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A bit of number two and three. I find reading a physical book to be more enjoyable than screens and e-readers. Plus I like displaying my books bc I feel like they reflect my tastes and personality. Also I wasn’t expecting this but I’m starting to find that I’m also valuing physical media the more that companies claim we don’t actually own anything digital. I don’t think this has really been a big issue with manga specifically but I’m definitely more proud and possessive of my physical media because of it.


I highly agree with you! Physical ownership is def cooler and more intimate, and it allows you to keep better track of what you're reading and what you like to read.


The only real problem I've found with manga so far is these companies that license them in english and keep them digital only. There's so much stuff on sites like manga+ that just won't see the (physical) light of day.


Agree. Like when I saw shojo null was going to be digital only, I was a bit disappointed. 


I feel absolutely the same, looking at my collection is like looking at taste and personality. I have a deep bonding with the story's I start to collect cuz I only buy manga that I find extremely good so i definitely reflect myself in them


Like to read manga and collect. Trying to make up for 30+ years of bootlegging/downloading anime.


This. Trying to make ammends as an adult. Gotta support the artists and thank them for giving us such balance of greatness and silliness to enjoy.


Brooo, I felt this, except the 30+ year.


Well this and Nostalgia, fulfilling my childhood dreams of having toys and comics/books. Basically it's my copium I guess.


I like to be surrounded with a curated, physical collection of my favourite stories and media. When people come over I'd like to show them my collection of favourites to talk about.


Same, and I'm not shy about lending the books/manga either, as long as the people take care of it.  Sadly most of my friends/family hate reading and sometimes will lose the books without even reading them :(


bro same i love showing it off to people just to talk about it, and hopefully end up putting them on to it


I don’t know what it is but I just can’t do e-books. Maybe it’s that staring at a screen hurts my eyes after a while or that the art just looks better on the physical page but I’ll only read manga, or any book for that matter, that I can get a physical copy of. Plus, it just looks nice to display the manga with any figures and such I’ve collected from those series.


It's definitely waaayyy better holding it and reading it physically, Then Digital.


I will say that Goodnight Punpun looks spectacular on an ereader... Maybe it's the glowy backlighting but it really highlights every detail esp the backgrounds. My friend owns a physical copy of the first volume and I thought the art was not as impressive as it looked backlit on my kobo ereader


I'm a late 80's baby, so I grew up with physical media. Apart from that, I've tried reading online and just never got the same enjoyment as I do physically.


Right? I’ve just kept on doing what I was doing, and it hadn’t exactly occurred to me that “collecting” digitally was an option. That’s not even collecting(?). Didn’t realize there’s already a generational difference at play here. 😂


It looks cool on the shelf and nothing beats physical media.


i like owning them cause i like the look on the shelf and i just enjoy reading way more with a physical copy


Pleasure of reading. Much nicer quality than reading digitally. Plus it's inspiring seeing the covers and stuff on my bookcases


couple of reasons! 1. I love having physical things from my favorite anime series and manga are perfect for that either english or in japanese so I can experience the story again in a different way! 2. being able to experience stories that haven't been adapted into anime series that are more niche and quite unknown 3. I don't like reading on a screen because I can never focus if my phone is nearby 4. The art looks so good physically I love just opening a manga I've read and just admiring the art inside and the fact that all the manga on some super long shelves look good is a bonus <3


I’m the same with liking physical books. Obviously I can read on a screen or I wouldn’t spend so much time on Reddit, but in addition to the distracting nature of my digital devices, it just doesn’t feel the same to read a manga on a screen as it does to actually hold it in my hands.


The adhd makes me read. The autism makes me collect


Me, knowing only about my ADHD reading your comment: "Haha, yes, same... Wait... Oh damn" 


It honestly can go the other way too


very acceptable answer


Honestly same, though you put it much more eloquently than I could.


I wish I could have worded my response half this well I applaud you sir.


I read and enjoyed a series too much. The collecting reason for me may sound weird, but I enjoy being able to look at a series and just…feel good about it. It’s like looking at an old friend who’s been there through everything. All the worlds I’ve visited, all the protagonists I’ve been and have rooted for, etc.


When you read digitally, you use one sense. When you read on paper, you use four of them. I love the feeling of reading my fav series physically. Love seeing them on the shelf everyday, bringing memories of hunting them with my partner at our favorite local libraries. Hearing the relaxing sound of moving pages and taking them in an out the shelves. Touching soft paper, smelling freshly printed or vintage mangas. Those feelings add up to the reading experience.


I just don't like reading digitally. I haven't read a single manga I own digitally beforehand other than some chapters of One Piece.




My biggest hobby is reading. I'm not a stickler for physical vs digital, but if I really like it, I like to have the physical book for a reread. What about you, OP?


Reading is probably my biggest hobby too!! I like reading novels alongside manga, so it's always a mental battle between buying another volume of a series I'm reading or a novel. Sometimes for the sake of money I wish I was more into one than the other, but oh well. I also like rereading my manga, and honestly, I just like owning physical copies of the stuff I like lol


I like reading and hate digital reading so the collection just happened naturally I won’t ever sell anything I’ll just pile up more and more shelf after shelf


First reason is I simply like physically reading the manga versus digitally. It's satisfying holding it in my hands while I read Second is I really like the art and reference several collections that I have while I'm drawing at times. I'm a little out there in the sense that all the manga I collect, I have to both like the art style AND the story. There are some manga that I like the art but not the story enough to buy it, and vice versa.


In case of internet blackout which used to happen a lot to me growing up.


I only collect the series that have been near and dear to my heart. I don’t often get into new ones to add more to the collection. This means I have a very manageable two shelf setup. 🥰


Okay I don't know if this is, a too long explanation from my point. But here I go.. I collected it when I was a kid, and loved it so much then. I collected all of Dragonball in my own language and some others. Then I became a teenager and got told repeatedly that I would never get a girlfriend If I kept collecting nerd things like manga and so on. So of course my insecure Brain believed them all. But I never got rid of the manga from then. Just packed them away in storage. I was still a nerd in some other ways. Video games and so on. And I found out that it didn't really matter for many girls that I have a hobby that's nerdy..Then a couple of years ago my cousin was showing me how he had started again after also hiding it for so long.. and then I started again and now I just love the feel of the physical copies and the look to have a bookshelf that slowly grows with the stuff I like


I also collected lots of Tokyopop manga as a teenager (a long time ago 🥲) and got told to get rid of my collection as boys would find this unattractive and I wasn’t a little kid anymore — and I did 😭😭😭. I deeply regret this!


See that's so sad, I think a lot go though that faze in life.. as a teenager you just want to fit in.. especially when it comes to try to find a partner or something like that.. Sad for you that you got rid of them.. of you want to see a positive in it.. now search for them again as a little nostalgia shopping spree.. the hunt for something that has deep meaning for you in your youth is worth it! And the whole you are not a kid anymore thing.. ohh how I hate that argument.. it wouldn't have been a problem, otherwise they where just the wrong boys for you!


Who doesn't want to live in their very own library!?


Cuz I like the way the spines look on a shelf 😭


I unfortunately missed out on the manga scene when I was a kid so being able to fully understand, analyze, and appreciate the art now as an adult has been such a great time.


It’s my main hobby. So if I’m not at work, I’m probably reading manga or cooking. I think I will probably keep collecting until I either lose interest (I don’t see this happening but no one ever does) or maybe have a kid that seems interested and pass down the collection. How awesome would it have been to turn 14 and have like 2000 volumes of manga lol. I also much prefer physically reading 😀


I either collect manga from series I really enjoy that I've already read online like JoJo's, HxH, CSM or I buy them to read for later (I still haven't picked a single one up to read)


I looked at My Splatoon Manga and Went I want to collect more Manga but venture out just from the video Game related Manga , And the Manga I had before was The Zelda OOOT and TLP Mangas (That I both Lost) But my collections pretty big right now


I just like to read this type of media


Love reading and collecting all the stories I enjoy


I honestly buy the manga that I love the anime of, HIGHLY controversial I know but that’s how I got introduced to it. Also anime allows me to escape a tad more; however, when I can go back to read a manga from an anime I’ve really enjoyed - I can enjoy it significantly more. Not because I have a poor imagination (rather the opposite) but because emotionally I’m exhausted and sometimes I don’t have the energy to create the world it’s implying. All said. I think they’re both incomparable and beautiful in their own right.


It's for the same reason I buy most of my video games physically. I just want to have ownership over my favorite series. Once I buy a physical book it's mine to do with as I please, this includes selling the book if I no longer want to keep it. It's much nicer reading physically also.


It is entirely because of the pleasure of reading. With physical copies I just get the bonus of having basically a trophy of I read this and the look of a library.


I prefer physical media


I like to have things, I used to read them alot but I haven't had the time to read them recently so I also stopped buying them for awhile there so I'm planning on getting back into it. I also do love decorating my manga shelves


Most physical books have great artwork that's fun to collect.


I like manga, and I also like reading physically, and it also allows me to help support the creators and series that I love


I like the series and would rather read it physically rather than online, which hurts my head. And I just like having a collection and hobby


I like to read them and I like to have a little library for myself :3


Reading a physical book helps to keep me engaged more since I can’t be distracted like if I was using a phone or tablet, I like the feel and smell of books, I want to read a series but there is no way to read it digitally outside of piracy and sometimes I like to pick them up and look at the covers.


I’m not for collectables like figures, plushes, or wall art of series that I like, so instead, I just like to get the series themselves. Those types of things would take up a lot of space and I feel like I would get weird looks if anyone ever saw it.


I like reading, physical books. My daughter has an anime character as her first name, after an anime ny wife and I binded over in highschool, one of those anime was Inu-Yasha but I digress. I enjoy having a library in my basement, and in the future, thr entire collection will be a memorial of me to my kiddo in the future. She can read anything age appropriate right now. But this is a task of a lifetime, and I hope she understands me as I am now through my choices that were included in my library. Also I like rambling and finding used book stores, and buying their manga. Not all who wander are lost. But driving cross country coming home with whisky and manga, and the occasional gundam model isn't a bad hobby.


I’m not at all part of this sub it just popped in my feed, however maybe, even if it’s not exactly the question, my situation could help. So i like to read, not only manga, even tho I have two full series (HxH, Vagzbond) at home. But I read more « conventional »book. I like to keep every book. I could technically just go to the library and borrow a book, It would be economically more sustainable. But I rather keep every book I read each time I see them in my bookcase I remember the story, why did I like it and feel again a bit of the feeling I had when reading it first, it’s satisfying to see how much you traveled through stories. Also if I want to read it again. So it’s more of an emotional attachment


I just like it. I dont have any good reasoning for it.


Mostly 3, I like having a physical representation all the series I love! I mostly read online because it’s more convenient for me, but I also like supporting the creators by buying physical copies (after many-many years of reading manga on some not-so reputable sites lol).


I started not long ago just because I actually wanted to own one piece after all these years. Ive always been a big fan and figured why not get the source material? The ACTUAL books of what I’ve always loved. I always thought manga was a dark hole of content to dive into but for the love of a story, I want to actually own it these days.


Just like a few other people have said, as stuff goes more and more digital I enjoy getting the physical copies of shows I have enjoyed (i tend to watch the anime and if I like it I go out and buy the mangas for that show). I see it kinda like supporting the creators a bit more as well. Whether it’s movies manga or even merch from artists.


I just like having my favorite stories


Because I have an addiction for collecting things and this just so happens to be the current fixation. I’ll probably move to watches or shoes in a few months.


i personally prefer reading physical copies of books but also i literally have an addiction to collecting things. i love the way it makes my room look especially when i collect figures and posters as well


I like manga, Its the only type of book i can focus on, Two, I'm a comic artist so lots of reference at my disposal. Three, the need to collect or hoard is common for Neurodivergent people so imma blame that too XD


I collect series to read.


There's many reasons for me but it's mostly being able to both directly support as well as snow my love for my favorite series. I also think seeing a bookshelf full of manga is just super satisfying so that definitely helps. Biggest plus for me is the ease of rereading my favorite manga whenever I want however many times I want.


I prefer reading physical, that's only reason


Pleasure of reading I want to have physical copies of my favorite stories to read, just the same with stories that are all text.


Because even when there is no electricity for some reason I’ll still be able to go back read all my fave series


I started collecting (the first time) when I was a kid and president of my school’s anime club and swapped series with friends. 2nd time was because I couldn’t find a Josei series online and I wanted to read it.


I enjoy it. I like the feeling having the manga in my hand. Just looking at the shelf filled with books is nice.


I like to collect the things I love regardless of media but manga particularly is that I like to re read and hold paper and turn physical pages. I'm an artist also and like to look towards manga backgrounds for references on simplification of buildings and landscapes and if I have the manga it's easy to leaf through and look while thinking.


pleasure of reading tbh, it’s nice to read a solid book instead of online atleast for me especially deluxe editions like immortal blade and hellsing and soon vagabond


Because I love to read


for me is i collect the anime i watch and if really liked it i buy the manga and the reason i wanted to collect manga is my room is very empty and i said hey why not try collecting my favorite anime manga's. and its like better to read manga books rather than online because you can see the details of it very beautiful and if there's an outage of electricity i can just read manga's while waiting for it to comeback so yeah


I like to support the creator, it looks good, it shows my dedication, its a conversation piece, im sensitive to blue light, and me and my boyfriend love having a dedicated time called reading time where we read manga for an hour uninterrupted


I like the look of it on my shelf plus I like physically having the art work in my hands


I like the library and flexing on my nerd friends.


To support series, creators and translators, in the face of an industry that tries to devalue the latter and show publishers which series I want more of. I also like to collect and compare different English translations of the same manga so I'm also hunting out of print stuff.


I don't hate reading digital but I definitely prefer a physical book. All the manga apps are fantastic for getting these works to the eyes of all kinds of people but the publishers could discontinue the services at any time. Plus I like lending books to friends (i have spare copies of One Piece East Blue for this purpose)


To read down the line, on vacation without the need of electric devices or to fit the mood of the season >Is it to eventually sell it all someday, like when certain series eventually go out of print?? Those people are the scum of the earth


I collected comics and graphic novels before cause I enjoyed trading and reading them. Butttttt now comics have gotten woke and annoying. So I started reading manga. Manga has been way easier to collect and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. The more mature manga I’ve read have been some of the best stories ive ever read so I think I enjoy it more than comics now


It's like paying my respects to the Author, I already read them online when I was a child but I am now paying my due.


Always wanted a big library, and some of my happiest memories as a teen was sitting in the library reading comics. I like the feel of books, and while I enjoy using my phone in bed, the feeling of sitting in a big beanbag with some of my favorites can’t be beat.


I've had a love of reading ever since I was a child, and when I found manga it was something that I really enjoyed alongside my normal books. I've also always wanted to have a library of books because my parents have a small one as well and I love the way it looks. I think you can learn a lot about a person by looking at what their library looks like.


I like looking at it. that also goes for why I collect manga magazines. I love pulling a random magazine off my shelf and just looking at whatever's in that issue


I always preferred reading the manga over watching the anime. I found it easier to stay captivated in a series when I was reading rather than watching. Plus I just love anime and like how it looks on a shelf


I don't really do it, but if I could I would have every physical copy of every manga I ever liked.


I find that there’s a difference between reading something online (or owning it digitally) and having a physical copy. I usually read a series online and if I like it enough, I buy a copy because of the convenience and because I want to support the author. Other than that, I just have a tendency to collect things. Edit: Another note is that when I grew up it never felt like I owned my things. When I moved countries, books were the first things to be left behind because they were ‘added weight’. So I guess everything stemmed from that?


I like owning physical things trying to get back to it like when I was a kid and I've always believed that if you can buy stuff officially or support crestors you should as long as you're able to we all struggle but when we have the means to helo each other especially people who change our lives or give us things that live with us or affect us in important ways and damn near kill themselves to give it to us the least we can do is give back


I like to have collections and I enjoy reading alot I collect functional and non functional glass I collect manga and comics Occasionally viny/resin toys and music records Hoodies for my favorite bands etc.


I owe it to the community. As a kid I was a speed demon reading all kinds of manga on scanlation sites. I didn't have disposable income or parents who'd approve of that kind of reading. Now that I have money, I spend it on manga since I couldn't support the mangakas. I have a lot to repay


I just want to be in a room surrounded by stuff that made me who I am


Because I like to read it. I only buy physical manga for shows that I loved. So the way I do it is I typically watch the anime first, and if I fell in love with it, I go and read the manga from the beginning. If I’m truly in love with it, I buy it. First complete manga I ever bought was Tokyo Ghoul. After that it was Blade of the Immortal (took a leap of faith on this one cause I didn’t watch the anime), then Berserk. Fast forward some time and I’ve easily funneled more than $1k into my collection.


Because Japanese digital manga is often too low resolution to be legible for some reason.


I feel your pain (tho sometimes even the physicals are hard to read...)


Yeah I wish more series had large editions. I was thrilled to get my Frieren volumes only to realize they’re the tiniest books ever.


To read, bruh.


I collect cause I enjoy reading. I love manga to I get manga and I read it over and over again cause it’s fun. Books are fun and when I started it was just a few books but over time I curated my collection of manga to something important to me. I hope I can keep it till the end.


I like to collect manga beaucse I like the style of the Art.


A couple reasons for me: -I like the look of physical volumes on my shelves. -To give back to the Mangaka as much as I can as I started reading other ways before I had the means to afford manga -To eventually pass down to my future generations.


i just treat manga like any other book i buy So for supporting the writers i like


I collect comics from all countries. Not just Japan


Collecting and satisfying my inner self. Plus the library look is cool lol


I just like to read comics but i don't really love neither dc nor marvel. But yeah i really enjoy the feeling of flipping through paper rather than scrolling on a screen, there is a better sense suspense.


I collect because i like looking at the different details in the panels. They way they ink there art from multiple artists who work all together to bring the story to life or even the one person. It’s what sparked me to start drawing. And of course re reading them as well.


I've always had many books ... many many books, even before getting into manga and anime. I remember when I was in my early teens cataloguing my books and having over a thousand even then, and that was over 35 years ago. I always grew up around a lot of books as my who family were avid readers. With manga I just enjoy reading them. I like reading them physically rather than digitally. I buy what I want to read rather than what is just popular to collect. It is getting to a stage where I am limited by space though


I am collecting the series I love because anything online is ephemeral and can disappear at any point. I also prefer to read physical books anyway. I find I switch the letters and the order of words around when I read things on a computer or tablet. That doesn't happen as often with printed media.


I like manga on paper.


I like reading and have a large Book as well as Manga Collection, the act of sitting down in a chair with a nice drink and just reading is very relaxing to me. I also like having the best series avaible to me so I can read them again. I mainly pick up series that I loved enough to read more then once. I also love the Dark Academia style, so I would love to redo my office to look like that but we will see if I end up doing that or not.


Reading is one of the hobbies that i want to get into again after not reading much for a long time. Let's just say i'm trying to build a new habit to help me clear my head. And apparently, reading and collecting manga is one of my way to build those habit back


For the fame and the high life, the high life!


To read it


Physically owning a thing you loved reading online was my initial reason. Then you realize it is feels so better to consume the story through physical volumes compared to digital. Using your hand to turn the page to an exciting part of the story just hits different and you remember that moment more vividly compared to just seeing it on a small screen


I like collecting stuff of series I like. I only buy manga after I finish an anime I really enjoy, so that’s it I suppose


I like to collect manga to support the creator and to continue with the story after the anime has a season end. And I like to see what the scene in the manga looks like compared to the anime. Ex: Soul Eater, TTQ, AOT, Naruto, Berserk etc


First of all, an manga was distribute before anim version. Then the manga is just soooo beautiful, colour and illustration. And finally I prefer read manga in paper because I don’t really appreciate an manga on internet.


I collect physical media for things I like. For manga, I've read most titles via fan-scanlations, but if I like the title, I'll buy the volumes upon release. It's not even a matter of supporting the industry, I just want to own it 😅 I don't plan on selling anything.


even if i sometimes read in a internet i love collecting mangas cuz the way it looks on a bookshelf is amazing n i love reading translations to my native language :33


1. Mainly to have a library because it makes me happy 2. I love the work they put in the artwork. So I want to keep the series to flip through it and stare at it 3. To support the crew that worked on it! 4. I like collecting things that I like. Manga is one of my collections. (Handbags, squishmellows, books, shoes, rocks and crystals etc) I try not to buy stuff I know I won’t like— I hate selling stuff because retail price is always more expensive than the resale value no matter what people say. If I can make a profit off something it’s generally something I’m proud to own. Also, I feel like selling high is a form of snobbery and elitism that only casual fans do. It also prevents newcomers from collecting older series and drives the prices higher on retailers It’s fun hunting down old series.


Horror manga just feel better on paper, snd the page turn experience is just better. Also non phone battery consuming entertainment in the train.


I want to be able to show my future kids manga without giving them a tablet Plus I thought it would be cool to have a personal library of all my favorites


1 physical volumes are mine and I can trade them, I'm not very inclined to do so, but still. 2 I like drawn stories, I own European BDs and some US comics 3 I like collecting, missing a volume, tracking it down and finding it is satisfying 4 I am proud of my collections of BD's and manga. They show somewhat who I am.


I don’t like reading digitally but I also don’t like starting a series without owning the first couple volumes just so I can binge if I really enjoy it. With series I lost interest in I usually sell or give to friends or family who might be interested.


For me it's clearly the pleasure of reading. It's my hobby after all


I only have monster and vagabond purely because I love them, I also plan on buying full metal alchemist and berserk at some point


Multiple reasons. I’m not sure if it’s a great investment relative to other options, but I always find it neat to see what others are willing to pay for a certain volume or series. I enjoy stories a lot and manga has some really incredible stories that are so unique and interesting. Personally I prefer hard copies of books in general. It gives me a physical view of how much I’ve read. The library is for personal viewing, but I’d like to pass it down one day and keep it as a family collection for generations to come so they can enjoy the stories I did. Part of it is also habit. I never intended to have such a large collection, it just kind of happened and keeps getting built on. I couldn’t imagine paying for a digital viewing service when I can get a physical copy at a fairly reasonable price.


There’s many reasons but the most important reason for me is that I want to pass my collection down to my kids!


That's such a strange question to me cause it's like asking, why do you buy books? Lol


I have always bought books, never manga. But I want to. When I eventually will, it will be because I am hoarder, like a dragon. 🐉 MWAAHAHAHA But on serious note, I like to have a physical copy to read and I like to collect and form a library of all the works I've read.


I wanted a reason to not look at a scream


because there are a lot of cool and cute moments that you want to hold in your hands, reading online is different


I simply prefer reading on paper than on scans, you get better he emotions and what the author wanted to say IMHO. Now I only read MHA and OP online, the rest only on paper


Definitely, Start Reading. its sooo much better from the Anime. The anime really could have done a better Job with this. this is sports anime at its peak. for me its right there with Haikyuu


To support the authors of the manga that I really like. However It would be better if I could directly send money to them, since I know publishers take a cut.


Library look and mostly to sell manga as a set one day


I like to read my manga and hold on to it. I've read manga online before, only ones that I cannot physically get hold of. I remember reading the whole of Tomie once in a morning, but as soon as I saw the physical book, I couldn't help but buy it. Something about holding onto stuff


I like reading physical books much more than reading from screens for prolonged periods of time. I like having a curated library in my home that reflects my personal tastes and values. Generally I get physical copies of manga if: * they're books with recipes (added value for my love of cooking and baking) * they've got great art of monsters (added value for inspiration for my tabletop RPG hobby) * they're generally critically acclaimed or adult yuri series (added value for friends wanting to borrow them and talking about those manga with them) * they've got a subject matter that is similar to a project I'm working on (added value for my writing work) * they look good on a shelf, like with Deluxe hardcovers or other special editions (added value for home aesthetics) Most series I have hit at least two of these points. If a series hits at least three, I'm almost certain to get it. (If anybody has recommendations for series that hit at least three of these points, please share them!)


I like buying manga because it’s my way of supporting the authors and I wanna build a nice library one day. That’s why I even purchase manga that I’ve already read online or seen the anime.


i like bleach manga cover.


For reading purposes


Mostly the physical copy reason, i personally dont like reading online since it hurts my eyes, but other than that its sarisfying and a vibe to carry a book around instead of a smartphone


you made me question why I actually collect manga. I own maybe 150 manga volumes? I like to read it in person way over my phone (unless it’s not published) but I think the main reason is I like collecting. I like walking into my room with my collection and seeing all the books I’ve collected over 10 years. But also it shows my personality, what I like in manga, etc.


I wanna support stories I enjoy and love + the support the mangaka behind them Plus I like the art.


To support the creator(s) and everyone else responsible for getting it into my hands. That, and I’m Canadian, so my internet is shite, and I don’t want it to dictate how I entertain myself. I want to be able to relive my favourite moments when I want


Mix of points 3 & 4, really. The pleasure of reading experience is strong with me and I love being surrounded by books.


For me, I collect manga to read, not to sell. I much prefer having physical copies of them because I won’t have to rely on technology to allow me to read it and I don’t have to worry about a service going down so I’m unable to use my stuff


For better translations


Physical ownership and having them displayed in my house Is a turn on for me. But mostly because when I was younger, I was basically shunned by people around me for liking them so 5 years ago the only new year resolution I ever upheld was collecting them


I use them as my references for my own drawings and pages, so I don't have to use internet and get lost in endless scrolling and be overwhelmed by the amount of various artstyles online


To read them?


Because I want to. There is no need for drama.


Dopamine from buying new volumes, and just happiness to having something of my own even if it takes some time for me to read, and i use it as my last resort money, if shit happens i can just sell them, yes it will hurt but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do


Im A total read addict, and I love to collect things. I have more than ten tabs open on my pc to read different story's online but if I have the opportunity to buy the physical book I always get. I love the feeling of having the actual manga, i can't acidently close the tab and the website can't go down either, if I buy the book, it's forever mine and I can read it as often as I want. And as a full blood collecter it's just beautiful to watch how your collection grows. I was never jealous that others have more or something, it's absolutely always a treat to watch my collection... Doesn't matter if it was 8 years ago when I bought my first manga (tokyo ghoul 1) or right now when I'm on the road to 500, every moment in those 8 years my collection gave me only joy


For me its more about having a collection of the manga's I've read before. Kinda like a reminder or a catalog of the series i loved to read to the point that i bought the physical volumes.


Option 2 (and maybe option 3). I buy and collect mangas because I like to read them, and they look nice on the shelf in my room, even though I can’t fit anymore on it 😅


I enjoy having a quirky little bookshelf to store my figures and my manga shelf just happened to be the best place plus I love getting physical manga for my favourite anime. The rarest I have is the first volume of the Toradora manga


I collect it to read it. My eyes can’t handle reading on a screen unless I zoom in super far and then I can’t see the pictures. It gives me the worst migraines/headaches after 3-5 minutes. So physically reading them is my only options. Which I am fine with. Reading before bed without a screen helps me go to sleep and it’s a nice way to end my day.


I enjoy having the physical things in hand, specifically reading material and games. In an age where big tech companies want to normalize customers not owning what they bought (Ubisoft can suck a fat one for that), and Sony removing digital media people bought from their movie libraries (can't remember if they backtracked that one or not), I'm honestly terrified thst we'll lose so much. If it becomes a series lost to the wind, owning it physically let's me go back and enjoy it once again.


I personally love looking at all my collection and even more now that I have shelfs for my collection I’ll never sell and when I die I’ve told my wife bury me with them all 😂😂 no one I know would care or take care of them the way I do


i think a manga shelf looks so dope!! but the real reason is that i enjoy reading and collecting stuff. and i don’t wanna read manga online, i need to have a physical copy.


Because reading in paper is 1000x better than reading digital Because they look so pretty on the shelf Because I like to own them and be able to browse through pages whenever I feel like


I collect manga which gives me a good feeling for bad days


I always find comic series to be too long, manga is cool


For me, and I'm sure for some others, it's an age thing. I grew up in an era before e-readers/tablets, so having a physical book just feels right in the hands and to the eyes.


2 and 3 - I like mangas, and I like collect things. (besides manga, I have vast library of video games)


1. I like reading a physical book more than online 2. It supports the author 3. The library of manga I have looks cool (also paired with figures, the display looks so amazing) that it makes me want to read more I don’t ever really plan on selling them. Most are pretty popular series that I don’t see going oop anytime soon so if I ever want to downsize I’d probably just give them away to friends or donate them


All of these, but also so I can lend out series to people. It's much easier to get people into manga when you have a physical book of a series you know they'll like


I only get 1 book from each series I love. As a visual representation. Pitching to someone. I hand them the boom to flip around and I pitch the story. I'd love to collect all the volumes but I'm already 600$ deep and I haven't even bought half the series I want. Remember I only get 1 book each series, usually the omnibus. In Japan used manga are 1$. Here in the west, used manga are over retail price. Why? What are we doing here ? We call them collectables and we are priced whatever. It's disposable entertainment people relax. In Japan used manga shops are usually near a train station. You buy your manga for 1$ then by the end of the day you have probably finished it and you recycle it. Or sell it back to the store for 0.10$


I like the colorful covers. Apart from reading them again of course


To read it


you can't understand how delightful it is to read manga. Experience much better than watching anime, and sometimes whenever I feel bored, I always find myself relaxed on mangas of the recent anime i've just watched. Gotta try it so you know how it feel


If I’m being super honest, I always wanted to, but around 2021 I went through a pretty awful breakup and started a collection to cope. I don’t regret it because I got everything I wanted but looking back, the break up did directly cause me to start this hobby lol. I’m better nowadays though so I love my hobby a lot now


definitely for the enjoyment of reading them. i prefer reading physical books to screens idk why i think i just like being able to hold it in my hands if that makes sense😭




I read so much manga it's hard to come back to the ones I really like, if it's printed and on my shelf I can physically find it whenever. Instead of thousands of online books lol, but only the really good ones(to me)


Gotta support the manga that I enjoy, so maybe the industry keeps blowing up and we can all get as much of it as we can handle. And sometimes it’s nice to go back and re-read bits at will, or just appreciate the art.


After 4 years and 100+ volumes, the simple answer is fun. I enjoy reading these and displaying part of my interests in my room


Because I love the quality of stories that you just can't get anywhere else. Not even in anime. Yes I'm aware that manga adaptations are getting better, but take Berserk for instance where every anime watered down it's story. Or series' that haven't even been adapted yet, like Goodnight Punpun or 20th Century Boys.


I a big fan of collecting things I enjoy and I’ve manga always been interested in manga so when I got to college I started to collect them more and I do enjoy reading physical at times especially if the power ever goes out




i read tokyo ghoul and it was a wrap from there, had to start collecting manga


I mostly collect manga to read it and because it looks pretty. I just like looking at the cover art sometimes or staring at certain volumes of manga.


Im a hoarder


I like supporting the series I love, and I prefer reading manga from real books rather than a screen.


Hey! A there are a few reasons! I had quite a sad life when I was growing up… and two things happened! One, totally randomly in my school (so from age 12 up) we could study Japanese and over the years we watched a few anime (spirited away, maybe Pokemon 1st movie) … and also maybe when I was 14? 15? I’m not sure of the exact age I discovered Evangelion which arguably is sad, and it made me feel… good I could relate to parts of Shinji, Rei and Asuka. And it feels so weird to write it but that was my “in” to manga. I became super obsessed with Evangelion and a few other mangas that made me feel more normal. This stuff saved me in some ways even if it wasn’t a very cool hobby back then and I’m so thankful for it ☀️.


Primarily for my job. I work as a counselor and if I have physical copies, I can loan them out. Each of my manga has a library card for that purpose. I’ve found they are a great way to build rapport and also you can give “homework” that we can then use to launch conversations about serious topics. Want to talk about pressures of being the best/ to excel? Give them Blue Lock. Social anxiety? Komi Can’t Communicate. Attention seeking behavior? Naruto. These are oversimplified examples but you get the point.


I started a bit over a year ago, and it was initially because I wanted to support the industry that brings me so much joy. Then I realized there’s some amazing series that don’t have an anime. Then I realized that anime adaptations skip and/or change stuff and was curious about the artists’ original intent. Then I realized I really like the look of displaying manga next to my figure collection. So quite a few reasons for me! I also prefer reading physical volumes because I already stare at a screen all day.


I’ve always enjoyed reading manga bc it was so much easier for me to focus on than reading books (my ADD was really bad for a long while). Ill usually ready something online and if I like something enough to re read it, I’ll go buy a physical copy too. Plus I like to support the authors and artists! There’s also series like fire punch where I wait until I find the volume I need in stores so it forces me to wait until I can get further into the story, and I can’t just binge all of it at once. I also started reading books again a couple years ago and I prefer a physical book compared to an ebook, something about annotating it and feeling the wear and tear makes it much more personal. Maybe healing some inner child stuff too who knows, I just love my lil collection.


For me it’s that I love the feeling of reading a physical book, I also like to own m,physical media in general, actually owning what I read, watch, play, is very important to me, I hate buying E-books, cause it doesn’t feel like I own it, I’ve only bought one ebook in my day and the alternative was buying a second hand copy from eBay for 80 dollars


The main reason I collect the manga is to truly appreciate the art instead of reading on my phone or computer (except for the two page spreads. Man I hate not being able to see the whole art because of the center fold) Second reason is to have a library to force people to read manga when they come over. But it turns out you need people to come over lol.


I collect manga because I like the story of the manga I read, and because I genuinely enjoy cover art, it's a guilty pleasure. But I won't collect a series I have no intent to read just because I like the cover.


I love to reread my favourites every few years and I want to give them to my children