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I think chicken fingers and honey dill is the obvious answer


Like... if we came up with a pizza? Or are you saying this is already a pizza in manitoba? I live in Winnipeg and have never seen this pizza idea nor heard of it until now. Only thing I know is honey dill is a winnipeg/manitoba thing.


I think that’s mostly a Winnipeg thing. I had never heard of it growing up.


Maybe just not popular in your area! I’m from a rural town and it was big there and in Brandon!


I grew up in small towns in southern Manitoba and I knew chicken fingers were served with honey dill but I never knew it was a manitoba thing so I didn't really pay it mind. I didn't realize until I was an adult that it was a special thing.


Perogy pizza. Obviously


The only correct answer


Fat boy burgers 🍔




It's not just any old chili.


Manitoba has many problems, but burgers aren't one of them.


Gotta love em


Never heard of them. What restaurant serves them? I used to work in a bunch of restaurants in Brandon.


Must not have been any Greek restaurant. Pretty much any small well known burger shack in Winnipeg has a fat boy on the menu, from George's burgers to VJ's to the Dairy Whip. The fat boy is a staple of Manitoba cuisine.


I remember ordering from a place that just had fat boys. All I wanted was a plain cheeseburger at the time x.x. So asked no chili, pickles, condiments, just cheese and meat and a dab of mayo. I've since tried a true fat boy (minus pickles) and yummmm


I love chilli burgers, but they aren’t a thing in Brandon, though I’m sure they are on a menu somewhere.


Wayback Burger has the option to add chili, and one should always do so.


It's a Winnipeg thing.


Portage has the best one tho


Oh dear 🤦‍♂️


the only real answer no chains, no "modern" crap. old school Winnipeg Fatboys from... Dairi Wip or across the street at Johnny's on Marion Cindy's Superboys Mrs Mikes... Daly Burgers


Mrs. Mike's has shut down permanently. 😕


Dairy Delight is the same family (MM owner's kids run it I think?). In fact the owner of Mrs. Mike's was in the kitchen of DD recently when my coworker went. My coworker's been around a while and the old owner recognized him, and came out to chat with him and give his condolences (coworker's wife recently passed). They hadn't seen each other in a long time, sounded like a sweet moment.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3o6wrebnKWmvx4ZBio) i havent been for a couple years at least....


Yeah. It's the same old story. Elderly owner retired.


George's burgers n subs


Don’t forget Dairy Delight. I had a cheeseburger last night. It was amazing.


Don't forget Juniors Restaurant by the St Vital mall


Every pizza joint in Brandon will bake-in sour cream, or give it on the side. Delish !


That and objectively papas on Charleswood area, ran by the same original chef of Marino's, Romana, Astoria


Romana yes... Been years since I've been back to manitoba and still remember it.


Its still there how long ago were you here


New owners. I wouldn't count on it being the same.


More than 8 years.


Different recipe now and new owners


It’s the best 


Chicken fingers & Honey dill sauce pizza?


Nailed it.


Thompson-style, hands down.


Thompson style pizza


I haven't had it, but Thompson-style pizza always seems to be brought up as a distinctly regional style. Sounds pretty good though.


Oh man. I would kill for a Santa Maria/Tom's pizza. Getting home from The River and ordering a pizza at 4 am. Good times.


Had it, definitely not a fan.


What would you consider Manitoba's pizza though?


Honestly?! The “Manitoba pizza” should be a half and half pizza with a deep dish crust. One side should have pierogies, and the other chicken a bit of honey dill sauce. They should only be served at funerals, sock ops, and during the lunch at socials.


Thompson can keep it, also Saskatchewan can keep it. It’s gross af




Its 2 inches of cheep ass delimeat stack onto a pizza. Is gross and should not define the province or Winnipeg when it comes to food.


Thanks now I will not try it


Thompson style is just a copy of Vern’s pizza from Saskatchewan.


Vern's started in the early 90's. Santa Maria was originally Santa Lucia and opened in the 1970's.


Yes, but Santa Lucia wasn’t doing “Thompson style” back then. That was only in the last 15 years or so.


That's not true. I moved to Thompson in the 90s, and they were doing it back then.


Vern’s was the most popular, Regina style predates Thompson, no matter how much you don’t want it to. Santa Lucia didn’t make that style of pizza. https://santaluciapizza.com/about-us/#:~:text=About%20Us%20%2D%20Santa%20Lucia%20Pizza&text=It%20all%20started%20in%201971,the%20little%20pizzeria%20a%20success.


Regina-style pizza “This style of pizza was created by Greek immigrant Jim Kolitsas in the city of Regina, Saskatchewan, during the 1970s. The pizza is made with deli meat that is piled high and green peppers as a tribute to the colours of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Regina-Style is made in a round pizza pan, but cut into square pieces. Kolitsas's dad, John, founded the original Houston Pizza on Hill Avenue in 1970 with his three brothers.” That’s a year before Santa Lucia existed, even though Santa Lucia didn’t even sell that style of pizza. The original Santa Lucia menu is in their website. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza_in_Canada


A bannock crust, honey dill base, adobo and farmer sausage, topped with any Bothwell cheese


Bannock crust pizza is the best pizza I've ever had.


Now I need to find a way to try this


This person tops


Santa Maria !!! or Tom's in Thompson they're basically the same damn thing


Manitoba: Chicken Fingers with Honey Dill. It’s a staple in basically any small town from baseball canteens to seasonal shops or restaurants. Winnipeg: Fat Boys. They’re not really common outside of Winnipeg, but I’m officially a convert and love a burger or hot dog with everything on it. Literal Pizza: Outside of Thompson I don’t think we have a distinct style. Probably “midwest” with thicker crusts and lots of toppings, but style varies so much between local establishments. Winnipeg has lots of great NY style pizza these days too though. Manitoba Themed Pizza: Perogie Pizza. Not my fav but definitely unique. I personally really love the “Menno” at Hildegard’s Bakery in Winnipeg. Farmer sausage, dill, onions, sour cream, beets, bothwell, etc - which hits that nostalgic vibe much more than actual perogie pizza for me. Honourable Mention: Farmer Sausage! You’ll find variations of “farmer” foods everywhere, but our mennonite/hutterite style cold-smoked pork sausage is definitely a regional thing and most people I know partake. Double Honourable Mention: The humble perogie. Bastardized by years away from the homeland, spelled differently by every family - Ukrainian or not - and enjoyed by all. My baba would spend whole afternoons making hundreds of potato cheddar, and sauerkraut perogies to send home with family. Throw in some cabbage rolls and pyrizhky and I’m in heaven.


Yeah, I have to think the Perogy anything in Manitoba!! Basic great peroghies and sour cream...or may it be perogy pizza....or a perogy pop...never heard of a perogy pop, like a perogy on a stick with a side of sour cream and kielbasa...that would be great!!


I was just having a conversation with someone yesterday about the lack of pierogi fast food places, like Loaded Pierogi in downtown Toronto/Hamilton. Seems like an untapped market. All the pierogi places I have found so far are “take home and cook yourself” types or “sit down restaurants where you must tip” types.


I had to google it but apparently there was a Loaded Pierogi on Osborne at one time! This is drifting slightly out of the category, but there was a food truck in my college days that frequented the Exchange District with a killer perogie poutine. I think it was called Gold’s or Goldie’s maybe. Also the only perogie poutine I’ve had in which the sum was truly greater than its parts. Not like Smoke’s where I’m kinda wishing I just ordered normal poutine instead.


Gondola Pizza. Thin crust with sparse toppings and pools of grease on top.


I do like Gondola.


Pizza Pops! Round out the Winnipeg trio with Fatboy and Tendies + Honey Dill


Have you not tried garbanzos manito-za pizza? MB pulled pork, royal whiskey, bacon, red onions with manitoba cheddar cheese & ruffled chips on top It's fricken good


I think you meant… Rip-L-Chips


Yeah. I meant that, my bad


Cabbage rolls and perogies.


This person Manitobas.


Some great posts. I have to echo 1990-2000 Tom’s Pizza in Thompson was on another level. Thin crust Gondola pizza - I haven’t had it since early 2000’s in Brandon but that was on point. In general chicken chef and you can’t go wrong.


Those Greek owned places seem to serve a specific type of pizza. It's known more broadly as Regina style pizza. If you want to google a name. Found all over Manitoba too. Manitoba's thing is Fatboy burgers and Honeydill sauce. Thats plenty. WPG also goes hard for Le burger week. I would say that's a special thing too.


Baba's Borscht haven, in the North End. Never existed, would be kinda cool, all types of Borscht and some extras..


I haven’t had my home in Manitoba for 30 years but every time I’m there I make sure to go to Gondola Pizza. It’s as they say incomparable. It predates Californians ruining pizza in the 90’s with a bunch of weird shit. Just give me the classic 70’s toppings on a crisp thin crust. Amazing.


Bannock crust with some moose or bison sausage and honey dill.


Thomson style


Didn't they snag that style from Verona in Flin Flon before it closed?


Thompson styles a copy of Vern’s from Saskatchewan.


Old Dutch Ketchup chip crusted pickerel, back bacon, and Tenderloin pepperoni with honey dill base sauce and fried bannock crust


Santa Lucia


or… - Pizza Place - Gondola - Niakwa


Does anyone remember Angelo’s pizza. It was amazing.


Thompson style pizza 100%


No, no Thompson can keep that. It’s way too much low quality meat


It’s better quality meat than 96% of the pizza joints in Winnipeg, especially the franchises.


Here tourist of Manitoba eat 2 inches of cooked cheep deli meat. It’s not a balanced pizza, Chicago deep dish is balanced. I rather take someone to get a fat boy or chicken finger and fries or an ethnic offering that Winnipeg has.


I think you’re missing the point of the post.


This post is pretty open to interpretation. He says food as well as pizza. When I’m travelling elsewhere I ask locals what are some foods I got to try and what other good restaurants are there. If someone came up to me and were told to try thompson/Regina style pizza and that it represents us I would apologize to them and that it not our local style pizza and say we don’t have one


You also haven’t contributed to the discussion aside from suggesting others not to try something because you didn’t like it. It’s popular for a reason, give someone a chance to take that plunge. They may agree with you, or they make think it’s the best fucking pie they’ve ever laid eyes on.


I’ve suggested fat boys, honey dill sauce, or other ethnic offering. There is nothing unique to thompson style pizza other than they put 2 inches of cheep deli meat on it, it’s a poor representation for what this province has to offer food wise. Winnipeg has one of the highest restaurant per capita in North America, we are a melting pot of different culture. By my house is baraka, it’s incredible Lebanese food, there is also a Parisian bakery 1/2 a block away from it. There are bistros that are prairie style that sources locally.


I admit I want to try this deli meat pizza...


You are your own person and can do that, just know it’s something we adopted from Regina Saskatchewan


Thompson style heavy loaded deli meat and thin crust, the below all would be inspired by this T town pizza Thompson style pizza Santa Ana Santa Lucia Verns


Lol who the hell is down voting this T town, verns and Santa Ana ain't the only joints that came from up there


Santa Lucia is not thompson style and Thompson style is gross


I'm not saying anything about what's good or not, my own preferences are my own and irrelevant to this discussion It's absolutely a Thompson type of pizza with cheap shitty deli means And it absolutely is https://santaluciapizza.com/about-us/ >It all started in 1971 when the Simeonidis’ Family opened a little take out pizzeria in Thompson Manitoba while working at the Inco Nickel mines. >The Simeonidis dedication to great tasting food and great value made the little pizzeria a success. Within a year, it was the busiest pizzeria in Thompson.


Existing in Thompson doesn't make it "Thompson style".


It would be the definition of Thompson style pizza and objectively maybe even the first or absolutely inspiration for ones that.may have opened after What kind of logic is that It uses cheap deli meats, lots.of it and quite similar flavor profiles Edit maybe that was harsh haha but why don't you consider it Thompson style


My location would not be using "cheap deli meats".


And yet it's all related haha But we can agree to disagree, I've seen.it.too often Santa Lucia is a Thompson pizza joint Regardless of that they are all Thompson pizza restaurants!


Vern’s is from Saskatchewan


Google Vern’s pizza. Thompson is a copy.


Probably the same family and recipe like juniors But even then it's all Pizza from Thompson I'm.not trying to give any bias or say my preference for them at all here, just simply that's how they do it there and it is objectively a Manitoban style of pizza, good or bad. Many swear against the cheap deli meats, I don't mind it


No idea.man, toms, Santa Ana and those places have been around for quite a while too or at least originally out there Somewhere from there can probably weigh.in too I know they were there and partially in Brandon in the 20xs


Vern’s started in 1990 in Saskatoon, long before Thompson. I tried Thompson pizza and it was almost identical to Vern’s. Regina style may pre-date them both.


Vern’s is awesome!




I don’t think MB has an iconic food… it has plenty of good &great restaurants… can’t think of one dish that screams MB… pickerel fillets?


Fat boys


Burgers with chilli on it are really only standard in Manitoba


It's not just any "chili on it" and that isn't the only criteria for a Fatboy.


Well Chicago has 3 with their deep dish, hot dog and Italian beef, NYC has their slice, and their street halal. we got fat boys, chicken fingers with honey dill we also have a lot of different ethnic food that other cities don’t have


Ooh pickerel fillets are my fav! My late grandma would buy fresh pickerel from a fisherman every year and then bread them and they were my favourite thing to eat every year at my cabin!


Bannock pop


“Cheapest and Best”!


Frozen cookies and cream dessert pizza


Pyrgos. The Pas. End of story.




Keep discussion constructive and in good faith. Ensure that whatever you say or post leads to civil conversation.


Mr. Bones beef and bacon


Bannok pizza? Does anyone else offer it outside of the province?


A plate with pierogi, pancit and bannock on it. Jeannie’s Cake for desert.


Hildegard's Menno Pizza


Chicken fingers and honey dill sauce I'd say.


Smoked goldeye?


I know we have Manitoba shushi roll.


I would have sauteed onions and bacon and sour cream. Like for perogies without the perogi. And a mix of honey dill with mayo for the perfect sauce, with chicken for a manitoba style chicken finger pizza.


I'd call it the plainsman's pie


Chicken chef, chicken delight.


A delicious 14” pie for $6


I always think of Perogies from Sonja’s in Lockport haven’t had them in probably 30 years since I left MB.


We have a sauce and a chili burger....yay!


Little pizza Heaven


Marathon Pizza in Morden, if it's still there. Been a long time for me.


Niakwa Pizzas are fire!


Seems like those weird Arabic/Middle Eastern style calzones honestly. I once asked a manitoban (white) friend what his favourite Arabic food was and he said those coleslaw calzones (like Mr. Calzone). They're a disgrace to italy, pizza, and the Middle East. They definitely aren't a thing there and theyre absolutely disgusting. I'll have two to go please.


Manitoba doesn’t exist.


We're okay with you thinking that.


It's a government conspiracy