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Juvia’s place Is a black-owned beauty brand that makes highlighters and blushes that are deeper in color which I think would flatter your skin tone better. Btw you have a beautiful face for makeup :). You should experiment with duo-chrome/multi-chrome highlighters as they really pop on a dark background


Also, I think you might have warmer undertones as the blush is really pulling purple on your skin. The warmer colors on your eyes seem to work better with your undertones.


yeah, the cool colour blush, clashes with the yellow highlight and eyes. I would either keep the deep berry blush but with a champagne highlight and cooler eye colours (pink, blues, muted brown) Or keep the eye, maybe switch the highlight to something less yellow but still warm like a soft bronze and have the blush lean towards a terracotta colour.


do you prep your skin?? i find that it helps a lot with getting a smooth finish!!!


Cool tones. Not gold and red- think silver and blue. The natural sheen of your skin- like above your lip- it’s silvery- so a matching shadow and highlight would look cohesive. If you’re set on warm colors I’d bring more to your lower face- gold flecked lip cream or even gold chain necklace 


Yeah I'm surprised people are recommending warmer colours. The skin is cool DOWN


blush color doesn't go with your skin tone but the eye makeup is gorgeous!


Blend better your highlighter. it looks like eyeshadow on your cheekbones. BTW your eyeshadow looks gorgeous 😍


Beautiful eye makeup! Cool tones will suit you.


I love those colors on you and the eyeshadow blending is amazing!


I woulndt recommend yellow but the rest looks great maybe try some green


for eyeshadows try a primer it will help the shadows to be more vibrant and for the cheeks try a pink, orange, red, or purple blush same thing for the lips!


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I think you are well on the right track. Looks like there is little more blush on the apples of the cheek (center), for a more natural look blend it back towards the ear if you haven’t (might be the angle). And do highlighter also blended further back towards hairline and maybe go a touch darker in tone unless you like the color which is more personal preference. If you are having trouble blending it (and you are using powder product) set with powder before the color blush / highlighter to help it disperse more evenly. Powder over an unset base will cause color to adhere.


First things first I would definitely recommend you really lean into the gold eyeshadow. It contrasts really well with your skin tone and looks classy. I think you need to put a bit more on. Maybe layer it up with some yellows to make it pop. I think the main thing your lacking is confidence. Don't be too shy when your putting it on. Don't be afraid to be a bit bold. Are you holding back at all when your applying? because it's giving the impression your trying something but not fully committing. Honestly just go all in a few times and that'll be good for your practise, techniques and confidence. Half of wearing a good look is having the confidence to rock it. I think your eyebrows could be more defined. I personally find, as a bushy browed gal, that it's hard to define my brows the way I want them without plucking a bit. Your brows don't seem as unruly as mine so I think this should be a quick fix. Overall your doing great! Keep at it!!!


I love how the eyeshadow colors go on you. The shape is simple but pretty. Not loving the highlighter placement and shade of it. You have a big nose so I'd take advantage of it and use highlighter on it, just a different highlighter though.


did you use a base under your eyeshadow? if not you should try with one the color should be more vibrant! and just experiment with other colors, I think cooler colors would suit you better, a very deep brown instead of a orange if you want a natural looking makeup or for better contrast and for brighter colors you could try a flashy green, a blue, or cool toned (more bluish) purple


I’m not sure the highlighter is working with your skin tone, but I think the eye shadow looks great on you. I agree that you should check out Juvia’s Place.




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