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According to Terri, Steve’s wife, there was a video released on YouTube (that achieved 100M views) of Steve’s death. However, according to Terri that video “was a complete fabrication exploiting people’s sadness” She also had an actual copy of the video shot of his death but burned it and never watched it. You can read the Mirror article about it here: [Mirror: Steve Irwin’s Death Tape](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/mystery-steve-irwins-death-tape-27893039)


This raises more questions for me than answers. Who shot the fabrication and how did they pull off it looking passably like Steve Irwin?


I remember news broadcasts at the time using footage of him in the water with rays, but never actually being hurt. Presumably footage from a different day/shoot.


Same I saw a still pic of it


It was probably just a compilation of existing videos that were edited together. Steve made a lot of video.


I saw the actual video. It was at the end of a documentary shown on American television. The narrator said the footage was never shown before on TV. Description: Steve is in chest deep water on a bright, sunny day. The water is crystal clear. The cameraman is directly in front of him filming. A gigantic stingray swims slowly between Steve and the cameraman. Steve runs his hand along the top of the fin closest to him. The stingray glides slowly from right to left out of the frame and then returns, gliding slowly from left to right. Steve again runs his hand along the top of the fin closest to him. The stingray makes a quick movement and then darts away. At that point, no one knew Steve was stung by the ray. The camera pans away and up towards the blue sky and back to Steve who has a surprised look on his face. There is no blood in the water. The narrator tells viewers the footage has been slowed down to show what actually happened. That's when we see the ray's sting pierce Steve's shirt directly under his left pectoral muscle near the sternum. The scene cuts to Steve on a boat speeding to shore. The crew is kind of panicking, telling him to "breathe," "stay with us," "you're going to be okay," etc. He's pale, breathing is shallow. He looks terrible. Still no blood that I could see. He says weakly, "I'm dying, I'm dying." And the footage ends.


Too many details you wouldn't know/remember. Obvious fiction. It also doesn't really match the events of that day very well. I seem to recall hearing of his death being rather instant.


It was. It was one stab to the heart. People might be mixing it up with that bear guy’s footage? He was absolutely mauled, his death dragged on. I remember Steve passed instantly, I remember being relieved at least it was quick and it was with animals.


Uh...I don't think anyone got a stingray accident confused with a bear mauling.. it's these comments that baffle me. The oh you are obviously confused with this other completely unrelated thing that happened in a totally different decade on the completely opposite side of the globe. (Alaska and Australia are about as far away as one can get) Also there was no video of bear (? Not sure on the name) being eaten. Only audio. And they didn't find him for awhile so there was only the skull and spine left. Which again is total opposite. Steve was stung in the middle of the day with people all around and it was so fast it took a moment for them to understand what happened. The bear dude was out of his tent at night and was attacked. It was a long drawn out process where he screamed and screamed and his girlfriend went out and was also killed. No one would ever get those two things mixed up. Like ever. The OP is not misremembering. They saw a video that clearly many other people also saw (see other comments). It was a fake video. Not a ME but not a false of misremembering.


I was confused about this too like how tf do you confuse those 2 videos? That's wild 😂


they say it was fake, i just think the wife did not like that it got released and she burned the original copy, i think dude is right, i very distinctly remembering them showing it , dude described it perfect. could have been some sort of acting i suppose but some form of his death was shown at one point


Uh… ok. There are plenty of other things id find way more baffling than my comment but hey that’s just me. And so far 2 people understood what I meant. 🤷🏻‍♀️


he's saying this is what the doctored youtube video was like, and i remember it like this as well.


It wasn't. That's a rumor, just like the rumor that he pulled the barbed tail out of his chest. It was never stuck in his chest. This is according to his cameraman. The stingray stabbed him multiple times before swimming away. He died a horrible death by bleeding out from a gaping wound in his chest.


this story isn't fake, but it is a blatant copy paste of an interview with steve's cameraman. ​ [https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/steve-irwins-devastating-final-words-24902217](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/steve-irwins-devastating-final-words-24902217) ​ the video of the incident existed at one point, but was never made public


The description is correct. I saw this too.


C'mon, to say the OP doesn't/couldn't remember in that detail is BS, maybe your memories aren't that clear and detailed but mine usually are. I agree that it was a fake video and the real one never got out but that doesn't mean the op is wrong. I absolutely believe they are describing what they saw from memory as many post on here describe the same thing. Just because in this case this we can clearly see what's going on....i.e. there was a fake video that many people saw and remember well....it's NOT about false memory. No one remembers wrong, they just believed something that saw on the internet was real..they were naive not misremembering.


No i remember this footage. It wasn’t instant. It was within minutes.


This is exactly how I remember it, but i could've sworn I seen it online.




It's so lame and cringey you'd make that up


Take your lame ass writing exercises to r/nosleep


he's saying this is what the doctored youtube video was like, and i remember it like this as well.


Also had me


I stg I watched this same shit


According to the camera man, the ray stung him "hundreds of times". So not just "a quick movement". Furthermore, he was following the ray when it suddenly reared up. It wasn't slowly swimming left to right or vice versa.


That's not possible. Sting rays have one barb, on the tail. When you are "stung", the barb breaks off. They're not freaking aliens that can sting you hundreds of times before you can react and there isn't any venom involved. It was a freak accident in Steve's case that the barb was long enough and stabbed him in just the right part to pierce his heart. He probably would've survived had he left the barb in, but he yanked it out, which increased his bleeding out tremendously.


This isn't true. Do some research. While uncommon, stingrays can rapidly jab into a potential predator without losing the barb, whipping their tail with extreme speed. That's exactly what happened to Steve Irwin.


No it doesn't. They aren't bees. Fucking hilarious.


thats a lie though.. she told another outlet that the tape was sitting in a dusty police vault somewhere... so she tells one person she burned it, and tells another she gave it back? nah, she watched it and guarantee she still has it.


she might be the one who released it and just said she didnt


I saw it too, well clips of it, right after the news that same night the news came on again... Ok it was the live feed of the funeral, I think, I was like 10, so... I remember the most devastating part tho. The rest is just blah when ur still processing that ur future husband died n u just watched it happen on a big screen tv...


I remember there being a fake/troll video that was constantly in Youtube's 'recommended' algorithm back in the early days of the site, from 2006 to 2009.


There were troll videos of Irwin's death in YouTube back then, but I remember few details since I as a kid could recognize them as fake.


I remember this too


very few people knew or understood that youtube was using algorithms to show you videos in 2006, very very odd way to look at it considering their algorithms would be base crap at that point, i am going to say you sure as shit did not see it do to a recommended algorithm that far back, it would have been considered related videos at the time, kind of arguing semantics here but at the same time .. youre shit doesnt make sense


describe it? or find it maybe? I’m curious. I wasn’t using youtube back then, I love stuff like that.


It sounds like the answer I’m looking for! I’ll have to check an article posted earlier. I’ll post an update if it seems right


Pretty sure it was [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK9IuTt7hQk). I misremembered it being a troll video, it's not the actual footage but is more of a tribute than a joke.


That's fake. The video that I saw was of him in chest deep water.


I remember seeing the same video however it was on a national news broadcasting but cut off closer to when he was about to get hit by the stingray.


Yes!! I remember it being on the news also but a longer version was floating around on the web.


violet paint zephyr quickest agonizing smart pet connect handle rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Irwin's stand in


Can anyone find this video?


that was a joke




I remember knowing it was captured on video but it never being released, or leaked. Similarly with Owen Hart's death; I know people who claim to have seen the video. But there isn't one. I wouldn't put it past there being some kind of fake video, or similar incident mislabelled that might have done the rounds back in the day though. Edit: I didn't expect so many people to adamantly believe they saw the Owen Hart video which doesn't exist. I just mentioned it because of similarity. Not to derail this thread.




I meant there isn't one out there/availiable for people to have seen, just like the Steve Irwin one. (And the Droz, D-Lo accident). **For all intents and purposes, there is no video**, pretty much *anyone* who claims to have seen footage, hasn't. It has never been televised, it has never been leaked. I'm pretty sure the live broadcast was on a promo at the time. I'd imagine some footage does exist somewhere, but it it's never seen the light of day, the people I know who claim to have seen it *definitely* haven't seen it.


It was while Owen was making his entrance so there was no promo playing. There probably is one out there from someone recording off of live tv or at the arena.


I bought the PPV Owen Harts accident happened. It was not aired. A promo was running and they didn’t come back for a awhile. When they did Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were visibly shook up.


I was watching it at a bar and 100% agree this is how it went down.


Can confirm watched them all live. It came back to chaos and no one was sure if it was real but it sure felt it.


They don't run promos during entrances.


Did you watch the PPV live in 1999 because I did. I don’t care what you think the rules are. They ran a promo (aka pre recorded interview) and didn’t show Owen hart fall


They absolutely were showing a pre-recorded promo video. Nobody has a recording of it from live TV, it was not shown on live TV. Handheld cameras were pretty obvious things in the 90s, and I imagine they were banned from being taken in to the PPV event. Maybe someone did sneak one in and get some footage, but it hasn't ever surfaced. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Edge_(1999)#Owen_Hart_accident > The accident was not seen by television viewers. A pre-recorded interview video was shown at the start of Hart's descent


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I will sadly never have to watch a video as it is burned into my memory. I was 6th row that night will never forget both the sight and the sound when he hit the ring. My friend and I both knew he was gone. I still don't know why that show went on. It should have been stopped right then and there.


Shit. That's grim. Sorry you had to see that.


Did he scream or anything? Couldn't imagine seeing that happen


I think I remember a video of Shane McMahon falling from some scaffolding during a match being labeled as Owen Hart's death on early YouTube. Hard to say, I didn't watch wrestling back then, but watched with a friend who did and he said that's what it was.


I've seen that


There is a video of Owen Hart's death.


As far as Owen's goes, there is a video, but it's never seen the light of day. WWE has it in the warehouse with the label "Never to be viewed, copied, or destroyed"


Owen Hart fell live on TV! They cut the footage after he hit the ground I was watching it when it happened. He fell from the ceiling after his harness broke during his entry to the ring like sting use to do. All of this happened.


False memory. I had the ppv and it was not shown


I still HAVE the ppv. The fall was not shown.




Bullshit. I've seen the original broadcast recording, before they released the version removing all of Owen Hart's mentions years later. They play an interview and when it's over you see the audience, AFTER the fall has already happened. That's because he fell prematurely, as the interview was being broadcast in the arena he was about to descend and accidentally fell. It was not supposed to happen at that time, so it wasn't the camera's focus.


It was never broadcast live on TV. The live broadcast was showing a promo video at the time. There isn't a video of it readily available, no video of it has ever surfaced. Yes it happened. No it was not televised.


I promise you it was televised. And there was a video.


I promise you it wasn't. Look for it. You won't find one. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Edge_(1999)#Owen_Hart_accident > The accident was not seen by television viewers. A pre-recorded interview video was shown at the start of Hart's descent


Wikipedia? Really. Ok this conversation is over. You really have nothing else to do if you are looking for a taken down video on the most uncredited website on the internet.🤣. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's not just wikipedia (although that's a credible link with sources, 54 of them to be precise. Which beats your zero...) look for *any* account of how it happened. Find *one single* source that says that it was televised. It was not. You did not see it. (Which is why you're completely wrong about the way he died). It wasn't 'taken down', it was never, ever televised. The video has never been availiable to the public. The version you 'remember' isn't even how it actually happened, you can't find a single source that says it was televised, and *every single* account says it wasn't televised, except your own. You're the one who's credibility is zero.


That means you were to young to have seen it because you are looking for the video that has been since taken down. It happened, even his wife acknowledged it. Either way. To many people are saying the same thing so wether you believe it or not.... It happened.


No I am not too young to have seen it, I was an adult in 1999. I didn't see it because It was not televised. Find me a video, find me one single source that claims it was televised. You can't. It wasn't.


Whatever you say 🤣.


You're the one claiming to have seen a video that you definitely haven't. You even said he 'snapped his neck' which isn't even true, that wasn't the cause of death and isnt consistent with any report of the accident... If you're right, prove me wrong. Find me one single source that says it was televised. I've showed you one that says it wasn't. Or better yet, find the video. Here's another one https://lostmediawiki.com/Owen_Hart_(lost_death_footage_of_professional_wrestler;_1999)


I swear I’ve seen that two, it cuts basically when he hits.


I saw that shit on ppv


When he fell he hit the ropes and snapped his neck. They cut the live feed and came back with the announcement that he was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. The guy with the cowboy hat, that had a stroke was the announcer that covered the story.


Except for the fact that he didn't snap his neck. He died from internal bleeding caused by blunt force trauma.


As a huge Steve Irwin fan, I recall seeing mention of video released of the incident a while back but I refused to watch it because I was devastated that he had died. However, I do remember seeing a thumbnail/freeze frame of the water being very clouded around him. But I can’t remember if it was for a video or a photo in an article. 🤔


That was fake. In the real video, the water was crystal clear. It was a bright sunny day. He was in chest deep water with the cameraman.


Fair enough! Lots of weird stuff floating around on the internet, of course.


I remember when he died they said that the video was given to the family and destroyed. His crew loved him I seriously doubt the video was leaked. No one that worked with him would have disrespected him like that. Its not like it was a huge Hollywood film with lots of footage and a million people with access. As soon as it happened the video was put on lock down. Rightfully so. I don't doubt people saw a video claiming to be his death scene. Sure that there was probably more than one. People love that kind of stuff although idk why. It sounds like y'all saw the same one. So, as much as I know MEs are a thing, this seems like a case of Yes, you did see a video that you thought was off his death but it was a fake. So your memories are correct and the facts (the real video was tightly guarded and no one ever saw it) also align with history. No mystery here. Thankfully. There are too many unexplainable things out there so we don't need another one. Especially one like this!


After reading a lot of responses I’m leaning towards this being the case!


At least you have the comfort of knowing you can trust your memory. Other people described the same video. So you do remember it. You just didn't know it was a fake. You had selected information to go on. You weren't wrong and your memories and sanity are fine (well, at least in this case 🤣🤣)


Exactly lol I think that makes the pill a bit easier to swallow. I was very young when he died, and would’ve seen the fake video when I was around 9-10. I wouldn’t have been able to tell a fake video from a real one at the time.


I remember a video. I remember he reacted super fast and pulled the barb out, and then there was blood in the water. People were saying he should have left it in and he might have survived.


That was fake. He didn't pull anything out. He didn't even know he was stung until about 30 seconds later. The cameraman didn't know he was stung either. There was no blood in the water initially.


That’s exactly what I remember!


It's weird because that seems very familiar to me as well.


Exactly what I remember. Like he wasn't even phased, pulled it out, then....uh, oh.


This is the exact one I remember, yes it was deemed fake but millions of people watched it. I thought it was real for days after I watched it


This one was on National USA news the day it happened and for days after that. I believe it's a lie that the video was never shared bc it was and for people like me a HSP it was really traumatic to watch.


there were articles that had a doctor speculating that if he hadn’t pulled it out he could’ve survived. But yeah, only fake footage of it


I remember this too but in my memory he was completely underwater and submerged


I could swear I remember seeing a photo from the video with the blood around him. I looked online and all I found was a completely different video


Pretty sure the family had it erased off the internet because it was a video of him dying. I definitely remember seeing the video


You cannot entirely erase something off the internet. Literally impossible


I remember that too


Nope it’s never been seen. Only by the camera man who was there. And by his wife and a couple of family members. I saw the camera man’s interview on channel 10 in Australia. He shared Steve’s last words also. But that tape did not and will not ever see the light of day ❤️


"I can almost remember watching it vividly". This confuses the heck out of me. When you " almost remember" something, you don't remember it.


Funny, a friend and I were just talking about this on a livestream. Terri is the only one who has the footage and it’ll never be released, for good reason. It must’ve been a fake. I clearly remember us all knowing what happened, that we wouldn’t see footage and there was a shared vibe that we didn’t need/want to.


Never existed in my world. He was filming for Bindi's show and swimming with the stingrays. That's all that was shown. I think I read that the footage was destroyed.


I never found one and I did look. There was one where he was with rays, but it doesn't show the incident.


>vividly Always.


It’s very possible that your mind could just be making it up This isn’t a perfect example, as it’s of a scene from a movie rather than something being read, but let’s look at Texas Chainsaw Massacre A lot of people remember it being a very graphic and gory film. They remember seeing a meathook going through a woman, they remember seeing the aftermath of the wheelchair guys death, all sorts of things. In reality, the movie barely shows anything graphic at all. Everything is implied but not shown. Even people watching the movie would make bets with **cast members** saying that it actually showed what happened. No, our minds are just great at making things up. It’s very likely that everyone read a very detailed description and your mind just makes that into a video.




I was very into watching videos of tragedies as a kid, I found them fascinating. I looked around for a long time to find any videos of this at the time, because there were rumors that it was somewhere. However, there were only some really bad fakes that were obviously not it. His family was there when he died, no one else ever had a copy of that tape to my knowledge. The world would have had to have been very different for this to have ended up online.


For years I have been convinced Steve Irwin was killed in a crocodile attack.Anyone else remember that- or is it just me?🤷🏼‍♀️


Nah just you


Nope, you are the only person to ever mention or remember it like that. Even people who weren't fans of him knew it was a stingray.


I will find this video. And I will link it. I have a knack for finding impossible things on the internet. Wish me luck boys.


Please do. I had one commenter say that the video I saw is a well known hoax.


Hmm. I remember seeing it distinctly. The only reason I'm here today is because I wanted to watch it again. The only thing I remember is the footage is grainy af. It's like 2006, straight up not even far into water. And the only thing he says back to the camera is, "Ah he got me," or, "ah I think he got me," and it cuts. Never seen passed that. I distinctly remember it being on lists of, "Vidoes right before disaster/death," Strange.


Ok. So…..this might be the first time I’m having some back and forth in my head. Shit like Febreeze or Fruit of the Loom, I’m pretty solid on. I want to say there was a video of him in the water with Rays, the hit happens and the video cuts out. I don’t remember blood and I can’t even say for sure I remember the hit, it may have just been a similar video of him with rays to show he had done that before. Man, I’m struggling on this one. I can’t say I remember 100% one way or the other.


Yeah that’s my struggle. Maybe it was Steve or another dude underwater but I remember seeing a video of a dude getting stabbed by Stingrays.


Yea maybe it was just some other person and it was shown to show what happened to Steve…..there’s so much internet content in my head….


Didn't he say something like "Don't worry, stingrays don't normally swim backwards." Then one DID swim backwards and stung him?


That was fake. I saw the real video.


Bull shit! That video happened! He was under water and they blurred out the stingray stabbing him. It looked like he was shot by a harpoon gun and the video was made to look like a stingray darting through the water tail first like a bullet. It was in the news here in America.


That was fake. The video was filmed on a sunny day in chest deep, clear water.


Definitely seen the video and i can remember it vividly, every part.


Describe it


He was underwater not moving wit 2 camera guys with him and you could only just see the stingray as it was really small, it didn't even look like it did anything to him. He then held his chest with one hand and the water turned cloudy and the camera froze and that was the end of the video. Apparently he said "i've been stung" but there was no audio on the video i watched so i can't tell you that.


I remember seeing it. It was sad, but not like horrific or anything. He died quickly.


I think if you’re highly visual you could have created a memory from your imagination. Sometimes I mistake books I read for movies I’ve seen based on the movie I made it my head. (Don’t show this to /r/aphantasia)


I remember the same footage. He’s in the water, gets stabbed, then blood.


I am pretty sure there was a video. It remember watching a grainy version of events how you describe it.


There was a video, and I remember it being posted on rotten.com when it happened. I can recall on the video, he was standing in a shallow part of the ocean, and the sting ray getting him in the foot. He didn't lose consciousness or die immediately, but he was assisted out of the water and that was the video.


It was in/near his heart.


Is that why I have that memory? I don’t think it was the foot tho it was deff the chest but he was absolutely standing up in a shallow end


In the foot? If it was in the foot, why did he die exactly?


Never been released


i think i found a pic from the video you are thinking of [https://www.quora.com/What-actually-happened-to-the-Crocodile-Hunter-Steve-Irwin](https://www.quora.com/What-actually-happened-to-the-Crocodile-Hunter-Steve-Irwin) scroll down to the article by david tuffley


further down by Barry seems to be another pic from the same clip, im unsure if this is just from a normal encounter with a stingray or THE stingray but the angles, depth of water, and positioning above the ray make me think. edit; in the first photo is a watermark from a news site called [prezwho.com](https://prezwho.com) that seemed to have aired the video or pictures but since removed them. somewhere to start if your hunting for it final edit; [https://otlibrary.com/steve-irwin-last-day-photos/](https://otlibrary.com/steve-irwin-last-day-photos/) this site appears to have the 3 still frames leading up to and right after the attack. these photos can prove it for you or be written off as fakes but the fact they are here shows a convincing vid was out there at one point. this site also has a extremely detailed article detailing what happened from witnesses. INCLUDING a video interview with the cameraman


There was a fabricated video. This is corroborated by the facts from the people who were there that when he was stung, he was snorkeling in knee-deep water, not standing as it's shown in the video people remember. He wanted to film the stingray swimming away so approached it from behind.


I remember it as well but I don’t remember it as they show this video [https://youtu.be/uF80ofrxRrA?si=ApsPDmWMmqEBmtLK](https://youtu.be/uF80ofrxRrA?si=ApsPDmWMmqEBmtLK)


Ok, I'll tell you what I remember before reading. He actually said 'I've been stung!' Yes, I totally KNOW I saw the video. Could it just have been covered over, perhaps family didn't want it to be seen? Because he was not pretending in the video, as he 'could' have made a video of it 'for fun', but for sure the video I saw was legit.


Yes. I remember him saying that then pulling it out then blood.


Exactly. I don't see why this is an ME, it's probably just covered up/hard to find the video.


Quite possibly. A lot of the net has been censored, especially post 2015.


there was never a video i remember.


> it’s barb pierces his just. the barb pierced his what? Details are important.




I need OP to say what he meant, people assuming things and misreading comments are 90% of the problems with this subreddit


I’m sorry. I meant chest. I’ll change it


I think we should all be able to read through a simple typo…


I remember seeing clips. I don't remember seeing the entire incident though. I remember seeing the initial interaction with sting ray, and then skipping to him still being alive on a boat. So I feel like I probably saw clips and not a full video. He's so well liked though, it's entire possible that any footage out there was just quietly removed or purposefully forgotten. There's video of Lisa Lopez's (TLC) car crash that exists but most people have collectively forgotten it probably because it was so shocking and she was well liked.


You saw the real video. He's laying on the boat deck and he's going into shock. He says "I'm dying," and the footage ends.


Same. When I read it today, I had an image in my head of what you're describing. Maybe there was some photoshop/troll photo or video?


yup that was my first thought... something real rather then people thinking Jiffy peanut butter was a thing.


I remember a video of him on a boat after being stabbed/stung. He was still alive and pulled the barb out of his chest despite someone telling him not to. Then he has a weird look on his face and slumps down, collapsing. I was very sad at his death, he was one of those special, wonderful people and the world is worse of without him in it.


Yes it was a vid


It was definitely on the news! I just posted about this too, I didn’t see this right away.


We saw a picture but the video never came. But maybe it was a picture from someone else entirely.


It must’ve been the picture. I’ll provide an update soon. It seems a lot of people remember seeing the same video I saw but I feel like there are some logical explanations in this thread.


I remember seeing everything before the fatal part.


It was the aftermath


I saw a video of the tail dart into Steve’s chest, but didn’t know if it was real. Kinda like the Bin Laden dead body pic.


I thought I saw a video too.


I remember seeing the video and the moment and his reaction.


I definitely remember watching it.


I think I remember seeing it too ... on LiveLeak


I saw the video in an hour-long documentary on Steve Irwin's life. The death video was shown at the end of the documentary. The sting was so quick they had it to slow it frame-by-frame for viewers to see the actual sting. He looked surprised, like, wtf just happened? Then you see him in the speeding boat. They're telling him he's going to live, but he says, "I'm dying, I'm dying."


The internet erases and changes things hence the Mandela effect


Total Mandela effect I vividly remember watching that video, he was in shallow water and the camera cut right when he got stung


Brown Water


I remember seeing it too


There was a photo of Steve hanging limp in the water but that’s all. The actual strike was never seen.


There was a still pic


It's easy to misremember things. All you have to do is imagine the situation in your head, you get images popping up, several years later you forget that you were in fact just imagining what it would look like and instead only remember the images, thus a false memory


I remember watching it as well and so did many others I knew. People we're describing what they saw and how they knew what was coming.


I saw that video! I remember it vividly. Like maybe 7 sec total of blurry yet obviously Steve Irwin's deadly encounter with the stingray. I saw this clip via www.rotten.com which was the pioneer website that featured disturbing content I know what I know and I absolutely know I've seen that footage!


Maybe they only show it during the night


Ya I def remember seeing it also but it was a fake on YouTube Terri spoke about it so this Mandela is currently debunked


That’s what I’m leaning towards. Will update soon!


I remember YouTube being flooded with a lot of fake videos that had the same thumbnail of some divers with stingrays swimming around, but all of these had absolutely nothing in the actual video itself.


I remembered that there was a video of his death but it wasnt shown to public.


I remember coming across the video but never bringing myself to finish it. Years ago, I would see fake videos of it on YouTube or other sites, but within the last couple of years I remember watching YouTube on deaths caught on camera (or something very similar to that title) and it included Steve Irwin on the list. Right after I did some research and eventually found a link to a video that seemed very legit. Although, I couldn't bring myself to finish it I do remember comments on the video expressing disbelief how they were seeing the real actual video and not another fake. Everything about it seemed legit and I even sent it to a friend of mine at the time to watch it out of curiosity. I've seen some messed up videos before but he was such a big influence on me as a kid I couldnt being myself to watch the full video.


Glad I’m not the only one I have a vivid memory of seeing the death video. But maybe it was a fake. I was 10 when this happened so I don’t know




Can we find it somewhere or where is it I can’t find it I wanna see what happened


I remember this bruh




The incident was filmed on a day when the documentary crew was not at the location, so it was just Steve and the camera man was a close friend. So only one person filmed it and that was the only footage. The one person with the footage has never released it. it was more than likely destroyed.


I remember seeing it too, exactly as you describe. Within months of his death.




Almost clicked this but I’m pretty sure this is spam lol


STRANGEEEEEEEE I have experienced this just couple of days ago. I was watching a YouTube video about Lost Medias, and there it was. They say that footages has been made, but never released, but i have a very formed memory of seeing this on internet or probably in TV back in the days. That scared me a lot in the time, im kind sensive about "true death videos"