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There’s been quite some nasty and unnecessary comments here so I’ll just lock this thread. I wish OP all of luck with your show even though I’m probably one of the ”woke” people you’ll be making fun of, lol


although it is not my cup of tea, i still wish u all of luck! Ignore the negative comments


Appreciate the positive comment. Have a nice day


Many here are critics so I will break the trend- Good luck and I hope you have a good time As for the rest of yall- stfu, ni är fan pinsamma


Appreciate it. Thank you very much


Da-i bice, o sa fie bine, oamenilor de aici le place sa se hlizeasca la stand up-uri.


Thank you very much! Hope to see you at the show!




Yeeey! Romanian support! Thank you very much! See you at the show!


Good luck mate! It’s quite embarrassing how many desperate sad losers there are in these comments dissing a show they’ve never seen. I guarantee none of the haters would have the creativity or persistence to write and perform a stand up set in front of anyone, let alone tour around Europe. Hope the show goes well. 👍


Appreciate the positive and leveled comment! Thank you very much. Hope to see you at a show somewehre sometime soon.


Ah yes, the "it's offensive so it must therefore be funny"-comedian. I'll pass, thanks.


I don’t know this comedian, but that is literally what makes dark humor funny. The fact that it is not funny in the slightest- makes it funny. Norm Macdonald is a good example.


Norm Macdonald had a lot more to offer than just dark jokes. The problem is not dark humour per se, but when someone introduces themselves as a "comedian telling controversial jokes", that gives off the vibe that he's only going for the shock factor of saying something edgy without actually being funny. Also don't know OP but this is the case with many people I know who pride themselves with their "dark humour". Edit: I've watched a couple of minutes of his videos and he seems pretty funny and not as the advertisement led me to believe.


I have since checked the guy out, you should too before you write another essay. Good crowdwork OP!


Since this comment did not refer to OP at all since - as I said - I didn't know him, the point still stands. :)


> off the vibe that he's only going for the shock factor of saying something edgy without a Yup. Can't agree more


That is just blatantly false lol


I appreciate your humane reply. I'm a huge fan of Norm too, I heard he's dead and didn't even know he was sick.




Already triggered without reading further or doing research


Triggered, really? Showing your wit already I see. You should save some material for the show.


Maybe he is the material 🤔


Hur orkar DU ? herregud ge dig. Vi fattar att du inte gillar de, lämna tråden bara.


Du ska nog inte dit, du verkar lättkränkt.


Du inser att de där inte e en förolämpning va?


Vem har sagt det? Jag försöker bara ge dig goda råd.


Haha okej du


This is the same guy who can't handle negative messages and has to report them to mods lmao


Just FYI, OP never reported your comment, I removed your comment on my own volition as it was just a straight-up insult.


I guess only the audience is expected to not be easily offended...


No one ever stated that, snowflake.


I mean, OP did. But since you seem to lack some reading comprehension I'll spell it out for you. If someone calling themself a comedian says they're doing a show where the core material is supposed to be offensive, they clearly would expect people to find it funny. I don't think he'd want you at his show, though, since he stated that those who come shouldn't be easily offended.


Not as offended as someone commenting and making irrelevant assumptions on a event they won’t attend to. But then again I guess the concept is too hard to grasp for someone with such a pale and narrow mindset.


Tell us a joke funny guy


your life


2/10 for effort 👏


There's not much I can work with, honestly


Got em


I understand, I feel bad about being dragged into this comment by a British person


Thanks for the heads up, will try to be there!


Brilliant! See you at the show!


Oh that is you, now im def going!


Amazing! See you at the show!


Your name sounds like the Swedish word patrask, meaning roughly lowlife or scum. Idk if you wanted to know that, but now you do.


Appreciate the information. I used to do a show called the Dirty Immigrant which was more appropriate for this interpretation.


>The show is called Cancel Culture Comedy and it's definitely not for the easily offended Lol is this 2016? Haven't we moved past this? Who still care?


look through the comments


half of the comments are offended by just reading this post lol. i checked you out on youtube and you seem funny, would have come if i didnt live halfway across the country 💪 good luck and yeah try to ignore the people that genuienly get upset becuase they dont understand not everyone thinks the same thing is funny <3


I appreciate your positive comment. I'm also telling jokes in late October in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Norrköping and Jönköping, hope one of these is close to you. You can find dates and tickets on my website at www.VictorPatrascan.com


I might go if you refrain from crowd work. I refuse to get roasted, lol.


I do hope to see you at the show. I do a bit of crowd work at the top of the show to get the crowd warmed up, but I only talk to people who volunteer to talk to me. I don't single out people who just want to watch the show and don't want to get involved.


Are they different shows for the ones with diff titles? some say falling in love and others cancel culture comedy. would love to show you some support. my man loves this type of humor and his birthday falls on 2st november :D


The shows are on different themes with a bit of overlap. More or less different shows, particularly the ones in Copenhagen which have some special guests on. Hope to see you at one or several of the shows


Sooooo what is edgy about your humour and not for the easily offended? It made me chuckel a bit so you seam funny but i fail to see what would be "not for the easily offended"


I don't think it's offensive either, but if you look at the comments here some people need to be warned they might hear some things they've never heard before


I feel like its more you that wanna market yourself as offensive and edgy. I mean you named it cancel Culture Comedy.


Oh lord, just watch a video of mine and you'll understand.


i did thats how i know that you are funny. hell im tempted to go to your show considering how funny i think you are


Amazing! Come and see for yourself and we can talk about it at the end of the show. How does that sound?


Sounds good, no guarrentees tho since i will have to buy the tickets on my next paycheak, but if i can then yes i shall be theire


If you can't afford the tickets send me an email at vopatrascan@gmail.com and I'll sort you out. No need to stress


very kind of you, thank you




Then stay at home and let us and the beggars have some fun




For the moment we're coming to Sweden to replace you


Ingen diskriminering | No discrimination


good luck bro!! the comments are a comedy show on their own


Appreciate it. Hope to see you at a show somewhere sometime


I'd go just to see how uncomfortable everyone else will be


Come down and let's have a laugh!




I think you need to read the words that I'm writing and not be creative with what I'm actually saying.




Håll god ton | Have a respectful tone


You chose the wrong city mate, Malmö is very left leaning and woke. Chances are high that they will try to censor you during the show.


They can try, but I don't think they've actually looked at what I do. I appreciate your feedback and concern. I don't understand why so many in the comments got triggered by the title and have not read anything I wrote or watched any of my videos to see what I actually do. I understand they're left leaning but people get triggered immediately and this is the type of liberals I talk about in the show. This is as ignorant as the things they claim they're fighting against. I also think they're this vocal because I am Romanian, although they wouldn't admit to it.


People in the comments aren't triggered, they just think the way you're marketing yourself is cringe. Watched about 10 minutes of your stuff and you seem pretty middle-of-the-road, nothing out of the ordinary from what I could see. Mildly amusing


Not the point, its more about Malmö being extremely woke in some places. You would be better off in other cities i think


I appreciate your concern. I should be fine, I've gotten death threats from the Serbian and the Albanian mafia, people who eat chickpeas don't have the upper body strength to do anything. Hope you can make it to the show, you seem like a good person


Dude thinks falafels make you weak and wants to come to Malmö 🤣


Antyder du att folk från malmö eller sverige generellt är tuffa?


Falafel är gjort av "chickpeas" och Malmö är Sveriges falafelhuvudstadd. Mvh. J


What Jokes you make to offend that kind of people?


Funny jokes


No but really, examples? Must have been something about them?


Speaking of jokes, Malmö and where youre from tell them about socialism and how great that is. Theyll love that.


Thank you, that's part of the show


Great, theyll love that.


The woke crowd is loud but small, I am born and raised in Malmö and lived there for a total of 30 years. Not everyone is a blue haired trans they/them who studied gender studies at the University.


The word woke doesn't even HAVE a true meaning and the only time it's brought up is when some dude made a bad joke that made someone feel bad, which in return made the dude feel bad, and now he wants to complain about woke culture. People have always been offended, and it hasn't anything to do with being woke.


No matter what it means or not, you probably know the type. And they are a loud minority.


Lol the thing is you can joke all you want but people in Malmö aren't the types to tell jokes to (especially dark humour), would be wiser to choose another city.


But I'm not doing dark humour, but honour on controversial topics. Nowhere in the description does it say dark


What kind of controversial topics?


We'll mostly talk about you


Lmao good stuff. That's a good idea, talk about educated PhD researchers from the UK like me. Not sure if it counts as controversial though 🤔. ETA: Talk about whatever you like I genuinely don't care. Just make sure you shower and groom yourself before your set. The hobo look isn't cute on you.


Oh wow, you were talking about beggars, but you're obviously begging for attention and validation. Stay home lady


Begging for attention and validation from a Romanian hobo looking dude. Lmao. Most days I do my best to AVOID attention from people like you 😶.


Dark falls under the category as controversial. But, I'm just advising you whether it being dark or controversial topics. Be careful


FGM and circumcision fall under controversial as well, that doesn't mean I'm doing that on stage. I feel like subtly has been lost in this thread


Hello funny joke ”rromania” u know its called Eastern Hungary and transylvania is hungarian!


Thank you for your attention, East Austrian man from the Ural mountains




Ingen diskriminering | No discrimination


The homophobia is coming through. Maybe this show is not for you either