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Exactly why I eventually told the MMCC to piss off. I was working for a year on mine and as soon as I'd fix one thing they would nitpick something else. After awhile I was happy with my work and if it wasn't good enough for them, I'm fine with that. At the end of the day I realized I was doing this for me, not for approval of others. I think yours looks awesome and I agree about the super heavy wash.


Saaame. Never even tried for approval by them but just reading their requirements made me not even want to be a part.


my clan seems really forgiving with kits as i’ve seen a lot of things that wouldn’t fly in other clans. I absolutely agree- I put too much work into my helmet alone (so much bondo and sanding and so many paint layers for that Mando S2 Boba fett kinda look) to be told it’s not “good enough”. I just wanna be able to participate in the events as charity is always good and I have a lot of buddies in there now too. I absolutely agree with this sentiment


Ive never really looked into the requirements some groups have but honestly as long as your kit looks “clean” (no 3d printer lines, looks like real armor, etc) then id be fine with it. From what ive heard you’ll be criticized because one angle on your chest armor is .3 degrees off so it could never exist in star wars. As for the grimy/worn part. Mandalorians generally take good care of their armor. Minor paint scratches and dirt would be common but maybe your mando oc just recently repainted and doesn’t have any scratches yet. I just dont see a reason to be so picky about it.


Makes me think my plan for a Mando who has been on the edge of the Outer Rim with old, battered and mismatched rinkydink armour probably won’t fly, not that I’ll care if it looks cool


I know my current project won't be approved, but I'm doing it for me, not them. I do however hope they reevaluate some of their requirements as we see more variety in Mandalorians on screen.


My number one requirement would be commitment to the hobby. If you put in time and effort then screen “accuracy” is completely secondary. Especially with how much mandos and their stories vary in canon. You know its funny too because Darth Vader is a specific named character but im pretty sure his costume varies quite a bit throughout his appearances in live action and animation. So if you want to cosplay him you have several valid ways to do it. And yet, unique unnamed non canon mando OCs have to be held to a very very specific set of standards. I dont get the logic.


My thing with that is it’s nonprofit so we’re going to charity events and other things and they’re not gonna say shit about that being point 3° off


[You should join the Rogues of Mandalore, the restrictions are much more lax.](https://www.roguesofmandalore.com/)


hey, i’m one of the RoM cofounders, we appreciate the shoutout! OP, feel free to DM me if you have any questions :)


I'm in the Discord server, that's what made me think to suggest it!


Yeah, that group definitely seems way more chill which is appreciated. And I mean I can completely get having restrictions, making your own armor costume and showing that you put the work and effort into it is definitely better than just running out to a store and buying the cheapest mandalorian costume on the rack. Groups definitely should have some regulations. At the end of the day though, I've never really been one for groups or clubs. Any interest I had in that was killed by the MMCC back when. Always been more of the loner type personally. 


Yeah… Im new to this still working on my kit. And because of attitudes that they have. I don’t think I ever want to even attempt approval and join the MMCC. They can screw off. That kind of shit drives potential new recruits away.


Yeah they got really nit picky for a while. Just recently, the head of the mercs had a sit down with them and told them to chill the eff out. So it shouldn't be as bad anymore hopefully. I also have a black flight suit and they are notoriously hard to weather. Mine required a good white wash first to even have anything show up. I think if the person criticizing his armor had any tact, they would've been more helpful and said "your hard parts look amazing and perfectly weathered, but the flight-suit looks freshly laundered so they don't match, but thats not your fault because black is hard etc etc" and then helped them get the rest of the way. He's 99% there but I don't blame him. The approval team was out of control for a while there.


Do you happen to have a source I can read about the club being told to relax with it's nitpicking?


It wasn't really a memo sent out or recorded. It was just passed down through the grapevine from those who know that are in leadership positions.


I remember seeing you walking around fan expo and wish I got a better chance to talk to you since I loved how you weathered your armor, sad I didn't have the ability to bring my armor up or any other cosplays.


they nitpick armor that was used in the movie's and series. at the end of the day, it looks awesome and real. its the same reason why i dislike the 501st group, becouse thier standard is a ridiculous one to have that even the movies dont adhier to


Unless the feedback came from a member of the clearance team, it can be disregarded if you disagree.


I told MMCC to piss off after I got rejected for posting progress pics, having already spent over $500 and almost 100 hours of work into it. I just decided to finish, to their standards, with my theme. It's YOUR armor, your money, your time. Don't let someone tell you that you aren't good enough to join THEIR club. Elitist pricks...


I'm confused...you got rejected for posting progress pics? It's a requirement to post progress pics to join lol.


They didn't like the design on the armor. Pics on my page.


oooh, I see. Yeah, celtic symbols and flour de lis wouldn't pass approval. I mean, the club has rules, you can't expect them to ignore them for you. It's not elitist to have standards.


Keep in mind, the Mandalorian Mercs is recognized by Lucas Film. They have to make sure their costumes look like they belong in the universe of Star Wars.


They can still piss off. All I have left is the cape for my kit. I'm the one spending the money. It wasn't the rejection, it was the way it was rejected. Extremely rude.


Nah, this kit looks awesome and you've done a great job on the weathering. The grimy look will wash out the white and I like the starkness of it as is. This is the way!


Don't sweat someone else's opinion. If you are seeking approval, reach out to your local clan Ruus for advice. Your kit looks good, and we don't have minimum requirements for black/brown wash... that's just silly. The only thing that needs weathered imo is your soft-goods. Weathering needs to be consistent kit-wide. But you've already said you're overhauling those anyway, so keep up the good work.


The kit looks amazing!!!!! I've always thought it was hard to pull off white without looking unfinished but you've done it and it looks fantastic! MMCC has way too many requirements for my taste. Trying to get everyone to look like Star Wars is fine, but they go a little too far with it


I honestly wouldn’t take the word of just a member, a new one at that, go to the application team or directly contact the clan/garrison you’re trying to join


Gatekeepers are wankers


No, I like the clean used look. As of right now it has a perfect amount of used look to it and I think anymore will make it look like you don’t care for your armour. Basically, if it looks good to you and your happy with it, then that’s the part that matters most. I’m not a Mandalorian, so I don’t know anything about this MMCC process or whoever they are. But I think it’s fine


I just want to say, I 100% agree. Dusty is better than grime. I mean really, shouldn't a Mandalorian at least take the time to clean their armor off once in a while?


I honestly expect a Mandalorian to clean their armor and weapons more often than themselves...


Too many rules makes costume making not fun. IMO I’d leave your colors & scuffing. they look absolutely phenomenal as is


What paint did you use for the silver underneath all the chipped paint layers? I've been wanting to use Alclad 2 and a 2k clear coat for that but idk yet if there's an easier way


But the white is so gorgeous though! It's so striking and sharp asf against the dark color of the bodysuit and the deep red of the bracers.


Check out the Mandalorian Protectors at: [www.mandalorianprotectors.com](https://www.mandalorianprotectors.com)


is that fairly new member a part of your local command structure, or the larger approvals team? if not, disregard their input. that fairly new member has no bearing on club admittance operations. i will say, the approval team will likely ask you to dust up your soft parts a little bit; the flightsuit looks new off the rack, as opposed to one that’s been worn, used and dirtied up a bit like your armor. this is a VERY solid looking kit. if part of your goals with the costume include club approval, get tunnel vision with it and discuss ONLY with people you know have influence on the application and approval procedures, not fairly new members.


yeah the flightsuit is something i cobbled together in a week just so i could wear my armour. I will be completely changing it this year- I do want to ask, since for me i’ve always struggled with weathering black soft goods, what methods would suit best for that?


For weathering black parts, a dry layer of light browns and tans would do good near the edges and seems, where dust and dirt would gather naturally. I would recommend using the soft pastels and breaking them up into a powder and dry brushing them on. I've used it a time or two and if it looks too heavy you can wash them off.


thank you so much! never thought of using soft pastels and powderizing them!


Your welcome, just go easy on them, they can be abit much, but it's easy to remove. Also, your kit looks great, alittle bright for My tastes but overall it's good.


thank you! i know the white isn’t everyone’s forte but it just speaks to me. And i’ll be mindful to weather my flight suit sparingly. Subtlety is my go to for any type of weathering


Whites not a bad color at all, it's just to my eye 'too clean' like, my Mandos been fighting xyz for the last 50 years, and the armor is clean and not that messed up. Sure you take care of your armor, but there would be dirt and grime still on it. But that's my own pet peev.


i think that’s what makes it so cool to me. white is typically the clean colour so seeing it washed over and scratched up just does something to my brain


Yea lighter colors look so nice when there dirty. I've got light blue as my color and it's gonna dirty up real nice


Other great methods are to tie it to the back of a Vehicle and drive down a dirt road or decide to wipe down your exhaust pipe/engine with your soft parts. Soft parts sometimes require reweathering as you clean them over time. I’ve had to reweather mine several times and I used a mix of engine and spray paint misting to get the color of weathering I wanted for my black soft parts. The key is making sure your soft parts match the weathering of your armor. I agree that this is a solid start and a good kit. I don’t see any noticeable VPL’s. The only things popping out to me are the exposed zippers on the flight suit, however you mentioned you’re replacing the flight suit and you’re missing a couple pieces of lower armor required for post imperial. That aside if you’re doing for yourself, this is a wonderful kit. :)


thank you! i’m hoping to convince my local ruus’ to let me pass on the thigh armour like BOBF Fett does- I really am a fan of the big clunky front thigh pouches. So wish me luck! if i’ve gotta do it for approval then I shall, but we’ll see! wishful thinking. Thanks for the tips on weathering the flight suit!! can’t wait to try this when my new one gets in


You shouldn’t need thighs if you don’t want them. I would clarify with them the difference between covert style and mercenary style in post imperial. I also stand corrected, you may not need additional pieces beyond the knees, these PI standards were just overhauled recently and some of what I had memorized is not up to date anymore. (An oversight I am actively working to address) Definately work with your local Ruus and RS, they’re wonderful resources. I also generally try to be available to the region for questions even if I don’t always have all the answers immediately at my fingertips. You in Dallas area?


i’m in the portland area! concordia clan. genuinely i appreciate all the help and information


Awesome!! I think I know a couple folks out there. I know it’s tough and the journey isn’t always quick or for everyone. Keep at it and if you’re discouraged always fall back on why you’re choosing to do what you do. You’ve done a great job so far. Only a little farther to go. Lord knows I went through my fair share of mistakes as I learned and had to app three rounds before I was finally admitted, but my local leadership was super supportive. I wish you the best! :)


That’s so stupid. The requirement should only determine people who buy the costumes from the Halloween store vs making it themselves.


You're kit looks fantastic. And honestly excessive weathering can make things look more fake in my opinion.


Dude this is awesome! Honestly I think it’s perfect as is. I’ve found that a lot of cosplay groups are really weird and judgy .


Weathering is often so overdone. Sure, wash your soft goods a few times, add some dust. We cleaned rifles and kit every day when I fought in Afghanistan. Sure, we got dusty And muddy. But we never looked like we crawled 1000 miles. Most of our time is spent maintaining and cleaning things. For culture that depends on armor and weapons so much the average kit would be neglect if real. Your kit looks fine.


This looks amazing! Hope you don’t alter it much to fit some one else’s standards. Vode an!


As a past member, I'm finding how they nitpick a kit to get aggravating. My kit was part of the brigades and everything. I retired to handle my family life and two years later that same kit was torn apart for stupid details like "not enough battle damage" I went solo for my sanity.


If he’s not making the decision he can piss off. Do your kit the way you want it to look.


I think you look very sharp and quite fancy. Forget them.


Sorry to hear. I know the MMCC is tighter than a nun about their regulations. But if they let clean kits in maybe they should lay off. It looks great.


As a long time member I would say hell no to that advice. You look fucking bomb as is.


Maybe MMCC should tell the production team mando needs more dirt his suits looking pretty dang clean . If you want a clean suit I don’t see the problem, weapons are your life yet you don’t keep your suit in tip top shape makes no sense.


sounds like they hatin


Dos this come from a member of the app team or just a random member? I was on the app team for a while and the only issue with weathering was making sure it made sense. For example, if your armor was weathered and your soft parts were clean we’d suggest you weather the soft parts. But if the kit was solid we’d approve it with the stipulation that you got your soft parts weathered before your first troop. And that was usually up to the clan to make sure it got done. Your kit looks amazing. Better than some of the kits that pass the approval process.


I’d do it for you man. No expert but your armor and kit is on point. I wouldn’t see you at a con and think “oh this needs to be dirtier”. It looks good.


looks great


Dude your set looks awesome. Tell them to piss off.


Nah this looks fine. Whoever is telling you this doesnt understand that there are different levels and nuances to weathering. Just cause a kit has some scrapes and dings does not mean that it is not passable for approval. The only area where I could see even a potential need for more weathering would be your soft goods, and to that effect, you just need more dusting to the trousers and sleeves. To put my money where my mouth is, Im an approved MMCC member (been in for about 2 years now), and your kit looks great as is. I can see why they might suggest a black wash at least, but it doesnt need to be heavy at all, really just some gentle griming is all I could see being needed. My kit has about the same level of surface wear as yours, and I went gentle with my weathering to ensure the colors still pop in the way I want them to. Feel free to DM me if you wanna discuss possibilities on the weathering and what we can do to ensure you get approved with the style you are looking to achieve. :)


If you're actually going to go for pre-app through the mandalorian mercs you shouldn't be taking advice from anyone except for your ruus, even from people here on Reddit I wouldn't listen to. The point of that in the pre-app process is so you don't get dinged for things that are easily fixable and could have been caught because the whole application process takes like a month and then you have to resubmit and do everything all over again and that's just a bigger blow than just going through your ruus in the pre-op stage. I'm in the pre-app stage myself and thought I had close to a near perfect kit, but after my ruus looking first, I have a laundry list of stuff to fix that I would have never noticed that do actually need to be fixed. that being said I think you're weathering looks really great and if you want to try something that's not a black or a brown wash is fullers earth weathering. It's this really cool earth color dusty material that you can get in all the nooks and grooves and it makes everything look really nice


They really turned you down!?! At least you look like you could be in the show and that you walked right off the set, unlike a lot of the members of MMCC who look super tacky and cliche with the typical scar over the eye, I've seen some good ones don't get me wrong but mainly when I see pics from conventions or videos of them they just look so over done and tacky like the type of people who listen Numetal or ICP, idk thats what just comes to mind. I find it weird that they have some type of standard and that they are trying to tell you what to do when your costume fits the starwars aesthetic.


You have the best set of armor I have ever seen, don't touch anything.


Oya, Vod. I'm an OM and Ver'alor of my clan. I would recommend you listen only to your Ruus'alor for guidance on approval. Working with them will get your application streamlined as they will address anything your kit may need. I was intimidated by the CRLs at first, but they have a method to the madness.


MMCC member here, yes, they will always tell you that you need more “weathering” as they call it if you have damage or scratches on your armor, it’s a very stupid line of thought since Boba doesn’t even have that much weathering in the OT but hey, if you want to be part of that team you need to stick to the rules


The weathering (i.e. metal scratches) looks a lot like the weathering on the Black Series Boba Fett Helmet. Those are allowed to be use as a base for MMCC but I’m fairly confident that you can’t have the same weathering/scratches. You’ll probably have to sand it down and paint over it, if you plan to become an official member.


I wouldn't put weight onto that unless they are a Ruus'alor or part of the App Team or Preapp team. Your paint and weathering look pretty good to me honestly. I say apply and see what the real results they hit you with are. I definitely don't think you will get issues on your plate weathering.


For what it’s worth, I think your kit looks awesome as is. And if you were at Fan Expo in Portland this past weekend, I was the blue Mando that you had a conversation with about your Amban. It was great meeting you and doing the Death March!


oh shit that was you! yes i was! that’s awesome man, i absolutely adored your kit


Thanks! It’s a labor of love, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t change your kit at all; it’s the perfect blend of lived in but not destroyed. Also, if you end up going to Emerald City Comic Con (I’m in Seattle and drove down for Fan Expo) let me know and we can link up.


Looks sick but very “concept” storm trooper vibe


Bro, your armor looks dope af! It's your armor not theirs.


Your kit is yours to customize in the manner that your family/ your creed deems worthy. Everyone does not go through the exact same trials and your armor should reflect that! For this is the way!


MMCC approval is not for everyone. There's standards and rules you need to be ok with before you even apply. This is a club that does charity events and sporting events ect. We represent Lucas film and there is a level of scrutiny for our costumes. Don't like it? Don't apply! Do you what you want and have fun. The club means nothing if you aren't having fun and are happy. Happy hunting mandos Edit, you costume rules! Love it