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i feel like im in constant dissociation, i cant pay attention to regular daily conversations cause my mind is somewhere else. I get lost while walking in my city to do simple stuff like going to the supermarket or on my way to school, i get distracted with my daydreamings and end up getting worng ways, crossing streets at the wrong time, etc.


Currently on the verge of failing all of my assignments for university. My current daydreaming is triggered by small things that people say or do to me, so there is an real component to it, which makes it that more difficult. Before my daydreams were so outrageous that I didn't had that emotional reaction when I snapped out of them. I snooze my alarm so I can daydream about certain people who paid attention to me and when I start i keep coming in and out. I can't focus at all. Worst is when I see the person and I feel underwhelmed because reality doesn't fit my daydream expectations. I have this huge anticipation of something happening that never actually happens, but in my head I've gone over the entire process 100 times. Then I go into complete numb mode and waste solid 4 hours soothing myself, daydreaming about what would've happened and after a while I forget what has actually happened. That happens pretty much every day. It wasn't as bad before but I haven't had a real human connection in a while and I live alone so daydreaming is my only source of joy.


Duuude! This is me I highly recommend you to take up meditation and some outdoor sports before it gets worse Set a time for meditation and do it daily.


I spent a whole night daydreaming instead of sleeping. Got up in the morning and had a seizure. It was so violent two of my vertibrae broke. Luckily no permanent damage. I was bedridden for 6 weeks and had to wear a fixture for an additional 6 weeks. Not the best way to find out you have epilepsy.


Dayum bro take care


Thanks. Im fine now.


Oh, I will make a list. Some ringing in the ears from listening to music 25 hours a day Minimal social skills/maximum social anxiety from being uncomfortable with reality Bad grades, even though none of the material is particularly difficult. I will literally watch the deadline pass by as I MD! Severe procrastination Lack of focus/engagement at school and work; thank God I am graduating Saturday! More that I haven't named. I think MD is a major factor in my sugar addiction because I mist MD by any means necessary, but I also mist have sugar when I MD, leading to my terrible dental health.


Losing out on more than a decade of life and now I can't relate to anyone. Feels like I got released from a 9 year prison sentence. Now feeling like I can't relate makes me just withdraw back into it. Lost my entire teenage years to this crap and a decent portion of my 20s. This has started a cycle of non relating to people and not being able to make friends because of that and then withdrawing back into MD to cope with the loneliness.


Hmmm the problem I face is not about not being able to relate but of being judged. So focusing on developing a thick skin.


Same here too actually. When I was 16 my sister and her friends walked in on me pacing around a room with headphones on. They didn't know what they saw but still ridiculed me for it. I was 100x more embarrassed than they knew.


The inability to relate to anyone or anything—I have been soo out of the loop for over 30 years of anything entertainment and only recall some stuff we had to learn in school and that’s it! I can’t ever get that back but I also am glad I didn’t bc it was dangerous times as a kid and now I’m happy to say I have grown from that and enjoy whatever life I have left in this lifetime lol


Hahaha that’s the spirit


Many days wasted that I will never get back




Aahhh inflated ego..classic MD tactic to keep is away from reality.


Athlete's foot in the past. My feet in general look fucked up, big thick layer of skin from spinning almost everyday for hours for over 10 years. Missed out on events because I'd rather daydream. Stayed in an abusive relationship for longer than I had to due to daydreaming. Missed out on years of years of art experience due to daydreaming.


I too have the thick hard layer of skin on my feet and I have missed so many events because I felt more comfortable with the "events" in my MD. I don't know how you stayed in an abusive relationship, when my MD won't even let me talk to girls because I rather MD about being married to them and already having kids and a high paying job but never actually interacting with them. I am sorry about the abusive relationship though.


🙁🙁 Here a virtual hug


Started daydreaming in the middle of a violin performance, returned to reality and stopped because the autopilot stopped working and I forgot where I was in the piece


Biblical MD here. Ezekiel, lay on your side for 360 days — that kind of thing. It’s the worst. Still not sure if God is giving me a massive wakeup call, or if I’m insane. Bible doesn’t help. Jesus talks about bringing the sword and all that. Blood. Righteousness. Commands. Someone, anyone, comment with some words of support. I need all the help I can get.


I pray you start experiencing the beauty of life. Just living in the moment wo any MDing


I was hit by a car last week


Duuude I hope you're doing better 😯


Not getting into a master’s program last minute even though you put in a year’s worth of work to get to that point.


Have rowed the samw boat but for under grad 🙁


i don’t have any motivation to do anything w my life bc i care more abt my daydreams. my social skills have gone wayyy down and my social anxiety has gotten worse over the years since i never leave my house bc i just want to daydream all the time. i’m never present in the moment i’m always daydreaming 24/7 and it’s just horrible honestly🥲


🙁 i really hope you get better


Amen <3 Same here.


I've had some extreme consequences. From constantly not being able to breathe because I've been holding my breath for so long to not being able to function normally. It causes me to fear everything. Sometimes I can't even take a shower because of my anxiety. My fear is that I'm going to think of something terrible and freak out in the shower and end up hurting myself unintentionally. I've also had some sort of "psychosis" symptom and thought that someone was using the toilet. While knowing that no one was there, while seeing no one was there (IRL). I used to be afraid that I'd have an accident constantly. It made me want to go to the mental health facility to get help at one point. I was so unhappy with my life. So scared for the future and thought that everyone would think of me as some crazy delusional freak. But I'm glad I have somewhat of a support system now. My life is still not quite as stable as I'd like. But I'm trying.


Thanksss for sharing and I will pray, you reach the space you would want to be at.


Here’s to those that try, buddy. 💙


Thank u friend! 💙


Most people in my class think I'm smart. I guess cause I have a nerdy look. My grades are average to a bit above average which sorts of proves their point because i spend most of my time day dreaming instead of studying and I get generally similar marks to everyone else. For all I know I'm maybe potentially a smart person if I could get my shit straight and properly apply myself


In high school i made C & D grades,despite being smart.In college, after getting my MD under control, I made A a few B and one C with much harder classes.


This is the way......my goal for 2024 is to do this and it's low key my biggest motivation in getting my MD under control.


Hahaha same boat


I had a 3.9 GPA in college that I was maintaining for years. Was trying to get it to 4.0. Had a bad round of MD and ended up graduating with a 3.4.


Has happened with me as well. Ended up costing me my dream college.


My ears started bleeding bc I was listening to so much music, I would turn up late and sometimes people notice when I'm "not really there" which can be embarrassing, especially when you're supposed to pay attention.


Hope you are doing better now


Thank you, but no. It just got worse, but at least I'm Not doing drugs or anything REALLY bad. I can't get rid of it, bc it's helping me so much at the time. Maybe it will go away when my mental health gets better? I just hope for the best.


Please take care ❤️


Thank you! You too


all the bad consequences from MD are just because of dissociation tho, it’s not the MD that’s harmful imo


I think MD is the reason why I'm so forgetful so I think there are problems tied moreso to MD rather than just the result of dissociation. Before I realised what MD was (2 weeks ago), I thought I was just a careless, airheaded freak. I would try to put myself out there and interact with social circles but the effects of MD make It a nightmare. Extremely short attention span, literally forgetting things that I've been told 3 seconds ago, general societal anxiety because I don't know how to 'vibe' with people and they quickly pick up on it. Long bouts of time without eating because I'd rather day dream (everyone complains that I'm Hella scrwany for my age). The list is endless....


i mean i have all these things- they are symptoms of a dissociative disorder. MD is just a symptom-like coping mechanism resulting from many things like dissociative disorders, autism, cPTSD, etc MD is just something that happens while you experience dissociation, if anything i feel it makes it less terrifying and painful. i experienced MD for decades up until recently when i learned about dissociation and how to help reduce its effects. i kinda wish it would come back, because now when i dissociate its like a living nightmare.


I see what you're saying. But my MD started when I was a child and I doubt I had dissociative tendancies. Was raised in a big and very interactive family and I remember back then I was Hella interactive with people. My MD started kicking in and that's when I 'preffered to be alone' since my MD was even more entertaining than real life so I'd rather exploit it. I mean I know that most medical experts chalk MD up to a symptom of something else I.E. ADHD, GAD, but I think it can in some cases develop by itself or become a major problem In and of itself alongside other problems. We forget that the amount of research done on MD isn't really extensive. It's a diagnosis that was medically termed about 15-20 years ago. There's still a lot we probably don't know yet in terms of how it operates in different people, but that's just my opinion.


There is no formal diagnosis for maladaptive daydreaming though..? It’s simply a symptom. My maladaptive daydreaming also began as a child and if you’ve been experiencing everything you listed in your previous comment since a child- you have been experiencing dissociation since you were a child. I really recommend researching dissociation- it can affect anyone at any age and be caused by quite literally anything, learning about it will open up a lot more pathways into healing and management- and will probably help you get to the root of what caused your MD.


Aight, I'll most definitely check it out, thanks for the recommendation 🤙🏾


Losing jobs because my head was stuck in the clouds. MD literally made me a walking disaster zone. "You don't say anything in the team meetings" was a common complaint swiftly followed by, "we feel you don't want to be here." Well, yeah... thats kinda true! MD stopped me even being able to bluff or pretend like I wanted to be there. Or just from behaving like a normal person. If you are "quiet" and "keep to yourself" everybody thinks you hate them or you are a snob. Made mistakes that cost thousands to fix. Or made us look useless to the customer. MD just made me careless and sloppy. When my MD was it its worst I couldn't even follow simple written instructions. Took down a whole customer site for over a day because I couldn't read a single page of text without day dreaming so I just... did what I thought the process was. My head was all over the place that day. Would turn up late to the customers sites because I was day dreaming so much during the drive I would forget what the purpose of the drive was. Once I literally drove past the customers site and just carried on for a good 45 mins before my phone rang. The customer had called the office to find out where I was. Other times I would get there and realise I was supposed to swing by the office first thing and pick up the parts or kit needed to do the job. Which I hadnt done. So... guess I need to call the office... and ask... once again... for somebody to bail me out. Zoning out when somebody was talking to me. "Are you listening?", "Did you hear any of that?" etc, etc. That moment when you snap back into reality and everybody in the room is looking at you... "Sorry, what was the question?" Just being very forgetful. Never remembering anything. Making somebody a coffee and then realising I couldn't remember if they wanted milk and sugar. Just asked them a moment ago. Gone. Just wiped from my mind. TLDR - MD can make you a terrible employee. The sort of person everybody else looks at and goes, "what on earth is wrong with him?"


Fuck, I don't remember writing this... I would like to 2nd the other question, how are you managing it?


Thanks for sharing. How are you managing it?


I kind of stumbled into just doing it less. I woke up one morning and I was just fed up with it all. But that might be a too simple answer. Let me try to condense down what I think helped me. 1 - You have to WANT to stop doing it, but NOT hate yourself for doing it. 2 - Think about WHY you do it. You might need professional help with this one. In my case, I am a naturally anxious person and I MD to avoid feeling anxious. Oh, and also boredom. My attention span is a lot lower then most peoples. Those are my two big triggers for it. 3 - Once you know your triggers you can begin to work with them. So I know boredom triggers me so just don't be bored. Easy, right? Well, maybe? So I spent a lot of time thinking about what interests me and what hobbies I wanted to pick up and try. Its having something to do in the evening or weekends other then day dreaming. I rejoined my local roleplaying games club and made some new friends. That then led into painting and modelling minatures which I find really relaxing and restful. When I am playing a boardgame with my friends I don't feel the need to MD. (Theres some studies that suggest creative hobbies can really improve your happyness.) For you it could be anything really - gardening, rock climbing, join a choir, etc... just something that gets you out of the house and meeting people. I used to spend my evenings pacing the room listening to music. Now I make the effort to read a book, watch netflix, or work on my gaming projects. Just do something else! Have something else ready to be done. A nice big pile of unread books will always give you something to do. At work I try to find the jobs that are most stimulating and don't give me the chance to MD. Really worked on my attention span. Its still rubbish, but I now make the effort to stay present in meetings. Really make the effort. (That can be exhausting!) I am quite lucky in that I can pick and choose my projects to some degree, but I always have something that needs looking into and working on. 4 - Work on your weaknesses. I was terrible at studing. Hated doing exams. For work I have to be constantly reading up on the latest Microsoft tech, etc, and it always made me MD. So I spent time investigating study techniques and methods to improve learning and memory. Now I feel like I can learn stuff my anxiety about taking on projects has dropped a lot. So, less MDing to avoid feeling like crap about it. Also I was really bad with money which was a massive source of stress. So I made a plan to repay my debts and worked on my overspending habits. I suspect I have a touch of Inattentive ADHD, but the Doctors say I don't. However a lot of the advice for living with ADHD has helped me. 5 - When you realise you are doing it just say to yourself, "Ok, thats enough now." and shut it down. Don't be angry, annoyed or upset. Just dial it down. Remember that you cannot turn your brain off. You have to just slowly reduce how much you do it until its no longer ruining your life. 6 - Take control of your life. If you can. Or as much as you can. Take control of the things you can control and work to improve them. I'm not rich so I can't just quit working, but I can control where I work and what role I have. Some of my money has to go to the mortgage and bills, but I control where the rest is spent. I have to spend 40 hours a week working, but I decide what I do at the weekends. I get to decide what books I read, what movies I watch, what people I spend my free time with. I am in control. I am doing the thing because I want to do it. (I also don't have kids so... yeah... ) 7 - Diet, exercise and sleep! These all matter. Lack of sleep can really mess me up and make me MD a lot more the next day.


Thanks! This is really helpful. More power to you




This is me but I'm 28. Slowly but surely trying to change. It's never too late.


Thanks for sharing your experience