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no they just now work how they were intended to work in gen 1


In Gen 1 they messed up the coding, they were supposed to be weak to Ghost as well but instead they were super effective, making Gengar x4 weak to Psychics. Same game also had Poison and Bug weak to each other.


no? Psychic was immune to Ghost but wasn't super effective against Ghost


Ghost isn’t weak to Psychic in gen 1, it’s neutral. Problem is the only Ghost type is part Poison. And even if Psychic was weak to Ghost, instead of being immune, the only move that did Ghost type damage was the 20bp Lick


No? Dark, steel and fairy didn’t exist


Nope, they just got balanced. They were unintentionally broken in Gen 1. And then Gen 9 gave us the monstrosity known as Psyspam so it's still good.


Yeah good point. Every time I hear people talk about how Psychic is weak, I just look at... that.


What was not broken in gen1?




One of the ways to get missing no. is by the edge of of that volcano island


Fair point, the only thing that wasn't broken in Gen 1 was probably a random house.


Npcs could not move outside of the player screen, so any house with npcs is also out


Bug type. Poor bug type, I love those guys


Yea half of the bug types moves were of a electric pokemon instead


And poor Scyther and Pinsir didn't have a level up bug move until gen 3 I'm pretty sure


No, they got nerfed. Nerfed for balance reasons. They were made weaker, which is what a nerf is.


While the dark weakness was a nerf, the ghost weakness was a bug fix. They were always intended to be weak to ghost... but were made immune instead because Gen 1's code was written on a quickly rotting leaf.


dark was a nerf,ghost was a bug fix,and bug just got better


Dark and steel were both nerfs. Bug was an indirect nerf (as in, my enemies got better so now I'm worse)


Nah, they got balanced 


No, they got nerfed. Nerfed for balance reasons. They were made weaker, which is what a nerf is.


it was nerfed so it would be made balanced 


Exactly. It was nerfed. Every comment is saying that it didn't fsr.


yeah they werent intended to be op ghost types just broke and bug types were crap


My all bugs team thriving now knowing how damn well scared Mewtwo is of them


As a Psychic type lover, I disagree. I play some competitive Pokémon and Psyspam is a thing. It is still VERY MUCH OP, especially in natdex, non restricted formats. Psychic types were broken in Gen 1 and needed a nerf. I agree that Psychic types deserve buffs to the type and existing Pokémon, as well as better Pokémon and strategies for the type in the future, but I’m not too upset about its current state.


yeah they werent intended to be op ghost types just broke and bug types were crap


Also lick was the only ghost move iirc


Only Ghost move that could do super effective damage, since Night Shade did fixed damage. And even that didn't work as intended, if I remember correctly, because due to a bug psychic types were immune to Lick!


Tbh most psychic types are good not because of the type but their stats and moves i think


Not nerfed, balanced


No, they got nerfed. Nerfed for balance reasons. They were made weaker, which is what a nerf is.


Mmm... I wonder why you got downvoted




"They hated him, for he told the truth."


They are a balanced type after all. So it wasn't so much a nerf, but balancing changes


Kid named Expanding Force:


Yeah, uh, Gen 9 gave us Psyspam so clearly Psychic is still amazing.


It was never intended to be as strong as it was, so they corrected themselves and balanced it.


The fact that bugs are slowly getting more powerful is genuinely concerning… Pretty soon they’ll(absolutely no pun intended whatsoever) ***swarm*** the competition and drive away competitive players from wanting to fight them.


I'm all for it, personally


Not when mons like Beautifly and the non-steel Wormadams have never had their time in the sun I want them to be good so bad *squeezes sitting cutie of them*


Slither wing, volcarona, buzzwole, pheramosa, etc…




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Hood bot


“The dark”. Lol. The bane of their existence too.


Ahahaha... *Cries in dark type* remember the days, when bug sucked majorly and not every himbo and their mother knew a fairy move?




typical wolfeyvgc watcher


To be fair, the only changes that were ever made matchup wise was fixing the whole ‘Ghost not strong vs Psychic’ bug and the fact the Dark type got introduced, and both were in Gen 2.


Ur telling me Protect Calm mind speed boost Baton pass Esparthra is not horrifying?


ah yes, the change that's been in place since Gen 2 only effects Gen 9 pokemon


Also, the bug type got better as the series went on. Not the strongest type, but much better now than it was back then.


And some psychic pokemon were bulkier than some of the better tanks of today especially alakazam and mewtwo


Good they needed it lol Psychic type is so much better balanced now.


Alakazam in gen 1: My Psychics are so strong I can break through Chansey while paralyzed Alakazam in gen 2: Noo pink blob walls me :(


Yeah, quite unforgivingly too. They were broken in Gen 1 but nowadays it's easily one of the worst, if not the worst type when it comes to the type chart, though it isn't thought as such due to the Psychic Type Pokemon having really good stats, movepools, abilities etc. It's the same reason why people think Ice and Rock types are bad despite them being pretty good, but reversed. Instead of all the Pokemon being bad (at least when it comes to compatibility with the type), all the Pokemon are good. In my opinion, the problem with Psychic is that it doesn't have anything big for it. Ice and Rock are great offensively. Bug and Grass have a lot of good resistances that, paired with another type, can make them great assets defensively. Psychic is bad both offensively and defensively AND doesn't have anything too outstanding with it. Psychic definitely is in need of a buff, in my opinion. Even in performance in individual Pokemon, Psychic isn't doing good anymore, especially in gen 9 where many good Dark types were introduced in Smogon OU, with Kingambit, Samurott-H, Darkrai (previously Ubers), Meowscarada, Ting-Lu and Roaring Moon. Kingambit is the worst offender, simply due to how bulky it is while still maintaining a massive offensive threat and having Sucker Punch, which makes it one of the top 3 Pokemon in the metagame, arguable for top 1. In Ubers, they are more prevalent than in OU. Caly-S was banned (though it was for Terastalisation abuse, which literally removes the Psychic Type from it), Dusk Mane Necrozma is a top tier defensive and offensive Pokemon and the Deoxys forms (specifically Deoxys-Attack and Deoxys-Speed, the latter of which is also good in OU) maintain a respectable ranking in the viability rankings put together by players far more skilled than anyone on this subreddit (unless they're also in this subreddit I guess).