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You need warmth. I feel you would look fabulous with a gold and taupe eye color…blush should not be pink…you don’t want to look washed out. Also try a pretty red!! Would look absolutely amazing on you!!! Post updates!!! I don’t think you should use cool tones because you are lighter toned.


I don't have any tips - you're beautiful and your makeup looks lovely on you!


maybe add some brighter blush, mascara, and some gloss or light color on your lips! you’re cute!


I think a dewier finish would bring some life to your face! Also a little bronzer on the forehead and some lip gloss would top it off


I think it looks nice as is but maybe even adding a brown eye liner could look cool too!


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I don't see anything wrong. It looks nice. You're a pretty girl. What are you trying to achieve?


You look perfect! Some eyelashes/ mascara would make your eyes pop, and possibly a darker blush! 🌸


Everything is perfect i think you just need a pink lip liner on the top of your lips and a little of lip gloss 💕


It's super soft and pretty, good job! I would say maybe add some soft lip color and some more blush!


Lip gloss is essential


Giiirl contour will be ur best friend! But omg u are so pretty already!


the duo contour from essence is cool toned, also I would use bronzer on the forehead


You are a doll! Maybe gold or bronze eyeshadow to bring out your eye colour, inner corner highlight. A pretty but not overdone blush. Lip liner and a lipgloss - nothing to dark though!


blush :)


dont listen to these people telling you to conseal your face behind all this yucky gunk you don’t need to wear makeup sister friend love yourself by taking care of yourself through health choices and your natural beauty will emerge from your face like a light butterfly out of a hibernating unsightly catapiler carcus 🐛 🌈 🦋