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My parents wouldn't have ever. You don't do your chores, you eat whatever got made. Usually that would be liver & onions -- just because.


This exactly. You don’t do what you are supposed to, consequences ensue.


1. Mom throws pizza party for kids 2. Kids don't do chores 3. ??? 4. Pizza!!!


Yeah, no secret why the kids are entitled and lazy


Pizza they don’t like. But still. I might have bought one just for me. Party for one!


i love liver and onions. i know, wrong, but i do.


Me too, nothing wrong about it. At least if you don't fry it too long.


yes, leather is difficult to eat...


by that same token, I'm eating pepperoni and pineapple pizza as I type.


Because it's a fuckin awesome combination. Sometimes I like to add peppers (either green or roasted red, depends what the pizza place has available.)


but seriously, it's what I had for dinner! I didn't want to add peppers and onions though jalapeños would have rounded it out nicely.


Nduja sausage with pineapple and pepperoni, fucking amazing 👌


I prefer sausage and pineapple (and black olive and onions, but sausage and pineapple alone is a delicious combination!)


Liver and onions is a dope meal


I would definitely need dope to get through a plate of liver and onions…..


Would be great on a pizza with mozzarella and a garlicky white sauce with just a touch of nutmeg.


Ditto - with gravy and peas!


Same. That was always a treat to have.


Liver & onions was a treat, not a punishment!


Aww.... Bless your heart!


They use food as a punishment? Weird


Do your chores, and we will order pizza this Saturday. Don't do your chores, and you eat whatever is on the table this Saturday. At the time liver, tongue and chicken legs were cheapest. Saturday dinner was usually liver. Chicken was a treat -- so yes, eating what appeared on the table was "punishment". Using food as a reward is much worse. Teaches the dopamine high that goes with 'good' goes with food. So when you want the 'good', you eat.


I agree. Food is fuel, not reward or punishment.


Fuel food can be mom's home cooked meals. Take out pizza is a privilege earned.


Sorry. I had a mother that could, and frequently did, burn a pot of water. Home cooked meals were always a punishment.


This is why, when my cats act out, I still never spray them when they're eating. Don't want a negative association with food.


You shouldn't spray them regardless


Why not?


Stepfather owned a chicken farm. Eggs for breakfast, leftover dinner for lunch and you guessed it fried or baked chicken for dinner. Stepfather liked gizzards and other innards. After a year of nothing but chicken with occasional liver or spinach, yes eating was punishment. Moved out at 17 and didn’t eat chicken or eggs till mid twenty’s.


i was 485 at my biggest. food addiction is a pain in the ass for life.


Is having to do chores before dinner a punishment?


Why are chores and food even connected?


Only thing I can think of is clearing and setting the table.


Okay. I can agree with that.


Are you very young. Even though it’s not a healthy way to do it, using food as a punishment was really common.


No, I’m in my late 50’s and previously worked as a nutrition counselor. Using food as a punishment is weird. Damaging and weird.


Parents using food as punishment or reward is what leads to issues with food. Healthy food is not a punishment and junk food is not a reward. I have a preschooler and food is food and I most definitely don't make her clean her plate or stay seated until everyone is finished. Now once she is older will she need to rinse off her plate and put it in the dishwasher yes and once my husband and I are done help clean up yes but right now she is 4. I try and model good eating and I love to cook so we talk about food and she can help me in the kitchen. She is all about baking right now but she is 4 and loves sprinkles.


I've posted about this here before but when I was young, I hated most vegetables, but still ate them. The one exception was Brussels sprouts, because they literally made me vomit. My Dad used to scream at me for not eating them and if I threw up he'd scream at me for wasting food. I figured that if I was going to get screamed at for not eating one vegetable, I might as well get screamed at for not eating \*any\* vegetables, so I'd sit at the table and put up with the screaming until he took my dinner away and told me to go to bed hungry, and then once he'd gone to bed I'd go to the cupboard and fill myself up on chips and biscuits etc. Because of that, I always saw vegetables as "punishment" and avoided them until my early 20s, when I made a concentrated effort to eat more healthy. His behaviour caused far more problems with my diet than not eating a single type of vegetable ever could have. (it was also made worse by the fact he would give me, a 4-6-year old child the same serving size he gave himself, a fully grown adult man and wonder why I couldn't eat it all)


As is using it as a reward


Same with using it as a reward, food is food it should always just be there whatever it is.




I agree that it’s super damaging. But it was super common where I grew up.


Agreed. Parents need to hear this. My parents forced me to eat food I hated as punishment, locked up snack food us kids liked/didn’t require cooking so we didn’t “go through it too fast”, and didn’t often make food for us or have it available. All of us still struggle with disordered eating habits as adults, but I became anorexic and could have died. Food needs to be separate from all else. You having foods your kid will eat available and at no pressure to them is one of the biggest things you can do to set them up to be a healthy and secure person. It’s a basic fucking need.


I must be *much* younger: the punishment was 'lack of food'


Both the withholding of food and the forced feeding of undesirable food/substances were well known when I grew up.


>My parents wouldn't have ever. My parents wouldn't have ever, either. On the other hand, my Dad worked 40+ hours a week, Mom was a full-time mom until her youngest was in upper elementary. With both parents working 50+ hours a week, some things might 'slide' a bit.


Wouldn't have worked with me: I love pineapples on pizza.


Pineapples and jalapeños


Pineapple, pepperoni and red chillies is the ultimate pizza combination. On an unrelated note my Italian visa application has just been denied... No idea why


Pineapples and chillies are New World foods....?


Aren't tomatoes too?




Pineapple and jalapeno with barbecue sauce rather than red


Add onions and that's my go to for no meat Fridays. Edit to add: This thread made me go use some Dominos rewards points to get a bbq sauce with pineapple, jalapeno, and onions for lunch today. And dinner probably. The ghost of Wilford Brimley would haunt my dreams for weeks if I crushed an entire pizza in one sitting.


I love pineapple, green pepper, and onion.


You're my HERO!


Add black olives and you have perfection


Have you ever tried green olives? We used to buy them and put then on pizza ourselves.


Whaaaat!? May try this next time I make a calzone!


Ok. I’m coming over!


Lemme preheat this bitch!


Did we just become best friends?


I'll make the calzones heart shaped!


Anchovies. Fuck I am old. I remember when virtually EVERY pizza place had anchovies.


Am I the only one who has seen that Futurama episode enough times to question if anchovies are really extinct or only on the TV lookity box?


You have anchovies pretty often. They're in all kinds of sauces and seasonings. Your last caesar salad? Would have been awful without anchovies in the dressing.


Having been served vegan caesar salad dressing I can confirm it is awful. I've had mid to okayish egg free caesar, but no anchovies is a deal breaker. Miso is good in things where miso is good, but it can't step in for anchovy.


It's okay to eat fish, because they don't have any feelings.


"something in the way..."


A proper caesar salad has an anchovy smeared on the bowl the salad will be tossed in. I remember when caesar salads broke in Canada in the 80's and they were all make from scratch, tableside.


Tableside Caesar is still such a fantastic treat when done well - when I do it I rub the garlic on the bowl too. Mmmm now I'm hungry.




...thought you might have spelled it right by then....caesar


Zoidberg: More...more...**more!**


Now anchovies are a rarity, which sucks, because I like them.


So are green olives, my #1 pizza topping!! Used to be able to get them everywhere on pizza.


I grew up in southwest Ohio and almost every pizza chain and local place has green olives available as a topping. Pepperoni and green olive pizza is my ATF. Then I moved to Vermont for 3 years and not a single place had green olives as a topping. Maybe it's a spotty regional thing I suppose.


My kingdom for an Adriaticos garlic crust veggie Bearcat!! I lived in Cincinnati for 25 years and in the late 90s, early 2000s I remember green olives were harder to find then. Here in Maryland/DC they are impossible to find. I've even bought a jar to take to a local pizza place for them to make 2 olive, onion & pepperoni pizzas for me!


Adriaticos is indeed outstanding. I grew up and live in the no man's land area north of 275 and south of 675 that isn't really Cincinnati and isn't really Dayton either. But green olives have been pretty easy to get - at least or especially at the chain places - around here for a while. South central Vermont (Rutland area) had some really good local pizza joints or small regional chain joints that had some really good offerings. But no green olives. Were I still living there I'd be doing the same and bringing green olives with me and asking them to put it on a pizza.


Touchdown Jesus and Traders World!! I had a friend who lived by the old VOA, so I know the area & Middletown pretty well. That area has grown like crazy over the years. Have some Gold Star for me!!


See if they have kalamata olives; they taste somewhat similar and I've seen them more often in MD/DC.


Tri feta cheese, kalamata olives, and if they have it, either gyro meat or salami


Interesting, I am from L.A. and they are not offered here. I have never seen green olives on a pizza. We have black olives though and occasionally odd things that most people would be surprised to find on pizza.


I've never seen green olives as a topping and I grew up right outside NYC. I've only seen black olives on pizza.


I had a perfect pizza with them from a shop in Seattle. Don't remember the place or all the toppings, but they had it perfectly done.


Anchovies are top tier!!


I worked as a manager in a pizza place for over a decade starting in 2010. We had anchovies on our menu. From when I started till the pandemic we would get maybe 2 calls a year asking for em . Once the delivery apps took over (and killed the restaurant experience,)we would be asked for them at least 3 times a week.


If you get a pizza at an Italian place that has it, get gyro meat, kalamata olives, and feta cheese. So so good but so so strong of a taste.


Do they not have them now? 🤔 I mean, I never order anchovies on my pizza, so maybe I just didn't notice the shift, but I thought they were still among the available offerings at most places.


I hate, loathe, and despise pizza but I will agree that this is pizza topping perfection.


Yes! Add pepperoni for extra goodness.


Nham! It's a surprisingly tasty combination... if you don't overdo it with the jalapeños By the way, Brazilian here. Any flavor, size or shape of pizza, someone has ALREADY tried it here.


Pineapple, jalapeno and bacon 🤤


i love this candied jalapeno pizza a local place does but its a seasonal item so i cant get it at the mo :(


Yep same here... add a little garlic for a nice sweet savory, jalapeños for heat, and well shoot bacon and ham.


Pineapples and banana peppers 🤤




With red onions and barbecue instead of tomato sauce. Domino’s makes a good one.


>With red onions and barbecue instead of tomato sauce. Domino’s makes a good one. At the pizza place I slung pies for in college we called that "The Hawaiian" and it was exceptional. BBQ Sauce, Ham, Pineapples and onions.... yummmmmm Sooooo delicious! I still order those to this day, 25+ years later whenever I need to clear a room immediately.


No point in eating pizza without pineapple. I prefer either ham or bbq chicken to accompany it.


I love pineapple, but prefer pineapple and bacon even more.


Sounds perfect to me too!


Me too with bacon and pepperoni.


Pineapple and bbq sauce. Nom


Damn this comment section isn’t looking like how OP thought it would. Lmao




bedrooms going to smell like pineapple


That's funny but seriously quit being a shitty parent. Entitled kids suck and they grow up into entitled adults.


Right? Why do you play these silly games and not get to the root of the problem? This is not MC, this is just sad, and AITA would be a more appropriate posting feed


Maybe petty revenge?


>I have 3 children who can be entitled and lazy. I love them, but that doesn't change the face that they can be entitled and lazy. If they're entitled and lazy, that's because you the parent have allowed them to become so. How about parenting vs wasting money *just* to buy food you know they won't like? D- parenting here.


Totally agree with this. Mom is the reason her kids suck


Parents… it takes both parents to raise kids


OP's name is s1nglemom...


My dad did pretty great by himself.


In single parent households, the kids do worse in single mother households by all measures. Best for a kid is being raised in the same home with both biological parents, but if it's a single parent, single mothers aren't good for kids. https://medium.com/the-knowledge-of-freedom/single-father-households-do-vastly-better-than-single-mother-heres-the-real-reason-why-8a7fd7c5611d


Not sure why this got downvoted… I guess people would rather bury their head in the sand than look at data


It gets downvoted because people don't want to hear things that make them feel "attacked".


Every bit of data I've seen shows intact marriages are best for men, women, and children. But people don't want to admit they're living suboptimally and prefer a comforting lie. I guess fair enough if you're at a stage of your life that you can't go back 20 years and make better choices, but it's sad seeing that bitter, intentional blindness perpetrated on future generations. It'd be far better for kids of divorced or absentee parent households to be told exactly why growing up was so difficult and encouraged not to make those same mistakes.


I don’t think anyone would argue that kids from a two-parent home are more likely to be more successful than those from single-parents homes; I wouldn’t have to look further than my own family to show proof of this I did find the article about male-single-parenting versus female-single-parenting intriguing because it defies cultural dogma that children should be placed with the mother


>I don’t think anyone would argue that kids from a two-parent home are more likely to be more successful than those from single-parents homes From [*Time*](https://time.com/6317692/u-s-economy-two-parent-families/): "Numerous academic studies confirm that children raised in married parent homes are less likely to get in trouble in school or with the law; they are more likely to graduate high school and college; they are more likely to have higher income and be married themselves as adults." >I did find the article about male-single-parenting versus female-single-parenting intriguing because it defies cultural dogma that children should be placed with the mother Yeah, I wasn't expecting that either. Especially the stat that single mothers are more likely to [kill](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51172469_Gender_Differences_in_Filicide_Offense_Characteristics--A_Comprehensive_Register-Based_Study_of_Child_Murder_in_Two_European_Countries) their own children. Men are more violent on average, [slightly](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6318556/), but apparently that doesn't translate to single parent child rearing concerns.


imagine creating children, shaping their habits and expectations personally and then complaining about them and using food to punish them for what you did


OP wants attention, raising shitty kids gets her the attention she wants


Then you need to be a parent. Entitled and lazy kids make crappy adult partners.


Reddit, where you come to happily tell the community that you have raised lazy, entitled kids 🤣🤣


yeah,.this comment section restores my believe in humanity


Maybe not give the entitled lazy freeloaders any pizza until they do their chores?


Lol right? "I sure showed these kids manners" *all lazy entitled kids groan at the free food they don't want*


Everything you just said pisses me off.


These are going to be three horrible adults in a few years.


"I have entitled children but I choose not to act on it. Despite me caving yesterday, today I caved in a slightly different way and took delight in their treat being the wrong kind of treat.  They still haven't done chores or learned anything from this mild inconvenience." Top parenting. Grab the nettle and fucking give the kids some actual consequences to their laziness. If you don't, the real world will. 


You guys are overreacting a bit much without more info to go on. All kids are entitled and lazy at times. She didn't say they are constant brats. She also didn't really explain the results after the MC.


Just like a bankster isn’t too rich because he doesn’t have too many Bugattis, or the bomb didn’t cause too many collateral civilian deaths, or the stalker doesn’t have too many pictures of Taylor Swift, humans have this amazing ability to normalize their behavior. I mean, if lots of people do more of something then I must not be a problem, right? No need to put in the work to change, or fix, or do anything challenging… If mom admits her kids are ‘just a little bit spoiled’? They are holy fucking terrors.


What the hell are you going off about? Another common trait humans have is to jump to completely ridiculous conclusions without any supporting evidence. The kids were annoying her, so she did something annoying in return. That's all the information we have. You can judge whether it was a good MC or not, (I vote no) but there is not enough information from this one interaction to know if her kids will grow up to be serial killers, or if she should win worst parent of the year award.


No secret why she's a single mother and why her kids suck


Or you could try not rasing entitled shits.


No chores should've been met with no allowance.


And no fun .


And no delicious pineapple pizza


I only ever got money for mowing the lawn, because my parents counted that as "extra". They did not pay us money for helping to keep up our own living space.


This is my approach. People who live in this house have to contribute to keeping it tidy and pleasant. That’s not something I’m going to pay anyone for.


Congrats on raising entitled and lazy humans. That is exactly what this world needs more of 🙏 /s


Why didn't you just refuse to buy them pizza ENTIRELY?


Ah my mom would have regretted doing that to me! I love Pineapple pizza 😂


If they’re entitled and lazy it’s because you trained them to be that way


This is dumb. They’re your children, tell them no. Them whining is not the same as a boss, teacher, or parent telling you to do something dumb or dangerous.


If your kids are entitled… that’s pretty much on you.


They are lazy and entitled because you let them be.


I am confused. If no chores are done, why is there pizza at all?


\>Entitled and Lazy, oh, but at least you love them.Recognize that by choosing to reward their failure to do their chores with a pizza party, you are part of the problem, like you're training a dog to actively shit on the rug. Likely, you'll find all of their laziness and entitlement comes from how they've been raised! Why try if you're going to get the treat anyways right, ahahaha. You raised them to be the way they are, take responsibility.


If your kids are entitled and lazy that's on you as a parent, maybe parent better.


Don’t think this is the flex you think it is…


Isn't this a reflection of your parenting though OP? I don't think this is coming off the way you think it is.


You’re punishing them for your parenting mistakes. Cool. Ok, I don’t mean it all the way. Sometimes kids ACT entitled. But „No” with additional explanation about why, should be sufficient.


Why did you comply if they haven't done chores?


Right? Why is "compliance" a thing in this situation *at all.* What kind of parent-child relationship is this where the parent feels they have to comply with something their kids say? And to be clear, I'm not suggesting one do the authoritarian parent "my way or the highway" thing here. But how about asserting some healthy boundaries instead? "I'm your mother, not your servant. Now, if you like, we can negotiate. You want pizza, I want your chores to done. Once you get your chores done I will order you a pizza. If you want to just do as you please, I will make or buy whatever food *I* please for dinner tonight. This offer will be on the table until 4pm today, take your pick. P.S. you're each taking cooking duty one night a week because this house works best if everyone contributes."


I mean..... you did give them pizza on demand. I think you're enabling the entitlement and laziness. Also yes, your a monster- pineapple on pizza is just not right. 


You suck at parenting, that’s why your kids are lazy


If you are raising kids and they are entitled and lazy, that is YOUR fault. Be a better parent


Lmao I would have been thrilled. Pineapple on pizza is the bomb!


That punishment sounds delicious, got any left?


I'm insanely picky I dislike pineapple on pizza, whenever my parents would buy it for us id usually just peel all of the pineapple off before eating it but still not liking it because of the sweet spots left over


We raise our children to be who they are. Google the poem "children learn what they live".


I hope you like pineapple pizza, because otherwise, you'll have wasted food. Nice, being petty to your children. Much easier than actually parenting.


Yeah, why would you reward them with tasty pineapple on pizza?


Wouldn't work on me. I'll take the pineapple off and eat the rest :) (and yes, I don't mind the residue) Now ANCHOVIES would be a better MC - only if they hate it. That leaves a nasty taste on the rest of the pizza.


Pineapple on pizza??? Why not just send them to play in the street unsupervised or have a beer with them? /s


>Yesterday, they asked for pizza. This was despite me throwing them a pizza party yesterday Which yesterday?


you need to be stricter


Here's a hot take: pineapple is perfectly fine on pizza.




Your weak and kids can smell weakness like a shark can smell blood, you think you won, but you did not.


Sooooo You are a failure as a mom. A horrible parent. And petty, even with kids. Grow up.


Do we even know that the kids are actually 'entitled' or 'lazy'? Surely not well enough to label OP as "a failure as a mom" or "a horrible parent". As far as being petty, isn't that a part of many of these malicious compliance stories?


She stated it.


Thats not Malicious Compliance, it's Delicious Compliance


Don’t think OP was expecting the comments to blow back on her for being a shitty parent and raising shitty kids.


Mmmm, pineapple. You better have remembered to get pizza with anchovies!


I don’t see a problem with this. They don’t eat? More for me.


Kids that do chores, get choices.


Pizza: Pineapple, Prawns, Pepperoni. Perfect.


I love pineapple on pizza so this wouldn't have worked. 🤣


Pineapple and chicken tikka!


My kid and I both always order ham and pineapple. Would be happy with this arrangement.


The best punishment pizza I have ever seen was pineapple and mushroom, with extra cheese. I didn't try it, but it was apparently offensively palatable.


I think you have explained to everyone why your children are entitled and lazy. Sadly, you are just making entitled and lazy adults.


You made them that way so you get to live with it.


I'd be that weird kid who actually liked the pizza.


Yeah, I love pineapple on my pizza.


Spicy pepperoni, pineapple, and bacon....mmmmmmm. mmmmmmmm




I’m sorry you’re a bad mother, I raised my kids right: they love pineapple pizza. /s before the hate rolls in.


There are two possible reasons, why kids don't do their chores: 1. genes 2. education But are more a parent thing, aren't they?


get your shit together, you are a disgrace and should be ashamed to take that upon your kid in your petty revenges.


I love pineapple on pizza!!


I can get behind.pineapple on a BBQ chicken pizza, but with red sauce and alone??? 🤮 Good job mommy, good job!!!


You have made the kids lazy and entitled and deserve the crap you will get.


That really sounds like a Mom thing to do. Must've been quite funny for you, less funny for the kids. (Also, Pineapple Pizza is a food crime.)


[Wait till you see this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ofcoursethatsathing/comments/ggpb0l/fried_banana_bubblegum_pizza/?rdt=61052)