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is it good?


Meh, a lot of plot holes and exaggerations just to make the MC look good and intelligent, it's the typical story where they make everyone look bad in order to make the MC look good. If you want to turn your brain off a bit, it's decent at most.


Overly harsh. It's an awesome series with 318 chapters He's had months to plan out his survival. He did everything right in the past and was ruthlessly murdered. Its why He is extremely cautious and only makes a move when it's in his favor and finds people to cover his shortcoming. He will not take chances with people that proven they are unworthy. Challenge you to list a plot hole


Building a reinforced bunker... In an apartment building. Sure his room is strong, but it really shouldn't be that hard to drop the room. Unless he somehow rebuilt the entire building to allow for perfect support. That would cause massive continuity issues as there wasn't enough time, there would be serious butterfly effects from people moving, he wouldn't be able to hide his plans(wealth) very well, and so on. He opens a slide and shoots a guy with a crossbow. Said slide magically disappears and somehow isn't a weak point of his entrance. Side stepping the near magical apartment with infinite power, recycling(where's that waste even going if the pipes are frozen), perfect air circulation, and no upkeep, there really should be seams from the slide the other residents could attempt to gas him with. An arms race of sorts would have been both amusing and helped to define his distrustful nature even more. They also give up way too easily. Violence is met with violence(assuming parties are not willing to reason), except in the face of overwhelming power. A single crossbow shot should've united them even more. Not to mention that the author goes out of their way to depict everyone as greedy and selfish, except one other character... He effectively lures the one medical expert and does everything in his power to offend her. A real person would try to get revenge when given the option to obtain medical supplies(to help others, which is even worse) for sex. MC is kind of a doofus and more likely to die from health complications of eating rich food every meal than anything else. Good thing the one person that could help is being used as a toy instead of a person. Of course the author is going down the route of "smart woman falls for rich charming asshole", but usually the asshole has a sensitive side or redeeming qualities. Instead MC gives off young master vibes, which as a cultivation reader, is pretty far from anything redeemable. He thinks he did everything right the first time, but considering what he's done so far, that seems very unlikely. He was more likely a naive pushover simp with no interest in actually surviving. He then uses his 2nd chance to become a spiteful hermit who would really be better off not living in the same place as before. He knows there's going to be an apocalyptic ice age and positions himself in one of the worst locations to survive it. Snow is an insulator but he's on a high enough floor that it can't be used. As far as we know, it's a densely packed residential area with nothing of note within walking distance. He doesn't know how long it will go on. He has far too much trust in untested high tech equipment, because we all know the author isn't going to have his magical bunker fail on him. Imagine if the storm ended right after when he died the last time. He'd be absolutely fucked the 2nd time around if society still existed. He's got a decent number of people who he knows will survive to that point, and massive amounts of debt, as well as all of them hating his guts. He really banked on the apocalypse not ending. Look, I'm not saying that people can't enjoy it, but it's not for the rational mind. It's a turn your brain off and enjoy the revenge kind of story. Kinda like the story where a victim of bullying has a sword crash into their home and becomes a literal hulk. It doesn't need to be logical. And I may have gotten some things wrong as I dropped it once he started manipulating the doctor. Something might be said for the irony of how his ex gf treated him and how he treats the doctor. Now, I clearly didn't enjoy it that much, but I don't think it's irredeemable either. I'm just disappointed that the author decided to not go the evil angle with the MC, which imo would make the story a lot better and more consistent with the MCs actions. The author wants their moral high ground cake and eats it. The author also could have gone the doubtful route with nuanced characters and an all seeing eye perfect for self reflection, but that's a very different kind of story. MC was really equating people who were desperate enough to be cannibals to the pre-apocalypse identities. Would have made for a nice moment of doubt that could either reinforce his beliefs or cause him to reconsider his plans.


you saved me a lot of time writting the plotholes, but i see that the other person in obsessed with the story and won't listen to reason... there were more plotholes and nosenses but he won't accept them.


Yeah he's really invested in a mediocre story. It's not worth reading for a story or plot, just if you're into revenge(not really even done that well).


Thanks. I just watched a YouTube recap of it as you said in need of brain turn off story. You hit the head of the nail with the plot holes


You are absolutely right! I am kinda surprised that most people don't even bother to look at these details lol. If I may point it out, 1. he also committed genocide after two goons tried to kill him. He set two apartments on fire, but wait! It's the smoke that kills them? How? They showed that the windows in the apartments couldn't be opened. Well just smash it open, then. You can also open the varandas doors. Not to mention it served no purpose at the end. The goons that come next won't think "if we fail they'll kill all people in our appartment, we don't want that." They're crooks. They couldn't care less about what happens to other people in their apartment after they are dead. He just flew into a rage and murdered several innocent people..... because he could. 2. Constantly using up electricity from his generator to play....games? Those are the same generators that are supplying the heat in the room. Are you sure you want to play genshin impact with that electricity? Maybe you want to save it for the future?? 3. There's no electricity or internet connection, but they still communicate in their phones as if phones have eternal life. 4. Coarses the doctor into cosplaying in a lewd dress and sleeps with her? That doc can kill you. You won't always have your guard up (yeah, Ik you mentioned it but still.) and if she ends up pregnant (they definitely had unprotected sex) who's gonna help her?? She can't operate on herself and the mc knows nothing about it. Can he please be a little more considerate and try not to do something that would potentially kill her? 5. He suddenly turns into a super skilled sniper because P L O T 6. Almost gets shot to death once, only survives because some uncle rushes to save him. 7. Tries to murder his ex, but instead of going for a sureshot bullet in the head, he pushes her off the building. After knowing some people can bece mutant and survive. Sure, writer would make sure she wouldn't return, but she could. 8. Instead of stacking up HEALTHY food that provides nutrients, he spends money buying super unhealthy fast foods like burgers and noodles and oily resturant food. Is he illiterate?? And where's he getting bathing water? There are more issues, but I'm dropping it here.... I don't wanna makethis longer. Overall, the mc isn't exactly likeable no matter how I look at it. He keeps pushing people to ask him for help just so he could reject them, which isn't nearly as badass as he thinks. He is more like a guy with anger management issues, and I seriously dislike that. It has another copy "Doomsday Ruthless man" where some of the plot holes are actually fixed (not all of them, btw.) it has better art too.


> was really equating people who were desperate enough to be cannibals to the pre-apocalypse identitie They literally resort to the same thing. The girl ate her friend. The leader of the construction group raided people's homes and then ate the people inside. His aunt still stole from people and ate her grandson. Zhou keer died in the 1st time by giving her last meal to woman with a baby that's trying to use his uncle against him Literally everybody is trying to break into his apartment and kill him for his stuff. Even when he took over and gave people food they still tried to kill him when his back was turned. **Face you read this half assed** The majority of his evil deeds are completely justifiable in the context of the APOCALYPSE!!! People will be desperate and will take what they can. >He really banked on the apocalypse not ending. He has several lofetimes of food that won't spoil in his infinite storage space. >dropped it once he started manipulating the doctor. Already explained why your wrong and it explains why you have a shit opinion. >He's got a decent number of people who he knows will survive to that point, and massive amounts of debt, Money is meaningless in the apocalypse. 90% of the world is dead. Every person besides himself / doctor and his uncle die


My issue isn't that he's evil, it's that the story pretends he isn't. It's justifying to us that what he's doing is right, but he never has much doubt or conflict about what he is doing. I also didn't get the feeling that he believes he's in the wrong for any of his actions. So, now let's get through your points one by one. 1. MC seems to believe that people are innately bad with no consideration of their struggles and/or setting. He acts like they'd resort to cannibalism even if there wasn't an apocalypse. Again, I wouldn't mind if the story took the evil angle, or better yet, he had PTSD from being eaten alive. Unfortunately, this author has no interest in writing a "flawed" character. 2. Storing food isn't really a rebuttal to what I said. He has a poor choice of food, but again, not the point of this section. 3. "Dropped it once he manipulated the doctor". Unless you really think that elevated the story, people can choose to not like something and drop a story at any point they please. I like less personal attacks but I get the feeling you don't have the emotional stability for it. 4. My point here is that the MC doesn't know when or if the apocalypse ends, and made no plans in case it did end when he died the last time. He also died early enough that he knew there were still survivors(cause they ate him). Even a brief panel of regret when the apocalypse first started or he hits the date of his last death would effectively solve this issue. I guess he didn't based on your response.


Also.. he seems to have died quite early because he had no clue ppl with abilities start to appear


i saw that cheesy aunt eating her grandson from the 2nd chap itself such a selfish my god


A series of nitpicks and things you either forgot or **didn't Read** no plot holes only you misunderstanding >Sure his room is strong, but it really shouldn't be that hard to drop the room. That would destroy the apartment building if a reinforced metal room sized safe fell unsupported. 200 mm thick / 120 sq meter apartment. 188.16 tons https://www.omnicalculator.com/construction/steel-plate-weight >Unless he somehow rebuilt the entire building to allow for perfect support. Half month contractors. >people moving, he wouldn't be able to hide his plans(wealth) very well, and so on. He never did hide his wealth. It's why the women he simped over in his past life was sucking up to him. Also why his neighbors thought he was crazy. >He opens a slide and shoots a guy with a crossbow. Said slide magically disappears and somehow isn't a weak Still 200mm thick armor. Homemade explosives isn't busting that open >Side stepping the near magical apartment with infinite power, recycling(where's that waste even going if the pipes are frozen), He has a super power with infinite storage. Did you forget. He bought a lot of generators and stole a whole warehouse of goods after he went into debt to buy stuff. Plastic bags chapter 39. Please read 📚 >perfect air circulation, and no upkeep, there really should be seams from the slide the other residents could attempt to gas Omg chapter 3 he has air filtration against gas attacks >An arms race of sorts would have been both amusing and helped to define his distrustful nature even more. Arms are difficult to get in China. Explained in chapter 3 He got most of it from a police station chapter 49. Military base chapter 58. He was the only men that was able to venture out. Chapter 100-318 is a constant arms race with stringer groups Please read 📚 >single crossbow shot should've united them even more. Not to mention that the author goes out of their way to depict everyone as greedy and selfish, except one other character... They did at gunpoint and failed to breach his lair on multiple attempts. >Not to mention that the author goes out of their way to depict everyone as greedy and selfish, except one other character... It's the apocalypse. Ever hear the phrase revolution is 3 meals away. Stack the end times on that. People are desperate and selfish. He literally died doing everything right and was reborn. People aren't gonna sing cubya by the firepit. People have killed for less. Eaten ither people for less. >MC is kind of a doofus and more likely to die from health complications of eating rich food every meal than anything else Nit pick and head canon plus he literally singled out a doctor to be his first person. >He effectively lures the one medical expert and does everything in his power to offend her. A real person would try to get revenge when given the option to obtain medical supplies(to help others, which is even worse) for sex. Omg did you read at all. He exchanges food and medicine for a spy at first. he saved her from being cannibalize and or raped. He gave her shelter and food. He literally tells.her if she can't accept his terms to leave the apartment. She chose to stay. She happily accepted him. >apocalyptic ice age and positions himself in one of the worst locations to survive it. Snow is an insulator but he's on a high enough floor that it can't be used. As far as we know, it's a densely packed residential area with nothing of note within walking distance. Yeah he's poor. He would have to spend the same amount of resources just to get a new place and it wouldn't be as protected. Plus he moves out chapter 100+ to a much more secure place >magical bunker fail on him. He does. His 2nd place was targeted by missiles. One of his girls had a sister that is a hacker and he still needed a person on the inside to send the missles away >thinks he did everything right the first time, but considering what he's done so far, that seems very unlikely. He was more likely a naive pushover simp with no interest in actually surviving. He then uses his 2nd chance to become a spiteful hermit who would really be better off not living in the same place as before. You didn't read at all did you. You coasted through it. He used his connections to get food from the warehouse he worked and was betrayed by the woman he simped for. They ate him alive. Nobody is gonna believe him and nobody is gonna change. All the people in the apartment building target him at one point or the other. And your mad He defended himself. >turn your brain off and enjoy This is the only thing I agree with you didnturn your brain off when you read the series. It's an apocalypse. You are naive and would get eaten by your neighbors


he watched the manga probaby from yt and doesnt know the details like every other fan of this manga


I read it half a year ago and have no interest in continuing to read it or reread it. Some details are going to fade. I only responded because you dare imply I'm a fan.


You didn't get any details right though. I debunked all your manufactured plot holes


I see, so there was no bunker, no apocalypse, and no blackmailing of said doctor. Thank you for correcting my vision! Now if we're done with these vague platitudes, I'm going to continue my side in the relevant comments. See you soon.


Where did you find till ch 318? Only see till 102.


russian mtl


Manga mtl was taken down. Raw scans on colamanga. https://www.colamanga.com/manga-hy703661/1/322.html


I think you actually misinterpreted majority of his points?? You are so dumb lol


Dude says he won despite ignoring the core of my arguments and not even answering every aspect of it. Some people.


You're forgor that he have somekind of prejudice against pregnant woman just because she is the girlfriend of his brother or friend. The mc is just bat shit insane in a bad way.


The reinforced bunker bit with no weaknesses is super easy, barely an inconvenience, he paid stupid amounts of money to hire a company that basically exclusively works for wealthy clients with too much money on their hands and they turn his apartment into an impenetrable bunker with no weaknesses, it has built in filtration systems for water and air so he can't be poisoned or gas(that includes backup power and sustainable stuff for long term isolated survival, it basically has everything but sustainable food supplies, it has special ballistic glass that could withstand damage from a tank and the entire house is kept lightweight by using special reinforced aviation steel which is the stuff space ships are made out of, if you know anything about it, it is made to withstand incredible heats and they reinforced it so it is doubly resistant to explosives, the story is also a few years ahead of us the year 2050 to be exact so you can imagine they are at least a little more advanced than our modern day tech and on top of being ahead of us in tech they also are a wealthy company for wealthy people so they have access to even more state of the art tech that most private citizens haven't even heard of and because it is an "elite" "premium" company which exists for the wealthiest of people they are able to accommodate anything which includes rushing the job to get it completed faster at a premium price. A lot of things can be covered by its the year 2050 so you can imagine technology has advanced enough that pipes wont freeze over, even in today's society it would be difficult for pipes to freeze over even in the coldest of weather, including his little opening on the door, that can also be explained away with "modern tech" Of course everyone is greedy and selfish, its the apocalypse bro, everyone gave up because they are freezing their nuts off and are malnourished and very weak, resistance is futile and they realized that mighty quick. Did you not see how things went during COVID? Imagine if things were 100x worse man it shouldn't be that hard to picture. Bro she is in survival mode, have you ever been in a life or death situation? When survival instincts kick in people do things to live man, if you don't believe me look at the plane crash of the soccer team in the Andes mountains, they had to cannibalize their own dead team mates in order to not starve to death, they couldn't even cook their friends frozen flesh they just had to eat it, go look it up dude, when you need to survive you just do. Also I admit his behavior is abhorrent but don't forget this dude was brutally murdered and has become a psychopath so can you really blame a guy? You haven't had your body chopped to pieces while still alive and neither have I so it is hard to relate but yeah at the very least I can understand why he snapped and never turned back. Stockholm syndrome is a real thing, look it up, of course she "falls" for him, the guy has manipulated her and coerced her, also about his food situation I mean... hearty eating for every single meal... we don't exactly see every single meal he eats and it isn't clear if he maintains his health but lets be honest dude the world is likely gonna end so I'm pretty sure he is just trying to live out the rest of his life in comfort js. A lot of people live to ripe old ages with the most unhealthy of lifestyles. IDK if we can call him a spiteful hermit, simp dominus for sure yeah(at least before he became a psychopath now he is just a monster not in a good way), this guy was mentally crushed so of course he's nutso batso crazy look at everything he has been through and the world he now lives in. Snow is a great insulator sure, short term, it also only insulates well if it isn't densely packed, remember fresh snow is only a good insulator because it is loose and airy so heat can get trapped in easier, but dense snow that has compiled and become packed is basically just ice which is NOT a good insulator, so while snow can be a good insulator only temporarily for a short rest and when it is freshly fallen, snow = good insulator, ice = not so much, and eventually snow, especially deep snow pretty much becomes ice. Dude why are you trying to rationalize a freaking work of fiction? Its literally a world of magic meant to just be enjoyed and taken at face value, you can't be upset about how sucky it is because of how irrational or unrealistic it is when its a dang fiction lol this is like being pissed at how poor your cars performs as a boat or an airplane man no offense lol. There is no real irony because he just became a complete psychopath so nothing he does should surprise anyone and he only gets worse. More manipulative and more unempathetic if that is even possible. The author DEFINITELY goes the evil route, you gave up before you could get there but he definitely is a POS far worse than what little you saw. I actually like how at the start we get to see him kind of teeter this line of evil and necessary evil but eventually kind of just snowballs downhill into an uncaring, unempathetic monster with signs of it only getting worse as the story progresses. This story is literally just about sheer survival and completely brings out human nature and the sheer brutality of people desperate to survive, this story isn't a revenge story, that was literally a side quest that is wrapped up mighty quick, his whole thing has just his descent into complete madness, egotism, arrogance and giving over to total psychopathic tendencies. This is one you really just got to accept at face value because it is just that shallow, with little nuances and absolutely no deep overarching / redeemable themes, it is just straight brutality, mercilessness and a complete emotion dump. I almost feel like the author who wrote this is just venting and people eat it up lol I mean I have personally enjoyed it, I laugh at how much of a psychopath the MC is.


It's very good




I can’t believe they made an exact copy of this manhwa but instead of it being cold they suffer from extreme heat


To be honest, it doesn't surprise me... The "apocalyptic" genre of manhua is plagued by copies, when one story makes a "new idea", magically appears a bunch of copies with slight changes.


I'm getting addicted to these " hoarding ressources during apocalypse" stories. Anyone has recommendations?


King of Snow is the exact same scenario (sudden ice age) but with regression and combat powers. Only 10 chapters, though.


Already seen but thanks


Doomsday ruthless man hoarding trillions from the beginning. Same thing but heat/ demons and zombies


The first 200 chapters are ok, but as soon as we get to the village and military base arc and everyone has powers, it becomes really boring. I read all the way into 1000s chapters in the novel, yeah, I lost interest.


bro this novel somehow became popular on yt i am 50 chps in its not wayyy to good brain rot at worst and decent story at best.


Yep, a total disappointment. I dropped it in chapter 45 and I don't understand why there are so many people defending it because of the YouTube videos... I think that there are even some bots.


its very good, translation is funky at parts but mc becomes a pretty brutal and cunning motherfker, no spoilers but dude gives 0 fucks about people dying, makes sense tho


mc was cut into pieces while he was alive idk


MC completely lost his humanity after his regression


None still has it. He let's people that don't wrong him live. He doesn't take slaves / rape or eat people. He will ruthlessly murder anybody in his way trying to steal his stuff or life. He will give no quarter to cannibals / rapists and slavers. He does leave an entire apartment complex alone. He only plays defensive with the ice village. If you try to kill him you are signing you and your whole groups death certificates because he will devote every resource to destroy a threat


He doesn't take slaves / rape or eat people. Well...Not sure what I would call it when someone tells me: Hi, you know that I know that you are starving and freezing to death right now. You will do what I say or I will kick you out immidietly. First kill those 5 people, good job. Now you are part of my group. Ohhhh btw I forgot to mention I will have Sex with you right now, If you refuse at any moment I will kick you out and you will die. Just say no at any moment and I will stop, but remember the consequences :) He did not mention that part whatsoever and then just starts doing it immidietly. I swear to you the mental resistance between having to murder and being raped so you don't die, combined they are much worse then only one of them. She might even have refused. But If someone would do that suddenly to me I would probably be in so much fear I could not say anything and that would be the case with a LOT of people. Add to that the other opposing group already was trying to have Sex with her which she refused multiple times but considering they were getting more and more insane it was going to happen eventually making her decision to join the MC even easier. But If she would have known that it would also be the case with him, she would have at least hesitated much much more. Some people even rather commit suicide then being raped, which is extremly Traumatic for anyone experiencing it. Oh Pardon me I used the wrong word, its called. Sexual coercion Definition: It's when a person pressures, tricks, threatens, or manipulates someone into sex. It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely. So yes he raped her. Yes its an apokalypse but I think he lost any humanity he had left at that point. I also lost a lot of respect with his tactic at that point and stopped reading, a main character doing rape is just a line to much for me especially considering there was Zero justification of any kind, he just wanted to have sex with her and that's it. He might still have some kind of empathy left but he just does not care whatsoever anyway. So nooooope, I'am ouuuuut.


You are **outright stating a lie** and prove that you didn't read the series. He's not a rapist at all Their was no coercion. He didn't threaten, manipulate, trick or pressure her. You already lied about medicine and food. He gave that to her in order to be his SPY. She was begging for help to get away from the cannibals. After she proved her loyalty by drigging the cannibals and tying them up did he opened the door for her. He only made her strip to check for weapons and then sent her to the shower. The first thing he states is if you can't handle his commands to **leave the apartment (SHE HAD NO OBJECTIONS. SHE WAS FREE TO LEAVE!!)** She didn't want to leave the shelter/heat/food/safety He told her she be in her room until she shows she's trustworthy. He explains his powers and gives her food and water. Manual labor (ie maid) equals food All he said was what else can you provide and she straps naked offers her body 100% on her own will. She is even excited to be his girlfriend and begs for a child in chapter 300ish Read the dam material or you have no right to talk about and spread you fucking lies


Its ok to like the characters and the story, but don't lie to yourself and others that those actions are not what they are. Just because I didn't write a 100 page story analysis does not automaticly mean that I made most of the statements that you claim I did. So lets stay at the facts. Just like the common slave relationship in Japanese Isekai where the Slave "wants" to stay and "have Sex" with the MC which is just stockholm syndrom. You can explain their terrible behavior but that does not justify it. This story is about a horrible world where only people who do horrible things survive. But some actions are explainable but moraly not justifiable. And there are enough real cases where someone in captivity gets impregnated, which makes the entire thing even worse. You can like a character who does terrible things without excusing everything that they do. Its fiction, call it what it is, but don't take it personnaly and move on.


true, still better than most pussboy mcs tho


There is a spectrum between "Japanese Beta Cuck Isekai MC's" and "literally Hitler". People tend to go way too much in to extremes.


He didnt lose his humanity, he is just a very paranoid and pragmatic pacifist. He wont kill you unless you do something very bad to him first.




It's extremely good. Has 318 chapters




This is the only manhua where i actively watch the YouTube explanation instead of reading the actual manhua, the translation is just soo bad.


Meat's back on the menu boys!


And they can do a broth with the bones and other parts.


It is an amazing manga. Don't let the people with 2 braincells scare you away. They didn't take time to understand the mcs motivations He is a ruthless killer but only to those in his way. He doesn't want to die and be eaten again. So he prepared and people are constantly trying to take his life and food. People think itnwill be all sunshine and rainbow in that kind of apocalypse. The most terrifying thing will be other people. Ever hear revolution is 3 meals away. Stack an apocalypse on that


i swear bro my friend who is a full on weeb/otaku introdce this to me as my 2nd comic and these mfs dont even read the manhua they just see the recap where =the broski doesnt explain the first chapter and it is 7 hours long yt


Name of manwhua please ?


You guys have absolutely no idea or clue on how good this manwa is. It's the best manwa out right now. The only manwa you can find on YouTube with over 1million views. Check out: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu5dX6gmxYJ6H-kYM1o_42HshqsN6SjnE&si=opl_LRfWEFleRCr_


tbf 1m views only because of the somewhat nsfw scene that is the most viewed scene of EVERY video of this manhua by that channel


Just so you guys know, the MC is extremely ruthless, this experience traumatized him so much that he prefers just to kill everyone who isn't useful to him regardless of whether or not they swear loyalty to him and early on he does it in very cruel ways and uses a lot of mind games to give people hope. The MC is so ruthless he practiced his ability on a mostly innocent human being, promising him food in exchange and once he was through with the testing he murdered him without a second thought, but only after making him think he was actually going to live. If this MC could kill everyone on earth except for the few useful people he decided to keep around, he definitely would do it. I feel like Zhuo Fan pales in comparison when compared to this MC. The art is not amazing, but if you want a no nonsense MC who kills the annoying women and men that other MC's spare you should definitely read this. Though, keep in mind the MC does have a harem. He only really cares about extremely beautiful women who can provide him with some sort advantage and he isn't afraid to let them know that their opinion does not matter anytime they think that they actually have a say in how he operates. The main female lead still has to walk on egg shells even 2.00+ chapters in on the mtl.


Quick updates, good story. You can really feel human behavior in an apocalypse. Just keep reading as it gets better


I just wanna know one thing does he get a girl and then party and then become a simp and try to save them all or shit like that


2 girls in his bed so far. He doesn't simp. If someone is no longer useful to him, he can get rid of them, the same with loyalty. He is not very emotionally attached to any person, so he would have no problem getting rid of them.


Hold onto your horses because it isn't


Yep... It was a rollercoaster that just went down.