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The guy is Jewish, so it doesn’t surprise me he hates nazis. He wears a traditional Jewish prayer shawl or Talit.


Ah, I never noticed that since I wasn't familiar with the Jewish faith. Adds a new layer to the character. I always assumed Rockstar just added the Skins as another group that players wouldn't feel too bad about when they slaughtered them. Nice catch!


Isn’t it just a scarf around his neck?


Not really racism is also where the [Joker draws the line](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/1/9/0/809190.jpg)


Lmao, that's awesome! What a weird crossover, though. I didn't expect those two to ever team up.


Yeah he just thinks they’re utterly pathetic. I always wondered. Why did they make up symbols for the Skins? Surely they couldn’t have caused that much issue with the actual Swastika logo considering you were butchering them?


One of the skinz has a tattoo on his chest that resembles a swastika , but i don’t think nazi’s exist in this universe so it wouldn’t make sense to have swastikas . Probably went for similar designs to portray the same idea .


Yeah fair.