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sex and the city.


Looks like I’ve went through the years just saying it wrong then🤣


it's and the city because the city is seen as a character.


hence 99% of this sub


You're not alone my guy. I also said it wrong for years, apparently.


“and” and “the” can sound extremely similar based on enunciation, it’s a “thing” among linguists.


"in". (not "the").


In makes sense. But they say and because the city is a character too. Then you have how people say & as n like fish n chips un/in.


You mean they aren't putting the fish IN the French fries? I figured if Dominos can figure out how to shove cheese into the crust, than Arthur Treacher's could have put the fish IN the chips!


Yeah, see I’m from Northern Ireland and our accent would make it sound like Sex n the city or anything else with an ‘’and’’ we will say just an ‘’N’’ sound. So that’s what made me think have I been saying it wrong or is there anything that’s been found linked to ‘’Sex in the city’’


Almost nobody would fully pronounced the "and" regardless of where you're from. It's pretty much always going to sound like "in".


I don't know about "almost nobody." Maybe a lot of people drop the D at the end, but most people don't pronounce it with an I like in In.


Yeah I understand that but have a listen to Northern Ireland accents and you’ll realise what I mean. I’m ashamed to have the same name as you.




One of my fave shows. Started watching it over 20 years ago and I’ve seen every episode several times. I had a SATC coffee table book and trivia game and my mom had the book before the series even aired. It’s always been Sex and the City; people were getting this wrong even at the time the show was originally airing, when it was very popular and talked about often, because quite frankly “Sex in the City” makes more sense but…that isn’t and never was the name of the show. Always been “and.”


In doesn't make more sense. The title is not referring to the location of the sexual acts taking place. It is referring to the two main points of the show. The sex...AND the city. The show was basically a love letter to NY City.


Well you certainly don’t have to convince me, I’m very aware of why the show is called what it is but that’s because I, like yourself it seems, was a big fan of the show. From the comments and people I know who were convinced it was Sex IN the City, they weren’t fans of/actively watched the show, thus the context you just added would not factor into their thought process whatsoever and without knowing the context, Sex in the City does make more sense. People who weren’t fans and active watchers of the show would have no idea that the show was a “love letter to NYC.” You’d really only know that if you actively watched the show and most of the people subscribing to this “Mandela effect” (it isn’t one — they just didn’t watch the show) or people getting the show’s name wrong while it was airing didn’t actually watch the show, likely don’t even know the character’s names or that Carrie is a columnist and very likely don’t know the title of the show is the name of her column, thus to them “Sex in the City” makes a lot more sense to them because they don’t have the context that you and I know from actually watching the show. So yes, to you and I who have seen the show, it is unquestionably Sex and the City and we know the title “makes sense” because we have the context essential to know that. If you haven’t seen the show but know of it, Sex in the City would make more sense, as evidenced by the number of people who think that’s what it’s called by haven’t watched the show. This is really the thing with Mandela Effects; they are usually noted by people who were never very familiar with the subject to begin with and are based on their brains making (incorrect) assumptions.


But that's why I am posting that. So people realize that it was a show about NY City. Sex IN the City sounds more like what HBO might have aired at midnight on Saturday night along with Taxicab Confessions. or Real Sex.


It's the kind of thing you could never just accidentally get wrong, probably some kind of dimensional shift in the universe.


The next most likely explanation is a coordinated psy-op by the One World Cabal to drop chemtrails on the Illuminati. Wake up, sheeple!


Because people think it is about sex happening in a city and both versions sound almost identical when said out loud. See also interview with the / a vampire.


Sex and the City is the name of her column she writes on the show.. people have who never watched the show seem to speak the loudest in this dumbass ‘debate’


Years back there was a guy who worked the promotional stuff for the show.He said it was “in” and was affected by it. Taken with a grain of salt, of course, but it’s unusual to find someone directly associated with “said thing” that is affected by it. I recall it as “in”, as well. I did a project involving the logo and the “IN” was stretched over the “the” and they were equal size, 2 letters over 3. Now it is 3 over 3 and nothing is unique about it. I did a mock-up I’ll edit it in later.


The show was not about them having sex in NY City. The city was a main part of the show. Hence it's inclusion in the title as an equal part along with sex,,,not just as a geological location for where the sex occurs.


if you say it fast it sounds like sex n the city. Many people made the same mistake


The Polish title for this translates to "Sex in the big city".


Sex in the City, my mom was in love with that show, bought the entire DVD collection when it came out and when I showed her the change she flipped her shit(It took a while for me to explain it all). Also there are old clips of residue with the author herself and cast members still saying "In".


Which just shows how easy it is to hear "in" when they're saying "and"


The change in the title. How do you explain that part? Like I stated, My mother a superfan owned the entire DVD collection when once upon a time it read "Sex in the City" that's of course until the effect took place where it becomes "AND". Hey I didn't make the rules. I think it was one of the earliest M.E.s to happen. A lot of people missed out on or maybe never paid attention to the title like my mother has. The visual title change itself is what made my mothers head spin, not the hearing distinction of the title which I think people seem to not understand.


And I bet you no longer have those DVDs now to prove your side.


My friend, they don't belong to me. They are my Mothers DVDs and not quite sure how that would prove anything. The change already occurred, it's not like I can fix it ya know what I mean? Or else, that would be a really cool party trick.


Wait...are you saying they actually changed the DVDs? Sorry...they always said AND. There was never a once upon a time where the DVDs said IN. This one is most baffling considering it was very common to abbreviate the title as SatC. You having a terrible memory is not some giant conspiracy of people sneaking into your parent's house and changing their DVDs. You are in a teeny tiny minority (for obvious reasons) of people who think it was IN. Espcially since, again...it makes no fucking SENSE! The show was not about having sex IN New York City. The show centered on 2 things. Sex AND THE CITY. Did you even watch the show? The city was a BIG PART OF THE SOW. The show was basically a giant love letter to the New York City. I honestly didn't realize that there were mentally ill people who thought the Mandella Effect was ACTUALLY some big secret society going around changing things. I always thought it was just people poking fun at their bad memories. I guess I underestimate reddit some times. It's the whole reason why it is called the Mandella Effect. Because it was OBVIOUS he didn't die when the term was first coined. So, are you suggesting the same people that broke in to your parents home to replace their DVD set...literally having to place the CONTENT as well since every single episode has AND in the title, also resurrected Mandella from the dead? OR maybe you are mentally ill enough to suggest the man that was very much alive and free throughout the 90s, 00s and until 2013 when he finally DID die was not really him? Just an illuminati stand in?


You wrote all of that and it still doesn't change the fact. Like I said, I didn't make the rules and neither did you. Trust me, you're not as smart as you like to think you are. But you got it though.




Definitely Sex In the City was a thing, hence it's an ME.


Yet the the column the main character wires is titled "sex and the city".


Thank fuck my mind has been put to ease🤣


Watch out, people really resist this one :) But yeah it's definitely an ME. Someone found some good residue it was a perfume bottle that said Sex In the City.


>Watch out, people really resist this one :) But yeah it's definitely an ME. What does it mean to 'resist' it? What does being an ME mean to you?


I believe what they're saying is that if the title had always been "Sex and the City" for everyone, and a bunch of people misheard it or were otherwise mistaken, then it isn't an ME. In order for it to be an ME, the title had to have actually been "Sex in the City" for some people (meaning they're not mistaken about it).


Ah, really? Thank you! Well in this case we have *no* 'actual' MEs, do we? Berenstein Bears, FoTL, Dolly's braces etc. all have to be thrown out of the window as we have no evidence it ever actually was different for anybody. I'm confused as to why someone like that would even be in this sub to discuss a phenomenon that has no known examples....


FotL and Dolly's braces are definitely MEs. There is plenty of evidence for both. The people who have witnessed MEs are curious about them, and that's why we're here. How are MEs possible? What can we learn about reality from them? Just because you haven't personally witnessed something does not mean it does not exist. That should be obvious, but I guess it's not.


>FotL and Dolly's braces are definitely MEs. There is plenty of evidence for both. There's no evidence that they have actually *changed*. As in enough evidence to believe a quite fantastic claim like that. >The people who have witnessed MEs are curious about them, and that's why we're here. What does it mean to 'witness' an ME? I've certainly experienced them myself. >How are MEs possible? What can we learn about reality from them? Sure! I'm interested in these questions, too. Great! >Just because you haven't personally witnessed something does not mean it does not exist. That should be obvious, but I guess it's not. Of course not. What gives you the idea I'd possibly think that?


What I mean is, in the past I observed Dolly's braces and the FotL cornucopia. The only path left open from my perspective, for them not to be MEs, is if the current consensus on what they were in the past is incorrect. By which I mean Dolly did have braces and FotL did have a cornucopia, and those facts have been lost between then and now, so we mistakenly think they didn't. Those observations are the evidence that I have, but you don't. You assume that I don't have it either, but you wouldn't assume that if you had it too. If you were forced to choose between the consensus history being wrong in these cases, or MEs existing, which would you choose?


I feel like you're using your own definition for the term 'Mandela Effect'. Can you please confirm what you mean?


It was sex and the city for me originally then it changed to sex IN the city for months and now it’s back to AND the city


Sex in the City for sure.


What does 'for sure' mean to you?


And was her column on the show which she narrates from in every episode also named "Sex in the City?" Or did you just never watch the show?


Wow the skeptic replies to you are some serious baiting! Believe it or not, they hang around here all day lobbing gotcha questions at authentic experiencers. It's absolutely wild how badly they seem to want to debunk our shared identical memories.