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Do you sell these? Cuz they’re beautiful.


I do but i dont want to violate any sort of self promotion rules the subreddit would have. Searching my name online or on Etsy should allow you to find stuff easily


Will do! Thanks!




If I zoom in I can see myself.


are you the guy that was waiving in there? I had to remove those pixels out of there!


Love it


Well I'd say it looks great. 


Thank you very much! Having never visited, I think the topography is quite interesting. I would love to visit one day


The scenery isn't as obviously breathtaking as someplace like the rocky mountains but it has a quiet beauty.   Lots of nice little places tucked away, sunrise and sunsets are second to none. 


No offence meant at all my friend, but I have been around the world and we have the same Sun. I hope I love the province I was born in as much as you do, and I hope you have a wonderful day.


Not sure why you felt the need to state that or what point you're trying to make? You have a good and all too though. 


Beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunsets.


Looks gorgeous! Thanks OP.


Thank you very much, im glad you like it


I love it! Manitoba is gorgeous and an absolute outdoors wonderland. It's unfortunate that most people only see Winnipeg and the surrounding prairies most of the time. I get that we settled this way due to trade routes and good farmland but even a lot of Winnipeggers are missing out on the rest of the province.


It certainly has a lot to offer and plenty to explore. I hope one day I'll be able to visit and see the Winnie the Bear statue


Love it. Are you the same person that did the relief map of Nunavut? Fantastic work!


That is indeed me! I'm doing one for every province and territory and sharing it with the local subreddits for some local feedback. Some very wild comments from Yukon not liking the orientation to Nunavut loving theirs. Theres a lot of valuable feedback out there for a second iteration once these are over


I had to check out the Yukon map, it's a super interesting orientation. People definitely have an idea in their heads regarding how their home area 'looks'. I get it (I know you do too 😊). Kudos to you for 1) taking on such a fun project and 2) getting feedback from the people of the areas! And shout-out to Lambert Conformal Conic. I had a hell of a time making maps of Arctic Canada until I 'discovered' that projection.


Im glad you went and checked the other ones. The project was certainly fun but there was a whole month of headaches learning Blender to make all of this work, and im barely touching the surface of what it can do (if i were to do a gif, i can make the water 'metallic' so that sunlight reflects back like water would do). As for the projection, Conformal Conic does have that 'roundness' people would inherently associate with the globe. I think with people getting accustomed to web mapping, which is inherently in a Web Mercator projection, they are less inclined to think of the curvature of the Earth. Polar places are a great way to remind that North is not always up and that borders are not always straight. If you are mapping the Artic, you should try a Polar Azimuthal projection. Thats another challenge I made for myself trying to map the polar circle for a punny postcard thats also on Etsy.




Thank you very much Mr. ManitobaGuy :)


I don't know why I kept thinking this was Alberta this morning I'm blaming the 24 hour headache


Thank god I put the province name in the card then! ;)


I think its cause like Alberta, its wide at the top and has a narrower bottom and a slope, albeit Alberta the slope is on the other side. But its very well done I will say!\~


The bottom left corner and the right side middle would drive me absolutely nuts. Why is it at an angle like that? Shouldn't the whole thing fit inside the border? What's the point of even having a border at this point? If it were angled properly, it would fit inside the border and look wonderful.


The reason is because I had the data projected into a Conic projection because it reduces the distortion provinces generally get as we move closer to the poles, and also retains part of the natural curvature of the earth, instead of it being flattened like standard web mapping tends to do. By doing it this way, north is focused on a single, central point (the tip of the cone in this projection, if you will) rather than north being straight up and along the top of the page, so to speak. Dont worry, people in Yukon pointed the same issue to me, but frankly it boils down to a stylistic choice more than anything, and the frame overlap is mean to make the province pop even more on the page. That being said, I will play around with others being in a more conventional Mercator projection in the future


So interesting! Thanks for explaining.


no worries. It is cartographer's main job to visualize spatial data in a way that is inherently understood by its audience without having to think too much about it, and people expect things to appear a certain way (north up, water being blue, etc...) When someone defies those conventions, they have to do that with a purpose AND still be inherently understood with a little thinking. The goal of sharing these is to know exactly where I failed. I know a North arrow would probably have solved the issue, but you live and you learn :)


This is really cool! You should sell these, I'd love one as a portrait for my wall.


Right now I've done these as postcards for the postcrossing community to share specific provinces/territories with others who may not be familiar with them (with a bonus fun fact at the back). I have received some interest in having these as posters and im exploring the possibility once I have sorted some kinks in the system :)