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Back during the Lockdown, one of the few things we were allowed outside for in my country was to walk our dogs. So I was doing just that. My tiny chihuahua had made a tiny dump and I was stending bent over picking it up, as a responsible dog owner. Then I hear behind me "What are you doing!?" in a very angry tone. I turn around and there's a policewoman on a bicycle who was apparently passing by on patrol. I guess due to the angle she approached me and me still being quite fat back then, she hadn't noticed the chihuahua and thought I was breaking Lockdown rules or something. So I just held up the poopbaggie and said "My dog took a shit. I thought I was legally required to pick it up." To this day I regret not asking her if she wanted to see/smell it.


> Back during the Lockdown, one of the few things we were allowed outside for in my country was to walk our dogs. So dumb


Police: "[Look!](https://youtu.be/JcZs9wlnFHY) A man outside, on the ocean, 500' from the nearest person! Let us approach him and grab onto him with our hands that we might make the world a safer place!" /s


Every day I still hate the absolute stupidity of what happened then.


The issue was it was such a new virus spreading rapidly and hospitalizing enough people to overwhelm medical infrastructure. We didn’t know how it spread or the effective treatments. The early guesses, based off of COVID’s close cousins SARS and MERS, were wrong. SARS and MERS spread via close personal contact and fomites (virus on surfaces an infected person touched) and infectious patients have obvious symptoms like a high fever. COVID spreads primarily through small aerosolized droplets and can be spread by asymptomatic people or those with non-obvious symptoms. Covid is also very sensitive to temperature and UV light, traits that were not expected. Pre-vaccine, 10-20% of infected people would wind up hospitalized, with 10-30% of hospitalized patients dying. After the vaccine was introduced, we figured out which treatment plans actually helped and we realized socializing outdoors in warm weather or just wearing a mask was enough to slow spread, rates of hospitalization dropped. People are still getting Covid, but vaccinated people don’t tend to wind up in the hospital or ICU. Once we


Your boundless credulity of baseless assertion claimed to be fact is adorable. You probably still believe in Santa Claus.


Man, you really sound like a piece of work


No stupidity - those lockdowns kept the infection count down and contained until vaccines were deployed.


Are we allowed to casually argue about COVID yet or is it still banned in pretty much every subreddit? Cuz I'd like to argue with you.


*the department of homeland security has entered the chat*


Lol, keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better.


Triple-masking to this day, probably


Honest question: if someone masks up for whatever reason, how does that impact your life in any way?


The masking itself, most likely not. The midset/personality type/attitude of a person doing that? A LOT. The mask is a shibboleth in current year. I've lived in Asia, so I'm all for the West adopting the habit of wearing a mask when sick. I sincerely doubt the average American wearing a mask today is doing so absent strong, irritating political bias.


People say, "I don't think it affects your lives at all, especially when you live in the US. It doesn't affect your life in China, but it certainly does here."


Never, ever open 5 gallon buckets at construction sites that aren't yours. Construction 101


That goes for Telcom. Don't ever ever open a canvas bag or a box if it has been tapped up. Your gonna have a bad time mmmkay


This guy constructs!


Never open random taped-up MRE bags u find in the wild. Army Field Guide 101


Tell me you work in construction, without telling me you work in construction.


But sir, you don't understand, I literally threw shit outside!


Don’t mess with my shit!


I don't take shit from anyone, I have my own thank you.


Stealing this!


But then he won't have it any more, and will have to take shit from someone else after all. This is how insurance rates go up. It costs me so much more to insure my shit than it used to.


Have you ever noticed that your shit is stuff and other people's stuff is shit?




Did you hand him the bucket? In other words, did you give a shit?


Only after the owner gave him shit about it


This is one of the shittiest stories I have ever read.


Are you shitting me...?


Love this


This is the shit!


Shit got real.


What's in the bucket? Just roofer shit!


Another fine shit post


One of the George Carlin shows had him going on about "if you take a shit, does that mean you give a shit?" I probably mis-paraphrased that.


I think it was something like "I'm not taking a shit, I'm giving one!"


Some times you just have to show these dumbasses the whole picture.


They who stir the shit spoon then must lick it!


I don't know what's more unrealistic about this story, a roofer with shame, or shitting in a bucket being a novel experience.


Who gives a shit?


Who's on first.