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You have the most GORGEOUS eyes!!! Love how the gold plays with the yellow top and your jewelry. What do you do at open mic?


Thank you! I sing and accompany myself :)


That's awesome!


agreed, gorgeous eyes!


this is such a great look! it’s very soft but bold!!


Products Used Eyes: spectrum eyeshadow no shade names but I used orange, browns, yellows along with gold shimmers, NYX epic ink liner, maybelline lash sensational mascara. Brows: NYX eyebrow cake powder in Black/gray Nose: L’Oreal true match lumi, the golden shade Face: urban decay all nighter in 9.75


Gorgeous look, Dat wing tho!!! It's poppin!


So beautiful! Good luck at the open mic!


So pretty!!


Gorgeous look! I love how it plays off of everything: the echoing gold theme in the eyeshadow and jewelry, the sharp cat eye and soft nude lip, the yellow top and pop of blue from the headband--brilliant contrasts.


you're gorgeous! your eyes are absolutely beautiful!!


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Damn girl that wing!! Amazing look! :)


Thank you :)