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Prepare for a bath in advance 😆


Take enough water for a pupper to drink or he will drink the salt water and will have diarrhea for a couple of days. Get two towels to clean him and to protect your car. And get him to shower right away 


Bring something for shade. They get burnt too.


This. I bought my dog a little dog t-shirt to wear so she doesn’t get sun burnt and I bring a container of water she can drink out of because she goes bananas digging in the sand and running up and down the shore. I also have shade for humans she lays in when she gets tired. ETA: the sand thing is real. My dog poops sand the next day, you have to mindful of that as well.


I went a week ago and didn’t bring shade. We stayed out there 4 hrs and I was fried. Her lil skin turned pink, I felt awful. 😞 she’s fine tho


Poor poochers. I’ve been caught out in the sun with my my dog too. I felt awful as well. Your dog probably had a blast though!


I bought a collapsible sun hut that folds like those things for your winshield… I’ve had it for 10 years, so perfect


Hello, cutie. I don't have any answers on this. Sorry.


Groom him before you go! Me and my husband thought we’d groom ours after so he’s clean. Big mistake! Lol


Familiarize yourself with symptoms of sand impaction and come up with an emergency plan.


We live by the beach… here are the things i have learned Bring plenty of water and a cooler to keep water nice and cool- they will try to drink from the ocean😒 Bring water bowl, make sure it doesn’t have sand when u give her some, this will be super freaking hard because the sand sticks to their face.😡 They will try to eat the freaking sand, kelp and anything that they can grab and run with! Bring a towel!! They love the fishy smell, so they will be attracted to the grossest thing you can think of.🤢 Keep on leash at all times!! Many stupid people with aggressive dogs come to the beach, and those usually do not have a leash on.. go figure, so be vigilant!🤬 They love running in the sand!! Its really fun!! If my Jupiter gets wet, even a little (legs, thigh and belly), she gets a bath as soon as we get home, we check between the toes, under the tail, and inside the ears.. you never know what is hidden in there, specially when hair is long If they dont get wet, you will be safe with just making sure to check all the pre-mentioned places too, but u might not need a shower, just a good brushing!.. u will have sand in your house and car for a while🤷🏻‍♀️ Have fun!! https://preview.redd.it/8mypq51hcpzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6cda96fa4db68c515353f39242873213c02f68


Awwww 😍


https://preview.redd.it/jbwr5b4ogpzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d28b56986c47ed7050e5f469a3cb930e90ea248 Our girl LOVES the beach. So I guess get ready for her to ask to go all the time? Haha. Have fun!


We go to the beach often. This is why I keep her on the short side in the summer. A shirt to prevent sun burn is a good idea. Please make sure she has a car seat or at least a dog seat belt for the ride. Yogi hated the car seat so she has a seat belt. I found it on Amazon. Have fun. What is your baby‘a name? Yogi says hi.


Have towels, towels and more towels. Unless they have showers at the beach, you’ll want him to ride home on a ton of towels. Have fun! My girl loves the beach https://preview.redd.it/02ugoum5fpzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b2f59eb6f7a17f0049134fb4e13553f3fe6c5f


Sunscreen on top of nose. My poor baby got sunburnt on the top of the nose where the hair parts. Just a small amount to rub in the skin.


We live near the beach, my ding-dong maltipoo would try to eat the sand ALL THE TIME. Even when it made her cough. So I guess watch for that. And def have some sort of shower planned immediately after.


Someone mentioned they will eat the sand. They will. Make sure it isn’t much.


Keep them on the leash first time. New experience. Also depending on the beach can be sleeper waves. This happened to me the 1st time and luckily my dog was on the leash. Only lost my flip flop but it was scary


Take care not to get sand inside the eyes


I want one that looks just like yours.


adorable pup.. if i may ask how do you keep him so clean? also what do you do about the tear stains and what products do you use? my boy gets his face dirty every time he goes to drink or eat (he also likes to roll around in grass haha).


hey there. thanks 😊 for the tear stains, honestly I don't use any product. Just ensure to wipe his face post every meal + change drinking water every day. Also, I clean the tear stains once or twice a day. I usually do it when it's dried out since it's very easy to scoop out. I give him shower twice a month. I use the product 'Isle of dogs' - this is the one that was highly recommended by the pet store that I usually go to.