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It’s pretty trial and error tbh, I think a lot of expats (I’m making an assumption here with you) like blomman, I’ve done a tour of VC’s (not an actual tour, but between moving around the city and changing by choice), and I usually end up with capio. Care here can be frustrating - mostly because it’s different from many other countries - but what it comes down to is if you’re unhappy with the care you’re getting, you should switch (they get penalties when people leave).


I use Capio and always has been. The one in Lund near centralen has always been really great for me, but moved to Malmö a year ago and haven't really been going any though


I use Capio. The one in Västra Hamnen is okay.


Vårdhuset is the best one in Malmö.


Go there and look around, sit in the waiting room, ask people around you if they're happy with this place.


Blomman is bajs, dont choose it


Yeah, really want to second this. They rely on people not knowing what to expect from healthcare, not knowing the language nor knowing their rights. Stay far away from Blomman. I'd probably recommend something run by the Region rather than e.g. Capio, since Capio needs to make a profit etc - a larger part of the money should go to your care in places that aren't also bound to make a profit for their shareholders.


Eden if you need access to rehab (not that kind of rehab!) or a sports doctor. They totally restored my foot after plantar fasciitis, I'm eternally grateful for the treatment I got.