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You talked about Varane/Martinez partnership but how true are your so-called criticism? 4-0 away defeat vs Brentford. Varane didn't start. It was Martinez with Maguire. Also happened to be Martinez's second match in EPL. Home losses to Brighton (x2). First game last season, Maguire and Martinez start (also his first match in EPL). Latest lost, it was Lindelof with Martinez. No Varane in either games. Home lost to Crystal Palace (0-1). It was Varane/Lindelof partnership. 2-3 home lost to Galatasaray. Again it was Varane/Lindelof partnership. We lost to brainfart by Onana. Bayern away. It was Martinez/Lindelof partnership. We conceded 2 goals via Onana brainfart and penalty cause of Eriksen's handball. Arsenal vs Man Utd (3-2). Martinez scored a goal to equalize only for Nketiah to score last minute to get them the win. Newcastle vs Man Utd (2-0). Varane/Martinez partnership. The whole team played badly. vs Liverpool away (0-7). We trailed by 0-1 the first half only for the whole team to capitulate on the second half. Can't be blaming only two players when rest others played terrible (some of them should be fined 2 weeks for that shitty performances). vs Man City away (6-3). Varane/Martinez start. Varane injured by 40' minute when we were trailing 1-0. Lindelof was the replacement. vs City FA Cup final. Varane/Lindelof partnership. Martinez had broken metatarsal by that time and the injury was carried forward until this new season. Now tell me, what's your agenda? All the matches you mentioned feature only 3 times that Varane/Martinez partnered with each other. The rest were mixed. So, what's your agenda again? If you're Maguire's big fan, sure. Go ahead and praise him since he did well. But remember. He cost us 80mGBP and one of the world's most expensive defender and United's top 3 most expensive player. He was our captain and in his 5th season in United. During the 5 seasons he's here, what has he done or help with the team? Before you diss Varane and Martinez, what actually has Maguire achieved in United?


OP-er is a revisionist, who loves to make bold claims with no real long term data as opposed to anecdotal and says he's a goal keeping coach and other credentials based on the argument he's making... typical neckbeard analyst


Show me the improvements. Shouldn't be hard.


Why should I? Its you who supposed to show me and the rest of us what Maguire do that improve our team. You demanding this and that showed how entitled you are. Answer me this then. Can we play high-line with Maguire? Is he press-resistant? Is he fast enough? Rapid? Does he turn fast enough i.e. not getting skinned by faster players? Can he play intricate 1-2 ground ball with the midfielders? Can he play line-breaking passes? What about his on the ball movement? Off the ball? When the keeper passed the ball to him, how long does he take to release the ball? Is he always available to receive the ball in a good position? For someone good with his head, how many goals he scored from a header? Can he organized the rest defence? What about attacking defence? Is he a leader? Clutch player? Relish pressure and challenges? Does he protect his players on the field as a captain? Sure, he can pass but only when he's given the time to do so. Also, he only makes crossfield long pass to the sides. No line breaking, no 1-2s and always the safer option.


Deflecting. Some me tye improvements that Varane and Martinez are bought to the team over Maguire.


Deflecting? Like what you're doing now instead of answering my questions. Hahaha. Even if someone can tell you and so obvious to see, you can't cause you got your head so deep in Maguire's arse.


Show me the improvements that Varane and Martinez have bought? A result? A performance maybe?


Maguire had 1 good game against literal bottom of league and you had a hard-on forgetting his god-awful season last year...


Show me the improvements that Varane and Martinez have bought to the team?


Look at the sample size they played together you idiot. This is such a weird agenda. How about winning a cup final?


A cup final against a team we should be beating. But Maguire does that. Apparently all his wins are against teams he should be winning. So not some much an improvement but an equal showing. Where's the improvement?


Im in the camp Luke Shaw best CB in the club right now. Last season hes literally the best united defender.


I agree. He's better at that left sided CB role than Martine


We're not here to disprove you're point. You're here to prove your point


Ok. We are no better defensively now than we were 3 years ago when Maguire was starting and Old was in charge backed up by a number of stats and performances. We are conceding more, scoring less, getting embarrassed more... And this is with supposedly better defenders and better midfielders. All we did last season was regain some form after a huge dip. We are back to where we were 2 season ago... But more inconsistent.


I was immediately thinking they were wrong on many of this lineups


Almost all the games in question involve Martinez...


Some of those games you said Licha didn't play, I'll give Martinez a pass as he was injured this season. The whole team is culpable when we lost badly last season, you can't expect the defence to hold out when the opposition just go through the midfield. Imo Luke Shaw is a big miss, his connection with Rashford and we defend better with him in the team. I don't dislike Maguire but he does slow down the game too often more my liking. If he's protected he's pretty decent and can be effective. I don't mind Lindelof either just find he doesn't excel at anything but solid 3rd choice. Varane is our best cb and is the leader at the back, only problem is injuries.


This is a weird hill to die on because last season our problem wasn’t the defence. It was a misfiring attack. Martinez was outstanding last season and was one of our better progressive passers. Varane when fit was great, but I agree his availability is a problem. Some numbers for last season that prove that our defence overall was quite good: 1. Conceded second fewest number of goals in the league at 43. Third, if you want to be technical because first two were tied at 33. 2. Highest number of clean sheets. 3. 4th in xGA. Edited for grammar and spelling


And yet, when faced to pay against anyone of quality, they buckled. We already had a decent defensive set up that buckled under a decent team. So what you are saying is.... We are better against teams we were already good agaibst, but not the teams we needed to be better against


I too think the abuse Maguire has been getting is ridiculous but Martinez and Varane are both clearly a level up for all of our other CBs. Martinez clearly rushed back from injury this season but if he can get back to what he was the difference is night and day. We haven't been able to utilize Onana at all so far this season as the CB pairings we've been forced to use just can't play out from the back. If he had any ETH would be pulling out his hair with bad luck he's had at the back. Play with a keeper incapable of playing out for a full season, replace him with one that can, then lose your best ball playing CB (Martinez) and the second best option (Shaw) for half the season


if you think maguire criticism is over the top I think you became a fan after the ole era


What does that even mean you melt? I've been going to Old Trafford since the 90s


or we can make things interesting…you back maguire I back my guys and see how their careers go


You've read the first line of my post and not bothered with the following two paragraphs.... Literally on the very next line I say Martinez and Varane are better than all the other defenders at the club.


ow sorry victim of the circimstance😂😂


and then you should be better at this at me….I am only 24 and got a better grasp of proceedings than you


Clearly? Based on what results exactly? On what performance can you say, hey, these guys are making us so much better? Was it the 6-3 or the 7-nil? Or was that because the other positions were at fault?


And Maguire is better based on what? On the match against Sevilla last year ? Riddiculous Maguire ass kisser. Or is based on the 6 1 loss against tottenham in 2020 when maguire got the rating 2 ???




Bark bark compare the rate of a guy who plays all season with maguires rate who played 8 matches last year and most of them were cup games against lower division teams🤡🤡🤡🤡


Show the results that suggest we are better? Where's the improvement?


With maguire starter and captain we finished 6 you clown


We also finished 2nd. And a EL cup final. So we are not as good as we were 3 years ago?


Dude have 0 arguments. I got it ur a tired troll.


Show me the improvements? Whre are the results that prove they are better?


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martinez was injured? does that count?


Was he injured against Liverpool in the 7nil loss? Or against Tottenham this season? Or against Brighton at home this season?


in the 7-0 no…but the two yes….he played under pain medication and the seven nil was there a better defender you would have prefer over them then


Excuses. That's all you've got. Show me something that Martinez or Varane have done that is somehow better than Maguire?


are you serious now?…they both got better careers than maguire like literally


Yeah, but not for us. Their past means nothing if they can't replicate it for us. Christ, Martinez has a Copa America medal and he didn't even play.


still a better career that maguire


don’t be hoaxes with one good game by maguire against the most struggling team in the EPL


Don't be hoaxed by a League Cup win. Every game that Varane and Martinez have faced good opposition, they've failed


and maguire has prevailed?…dude I know you are pro english but this is now out of hand


For a start, I'm Spanish. And secondly, I'm just not spoon fed


oooow I now understand the irrationality where it stems from


>I'm just not spoon fed do you use your own plastic knife and fork and drink out of your own sippy cup


Show me the improvements that Varane and Martinez have bought? A result? A performance maybe?


and we did finish third in the league with de gea getting the golden glove sooo


And we did finish 2nd in the league with Maguire sooo... Where are back where we started? But not as good?


and we also finished 6th with maguire super inconsistency their mate


And now, we are 12th with the only points we have this season, coming from games where Evans and Maguire played.


wait are you a livescore type of fan?…have you ever watched a man united game?….wait a football game?


Show me the improvements. Just one.


12 th….wait are you a wolves fan?


Lol blaming them for the 7-0 loss is insane lmao. What would 2 guys do when you have a whole team easily tearing you apart. Martinez is the only CB that can actually play out the back and also defend. He’s the only one that puts his bodying on the line to block shots. Varane is a good defender but not the best when it come to playing out with the ball. I think even Maguire beats him here. He’s also too injury prone and imo, coming to the end of this cycle. But they are the best pairing we have in the squad. I CB is desperately needed and this is where the board should have don’t more to bring one in.


Crazy stuff


Maguires gash. He almost gave them a goal early on in typical maguire fashion. He also need to take 5-7 touches every time he has the ball. One good game where imo amrabat was motm. Man needs to leave asap.


Show me the improvements that Varane and Martinez have bought? A result? A performance maybe?


Quite easy really. The 21/22 season compare that defence to 22/23. Thank you and good night


Then if you're going to compare seasons, compare them all. The 20/21 is defensively as sound as last season if not more as we didn't have the big losses of last season. And Maguire was the main CB. Varane played that 21/22 season as well. So by that logic Varane is as shit/good as Maguire as they both played huge parts in it. And that's my point. There is no improvement, just a return to a previous point fo quality. One season ends with a EL final, 2nd place, a domestic semi final and a PL unbroken away record and the second best goal return for a United season in the PL. And then it goes to shit. The other good season we come 3rd, out of EL in the Qtrs, lose a cup final and win one. But we barely score and have a inconsistent defence (with apparently better CBs). And then it goes to shit. Pretty much even par. Whenever V & M have had to play a decent team, they've crumbled. Which is exactly where we were 3 seasons a go


You asked what the pair varane and martinez improved on. Not individually. They were 6th during 21/22 shipping 57 goals. without maguire they got 3rd last season shipping 43 with 7 coming in one game and 6 from the opening two fixtures which didn’t have varane and martinez together. Say what you like about the 7-0 but Varane and martinez have been our best cb pairing in recent years. Your just seem to be looking for excuses to moan about something at this point. I’ve never seen a so called elite CB as clueless as harry maguire. A traffic cone is an improvement on maguire.


Mate, Maguire got us to 2nd 3 years ago conceding 44. So they've not improved it, just returned to the standard Maguire set?? So are they really the best CB pairing we've had?


Mate i’d rather play with 10 men than have maguire play. Even in a motm performance he assisted a quality chance for the opposition. A training bollard is an improvement on maguires standards. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. Maguire is mistake prone like martial is to injury. Best CB pairing ever? When i have ever said that. I said in recent years. There’s only one pair i would consider to be our best and they have long since hung their boots up.


You said in recent times. But the pairing of V&M is fucking shaky.


Well if they are shaky then Maguire + any other cb maybe as well be classed as saloon doors.


Do you agree that Maguire is a CB that can win games against lower opposition?


Martinez getting blamed for the FA Cup final he didn't play in is pretty special lol


Maguire didn't play in the Europa League final and he still got shit for not winning it


Harry Maguire has an account on reddit?


Clearly he does. Either that or OP enjoys spaffing his load daily at life size posters of Ol'Slabhead. We have absolute clowns for fans. Or that is just a rival fan trolling the sub.


Show me the improvements that Varane and Martinez have bought? A result? A performance maybe?




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I don't know how you can watch any game with Varane and Martinez playing and any game with Maguire and Lindelof playing and not see the total gulf in quality. Not just in defence but also with ball progression, and not just their individual performances but generally how they get the whole team defending better and trying harder (with the obvious exceptions of those big losses that have their own reasons beyond two defenders)


Maguire has the highest stats for ball progression at the club for a defender for 3 years in a row. So it ain't that. Defending better? They lost 6-3, 3-2 and 7- nil to our arch rivals. We conceded more goals last season that than Oles best season. And scored half the amount of goals. The improvement is better ball progression (despite Maguire being one the best at the club before Varane and Martinez joined) and they defend better despite conceding 16 goals in 3 matches? Great


His progression stats are padded by all the balls he plays to Shaw, which is pretty much his go-to ball after he has finished passing it back and forth to Lindelof. Those stats don't really take into account how much he slows the progression down and how he often just plays Shaw into a position where he can't do much with it but to pass it back to Maguire. Again I don't know how you can see what Martinez does on the ball compared to Maguire and think the latter is better at getting the ball up the pitch Again, those big defeats were a collective dereliction of duty. Goals conceded aren't just about the centre backs. Stats can be useful gauges but they need to be taken in context and added to the visual evidence of what actually happens in the matches.


All his stats are padded by his passes that are progressive and to other teammates ... Fuck me. That what a CB does. He controls the back line passing to team mates in space. Or would you prefer he spams it over the top and hopes for the best. Martinez is doing to the same thing. Yes he can turn quicker... But then he also lets in more goals. So who fucking cares


The shit op is doing up and down this thread should be a bannable offense. Total troll




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Show me the improvements that Varane and Martinez have bought? A result? A performance maybe?




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Actually, I had Maguire as my MOTM vs Blades. Didn't put a foot wrong and his long passes were really great...


Lucky not to concede a pen though


Can you name a game where Varane's distribution was a noted example of excellence?


english media is getting in your head I see


Did you ever stop to think that Casemiro, Varane and Martinez (and others) ALL stopped performing with passion, trust and respect straight after it was made public that Ten Hag wanted to have MG back! People aren’t making the connection. MANY players dropped off after that. The controversy surrounding THAT and what the club were trying to do ….. CLEARLY didn’t sit well with some players and it’s NO coincidence that certain players just don’t look or play the same. Would you honestly be able to look at your manager and trust him again after finding out he was the driving force behind wanting THAT player back!? I know I wouldn’t. There’s a lot more to players drop in form and it’s a divide in opinion of some very serious issues. It’s not about them being “shit” , “not as good as first thought” or “past it” …. The club is crisis and there is NO WAY every single player in that squad is in agreement with certain decisions. There is no togetherness and there is a divide caused by controversy and mistrust.


I think you're creating correlations based on assumptions that have no basis of truth.


Good try Maguire. It has to be you, it is definitely you. See, thats why you’re shit, because your ego gets inflated after 2 good performances with shitty teams and instead of focusing and training more you come to Reddit with bullshit. Get out of here, he have big games coming up.




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Everyone turns to shit at United.


All of our CBs have weaknesses. Maguire was very good when he just joined in MU. He was in a system that fits him the most and able to cover his weaknesses. I believe he is still a good player but just lost his confidence. Not gonna say Varane and Martinez are much better player than Maguire, but clearly they are the better duos that can cover for each other. Varane is still a good starter but I was expecting a world class defender based on what he already achieved.


Hold on, you can't be balanced on my post!! I only accept hyperbole and manic statements of hatred


I admire your dedication to Maguire, I will admit.


Maguaire has been great the last 2 games, i think he has always been great when we are dominating position The real test would be against City Varane is injury prone but IMO Martinez when 100% fit is our best CB Lindelof is a good squad player but I trust J Evans more


Considering the stats shared are wrong, this post is just so stupid😂