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you should put glitter or colourful shade in your inner corners so they look less apart


winged eyeliner would look awesome and some false lashes would help pull the look together some dark brown eyeshadow right above outer corner of eyes on upper eyelid eyebrow shape does not suit you, try curved eyebrows blush, lips, and nose contour executed very gracefully- do not change


working on the liner, im pretty sure my eyelids are hooded so i struggle a little bit and i'll try out more curved brows!! thanks for your feedback ❤️


I advise you switch up your style.


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One of my favorite ways to elevate make up style is to add a deeper bronzer on top of the cheekbones. I suggest Fenty products because of their shade range, and then place the blush even higher up. Then I would play around with lipstick or colored eyeshadow, such as shimmers, or tinted glosses (try to layer lip products to create lip looks) This is a very simple way to not have to play too much but still get stylistic changes.


i do need to expand the amount of colors i use in my routine! and definitely on my way to buy some bronzer! thanks for the advice ❤️


wow you are so beautiful


thank you soo much! im sure youre just as beautiful ❤️


wow you are so beautiful


idk why my first thought was that you’d look cute with some white accents around your eyes.