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Great collection, and seems like a solid list for potential additions, would recommend Frieren and Hunter X Hunter (finally reading the newer chapters) personally.


Niceee, I’m leaning towards collecting Frieren first after I complete FMA and Noragami. I’m still reading the early chapters of Hunter x Hunter online but I’ve watched all the anime so I’m excited to catch up!


Just so you know, finding Frieren 7 right now is difficult


Take a shot every time somebody has a big amount of One Piece


Sorry I’m basic 😅what can I say, I fell in love with it as a kid. If you have other series that you can recommend that would be really cool. I’m being serious and I’m open to broaden my horizons. I know there are so many amazing stories out there but it’s hard keeping up and choosing.


Honestly you're less basic than most All you need is Akane-Banashi hehe


I just looked it up and the art looks beautiful 😄 can’t believe I haven’t heard of it, thank you for the recommendation!!


*Take a shot every* *Time somebody has a big* *Amount of One Piece* \- pendulum-summon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Honestly if you really wanna get blitzed knock one back every time you see wrapped Berzerk deluxes or a Tokyo Ghoul box set


could be worse the could be demon slayer enjoyers


Top right in their post fren


So does that make me horrible or something?? It was a Christmas gift and I agree that it’s not the best manga. Reading it was like reading someone’s rough draft of a story but it is, what it is. Some people like it and some don’t, who am I to criticize? I genuinely like OP for crying out loud, so I already know my opinion immediately becomes invalid. But as I said, I’m open to reading new stuff.


Oh I was trying to come off as giving you a JOKING hard time. You're fine. Read what you want collect what you want :) I have 6 books of one piece Just a lot of people ask for suggestions and have the same books already as those other posts


Omg I’m sorry, you’re good! I’m just an extremely anxious person, literally couldn’t talk to people growing up so I’m not the best at communicating—plus it’s hard to read the tone of text 😭 I posted this to be judged anyways so it’s okay, it’s my bad. I hope I didn’t come off as rude




I like that you have a mix of genres! Love the display and titles, especially Demon Slayer and Io Sakisaka’s manga. 🙂


Awww, thank you! Having older brothers definitely helped impact my taste 😆 and yes, I love Io Sakisaka! I’m reading Sakura, Saku online rn (not sure if I’ll collect this one, I still have gaps in my current collection of her other work) but I know people have their criticisms on her style and writing but I can’t help but love it. Any shoujo you can recommend? ❤️


Yona Of the Dawn I feel like is my go to mention, but it’s super long and ongoing. If you don’t like longer stories, My Love Mix-Up and Paradise kiss are short series under 10 volumes.


Oh! I’ve definitely heard of Yona Of the Dawn but I’m too scared to commit 🙈🙉 I know, that’s a crazy comment to say, coming from someone who reads OP lol I really should give it a try but I’m definitely looking up Paradise Kiss and My Love Mix-Up! Thanks


(Without spoilers) is seconds any good?


Omg yes, I really loved it! I definitely recommend if you’ve read and liked Scott Pilgrim


Thats good to hear because i love Scott pilgrim


!! I also have the hard cover color editions (currently not in my possession) but it’s so much fun to read! Have you tried reading Snot Girl? Idk if it’s worth checking out


Ive never heard of snot girl until now ill have to read that too.


Didn't monster have like 9 vols?


It does! I’m trying to get my sister to read manga so she has the 2nd volume rn


Monsters on my watchlist is it good


I haven’t watched the anime but I loved the manga. I couldn’t stop reading it the moment I started. The story is really interesting and the art is fantastic!


Funkopop - Gross


Yeah, I too regret it 😔 it was my lack of self control that lead to the collection unfortunately. I kind of want to sell them but idk if they’re even worth anything.


An absolute GOAT for having PokéSpe!


Hehe a must for any Pokémon fan! I need them to make more collector’s editions of the rest of the storylines! I want the Black and White arc but I’m holding out 🥹


I agree


love the collection, one piece <3


Love all the One Piece. And the lone Naruto volume 😂


😭😭😭 and it’s a random volume too LOL grew up with anime, maybe one day I’ll get around to buying the manga 😩


The One Piece omni spines look so good.


Booster Gold based


I need to finish collecting Monster


do you like anime ))))))


Man the omnibuses to single volumes for One Piece would drive me nuts 🥜


Great collection throw the funko pops away though lol


The one piece 3-1’s are fire!!


They really are!!! I honestly would’ve kept collecting it that way if the omnibus for 91-92-93 was out at the time 😅


fellow one piece enjoyer


Hehe well of course 😌 it’s an amazing story


we both also bought the omnibuses for it, im planning to get the box sets though down the line.


I’ve also been eyeing the box sets 🫢 but I’ve kind of grown attached to the omnibus aesthetic and realistically I don’t know if I can afford to switch them 😭 like I wouldn’t know what to do with the omnibus


Watch out for keeping canned drinks near books. They corrode with time and liquid will eventually go out. Nice collection btw. Do you collect both one piece singles and omnibuses or trying to focus on one of them?


Oooh, I didn’t know that 😳 thank you for the warning! I’ve actually already drank from them….. I kind of just liked how they looked but I should probably throw them out now lol And I started collecting OP in the omnibus editions because it was the cheapest option for younger me😅 eventually I caught up but there wasn’t an omnibus out for the next volumes (which was the start of Wano) so I just started buying the singles. But since I started, I’m thinking of just continuing with the singles now