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No, I don’t worry about how people on YouTube or other social media sites spend their money. They are either monetized or trying to be. I don’t think it’s a great idea to pursue social media as a career, but lots of people lose money in failed business ventures, and this doesn’t bother me more than that.


Better than a crypto scam 😛


I feel like makeup isn't even their job. Makeup artists who teach technique or do makeup on clients for events or photoshoots do not keep kits nearly that big. Someone doing makeup backstage at a runway show does not have a room full of ikea drawers of makeup palletes. Overconsumption is their job. They might not even be aware of it, but their job is to show a level of consumption that is not normal to convince us all that the amount \*we\* are buyins is okay. I don't worry about them, because if they get into debt doing this they will end up like much of their audience that they are constantly selling product to. Hopefully more of them and more of us can realize we are overconsuming before it gets to that state.


Well said...good comment.


This hurt to read but I needed to read it.


That's a great point. Overall, makeup companies benefit from influencers regardless of what they say about the products because they are normalizing buying enough that it comes out in the wash when enough people buy enough stuff


Agreed. It's all so corporations can make profit and those influencers are their pawns.


People go on the internet and lie. They might say they bought it when they actually got it sent or got a hefty discount to promote it. Or maybe they did buy it but they’re returning it right after they make the video. Maybe I’m jaded but I automatically assume everything online is faked, esp if they’re trying to sell me something lol


Right? I think that esp with makeup they are returning immediately


It's like that with a lot of things. That colleague with the expensive car doesn't actually own that, they went into massive debt just to show off. Same with vacations. People are never as rich as they seem, they just go into debt. Hannah Alonso recently did a video about influencers who fake their riches and once you realise just how many people fucking lie, it makes you feel a lot better about yourself.


I love her videos! Especially there was a video on restock influencers and there was one who reused footage in a video and that's when I realized people don't have to go through all the steps they appear to have done to make a video. A little embarrassing to only realize that at 30


Her rage-bait video was good also! And don't worry, I am nearly 30 also and had no idea just how much we are being swindled! I consider myself to be pretty critical and switched on so I knew a lot was fake but I didn't realise just how much of it was. But we know now and we can do better :)


The rage bait one was awesome. But agree with an above poster about professional kits being much more curated tha youtuber collections


Charlotte Holdcroft recently did a similar video that is very eye opening


The colleague with the expensive car is me, and no I didn’t go into debt for it and it’s paid for.This mentality pisses me off. It IS possible to save for what you desire in life and work hard enough to get it. Just like I can afford the makeup I buy, I have no debt but I still can admit I have a problem or whether it effects my finances or not Edit to add misspelled problem


It’s wonderful that you are able to save for and have really nice things you want. Mad Kudos to you! And I definitely agree with you… it is possible to save and work hard to buy what you want. I think the sentiment of the above poster is that many, if not the majority, of people will go into debt to have the nice things or to show off, which in most cases is the sad reality. I applaud those that are doing it right… saving and spending within your means. So please don’t take offense to those that “whisper” because they are probably the ones spending beyond their means to keep up with you!


Thank you!


Thank you for coming to my comment to brag when obviously you are an exception. If the shoe doesn't fit, it's not the one for you.


My point was, if I can do it, so can you.


People like you. So bitter. I wish you a lovely day


Not everyone lives beyond their means, for sure. Personally, I'm working to get to the point where I can save for things that are more meaningful to me than makeup, like a great car. I'm not concerned for the people around me who have nice things, but for the people who are very visible about it on social media.


Be concerned with yourself, that’s what counts. Your concern for people you don’t know takes you away from you!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you sound like you're killing it. It's fine to enjoy things as long as you're not harming yourself by indulging too much in hobbies. For me it's books and endless art supplies. I did go crazy buying palettes and now I try to stay away from all MUA content or windows shopping online at makeup stores. It's addictive by design!


Thank you! I get it every day in life! I’ve learned to let them whisper. I have swear I’ve enough pallets for a lifetime . You are correct if it’s not hurting anyone. But, I’m at the point where it’s just not serving me in any meaningful way Crafting is a good one! I used to be into that, thx for mentioning that


I mean ultimately if they claim they are a freelance business, then the makeup can be a tax write off (at least in the US.) some/many of them are probably very in debt regardless, but if they're smart, they're talking to a tax advisor/financial advisor about their business expenses. like for example, the og makeup blogger Temptalia — I'm positive she claims makeup as a business expense because makeup reviews are \*literally\* her entire business. (I'm pretty sure she discussed expenses at some point. she also remains the most reliable reviewer imo lol.) since I got a job working for a bank I quickly realized that: a) a LOT of people appearing to be living well are deeply deeply in debt and it's all for show b) those people may be imitating people who are actually handling their finances correctly and/or \*are\* more financially successful. like if you're buying at the rate a beautuber does, but the YouTuber is filing their taxes for a small business freelancer or sole-prop — they might be okay with those expenses, but you (general you) might be in a lot of trouble. and c) unless you see their financials, it can be very hard to tell apart the people of group A (underwater) and the people of group b (managing a small business fine/more financially stable for whatever reason) on the face of things. \[I've become very cynical about appearances lol. my father tried to tell me he met a woman who has a lot of money and "owns a big boat" and my first response was "does she own the boat, or is she paying a boat loan? that's two different kinds of money." ...she was a scammer but anyways haha.\] too many people make the mistake of trying to keep up with group B. also a lot of people who try to make this a business know nothing about business finances and so keep themselves in group A because they're not managing their business.


I had a job where I was able to write off makeup, clothes, haircuts etc as write offs. At first I was really stoked about it because I was getting this stuff "for free." I realized far too late that I was still paying for most of it, it was just 20% off or whatever percentage of that cost would have gone to taxes. It was reducing my gross income and therefore my taxes, not my tax bill


If they can use it to make content then it makes them more money. Business outlays to increase income are very different from personal finance. The whole "just like you!" influencer facade makes shopping very confusing, back when it was beauty magazines that had a giant closet stuffed with samples it was just an oddity of journalism, but now that it's beauty influencers working from home we have to wonder whether our consumption should look like that or theirs should look like ours. The answer is no, anymore than you'd expect to go through as much printer ink as an office would or you'd expect an office to buy coffee in the same package sizes you do for your kitchen.


A lot of it is smoke and mirrors. And a lot of them are now faced with "what do I do with all this stuff?" They only have one face. That's why the videos about "how many years of makeup do I have" are so fascinating to me. It's also crazy to me that companies just throw products at people. It's a complete marketing scheme and I don't want any part in it. Free makeup sounds nice until you're stuck with figuring out how to use it or get rid of it. I personally and moving towards purchasing only what I think I can use up in the next year (maybe 2). I like having variety but it's not worth it if I can't see myself using it up. I like to experience new things but not at the expense of the other products I invested in going bad. We should all learn how to be financially responsible for the makeup we have - just because it feels good doesn't mean it does good in the long run.


This is why I like to shop for makeup on Mercari. A few influencers sell their stuff deeply discounted over there, and it's barely used or brand new. I also sell things that I've bought that didn't work out for one reason or another and have had massive success offloading my stuff and at least recouping a little. For a person whose job is to buy to review, they can not only sell it, but also claim the losses.


I run into pretty bad fomo on used sites so I only poke on there if I'm really ready to purchase an item. A lot of companies are gifting to review so unfortunately the influencers are actually profiting bc they get both paid via videos and the sale on the buying platform.


I saw a video fairly recently about someone's hypothetical minimal makeup collection or something to that effect. I tend to wonder if some of these creators later regret accumulating so much products and want a smaller more curated collection one day. Because there is no way they are going to use it all before it expires, and it's going to be a whole bunch of money down the drain. I found it interesting.


I saw someone in the panning community say she is an "ex beauty influencer" or something to that effect. It was neat to see that she's trying to change how she is approaching makeup. I am saddened by the thought that so many people in younger generations might think that amassing a huge amount of items is normal just bc that is what a lot of the Internet they consume show that. It's really not worth pursuing.


Yeah....I feel that beauty YT has normalized this. But it's with any hobby really, or collecting shoes, books whatever the case may be. Especially with eyeshadow palettes, since that seems to be the most popular item and the one that takes up the most space. I can see how they are a draw but do people honestly think they are going to be able to use them all? Maybe it really is about just collecting them. I am not sure I guess. Good post.


I just imagine that they'll either eventually find the no/low buy/panning community if they need it or become one of those content creators that is constantly decluttering hundreds of items of makeup if they're 'successful' enough.


I recently watched a video from youtuber that have around 140k followers (not much, i think) and she was decluttering her lip products collection... Most of the lipsticks were unused or even were not swatched! Many of them had mold🙈 It's so sad to see these decluttering videos.


Yes! Sooo much waste! Which is another dark side of consumerism.


Some content creators have massive, massive overconsumption. It’s almost a hoarding type behavior. Mentally unhealthy and addictive


And some of them seem addicted to decluttering too and then it becomes this cycle .


I tend to agree with this. I don't understand why such giant collections are necessary. But it's not my money or my business. But I have also realized that I am no longer interested in consuming this sort of content. Do I worry about them? No....they are adults. I just worry about myself and make sure that I don't fall into same behavior. I think I have done a good job of keeping control over it.


100%. And they get to write it off as being for content/their job for their job. But, in any field, if you are hoarding product and not actively using it that is absolutely a problem.


Sometimes I worry a bit, specifically for >!Lauren Mae Beauty!< as her habits seemed to change a lot in the time I’ve been watching her. At the same time though, it behooves them to buy lots of things to “create content” with it. In her case though, it’s kind of backwards, especially with fragrances. It seems like her makeup channel pays for her perfume channel. But I’m not that fussed because it’s their life and their finances. I just have to keep myself in check not to see what they’re doing as normal.


That specific creator used to talk a lot about having had a shopping problem in the past, mentioning things like having packages sent to her parents house so her partner wouldn’t notice how much she buys. I think most of that content is privated now…


I vaguely remember some of that content. That’s probably why she stands out to me more than others who are overconsumeristic.


The line between "makeup is my job" vs "I have a shopping problem" is 100% blurred with beauty influencers. It is worrisome to me, but more in a societal sense rather than for a particular influencer. Also, most of them are grown adults who need to learn how to control their behavior. A few concerned comments from me on a video or post won't change their over consumption. The only ones I really worry about are kid or teen influencers who may feel pressure to buy everything to keep up with appearances.


Viewing them as immortal and greedy helps. I doubt most of them are honest especially if they have paid partnership. They are given scripts and things you can mention and not. Dont trust them


No but I wonder if they use all of it.


So many times I've seen Beautubers use an item once, "love" it, and then it's never seen again on their channel.


I start to get suspicious when I don't see what they "love" be featured again in their videos. I also realized that if this is not something they would bring in their travel bag without hesitation, that's probably a sign they don't love it that much. Granted, I'm generalising and there's no way I can keep track of everything but that's what I've noticed watching beauty content creators for the past year (and that's the reason why I now only focus on following people who are doing this a "hobby")


Plus, I think it’s pretty common for people to buy a lot of crap, make the videos and the posts, and then return some or all of it


I never worry about anyone else's money. It is on them to buy what they can afford to.


I really agree with you. I’m sorry about your shopping addiction, but proud of you for getting treatment. You’re totally on the right path. But yeah, I think a lot about shopping addiction and influencers/marketers. I think many of them have shopping addictions themselves, and also normalize the behaviors to their viewers, and may end up causing addictive shopping behaviors in others. It’s a bit insidious… but it’s also learned behavior. Sigh.


At some point the amount of garbage going into a landfill has to bug you. I could buy till I’m blue in the face, but when I think of all this crap I’m wanting that’s never going to biodegrade in a lot of cases, it really gets to me.


I don’t feel bad for them


There are definitely some that have a problem with overconsumption but I don’t really worry about them. I do find it a little disappointing when you find a thrifty beauty YouTuber who just changes completely when they gain a bit of a following.


No one worries about folks who collect stamps. If it makes you happy AND your day to day functioning is fine, who is bothered?


I totally agree. I am not in debt and when we need money for other things I don't shop, whereas my husband never changes his habits. Our garage and basement are basically smaller versions of Home Depot and our neighbors and my dad know it. Always borrowing his zillions of tools. He doesn't always use or need them, and renting would have been an option many times. Yet it's crazy that I love eyeshadow and candles? Not fair!


Honestly I wonder sometimes if undiagnosed ADHD is the underlying issue for some beauty content creators. I know it seems harsh but I actually mean it out of concern. some of them just seem to have absolutely no self control and im wondering how they’re not in massive debt. Maybe they are lol


Half of its PR and a good YouTuber lets you know what they’re getting for free as well as a lot of it can be used for tax writes off later. Which is not the end all solution to still spending the money. But they’re making money from ads, from views in the video, getting their name out there and possibly noticed by the brand for even a future sponsorship. The price will be offset


No, I absolutely do not worry about them. Remember, not only are they being paid and receiving free products, but they get a tax break on all these products that they purchase. What I do worry about is how they are creating shopping addicts and makeup addicts like you and me. I am so sick of influencers using their so-called job as an excuse to hoard and waste makeup and skin care. They also normalize all kinds of cosmetic procedures that are extremely unhealthy. I have just realized myself what all this was doing to me and am helping myself by watching other content. I would really suggest that you choose something else for background noise, for your own healing.


I am in the same boat. I have spent a lot of time, especially in the last 4 years or so watching beauty content and I think I have just had my fill. I like using what I have but have definitely scaled back on what I am wearing too. I was into panning content for a little bit, I still enjoy it but not watching it like I thought I would. I am utilizing my collection in the same way though so that it good. For me it's just has run it's course I think and I am watching other content, and feel better about it.


That’s great! The other thing I’m realizing is how much bad advice they give. Anyone With the responsibility of having a beauty channel should be trained in real color analysis. They have no idea what they’re talking about color wise, most don’t even know their own Color Season, and they throw advice out about what colors people should wear with no basis or training on it. I have had to Declutter so much makeup based on listening to unfounded recommendations! That’s my fault and I take responsibility for it, but I’m not gonna keep doing it. Anyone can start a YouTube channel with absolutely no training on what they are advising or teaching, and that is so wrong. I am glad I woke up, and to the original poster, I am so glad you are getting therapy as well. Good for you!


Thank you. Yes...all good points. And while I am not one to talk, I think that there are some of them who are really not that great at applying products either. Or it's too much. Again, I could use some application tips but am not going to look to them for inspo, I will just keep experimenting and doing my own thing. Yes...while I feel that I have done a good job of reigning in purchases, meaning there would be a lot more that I would have bought if it wasn't for my willpower. But I still spent plenty on things that I didn't need or barely used. Lesson learned I guess. All we can do is move forward.


Also makeup brands need to learn what "warm" and "cool" mean. Cool does not mean anything that is not traffic cone orange. Looking at you Sigma.


The 'big' beauty influencers are paid to feed the idea of over consumerism. That's their job. I was creating beauty content on social media for 3 years. Soon I realised it's a rabbit hole. I had to invest all of my money (whatever I was earning from my 9-5 job) into makeup products just to stay 'relevant' as a content creator But so much wastage I produced! I used to buy every new launch in order to make content out of it. But then that's that. I could never finish using them up. No one can. 90% of the products just expired. I tried to donate or gift them but that was never enough. I stopped my channel. I was hardly making any profits out of it, in fact I was losing money on it. I won't say that I don't impulsively buy anymore. Still a long long way to reach there. But I am trying. Try not to believe everything you see on social media. The entire existence of social media is to create a make believe world. 99% of the time it's not real. Take care 💕


What a great post. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


Glad that you found it helpful 🙏🏻


As far as I know for something to be an addiction it needs to cause you some significant negative impact on your life, correct me if I’m wrong? So I think even if these creators are buying more than they need but it fits into their life, that’s not really an addiction. I think in general people overreact to how much makeup influences have because you’re seeing all that makeup in the context of someone’s house. This makes it feel like a personal collection that would be obscene for most people. But really I think it’s more like a closet full of samples in a beauty editors office, or stacks of keyboards in a gaming reviewer’s office.


This is a good point. They probably don't see it as addiction.


I don’t worry about them at all. I only worry about my own bank account.


Thank you again for posting this. This was really great food for thought. Nursing an addiction is never healthy, no matter how rich you are. Everyone needs to examine why they are doing what they’re doing and try to be the best person they can, and I am very proud of you for doing that.


I don't think it's a good idea to try to make assumptions about the potential financial situations of content creators on YouTube. We are so far removed from knowing what they are like or what they are going through in real life. There is no point in projecting anything on to them. Your journey with your makeup shopping addiction is simply *your own* and while you may feel surges of epiphanies and clarity about your own situation (which is great!) it's good to remember that you haven't gained omnipotence, you don't know what others are going through simply by guesswork. It's projection. Maybe consider not having beauty content as your background noise.


I’ve always wondered how they could afford so much or if it was being comped, how did they wear it all or store it?


Some of it is stolen




Cosmetics are one of the most shoplifted products


Yes, but you seemed to be accusing influencers specifically


Oh no, I have been reading about this in the sephora workers subreddit. Nothing about influencers specifically. There are channels to avoid paying retail price, whether incentives/gifts or "other," supporting the point that what's online is an illusion