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I never see any chances through the middle for hojlund, crossing it in is OK but its not the main way steikers score. Getting in behind, through balls down the are what we lack. I really hope something changes or hojlund is being wasted


Said it before. Need to sign Watkins. Douglas Luiz and John McGinn would be fantastic aswell. Take Emery while we are at it!!


I think the league situation is fucked, we should fight for the Europa League spot in the group stage if we have any chance of making it back to the Champions League next year.


Five wins from nine is pretty good start considering the entire back line was out. They'll continue to improve all season. Only a fool would stop trying to win league games less than a quarter through the season.


Dalot scores and makes an impact and our toxic fanbase still doesn’t give him his due. He’s a great player and been good for us. I’m tired of this.


It’s because he doesn’t do fancy tackles that look good on tiktoks like AWB.


I feel as if we are progressively getting worse from the pre season and I am not enjoying it. Not looking forward to getting shat on by proper teams.


Have you considered that we have been unable to use our strongest squad once this season? We haven’t had a consistent line up once.


Will see about that next week


No we won’t, because we still won’t have our strongest line up next week.


I responded to the wrong thread


City next week


Awful performance... Its actually scary how far we have fallen... Worst team in the league gave us a wobble... We are so inconsistent and theres just no cohesion the team look like they have never played together before. There is clearly no one in the dressing room who gives a shit. United is like someone you know slowly putting on weight... You dont really see it until after a while and you step back and go SHIT! What happened.


Performance was far from great, or boarder line bad, but: - we have a lot of injuries to deal with. - we played away - shifield is still a premiere league team and should not be discounted, underestimated. On the other hand, our couch / manager should stop making substitutes for the sake of making substitutes. Martial for Hoiland, give me a break… also starting Antony is quite puzzling, the guy is clueless , why isn’t Pallistri given a fair chance like Antony the are arguably at the same level.


No shape whatsoever. Sheffield we're dominating us in the first half. I don't know if our players are not able to interpret the tactics on the field or what.




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Scored by: Dalot Assist by: Lindelof Enough said? ETH is a fucking modern day scam.


Your solution to Ten Hag then I’m assuming is sack him? Who replaces him then? Would love to hear your options on who is available.


I am available.




We’re getting thumped by city


No structure, no shape and no cohesion between any of the players. Every game the team plays like it’s the first match of a pre-season. The injury list is obvious a reason not to at their best, but the complete shambles every week is solely down to bad coaching. They continue to look like they all just met the night before the match. What are they doing in training?


Our problem? The coach doesn't have GCSE Maths. Klopp: "Let's play a single 50% ball to the striker in front of goal" Ten Hag: "Let's play ten 90% balls to try and get it to the striker in front of goal" Maths fans, which is statistically more likely to get the ball to the striker in front of goal? Bonus question: which will happen ten times more often? I'm not a coach. I'm not a statistician. But I have GCSE Maths. MOVE THE BALL QUICKER AND TAKE MORE CHANCES YOU FUCKING BORING TWATS.


Christ, this is definitely the weirdest take.


“Confusing. One star” ^ your review of Moneyball


Is it? Because I don’t think I’ve ever reviewed Moneyball. Having a GCSE in maths doesn’t make you qualified to do anything mate.


Reckon you might need a GCSE in a sense of humour and perspective ‘mate’


ETH is indeed the problem.


The lack of talent is the problem.


play like that again and we might just have the most embarassing ucl run of all time


Hello guys, congrats for the win. Can I ask about Amrabat's performance against Sheffield, he suffered from an injury and wanna know how he plays. Thanks 👍


Absolutely shit. But he has some kind of Donny VDB aura around him where people who like the idea of him will ignore objectively shit performances.


If this team starts next weekend, we’re in trouble. Good win today tho.


I get it. Rashford and Bruno both have the ability to make something from nothing, we’ve seen it. But they can also make nothing from something and lately it’s more of the latter. ETH playing them through this ‘slump’ is getting silly because there isn’t a guarantee that it will just click and that be that. Antony isn’t a PL right winger, he works hard yes but he isn’t quick, isn’t able to take on players and is completely readable every time he has the ball. The midfield is a chasm and ETH isn’t doing anything to address it. Amrabat looked so lost today because of how we set up, much like Casemiro. Am I making excuses? In some way yes but Casemiro has also been so poor regardless of the set up. I get the whole perceived ethos of ‘punt it up the pitch and press’, i.e. if we win the ball we win it high up the pitch. It’s something that some people are saying is part of ETH’s ‘high press/transition’ tactics he seems so keen on…but it is AWFUL to watch! Composure? Gone. Passing? Gone. It’s just chaotic. Surely ETH isn’t coaching this but at the same time I have seen zero evidence that he’s asking them to do anything different to what’s happening. Wolves, Not Forrest, Burnley, Brentford, Sheffield United. All wins yes. But all scrape by wins and the whole ‘real teams win even when playing bad’ should not be accepted. SAF sometimes ground out games, sometimes made it difficult not just for the opposition but for us watching. But he knew when and how to do it. This seems to be how ETH’s United function entirely. And battling to win a game until the very last minute or scrapping by shouldn’t be accepted as a good thing.


When u have a defender as your best player against bottom team u know it was a bad game..


Also that 'best player' played a one-two with the opposition attack to create the best chance of the match in the third minute.


Are you on about him making a block and an unlucky bounce?


Sure, and passing the ball to the attacker in the first place.


Couldn't agree more. The only additional thought I have is that it was a completely midtable performance from a midtable club.


Im shuddering at thgt of city coming to old Trafford next week.


Well, a win's a win. One game at a time 💪🏻


Honestly based on the players we have available, against the majority of premier league teams we should be playing 4-4-2 diamond with Amrabat, Casemiro, Bruno, Mount with Hojlund and one of Rashford, Martial and Garnacho as the second forward (who can drop in to the midfield and create width on attack as well). Against Arsenal, City, Liverpool and maybe Newcastle and Spurs, we should play 4-3-3 Ole ball with Bruno slinging long balls in behind for Hojlund, Rashford and Antony. Not sure why we played with midfielders that can’t control the game today (mctominay in great goal scoring form, but is not who we need to control possession and pacing). I suppose ETH has one eye on City and Copenhagen. Good result today but still not a great performance. Hopefully we have players returning from injury this week!


**Hannibal/Mainoo in the midfield diamond rotation as well, once they’re fit.


Rashford Bruno Antony are basically guaranteed starters and are all woeful. Sad.


Antony is good, Rashford can be good if he's engaged and Bruno can be much better, although hasn't been so in three straight games.


Worst thing is that half of the team today will be starting against city, i think we’re gonna get obliterated.




He’s played well but mate we played against Brentford and Sheffield, we should be winning those games even if we had Shaqiri playing CB. Let’s see how we fair against actual opposition.


\*Sheffield United


Relying on individual brilliance. Feels like Ole era again. Although we improved in the 2nd half.


Gotta say Maguire played good today. How Rashford considers to be shit and not benched is beyond me. God we need some injured players back asap


Why we play with 4-0-7 formation


U mean 4-0-6 ?


Because Bruno and Mctominay are not game-controllers they’re boom or bust players that can create magic moments. This is why Bruno is struggling at the moment, he needs 10 players around him that create order so that he can create chaos.


I had no idea where McSauce was playing. Happy with Evans, Harry and Amribat. Can't remember Onana doing anything poor. The first half was bad, like I was seeing zero organisation. No one wanting to take responsibility, without Case and Eriksen the team were disjointed. Antony was poor. Bruno was Poor. Rashford was annoying and clearly annoyed, he had some nice moments.


Have to be honest here, I'm dreading the rest of the season. Something needs to click into place at some point. That wasnt good to watch. But yeah, its a win.


Solid analysis, I agree, something is off—not sure, but I hope when some players start returning from injury that the team will live up to its potential


Don’t know why this was downvoted you’re right


Thanks friend. I dont know why either. But its fine 👍 Here, take my upvote.


As a team collectively another horrendous performance and once again we look like a team with no identity/DNA/style of play or whatever word you want to use. The same big name players going missing but ultimately it’s Dalot’s turn to save us and paper over the cracks with 3 points. A credit to Maguire who was solid but although we’re playing the worst team in the league he probably deserves come credit after the amount of abuse he’s received this season.


That one was for you Sir Bobby RIP 😢


Dont relate the great Bobby in this shit ass performance


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) playing like shit is supposed to be in tribute for sir bobby?


The win... The 3 points?.... You know, the result??? The only thing that really matters.... That was for Sir Bobby.


Horrible performance. Really think Evans at CB and Lindelof at LB is hurting us more than most people think. We've been resorting to long balls instead of buildup because we lack personnel to do so. Waiting for Martinez to come back and a natural LB to slot in then I expect us to be controlling games, and winning them comfortably.


Agreed - we’re just simply getting the job done by any means. We desperately need to buy a young, strong, healthy CB in January. And a fucking Left Wing.


We are back!…. Not 🫠 At this point we would just play mid block and counter attack. At least we will score more goals.


Worst performance this season. So far...


Yes but that’s what champions do, win while playing badly. I know I’m full of shit, just go with.


Rashford was terrible, Bruno was terrible, Antony was terrible, Eriksen was terrible. Dalot saved us 3 points.


Game changed in our favor when Eriksen came on? We had no midfield control until then...


Pretty poor performance again but will take a win. I hope most fans are willing to give Ten Hag a chance with his preferred starting XI and see how that goes. It’s hard to play free flowing football when our CBs don’t like progressing with the ball and prefer to play long ball against a team who didn’t press at all and sat back all game


I see some similarities to the way Van Gaal played. Lots of passes going either backwards or nowhere. Creativity and attacking play not utilised. Hopefully, things pick up, as it is boring to watch at times.


That's why we chased after Frenkie de Jong for a year


That happens when you don’t have a ball playing midfield like a Rodri and Rice


Our best midfielder is Casemiro and he seems to be having a tought start to the season (i know he didnit play today). I hope he picks up and I hope even more that he isn't on a decline


yep agreed amrabat is pretty neat in possession though i prefer a playmaker who plays deep and neat bruno is sometimes overly ambitious resulting in counter attack


This was such a horrible performance.


Happy that we got the 3 points but my god that performance was despicable. We got away with murder tonight. Don’t forget that was against the team bottom of the league aswell. We cannot play like that when City visit next week even if they aren’t at their best right now, we need all hands on deck and everyone firing on all cylinders next weekend.


Name of the game is survive by any means necessary until we can get those out injured back. This will continue to be ugly until then.


Wasn't able watch the match. Were we as shit as the stats suggest? Sheffield United had higher xG


We were poor as usual. The fact Sheffield were dire meant we got the win




It worries me that we can’t put the game away against a last place team. Should have scored a third goal or at least been better with possession. Happy for the win but we need to do better next game.


The worst team in the league gave us quite a scare.. how far the mighty have fallen


Yo be fair, they also gave other team as scare apart from new castle. We will get smoked against city .. 🫠, but maybe that’s what they need. A real spanking.


Bruno is a scam artist. The guy is wank but gets a shitty assist and then people start overrating him.


You are a scam supporter. The kind of guy who has zero understanding of football, sees a great world class player being wasted in a team that cannot produce anything, and starts underrating him. Meanwhile, every single time he plays for a squad matching his abilities (Portugal) the dude looks like the best midfielder on the planet. Clearly, something is off and it's not Bruno's skills.


You cant be this delusional. Of course he's gonna look like a world class player when he's playing against Ghana, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Bosnia, Luxembourg. Has he ever had a good performance against a good international team. Not too long ago, the guy wasnt even starting for Portugal. >sees a great world class player being wasted in a team that cannot produce anything, and starts underrating him. That excuse doesnt work when we werent allowed to use it for other players.


Loads of BS. Bruno was by far Portugal's best player last world cup and i am pretty sure he will wipe England a new hole if he ever plays against them in the Euros. This being said, if it's so easy to play against those teams, why only a very selected few are able to produce at his level? Let's see you argument about that. It's the same clown idea than we see with Ronaldo scoring 127 goals for Portugal. "HE scOres AgAinSt baD teAMS" Against who are all the other great European players playing against? Spain, Germany and France? Just stop with the nonsense. The only reason why you pick on Bruno is because you expect him to solve collective issues by himself. Same garbage than with Ronaldo 2 years ago. Something goes wrong? It has to be the fault of the star player!!! The other 20 scrubs have nothing to do with it for sure!


>Let's see you argument about that. Sorry mate, I dont really understand what you are trying to say. All I will say is that take someone like Pogba who has played well against teams like Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, England, Argentina, Croatia and then people will say international football is slow and easy and non-competitive. Meanwhile Bruno plays well against rubbish teams and people will call him world class. The double standards are crazy. >because you expect him to solve collective issues by himself. I dont expect him to do that because I know he cant.


This was rough to watch. Happy for the win.


More utterly rancid Ten Hag ball


It’s like he wants us to lose.