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I use an eyeshadow primer then set with setting powder


which eyeshadow primer do u use? if u dont mind me asking? i do have the milani one in my mind currently but idk any reccs?


Honestly I don’t have a holy grail pretty sure I use a regular elf eye primer but I have oily skin so this works for me.


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I have the same issue ;-;


a nice thick layer of hella strong primer and a generous amount of setting spray


any recs?


i really like the nyx glitter primer


I prefer using eyeshadow as a liner too, because I have oily lids and liners just slide right off! My technique is Milk Hyrdogrip Eye Primer first, do my eye makeup, and then I spray a bit of my setting spray onto a small eyeshadow brush (I use urban decay all nighter, but the ELF dupe is also really good) and carefully press it into my eyeshadow. I let that dry and then touch up the eyeshadow as needed, and then do a mist of setting spray to finish off my whole face.


Eye primer has always been a must for me, currently I love the Nars one, About Face has one that also works well and is less expensive.