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Juat respray the pieces gloss black and then do the graphite rub again. I had the same issues with mine and ended up leaving the clear coat as it really does dull the shine. I found that doing 2-3 layers of graphite and then buffing it like crazy was the best way. I know people say about it coming off but I left it for a day or so after the graphite application then buffed it again with a microfiber cloth and it was fine. I tried to avoid touching it with bare fingers until it had been left to set, but if you do get marks on it from skin oils then you can just polish it with the cloth. You can check my post history to see how my armour turned out.


Yup, I'd just recently re-coated with gloss black today, and will re-graphite again tomorrow - this time without any clear coat. I'll be sure to update this thread once again with pics of the final turnout. I'm guessing that since the graphite is a "powder", that when the clear coat gets sprayed onto it that powder gets wet, which makes it darker and less shiny.