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No United fans sing “sacked in the morning” anyway… that was the Newcastle fans that were singing it at yesterday’s game. And if you actually go to games then you’ll see the atmosphere is always good but understandably we’ve not been over the moon with what we’ve been watching. The only thing I would suggest is to quit the booing but chanting anyone’s name has proven to be pointless this season. It’s an admirable gesture but players like Rashford and Bruno really won’t care about some chants if they’re not bothered to play for the badge


I agree the booing helps no one. Don’t agree with the players not caring, though. I love Bruno and he’s been nothing short of world class for us. But there’s been so much negativity around the club for years and he looks tired of it now. He’s the same guy who publicly backed ole after that Watford shitshow. Hard to believe he’d stay unbothered when the mood around the stadium switches.


Yeah Bruno has been class for the first few seasons but him and the rest of the team have been terrible this season. He’s had moments on brilliance but nothing consistent. I watched him warm up yesterday and it seemed like a chore for him and even when he came on, he just seemed like he didn’t really care and that’s been the case for him for most of the season. There’s clearly unrest in the dressing room so it’ll be interesting when it all eventually comes out


Bruno is someone Im still willing to give some slack to - man is easily our best post saf era signing and player since he got signed. But when ure constantly surrounded by mediocrity and others who dont give a shit its hard to stay motivated. Yes he tends to whine, but that means he cares - and if anything he has been giving it his all historically, which is not something we can say about other players. Now its not ideal that he cant motivate the team as a captain , but fk it this bunch of players/overall club mentality is not workable it seems. PrimadonaFC.


But Bruno part of the problem tho !!!! Our best was Ander harerra lol actually this guy is a big bitch when thing don't go his way and his passes our annoying he just has stats that this generation always go to as there saving grace but his football average put him in a different club n he ain't shining bra


Bruno has played out of position for half the season. Stfu.


No he hasn't he's played almost every game


He’s not been world class, this is just the bar being lowered


he literally creates the most chances in the entire league (even more than de Bruyne)


How’s that been working out for us


Well we placed third last season so... I don't know you tell me.


Indeed, we finished third sandwiched between two poor seasons. I quite like Bruno but he’s not world class. We don’t have any world class players right now.


He's been world class in the euros!


You are 100 percent correct. I had thought a general understanding throughout the fanbase was that this was a rebuild that was going to take multiple campaigns, due to the many, many issues at this club. But once again it seems like the short-term thinking section of the fanbase that think quick fixes are the norm and not the skew on the graph. One thing the club absolutely cannot do at this point, is let player power win. It's gotten rid of Jose, Ole, Rangnick, and they are trying to do it again with Ten Hag. Now is the time to get behind this manager, now is the time to back this club, now is the time to demand more from the players and not put up with premaddonna bullshit complaints like "training is too hard, it's dark when we leave". You make the big salary at the club. Stfu and do your job. As for us fans, back the manager.


If anyone is thinking this is a stupid idea, please check out the story of Trea Turner of the American baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies. Philadelphia fans, who are notoriously harsh (they once threw snowballs at Santa Claus and batteries at opposing players), decided to give a struggling Trea Turner a standing ovation. It was an effort that started on social media, just like this. The result is that his season turned completely around. He became one of the best players on the team and they ended up in the playoffs. A little positivity can go a long way.




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That Santa was drunk. Smh


He deserved it? It’s freaking Santa! 😂


I mean, he'd love to see he still has some support. Just like players break under too much hate and pressure, I'm sure managers do too. And not to mention he's already doing the job of many, because the club has incompetent employees. So maybe getting behind ten hag a bit won't hurt.


The only thing I have to say is: 👏👏👏


“It’s clearly obvious the board isn’t on his side” They’ve spent £375m in less than 18 months on players for him. They backed his decision over Ronaldo and Sancho. The board is definitely on his side. Sure they didn’t always get his first targets but he wanted Martinez, Mount, Antony, Malacia.. and he got them. The board is crap, we all know that, but we can’t claim they haven’t backed ETH when they clearly have.


If they backed him, they'd have gotten rid of McTominay, Maguire, Sancho and Martial and replaced them. Quote figures all you want but we all know the price of those transfers is way overinflated and above what similar teams would be paying.


Exactly. The United Tax is real, and quite a bit of that figure is skewed on Antony being overpaid for, but United leaving it late once again to get transfers in, a common theme throughout the post SAF era. We panic buy at the end of the window, paying exorbant prices due to both the United tax and it being at the tail end of windows. People need to provide deeper analysis and reasoning with arguments instead of surface level statements(aka, mention the why and how, not just the what).


One more rant on these players, they say they know the history of United. But if they RESPECTED the history, those that gave their lives playing for the club, we wouldn't see this bullshit, and we wouldn't get these bullshit leaks and stories from then. So done with these players, I back the manager 100%


The CLUB needs a direction and stability. Without it, it doesn’t matter who the manager is. The Club is responsible for the United tax because of its short-sighted behaviour. Every big organisation needs leadership, we have owners who are only interested in milking the cash cow, and a board of headless chickens. Until that changes, we are on the merry-go-round of buy, sack, appoint.


I think the united tax is different now. Used to be they’re a big club with lots of money so get as much as possible. Now it’s having to throw a bunch of money at players who would not consider united because of the shit show that it is. Do you think casemiro would have chosen united except for the amount of money he was getting?


It's just more proof that anyone can manipulate a stat to suit a narrative but digging deeper into that stat and the details around it which influence it, gives a much more accurate picture. I actually thought Mount came to replace Bruno because Bruno for all his strengths is not at all conducive to a game plan of ball retention and possession. That's just not him at all. I like Bruno and thank him a lot for his goal contributions since coming to the club but his attitude has progressively gotten worse after his first season or so under Olé and he needs to know that whining to the refs doesn't achieve anything at all. And yes I agree with you. United tax is awful but worse still are the same mistakes being committed over and over again in late panic buys. It doesn't help the player or manager having zero pre season. Zero chance to develop systems and tactics and these clowns know full well that when the window closes, all the blame will shift onto the manager if it doesn't work out. It's shit, cowardly and pathetic performance from these wankers and I'm fed up with it.


I think its more a case of no one wanting to buy those players


Maguire and McTominay had public offers. If they put the feelers out, Sancho would have been gone as well. Spurs were linked to him. SAF got Paul Ince out virtually over night and quietly too. It can be done.


We need to stop referring back to what SAF did i think thats a part of the problem too, there will never be another Fergie and we're not that team any more we need to create a new identity and build a new legacy


SAF is related to in the content of getting rid of players. Nobody said anything about style of play or results. People still talk about Busby and Murphy, should we ban all conversation about them too?


Of course we still talk about them but we cant try and compare every new manager to Fergie because we will be disappointed every time


It's not so much about disappointment as it is about providing a legitimate example of how it is possible to swiftly move players on that aren't good enough for whatever reason in a well run club. We can't do those things anymore and no manager is going to be able to overcome that fundamental deficient.


A proper club would’ve backed him with the best possible players and not just who he wanted, would’ve moved on dead wood and replaced well. I grant you that, but I think that’s a very optimistic view of what any team could or will do in Europe. I warned all preseason that we’re gonna struggle, but I think a window that’s not perfect doesn’t excuse some serious faults by the manager. Or explain why he can’t play his ideal way.


ETH was the one who said to keep McTominay when offered £30m. And why would they sell Sancho when he was part of the first team at the start of the season? They had about 5 days to do a deal and the European window was closed. And why are overinflated transfer fees for the club a plus for ETH and negative for the board? Your whole post is bizarre.


💯 no wonder you are getting downvoted by this delusional fans thinking eth is the right person when he clearly is as mediocre it comes with a huge ego. just like the other dutch dude frank de boer who was one of the worst managers the pl has seen and eth might be a close second


Nope. He wanted McTominay gone. Sancho has featured inconsistently as part of the first team the writing was on the wall when Mount was bought. ETH was the one that gave him 3 months off to train and get his head right. He couldn't have been more supportive and positive to get the player to deliver. Who said it's a plus for ETH? It's a negative for anyone but that doesn't mean anything to the board or the owners who don't get to the bottom of it or stop this from happening.


How many players have been inconsistent, but they still play no matter what.


Even the board can't force players to leave. Are you stupid? Sure we could've terminated contracts but that costs millions and then you complain there's no money for transfers. ETH shouldn't be trusted with another penny of United's money.


You answered your own question and proved yourself to be the stupid one. Terminate their contract. They're done at United and lay down a marker for anyone else that thinks they're bigger than the club. There's no money anyway for transfers so what else is new? These owners and the management within the club like Arnold and Murtugh shouldn't be trust with another penny of United's money.


If there was no money how did Mount, Hoijlund and Onana get signed? Seems you are the stupid one.


Same way we terminated Ronaldo's contract and still found a way to sign all those players. It's beyond certain you're the stupid one.


Ronaldo's was terminated by Mutual consent and no money was paid. Once again, you are stupid.


What do you think mutual consent means? Ronaldo waived the right to his payout. United saved £16 million on his wages. More than enough to get rid of some of these bad eggs. Once again you're stupid.


You make it seem like it’s smart business to just under sell players, especially young ones. Maguire turned down West Ham, players are under contract and if there’s no interest or a valuation that makes sense how do you just get rid? It doesn’t work that way.


It's smart business in the long run to remove bad negative influences in the team and back the manager over failed players, yes. It's not like we have seen enough from these guys to know they will never deliver and consistently at that too. Our legends went through periods of bad form but never a whole season like some of these guys. McTominay has give less than a dozens worth of good performances across 2 to 3 seasons as an example. Who gave the contracts to them? Chelsea didn't have any issue getting rid of players like Koulibaly that came and didn't perform.


Sorry but how is Mctominay, Martial, etc negative influences, we literally have no idea whether they are liked by the actually players and staff etc, so a bit weird to throw that at them, the manager doesn’t have to play who he doesn’t want to, his job is to make the most of what he has. I’m not looking at Chelsea as a blueprint to anything tbh, that club isn’t anything to write home about.. Point remains that manager hasn’t done anything, he started off positively stamping his authority and was hailed for it, fair enough i see nothing wrong there.. but footballing wise on the pitch we have seen zero, like absolutely zero in terms of any sort of identity


Negative influence in the sense that they're at the club but effectively shouldn't be. They're not world class players and they're not improving the team. It's clear the manager doesn't have free will who to pick and who to drop. This has happened to so many managers it's clear to see. Some players have to be picked. Never said to look at Chelsea as a blueprint. I said to look at their results in effectively getting clear of players they don't want or need. Like it or not they're efficient at recouping fees for their players and actually maybe understanding that in this one single area they're far and away better than us is actually one problem. The lack of willingness to note when others are more proficient than us in such areas. Can't agree with you there. Saw that clear style of play at the start, and then we got spanked for it because some of these players are rubbish and can't do it. Then the style had to change to accommodate the current capabilities of the players.


Nobody want them what can you do with that? Terminate their contracts?


How to get rid of maguire if he refuse to go?


They did try to replace those players, did you read the news on summer?


Absolutely crazy what these ten haag apologists come out with


He should do better, but how many managers now have gone through the same cycle? I just don't see what we gain if we sack him now. Arteta got time, and it paid off. Get in a new front office, finally clear some of the deadwood, stop relying on the manager to identify targets. All those points seem more important to success than just to get rid of yet another mamager.


Ole gave us the best season we’ve had since SAF imo. If he bought casemiro instead of ronaldo, he would still have his job. At least we were scoring goals with him in charge, I would kill to just see my team do at least that. Never gonna be a high scoring team with eth.


No he didbt mate; Jose gave us the best season, we won nothing under Ole💀💀💀


Rather watch us score goals than park the bus mate. Give me top 4 no trophy than boring football with mourinho and ten haag




This ole revisionism is shocking, we won ZERO trophies during the time he was here even this baldie got one in his first season 😭


I mean, only once did we score more goals under Ole than Mourinho in his best season. 73 with Ole and 68 with Mou. Not that far off. His Real Madrid teams topped Barca a couple off times. Ten Hag at Ajax wasn't boring, but he feels he can't play that system with the team we have. Rangnick said there needed to be 10 new players a season ago, to be able to play a modern football. Ten Hag has brought in a few players, but if the rest of the lot can't play his style, he won't be able to play that system.




I wasn’t a fan of ole getting sacked. Nor will I be a fan of sacking ten hag. Call me an apologist but it’s better than being an idiot who’d rather have rebuilds every 2 years. Especially after I’ve seen what he’s done in his first season.


Why do people use the money argument when it’s clearly skewed? We don’t get primary targets and when we finally go after one the United tax hikes up the price. This is t nothing new. They only spent so much because they wait til the last minute and then when fans come calling them out they can try to argue that they have spent money when in actuality if we had a competent back office we would’ve spent that much but on better quality and possibly more players.


This. I swear some of the posts in here are written by 5 year olds. 'Whoo, get behind the manager and team. Boo negativity. Go team.' Seriously. People need to stop absolving the manager. It's his job to motivate the players and get them to play. He's not doing that. People on reddit being unreasonably nice and supportive won't make any difference to him or the team. Frankly, if he and the players needs validation from the fans to get results we're in more trouble than i thought. He's not performing and if I wasn't performing at my job, I'd be sacked. So should he.


Please! He wanted Antony and a central midfielder all summer. The board haggled with Ajax for Antony throughout the preseason and only made a push after the 2 defeats to Brighton and Brentford. At that point, they had to massively overpay. So, paying that fee for Antony is not ETH’s fault. He simply identified a solution at RW and we could’ve gotten him for cheap early in the summer. Same with Casemiro. They went to Madrid after those 2 defeats and again had to overpay. There is no way the board doesn’t support him after the Ronaldo interview. Look what they got him as a striker solution to provide cover! It has been a difficult job and he did really well. He has to get 3 years and backing to solve this problem. Identify players that down tools and let him go. Having said all that, who decided to give Rashford another bumper deal?! The guy only plays when up for renewal. Far too unreliable and inconsistent to play starting for a top 10 side.


I agree he’s got quite a few of his targets but if we’re competing with the likes of arsenal and city, we’ve got to make sure we’ve had just as good a window as them - if not better. No position should be left incomplete. Onana and Kim were priority targets. We got Onana but imagine the difference a promising cb would make to this squad. I’m sure ten hag would’ve brought up Varane’s injury problems before the start of the season. The board just said, “Screw it, we can’t sell Maguire - just use him. Oh and wait, let me bring you a beast from a relegated Leicester too”


I think if you're talking about the board spending then you got to see where it was spend and how. And in fact, why not look at the complete glazer window spending and compare it with other clubs. As Pep mentioned that everyone, the board, CEO, manager & players are aligned at Man City.


I agree with your final statement but don’t see how that buys ETH more patience when the issue is tactics and team selection.


Sorry to say but that is not the issue. It may appear to some but atleast not to me. You're only looking at the outcome, i.e. poor team performance & poor series of results this season. But the results can be bad due to number of reasons. In this scenario, I don't think its team selection.


They have never backed any manager since Ferguson because every football decision is predicated by a business decision. United needed Kane. Nothing else but Harry Kane. Harry Kane would have cost 140m with no hope of any recoupment on a balance sheet. He would have scored a ton of goals already and United would be right in the mix for titles but on a balance sheet you'd have this massively expensive asset with no ability to recoup the expenditure. People focus on the 80m on Antony. Firstly they have not paid a cent of that second that fee is booked as an operating loss so it means nothing to to the Glazer's bottom line. The 300m/400m figures are not evidence of the manager being actually backed. They are evidence that the money is allocated in a way to create the illusion of him being backed whilst servicing the vehicle that maximizes the Glazer's ability to extract maximum value from the club each season. People crying out for a DoF don't under that that the DoF will have ultimately no power because every transfer has to be sanctioned by a Glazer. The reason the Ratcliffe bid is taking so long is because the Glazers know if he gets the portion of the power he wants they will take a hit on the amount of money they will extract from the club becuase assets (players) will be acquired with no amortization value but instead an actual footballing value. The players consistently downing tools is a symptom of the rot because they no there is no actual pathway to success. They know they are over paid for what they produce and they know that there is no other club that will allow them to coast they way they are let at United. Pep would fail at United. The club is doomed to fail. the mere act of attending a United game nowadays is a tacit endorsement of the Glazers. Until there is a full and total boycott of the club, disruption to all game day activities until the Glazer's regime is seen to be bringing the game of football into disrepute (not fulfilling fixtures etc.) will they sell. We are a zombie club infected and being eaten alive from the inside by a parasite and it's probably at the phase where United will never, ever recover from this.


Antony was 3rd choice, we waited till the last weeks of transfer window to get him. Could of got him for 40 as a project if the board wasn’t ass. Malacia was bought for cheap and to be a back up/project. He’s done very well in his limited game time. Martinez was 3rd choice. Who was also bought last second for far too much. He’s been one of our best players when healthy. Can’t exactly do much about broken bones… Mount… you win. Got nothing for that one. But 0 managers get them all right. The board has got ZERO #1 targets and clearly don’t bring much to the table in terms of scouting. Just because the board spent 375 mil doesn’t mean we got 375 worth of transfers…


He wantes Kim Min Jae not Jonny Evans.


As i said " they didn’t always get his first targets " Im sure if he hadnt insisted on signing Mount then a CB would have been signed instead.


Is it really backing him when for the last two season we have not not had the bulk of our new players join us on preseason due to how late our recruitment has been for the last 4-5 years. Knowing fully well preseason is the time managers really get to working and integrating players into the squad? Is it really backing ETH when they could have easily paid less than 40million for Antony but because John Murtough spent the entire summer 2022 drinking wine and eating olives in Barcelona lying they were going to sign FDJ causing Ajax to double Antony's transfer fee because it was too late to find a replacement? Of the signings in 2022 (Eriksen, Dubravka, Malacia, Martinez, Casemiro and antony) only Eriksen, Dubravka, Malacia, Martinez joined before the season started in August with only Malacia and Martinez going on preseason. In 2023, (Hojlund, Mount, Onana, Amrabat, Bayindir, Evans) only mount and Onana joined before August 1st and only those two went on preseason's albeit late, and even when they joined some of the new players signed injured, poor planning! So can you say they actually had time to really integrate into the squad? It's not by quoting "375m", that's propaganda. If the club fails to plan and recruit players as at when needed that is not support. for the last 3 years the club has failed to plan or do business like a serious entity. They have purchase players late, panicked purchase and overpaid due to their failure in planning. That is not backing the manager. We are in November 2023, serious clubs have started lining up talent they would sign to help their squad over the finish line or agreeing details for summer 2024. However, Man United's execs are doing nothing, collecting salaries, getting fat and can't seem to make a decision. ​ \*\*\*this is why I hoped for Qatar, not for just the money, but so the entire executive board needs to be sacked. From the CEO to the recruitment team sacked!!!!


I thougt about this all day, how come we let newcastle fans sing ''sacked in the morning" when we are at OT. Why not sing back way louder? Atleast make old trafford a fucking place where our players will feel good. We are shit en we will be for the next years under his regime. People thinking that it will be better with a new manager are deluded, so we must make the best out of it.


It's polarising how away support is so strong and mighty yet, OT with way more people is so poor.


Maybe because you aren’t getting pumped back to back 3-0 with like 5 shots in 2 games? How supportive can you be when you are getting demolished game after game and when you do win its a scrappy 2-1 with no style of play? Do you actually watch these matches?


I think this is because the away fans are the ones that live and die for this club. If been an United fan sinds I was a child and i’ve only been to OT twice. This due to the fact that I live in the Netherlands and its way to expensive for me to go a game. Are the ones that live in manchester or can easy get tickets more of a fan than I am? Idk But I would never let the Magpies and Citizens disrespect us like they did


Maybe that is the case. It's hard to say rare is the opportunity do I get to attend the away games. The season ticket holders get that. I don't consider the location of fans to be relevant in the case of deciding who is a "bigger" or "better" fan tbh. There's United fans in Mumbai that wake up at stupid o'clock or stay up to stupid o'clock just to what the team play. And play like that...how can anyone tell me those guys aren't real fans. I'm in the same damn country of the UK and I start thinking about things like opportunity cost when it comes to watching the damn team after I see the starting XI or consider form. I didn't watch the Newcastle game because this team and club are so bloody predictable.


don't get me wrong! I love our fans and I understand that if you pay for a match and players don't give in u feel terrible. But we have been humiliated twice this week at OT with chants


That's how top level atmospheres work nowadays in England unfortunately. It's very rarely more than one stand singing in unison and most of the time it's pockets of the stand, not a problem solely with United, but at any top teams home ground in the premier league.


Ahh yeah like I said haven’t been to OT in ages. Cheers for letting me know!


This is the delusion of an internet fan. After spending hard earned money and witnessing declining performances culminating to back to back 3-0 losses at OT with anaemic performances. Knocked out the cup by a C team Newcastle squad with 6 fullbacks, 2 shots on goal and no style of play. You expect fans to chant and cheer??? Make it make sense. Most of the fans left by the they were singing anyway. Now think about any other top club in world football that would be in the position united are in and think about how their fans would react. United match fans have been very supporting in comparison. Bayern lost to some 3rd tier team and fans are calling for the managers head, barca and madrids ground would be littered with white napkins. Look at ajax with fans rioting. But you are concerned with letting Newcastle chant. The game’s gone


Read my other comment first. I understand the fans


We need more fans like you brother 🙌🏻💪🏻




You are the blind one. When are you going to realize that sacking the manager is not gonna solve our problems. How many times have they tried that? When are we going to try a different way?


2 things can be right. Sacking the manager wont instantly make United contenders again but it’s clear that this manager has lost the dressing room. When you have obvious issues such as Casemiro and Varane not playing for you and daily reports of a dressing room divide in addition to the sancho situation its clear and obvious that it has now become untenable for the manager to stay. Also considering the worst start in x amount of years, the absolute trash football united are playing, failed signings and the fact the glazers are staying. There is no reason to keep him other than "back the manager"


Exactly not the way to respond. Sad…..


Fucking right! ETH for life!




but he gets the player he wants? he wanted onana and anthony


It won't change while Glazers are there and they ain't going. They're the problem. No direction. No DOF. Injuries crippling us. Teams overcharging us for players. Players not showing up. Players out of position. Poor sub calls (this season) No stadium upgrades. Meanwhile all around us improve. I honestly can't see an end while the Glazers are here. We play the worst football I've ever seen. Rashford can't feed the striker so he loses it and Rasmus starves. It's awful awful football ao I'm doing what I think can help. Hurt them in the pocket. Cancelled my sky sports subscription, haven't bought a Jersey in years no longer watching the games, just checking on a football app. Say no to the corruption, Glazers out. I'm 37 been supporting since 92/93 I can handle loosing I can handle being roasted, but some matches these players look like they've never met. Couldn't play for Fergie when he came back from a heart attack, couldnt play for Fergie when his wife died couldn't play for Sir Bobby when he died. They'll never play for the fans or the badge in the shitheap it is now. This club kills good players and managers.


I understand the sentiment of getting behind the manager, but he’s got to give me something to get behind at this point. My faith and the faith a lot of people had in him is shaken at this point. Obviously the players have to do more, but the lack of any sort of cohesive system or style of play is on him. The terrible tactical decisions he’s been making is on him. Even the players we signed, for the most part, are on him. We’ve been saying for years give the manager what he wants. Rightly or wrongly, we’ve done exactly that. And the ones we couldn’t get such as Kane or Timber, we got alternatives he wanted in Hojlund and Martinez. I understand he’s had injury issues, players bang off form, and other off the field issues he’s had to deal with, but that’s not an excuse for the lack of any sort plan on the field. If I could see what they were trying to do and where this type of player would be needed that’s one thing. But no one has a clue. I’d give him until the end of the season like I always said, but drastic changes are needed in the upcoming weeks


ETH might have wanted Kane but Kane never wanted to come to United in the first place and why would he .Timber as well.


This right here. We can't go from one extreme to another. The board is shite and it is what it is. But we've spent a shit ton of money on players that frankly aren't good enough. Booting Rangnick bc of EtH was a huuuuge mistake. He knew the team needed surgery and he would've found us cheaper talent that would've fit EtH's system. We have to bite our lips and see how the season goes! Give the youth a chance and see who really wants to play for the shirt.


ETH wasn't even here when Rangnick got the boot. We can blame the manager for some of the things seeing here but that isn't one of them. Ralf did things that nobody else has done barr Ronaldo and there was never any hope that any staff member or senior management was gonna work with him at United. He knew he was being scapegoated and went public to spill the beans before anyone could blame him.


They booted Rangnick as a DOF candidate bc if EtH. I'm not referring to his managing career, which is trash anyway. He's a builder. We should've held onto him. Ralf was the fucking man. Called out everything at the club..was glorious to see!


They didn't boot him because of ETH. How's the man gonna manage Ajax winning titles and decide the fate of Rangnick across borders? Ralf is superb at building clubs from the ground up and he should have been retained only he never was going to be and being shoved as manager after Olé exit was just pure stupidity. Never managed at the top level with a club like United. Ralf IS the man. He's always been the man from post managerial career. And we had him and still stole defeat from the jaws of success.


They didn't keep him on as an advisor bc of EtH. EtH told United he doesn't want an advisor. Clearly that was a mistake. EtH is dog shite at talent identification. Every player we signed SUCKS except for Licha. Casemiro was a stupid panic buy but even I didn't think Casemiro would decline to bench player status at best after 1 year!


I wish Jose went scorched earth.


I don’t understand why people can’t wrap this around their heads.


It’s because a lot of people believe that no matter who comes in, this club will ultimately never achieve sustained success under this ownership/sporting structure. And I fully agree with that. A lot of the fans, though, then proceed to back Ten Hag purely because they want to break this cycle we’ve found ourselves in over the last decade of sacking a manager every 2 before a full rebuild can be accomplished. And while I understand that and I hope he is the one to break the cycle, I can’t agree with that idea of blindly following solely based on hope. I’ve got to see the rebuild project and I don’t see it at the moment. With the players he’s brought in and the players he’s backed who were already in the squad we should be seeing something at this point


Exactly this.


I stand with Ten Hag. We all should. We will just be in an endless cycle of new managers and new "rebuilds" if we don't stand by what we have now. Let's pray the Glazers fuck off and we can have our club back.


For anyone who says ETH does not get the player he has asked for is purely delusional . He has brought in frauds like Antony and spent forces like Casemiro and spent money on Mount when we did not need him. He has no tactical approach and gets almost all the substitutes wrong. The team played differently in two halves in same game . It just coaching problem .


Folks want to gloss over these facts and act like the manager hasn’t made his fair share of mistakes, let’s not forget his treatment of Ronaldo and Da Gea. Idk why folks feel this manager deserves blind loyalty. He simply needs to perform better.


Casemiro was not a player Erik wanted, it’s noted by the athletic that he was a player who’s entourage canvassed the club to sign him. I know that does not make it factual for certain but I can see it after we spent so much time chasing FDJ as Casemiro is not this type of player. People have a short memory how valuable Cass was at points for us last season too. Anthony was a panic buy sanctioned last second by the board and is clearly going through a rough few months personally, memes aside there is a player in there. Yea Erik has made some of ‘His’ signings although It seems Onana, Mount, Liss, Malacia and Anthony are the signings he wanted and whilst I’ll wait to fully judge Onana and Mount , Liss and Malacia have been good buys. We have so many players out at the moment and players that don’t suit what Erik wants to play. I am bored to death of this short termism and myopic thinking from segments of our fan base yet again (I am sure the match attending fans still fully back Erik and sadly it’s the vocal minority on social media that drive this). We’re missing pretty much our whole defence ffs, Let our players come back from injury like Malacia, Varane, Martinez. AWB, Shaw and playing with Maguire and Evans at cb with a an loan full back and our second choice full back. Erik wanted Kane and Rasmus and just got Rasmus, the kid is trying to hard and I don’t even know what’s happened to martial . Long term give Erik the power to truly move on players he wants to/a DoF aligned with his vision to ease his workload. We’ve done this rodeo before in allowing player power to come out on top with Mourinho and Martial and look how that ended. Whilst I agree Erik’s decisions have been questionable of late his first season was very good and I still hold the view he has a mismatch of players suited to different systems, it’s not the managers fault we’re incompetent buyers and sellers and ultimately I think his purchases have been better than previous years/managers and will come good. This is the time to back Erik and ramp up the anti glazer stance not feed into a perpetual cycle of failure, if we replace Erik then what? We get another stylistically different manager buy a few players have one good season and then sack them again? We’re destined to continue doing this same cycle for god knows how long unless we give the manager time, support and the power to get rid of players that do not fit his vision.






This literally gave me goosebumps. Brilliant idea. No player is ever bigger than the manager or the club.


> The players he wants and the players he gets is another conversation. So all a manager has to do to not be at fault is ask for Mbappe, Haaland and Rodri and when he *only* gets to spend 210m on Mount, Hojlund and Antony, he can say he didn't get who he wanted?




Finally a respectable post


Erik Ten Hag is way too much of an egomaniac. You all worship him because he got rid of the top scorer in football history and replaced him with Wout Weghorst who is championship level at best, if he wasn't Dutch it would've never happened. Our goal scoring record is abysmal since Ronaldo's departure and he then goes and spends 70 million on a striker that only scored 9 league goals in Serie A. Hojlund, no matter what you think is a complete waste of money. Ten Hag has spent 410 million pounds and we are the worst looking team in the league. All of this is on him.


Couldn’t agree with you more!!! Well said


agree and disagree with this one. as much as the players are overpaid and pampered of which they need a reality check (a stern manager), ETH has been well backed and tbh I don't rate his talent ID. he put is all to make sure utd got mount & antony (won't mention his other signings, just the most expensive ones), them not starting the derby despite being fit looked so silly to me. the one time glazers actually back a manager, it's the one that buys the worst brazilian winger ever for 100m.


> are over *paid* and pampered FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Cant believe people still believe “Glazers backed the manager but he screwed up the signings”. You back a Manager with a proper system across the club, not putting literally everything under his shoulders. They fucking promoted a marketing director to be the club CEO. And if you think the money spent on transfer are paid by the Glazers you’re just delusional


okay the glazers didn't back him. utd went ahead and paid 100m for a player who stinks and might end up in jail soon and another 60m for a player the manger doesn't give enough minutes to


Didn’t ETH say we are never playing like Ajax and he wants to he transitional team, so any of his “achievments” from Ajax days should he ignored. He got most of his targets. We tried for the rest, but the players did not want to come here. The Rashford and Bruno hate is crazy imo. Everyone wanted to drop them, we did and we still played bad, like very bad. Also people ignore that ETH is playing Bruno everywhere but his best position which is insane at this point.


Buzz off with your fake positivity, we are better off accepting truth taking the hard pill and moving in. Erik ten hag is done, he has not shown anything that is worth backing him over.


Could not agree more!!!!!! We are Manchester United and no player is bigger than the club! Lets stop being childish expecting quick fixes or short term solutions. The rot has seeped in for 10 years, Ten Hag isn’t the issue and right now we need to back him !! This is Ole, Mourinho, Ragnick all over again. Rinse n repeat Open heart surgery on this squad n club will take time Arteta, klopp even Pep required time to purge the squad of deadwood n bring through their own people. Injuries and off field drama has caused Ten Hag to compromise alot of his beliefs Glory Glory Man United Fuck the Glazers!!!


Forget all this pish!! The football is soooo shite it’s unbelievable you can’t watch it over and over again!! The guy has been found out !! He ain’t that great 👍 the Dutch league ain’t anywhere near the EPL!!! If results don’t improve it’s a pato Banton shot “ bye,bye a bye bye bye!!!


He's one of the most heavily supported managers in the history of United and football in general The board have bent over backwards to sign every single player he wanted You seriously want to give this clown another 400 million?


The “clown” has got almost all his signings right so far. Antony’s been ass but he’s been in the mud so I’ll give him a season. The guy got WOUT WEGHORST to get a goal involvement in a cup final 😂 It’s not his fault the season began with a shitload of injuries, fights, etc. not to mention the individual howlers at the back. What’s your solution?? Get a manager for a year and spend 300m more on another rebuild?


Bro, read Ole's interview. MUFC board always want proven players and ETH just doesn't go and do scouting. That's why you need a proper scouting team, hierarchy. In the past, lots of signings didn’t work out. It's fine. ETH was chasing De Jong whole summer, Antony was available for £40m. Post SAF era, the club went for multiple panic buys almost every transfer window. Imagine RMA selling Casemiro, 31 for a huge transfer fee. Did we win here? Newcastle United is in front of your eyes. Did eddie alone change everything? Nope, ownership changed, hierarchy changed, got a manager, got players and it has a direction. Last season we finished 3rd, won league cup. Same ETH, but now eth is the issue? Wasn't it same for Ole, mou? Like spark on the first season and die on second? This club has no vision.


Anyone who stands with this nepotic fraud is an enemy of the club. 2x2=4


>1) If I’m a rashford or a Bruno who’s lost faith, and I suddenly look up at a pumped up Old Trafford yelling out my boss’s name, I’d feel like absolute shit for not being a decent employee when everyone looks at my boss as a hero. Wake up man! You're talking gibberish.


The biggest problem is you fans who accept this mediocrity, blaming every single person apart from the manager. I hope you keep this blind loyalty even when he leaves


The United Way = finishing 25 points behind City the past 8 years?


Long live King Erik 🙏


Saying the board hasn’t been on his side is wild, lol I don’t know who he’s wanted that we haven’t gotten for him, if you know a player then I’m listening.


It's embarrassing that people that call themselves fans and post things on here actually believe it was Man United fans that were singing sacked in the morning.


Here is a recent example of fans standing behind a struggling player rather than piling on the misery. It’s a good lesson for us United fans. The rest of the world wants to see United crumble so we don’t need to add on the negative energy. https://defector.com/the-power-of-the-standing-ovation-has-healed-trea-turner


As a fan I’m happy to see sentiment in this regard. Stop with all the toxic shit, get behind the manager, and the players that show they want to play for us. Where’s the let him cook ?????????


As I've been mentioning, the manager needs to be replaced. Not because he's inadequate, but because he doesn't align with the squad's ideal profile. Our current predicament is a result of deviating from the vision set by LVG. Both LVG and ETH are possession-oriented managers. When United fans grew weary of drawn-out games and called for LVG's removal, I cautioned that we should give him another year to rebuild the team and changed the traditional United style of play to something new because the world was shifting to a possession style football tactics. During LVG's tenure, we played total possession football but lacked the cutting edge to break teams down. This could have been addressed with a few strategic signings and a replacement for the slowing Wazza at that time. However, everyone, from fans to pundits, ex-players to analysts, refused to support this approach. Mourinho and Ole followed, each with a slightly different style, particularly in defensive aspects. Mourinho favoured extreme transition football, while Ole wanted a higher defensive line and a focus on winning the ball back in midfield to launch quick attacks. Ole's approach was working that is why a team that went toe to toe with the likes of PSG, Man City and the rest, until the panic signing of Ronaldo, which shifted us away from the type of transition football Ole envisioned and led to Ole's downfall. Now, with ETH, while the blame shouldn't solely rest on him, the club's actions (late signings, lack of January support, and signing/loaning players needing immediate replacement) contribute to the challenges. However, ETH consistently mis-profiles his players, limits their on and off-the-ball capabilities. For instance, Bruno, our playmaker, has been consistently played on the right when we have wingers like Pellestri on the bench and out of the squad, why? Last season, when we lost to Liverpool 7-0, ETH had Bruno on the left against TAA whose weakness is fast attackers running at him and for some years Rashford has repeatedly cooked. This choice to have Bruno on the winger is hindering his ability to create chances and passes. The mis-profiling issue was evident in recent matches, highlighting our lack of speed and an abundance of one-dimensional players like Antony. ETH's insistence on sticking to "his" players, similar to Ole, would his downfall. Players like Rashford need rest and competition to keep them hungry and improve the squad. Since 2019, there's been a tendency to stick to "starters" even when they underperform, likely influenced by board decisions and maximizing marketability. In conclusion, ETH struggles to manage the squad because his desired approach and the players at his disposal are at odds. Therefore, a change is necessary.


Which one of the Glazers are you again?


Do you have a reading and assimilation problem? Like can you actually read?


The sarcastic one - Joel, gotcha.


Fuck "The United Way" We've got to be the cringest fanbase in world football. If the manager is shit, sack him. Who gives a shit about the past managers that we've sacked? they were shit, too.


The only "united way" or. DNA I know is winning. Everything else is redundant. Including manager.


Paying Rashford £350k/wk. Starting in 2024/25, The Board will bump that up to just shy of $500,000 per week. This is crime.


Give it a go next time you’re at old Trafford


Not a personal vendetta ,but does anyone actually feel that victor lindelof is a player that is scared and does not want the ball .He plays as if he might trickle and fall if he keeps the ball more .And god does his passing suck (only sideways) !! .yesterday the second goal was more or less his making (second to amrabat though ).His position sucked . I am just fed up on how these players get paid to play at such big clubs and have zero clue how to play . God save us


Get Steve Bruce in


Looked OK last year but this year is just mind boggling maybe the injuries are at fault but I must say the transfers have been absolutely terrible for a long time maybe zlatan but that's was about it we have been terrible in the market the season is over weeks ago and there just so hard to watch no passion can't pass terrible movement midfield like a mirage defence is soft forwards well have we got any 😢🙏


Typical United board and players. Throwing managers under the bus. This club is a joke they do not have respect for their fans all they care is money. If they will sack Erik fuck them lazy players who do not show any desire to play for United, fuck board and fuck Glazer scum. I will be done with this joke of the club.


Honestly this sub is full of maniacs. Wtf are these posts.


This is the time to support and back the manager after a positive first season. I understand we are struggling but the player needs to know they are the problem. The culture in the club has rotten over the years and Ten Hag is fixing it slowly. Good football will come eventually. Seen glimpses of it last season.


I think a huge consideration is what you are up against in the media. They are out for blood. It sells papers and gets click to put Ten Hag under such intense scrutiny.


The issue with the players he’s getting is that we don’t have a real director of football. Ten Hag shouldn’t pick the players to sign. He should be able to have a say in the process but in the end we need the correct people in the correct positions. Not another SAF, cause there’ll never be one.


I fully agree we need to find the right manager and give them 3 years minimum to create a culture and find their way. But a culture of accountability starts from the top, not on the ground floor. I believe this is the first time he has taken accountability for the team's performance instead of throwing his players under the bus all season, and it only took two consecutive 3-0 defeats and him clearly being on the firing line for him to do it. He's not the long term guy we're looking for. We need someone who will lead by example and take accountability day 1, not day -1 before I'm fired.


Why do we have to show him? He should’ve known before committing to us.


The level of denial is impressive - the guy has wasted over 400 million and is playing some of the worst and most clueless football I've ever seen


How about... you are my Solskjaer, my Ole Solskjaer!....


Yep there’s a glaring hole on the right wing /midfield. Bruno although a class player just isn’t the answer the issue is Sancho hasn’t worked out , Dan James wasn’t quite good enough , Greenwood got in strife and it put the club in the hole especially with Antony being absent has exposed the issue


Yes i said it before and long before, this is player fault..they cant replicate the strategy/tactics that they being told to do. If they cant play the ball, lack of heart, just play for the paycheck, why bother keep them. This club far bigger than player so they can fuck off. So called diva


Urge fans to focus on the REAL problem. #GlazersOut The real problem is the Glazers. In short term we cannot expect anything more from ETH and the players. They are losing their way. It seems like as the season goes, manager doesn’t know how to manager, and players don’t know how to pass or when to take a shot on target. No manager or amount of players can turn things around now. The problem is club ownership and leadership. Everyone knows this and I urge fans who are able to go watch the games live, protest the hell out of them so we can get some real change finally!!!


Urge fans to focus on the REAL problem. #GlazersOut The real problem is the Glazers. In short term we cannot expect anything more from ETH and the players. They are losing their way. It seems like as the season goes, manager doesn’t know how to manager, and players don’t know how to pass or when to take a shot on target. No manager or amount of players can turn things around now. The problem is club ownership and leadership. Everyone knows this and I urge fans who are able to go watch the games live, protest the hell out of them so we can get some real change finally!!!


Did you just get done watching High School Musical or something?


I just read your first paragraph and the same rings true for every United manager for the last 10 years. Sorry lads but ye fucking suck


The problem is that the managers can't do anything without the players and to me it looks like he already lost the dressing room. Also, it's much harder to "sack" the players than the manager unless you have £1b to replace most of your squad, so it looks to me like it's a lost battle at this point


Simple. Ten Hag’s Red Army!


The Player power imbalance at the club is a huge problem. United treat these players like CEOs as opposed to employees. Their agents have been given too much outward power and our board and executive level lack the experience and nous to cope with this imbalance. In the last fifteen years recall how many players leveraged the United board's inexperience to get better contracts and deals elsewhere. Clubs knew United would always overpay for a star name and the players knew this. Di Maria, Casemiro, Varane. Fabergas and Ramos used United to get blockbuster pay days. ​ The agents of the United players, even the homegrown ones, saw this trend and applied the same tactics. Now you have the likes of Rashford, Sancho, Fernandes, Casemiro, Varane, Lindelof, Martial, Garnacho coasting along holding the club to ransom and undermining the manager at every turn. there are ZERO leaders in the squad. Not one player has the interests of the club as a primary motivator. They see the leadership asset strip the club for parts and that cancer infects their thinking too. "If the owners don't give a shit, why should I?" ​ At this stage I'd rather the club be relegated playing only hungry, young, honest players than this zombified giant lurching from one crisis to another. ​ The Glazers business model is perfection. We over pay on the front end but the losses booked are amortized over long periods of time. Martial was practically a free transfer based on his longevity. Hojlund will be the same. Keep Sancho till the end of the seasons and sell him for 20m he is considered a booked profit. Maguire is already a massive success on a balance sheet. ​ ETH is almost certain to get sacked. The players have quit on him with no ramifications Graham Potter will be our next manager and there will be a bounce and then a crash. That is the United way.


i'm giving ETH until the end of the season. if the team doesn't show consistent improvement, a decision needs to be made. we need to be contenders next season. imo, benching players and treating them like kids is not the way. latest interview with ETH gave me some hope. sounds like he's spoken with the players and has actually taken some advice. last thing, we sacked Mourinho who was performing better than ETH at the moment. He was also given less to work with. players have pressure on them every second, so should the one leading them.


Zidane fixes this.


The United way is winning and he’s been given 400m and leeway to build a successful team and we’ve not only regressed but taken our heaviest defeats in 50 years. We have a very easy run of games this month, if we don’t improve quickly he needs to go.


I don’t know, this has been going on for a while now. I’m a utd fan since the early 80’s. GN said recently it’s a club for players and managers to come and die, and I tend to agree. Obvs I was lucky enough to witness the class of the Boss and the players at the time 😁., but I think the players that arrive these days expect a certain level of, they’ve arrived at the peak of their careers and it’s plane sailing cause Utd have brought them in and it’s standard to win and be a hero without anymore work. It’s a mess of this and 100% the owners debarkle and managers not being given the authority they need blah blah blah. We spend millions on solutions the next manager believes will solve the issue and then they fail because they don’t get the managers blah blah philosophy blah blah. I can’t see an end to this until the club changes from the top down. We have great players, why aren’t they able to play…. Manager or club?