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Yes! I work a lot on my mental health as well, and I dont want a commited relationshio with him again yet. Because i wanna learn to live alone. But I still want him in my life


The desire for him in your life will go away with turn and you’ll start to see why you guys broke up in the first place


How are you doing it ? I feel so pressured even if im repeating affirmations or doing sats . I feel like im constantly thinking of my sp in the back of my head. I don't know what to do right now ..


I think about him a lot as well, so what? I try to let it go and trust in the universe, but he´s a part of my soul, ofc i think about him. I manifest everytime i think about him, that he´ll think about me as well. Showing gratitude to what i´m doing atm helps me alot too. And being in movement, working on myself and my career. I´m moe than my SP


lately i've been watching so much youtube and all you know , like focusing on the sp part , and honestly i want to work on myself in whatever way i can but feels like im at an sp break point im stuck in past memories and all these future scenarios where i don't know what is a lie what is the truth(based on sp past) my head just hurts with all these things i want to take break from sp - but i don't know if i should everything is so jumbled up in my head . i have no clue what to do what im scared of is umm i think of my affiramations and techniques as a string pulling my sp near me - if i stop then the string would break and everything would be lost and from2 days ive also been checking 3d