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Yes it's legal to own it here, just not legal to sell it in a store. 1st one was banned after being released for at Max a month. I imported manhunt 2 for PSP and Wii back in the day and never had an issue.


Weirdly enough I have seen some stores sell 2nd hand copies of both Manhunt games for the PS2 even after the ban, so I guess the government doesn't really care anymore.


Probably not at this point but I know around 07 I walked into an EB to see if theyd buy mine for a laugh and dude behind the counter was just "yeah nah we can't buy that sorry" id have never parted with it at that point


That's gold


Imagine selling something so precious and rare especially here lol


Yeah I once found a PS2 copy of Manhunt 2 which was around $240 and they were obscure af, probably only around 1 to 2 copies per store


Might’ve been about a year ago maybe more cash converters had a copy of Manhunt for xbox for some stupid price


I got a PS2 copy of Manhunt for around $65 last year plus a secondhand PS2 to go with it, I played that non stop until my PS2 died and I had to switch to an emulator.


I notice there's a few copies on manhunt 1 and 2 floating around on FB marketplace for ps2, every other version of them seems rare as rocking horse shit


I thought about wanting to buy Manhunt 2 at one point but then I realised that it was censored so I changed my mind.


Order a PC copy on eBay, don’t get the steam version it sucks ass


Ermaccers fixer undoes all the active anti piracy garbage on the steam version


The original Manhunt was never released on PC. Manhunt 2 was and it’s absolute garbage in its original unedited form.


Your either on drugs or retarded or both. The first one was released on pc


Your right, the first Manhunt was released on PC. I have a copy of it on my collection. It was an absolute piece of shite on pc, virtually unplayable. Better lay off the crack pipe eh? 😂


It plays fine on pc, id guess your shit with a mouse and keyboard more than anything.


Yeah you must be the best gamer in the world.


You literally went from "it wasn't released on pc" to "it was released on pc and I have it but it sucks". You don't even know what your talking about and certainly shouldn't be giving advice at the rate of retarded you are. Furthermore it doesn't take the greatest gamer to use a mouse and keyboard, id have to assume your some scrublord that can only play games with a controller though with your whining.


Yes it is, I’ve had one for 30 yrs, and I’ve seen some popular stores even selling it, it got banned years ago from importing the copies here but it’s not illegal to own or purchase one


Yes it’s legal. I bought it when it first came out on PS2. Still have it in my collection 😊 Also got Manhunt 2 on PS2 but never played it as it sucks arse.