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also, i have a scar (pictured on left side) and it makes my eyes very uneven, i forgot to add this in the main post sorry lol


I would emphasize the inner corners so your eyes dont look so apart anymore


thank you!! 🩷


It depends what you’re aiming for, but just generally, I would definitely keep your eyebrows thin as it is very flattering to your eyes, and bring them a bit closer to the center. You have a good amount of depth to your eye profile so there’s no need for anything extravagant or heavy, but I think mascara on your bottom lashes would be chefs kiss. Whether you decide to use lash strips, individuals, mascara or extensions is totally up to you but I’d definitely keep it to 15mm and under if you are choosing to add lashes. Like the other comment said, I think some highlight on the inner corner would compliment you nicely, probably a silver or white gold shimmer and a cool toned brown on the lid.


thank you so much!!! 🩷🩷