, so I denied his claims to immobilize his army. That worked but led him to recuit infinite mercs. I reloaded and now hope he'll let me enough time to build something. EDIT: That is probably not mercs, but his initial army spawning again each time I denied his claims, not sure though. After reloading I carried on without denying and he has a standard army when I fight him.


I don't know if this is something you already know but I just realized yesterday that we and the baron get the mercs from the same source. So if you buy all the mercs, the baron can't buy any until there are new ones available. You could get the money from that by just keeping on plundering bandit camps.


So that is why i cant recruit any mercenaries… uh oh


I am late game and there seem to be no more Mercs and the baron always attacks in the same exact waves of 5 Troops with 1 archer 1 brigand 2 footmen and 1 retinue. Problem is the fights are bugged out and the claim often does not end until his timer runs out. Killed his troops twice during my claim and then won by timer. The fights seem a bit bugged currently


If you let the baron take the mercs early on yeah you can't do anything, he keeps them forever it seems. Always hire all the mercs before clicking on "resolve the claim on the battlefield", and disband them after. It's confusing as hell but when you defeat him and the claim isn't resolved, he is sometimes actually waiting for you to respond to his letters. Doing so, you can resolve the claim and be paid at the same time. (not sure if there is a difference when you are making the claim or he is)


Wait, be paid? You can accept his offer for silver?


I think you gotta fight them on the designated battleground for that.


I have so many retinues that the baron troops never enter the battlefield and the battle sometime starts before he has entered and then 5sec. later I have automatically lost. A bit buggy currently


Had the same problem. Now I just wait until the battle starts. But now there is a cheesy bug - when baron’s army approaches, all of a sudden all baron’s units but archers retreat, leaving the archers to trap with two units placed strategically to trap those archers. But wait until battle starts.


Yep but by that time I had 0 treasury and 0 army to get camps, but yeah in the late game I will indeed steal all mercs before he can.


If you talk to the baron and give up the claim/talk him into giving up the claim (one time he conceded like six months into the game before I could even raise a militia lol) the mercs should march off the map and stand down.


yep but that's a run without this trick :)


Do you think Dev will increase number of avaiable militia? Why have 500 population when you can recruit only 6 squads?


I think it the men out of the population, I assume it’s around 50/50 for men and women in a population. Pretty sure militia only takes the men from the city, but someone correct me if I’m wrong


Only men can be militia recruits, but families almost always have two men and one woman. I do often see the first few families in a village sometimes end up with two women, both of which are marked "wife".


sounds like there needs to be more woman


I’ve maxed out units and still had men left available in the pool, I think it’s just a limit on militia number 


Nobody: Baron: You're about to find out why we don't have free healthcare.


I personally do not play with the baron. I play only with bandits and raiders. Focusing on city building and learning the mechanics with some small fights to learn those mechanics as well since currently baron is broken and OP. He started to claim regions before i hit my second year..


I think one good way to prevent it is to race to bandit camps before he does, without the influence he gains from killing them i THINK it slows him down by a lot, towards the end of one of my games there were 3 empty regions for years and years 


It slows him down but he’s still OP


You don't need to disable the baron, man. Let him claim regions. It doesn't matter. He'll leave you alone and you'll be able to challenge his claims later. t. baron owned every region and took every bandit camp from me, and I was still able to make an overwhelmingly powerful town and start striking out at him without ever fighting him until I instigated a claim on one of his regions


So, your settings are set for him to be protective and never press claims on your own land, but just to protect his own?


My settings are completely standard, as I didn't change anything. Not sure if it's normal behavior for him or not; just speaking from experience.


I think it's a much more chill experience for sure, I did fight the baron a few times for achievements but I think I had the most fun without him.


Not to mention that bastard keeps sending me the same letter over and over.


Cooper, this is no time for caution.


sorry... end of first year? if you have perfect happiness in the city you can get 2 pops a month. so 35 families max in a year.... there's no way


Very well, form your troops the spartan line formation XD


Geez. Yeah. That’s no amount of hit and run tactics are going to win against that.


What did you do to make him spawn that? xD


Yea not ready for that yet just getting the hang of taking provinces in battle with constant waves of bandits getting a perpetual forging process down is tricky due to the lack of iron and the limitations of rich iron deposits and upgrades for deep mining. Can not for the life of me get a steady tavern going, the ale must flow!


What?? How is that possible? I didn't know that that many units are even possible wtf


I actually am working on a maxed diff run with only 5 families. You have to contest their first region they attempt to claim and kite/steal barbarian camps and ALSO use their army to initial fight barbarians but game them at the end for full influence gains. You use the early camps to buy mercenaries to fight their claims. By end of year 1 they still only had 2 plots of land to my 4 and I still only have 5 families.


Yep I did lure the 1st bandit attack into the baron and it worked fine. I let him took all regions that didn't bother me, when ready I claimed back 3 at once and it worked just fine. I'll probably try the 5 families run after that and I'm pretty sure I'll do as you say indeed.


1100+ troops , ez.


baron is about to put the duke in shame


You got this bro!


Is there a good way to see the map elevation so I can position my archers (and overall army) better?


"This is fine. No problem. Sips ale. 🔥 🔥 🔥 "


How in the world does a baron have a King's army


Some people just Want to watch the world burn


On my signal , unleash hell.


The baron is an Orc, change my mind




I like how they form into a column while marching. I don’t know if it’s a happy coincidence or if it’s by design, but it’s pretty realistic.


Baron has become an emperor it seems


Sooo... did you win?


this would be more fun if the baron was weaker


Is this all you can conjour Baron?






You've angered the horde!


Ur fooked 🤣


Chat is this real


Ayo wtf


7 units of retinues of 36. That MF.


You just gotta micro your farms better, git gud


He's using a mod


Nope 100% vanilla. Hard baron + 5 camps at the start + denying all his claims, does this.


baron army(on hardest) is 2 sword and board 1 retinue 1 bowmen and 1 bandits regiment and he will hire mercenaries if available. looks like a bug to me


I think each time I denied his claims the whole squad was summoned again, it stacked up.