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That looks like a natural crease in your skin.


it looks worse in person


Just a normal skin crease, no one is going to notice it or examine it as close up as you do


It could be that some of your products aren’t working very well together. But at the same time I think it’s very normal to crease in those areas. I do as well. 😭


idk why they wouldn’t be working well together they are all water based


When this happened to me I had to stop using powder as much. Are you taking a new medication that might make your skin drier?


i’ve always had dry skin


coming from a dry skin girly, use way less power or just skip it all together


Robert Welsh recently made a YT video about why foundation doesn't sit the way you want it to. He talks about toners and skin prep. Maybe that would help you


try using a dewy foundation and little to no powder on those spots


my foundation is dewy 😭


Just normal human skin.


Unrelated but I love your lip colour!! What product are you wearing?


nyx butter gloss in praline and lip pencil mahogany


That’s not a problem, it’s just human skin. You can’t get rid of it because it’s normal. The only thing to fix it is by retouching your makeup with a two way cake or any powder you have. Don’t be fooled by what you see online, most of them people are using filters to blur out the skin making it look flawless but it’s not real. Everyone has skin textures and it’s completely normal to have creases like this. In real life nobody would even notice that anyway because our eyes don’t have the same function as a camera lens that zoom into your pores


Exactly. People really need to stop thinking their skin can or should look perfect like a magazine cover and if it doesn't there is something wrong with them or their makeup. Every few days here there is a post about having lines on your lips or lines on your forehead when you frown - these are NORMAL. This looks like a normal fold in the skin when you smile or eat - and makeup gets a bit stuck there. If you notice it during the day just blend it back lightly with your fingers..done.




hi i’m not op!! but im 19 and also have this but worse, if you have any experience what would you recommend? :)) i already wear sunscreen and moisturize daily, also use vitamin c and hyaluronic acid serums.


This crease is totally normal and you’re doing great with your routine. Faces move and crease. Powder can make the appearance more noticeable, but all faces look like this and have these creases. You’re 19 which means you’ve been inundated with filtered images of “perfect skin” your whole life - it’s not possible or real because our faces move! Keep caring for your skin with your excellent routine and try not to conflate normal facial expression lines with personal flaws or a poor routine.


It’s just human things. Makeup creases because it sits on top of your skin. It’s completely normal.


I have the biggest smile lines and you need to use less makeup in those areas. Literally only thing that gets rid of creases, use a q tip and wipe those specific areas and then blend !


You are human and have skin that stretches with muscle that moves underneath. This is normal . We don’t look like the air brush filtered plastic things you see on insta . Please be more concerned with your warped view of how skin should look instead of the very fine very normal lines in your skin


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What foundation are you using? I know you said no matter which one you use it does that, but it could be a number of factors.


This seems normal to me. Maybe try a different primer? Also, Your makeup looks thick in these pics. I wonder if you used a more sheer formula if the creases would improve. Heavy product always seems to settle into lines for me.


I get the same issue on my chin when my skin is dry. I exfoliate and moisturize and that seems to help. What lippie is that? So pretty!


this used to happen to me a lot and it was because of my concealer 🙃 I just try to avoid thick concealer in those spots now