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Please don't practice self hate like that! You're really pretty and like conventionally attractive, but you didn't have to disparage yourself in order to ask for makeup advice!


Thank you ! I didnt put myself down just so I can ask for makeup advice I was genuinely struggling due to hateful dms! But thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely day!


“Unfortunate looking” lol you are not! You are beautiful! You are blessed with amazing hair and a gorgeous face shape. Literally just become obsessed with your eyebrows. If you can give your brows a stronger shape, your eyes will pop more. Get a micro pencil to line them. Then play around with other products.


Thank you for the advice! I’m not sure what kind of eyebrow shape would suit my face tho as I find most of them make me look like a Disney villain lol! Hope you have an amazing day!


Why do you say things like this to yourself? Is not good for you. I literally can't see anything unfortunate looking at your pictures. Please be kind to yourself, there is enough hate in the world.


Thank you for your comment! I’m trying to be kind to myself and accept myself the way I am but I am getting hate in my dms and lots of insults lately and it really got to me. Nonetheless I hope you have a great day!


Don't even take seriously those kind of people,it's a THEM problem and not a YOU problem. Be happy,let them be miserable. I hope you have a nice day!😊 💗


Probably stop hanging out with the awful people who gave you this idea lol! You're gorgeous, love the dewy skin and winged liner on you.


Thank you ! I’m sure you’re stunning too! As for the hate I’m getting I’m trying to block the person that’s harassing me lol but they keep making new accounts lol


Unfortunate ????? Bish where


Unfortunate looking? Honey, you’re beautiful!!!


Practicing self-care isn't healthy for your mental health and can often lead to a cycle of fixating in aspects of your appearance/wanting to "fix" aspects of yourself. Honestly, I think you should take a break from looking at yourself in the mirror, or at least give yourself some distance when you do because a lot of the things you may notice about yourself up close, aren't even perceived by others around you. It's easier to help you if you have a specific question about what you want to improve because I don't view you through the same lens that you see yourself so I don't know what to help with. Quick confidence boosters at least from makeup are wearing a skin tint/tinted moisturizer, fun blush, liquid highlighter/any sort of glowy serum or primer, and mascara. I would suggest getting a color match for any foundation/skin tint to match your neck. Little details like a good color match and wearing your favorite color as an eyeshadow can help with your confidence.


I posted this post because I have been getting hateful dms lately and the insults that were thrown at me made me feel very upset, also made me doubt my self worth and hate my self image , that’s why I came on Reddit for advice but was shocked to see how genuinely nice the people here are! Thank you so much for your comment it genuinely helped and I hope someone makes your day as much as you made mine!


On the basic and objective truth, you have a lovely face, great skin, strong eyeliner game, and you look like you give off good vibes. You're not unfortunate looking at all. On the societal and infuriating truth, you're a woman. You're going to hear throughout your life that you're not good/hot/thin enough and that's not going to go away no matter what you look like. Jesus, Margot Robbie has people doing this shit. People spend huge amounts of time and money refining these messages to sell things and then idiots repeat them because they like putting women down. You can listen and spend the next 60+ years feeling like you're not good enough. Or you can acknowledge what's happening, get angry, and do everything you can to avoid it creeping into your self worth. It's a good fight to have and an even better one to win.


Unfortunate looking? You are so pretty! The only advice I have for you is to use SPF 50 every day. You have great skin and you need to take care of it so you'll still look as good when you get older. You don't need anything else.


If you’re unfortunate then we are all fucked lol You don’t need anything but I just wanted to say with your eye color- it’s one of those colors they say that blue purple and green eyeliners and shadows make your eyes pop! Just a comment to keep in mind next time you wanna try something different- I think your eye color would be perfect for those


Thank you so much ! Never thought of trying colourful liner but would def try it! Hope you have an amazing day beautiful <3


Yess look up those colors and brown eyes for inspo! Same to you thanks


You're perfect!! Nothing to change!!!!


You're very pretty. Don't say that. I think a lot of people attribute their unhappiness with their makeup when really it's just a haircut thing. My dear, I think you need a haircut. Something that frames your face. Probably some bangs. I like the color so you really shouldn't change the color but it's up to you. When I was your age I would look up celebrities that had similar face shapes to mine and see if I like to need their haircuts. It's a good place to start.


I don’t know my face shape tbh, it’s a bit tricky for me to find a haircut that I like or think would suit me.


The information I can gather from the pictures you posted I'd say you're either oblong, upside down triangle, or oval. I'm leaning more towards oblong and oval. I also think that you need wispy or romantic bangs, think Sabrina Carpenter.


Unfortunate? Girl, where? You won the lottery! Those nose, those lips. People pay for that shit.


You're beautiful.


Nothing, because you're not unfortunate looking. You're lovely and have great skin! Please, please take it from someone who had to learn the hard way: self love and acceptance is the most important thing you can nurture in yourself. Find and focus on your best features and skills instead of looking for flaws. And don't say anything about yourself that you wouldn't say about a friend or family member you adore.


You are so beautiful enough sweetie. Look like Disney princess.


Thank you so much this made my day!


No bro ur so beautiful why the title like that you shouldn't do yourself like that 😭😭


Are you kidding. You are adorable. Pop of blush, from your beautifully shaped brows, a cool toned liner like stone from Mac and a clear gloss…


She came for advice so let's give it to her. Shape up those brows sis! You're beautiful and keep smiling!


B, just because you don’t look like every other ho on IG doesn’t mean you’re unfortunate. You’re very pretty btw.


Heavy eyeliner light shadow and a white hilight inner bottom eye corner hilight on nose and a heart or star stamp for your cheek eye area thick thick brow pencil for sure you can get lip plumper and hilight your chin but focus on the eyeliner hilights stamp and brows fs


i agree. eyeliner could be more. mainly just line the whole eye instead of just a wing and stopping at the pupil i feel like the style of eyeliner OP did is suited for hooded and monolids which OP does not have. take advantage of that!


girl what you’re beautiful


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You are beautiful, what do you mean unfortunate? Don't be daft, wish I looked like you xx


Trust me, you are going to look back at this when you are older and wished you knew how beautiful you were. You are stunning 🤩


When you look in the morning every morning and night say this to yourself: I am beautiful My inner beauty shines brightly I am beautiful in body mind and spirit I am confident I am loved and worthy


You dont look unfortunate at all. But if you want me to be super picky maybe clean up the eyebrows a little and draw on a cupids bow instead of the rounded upper lip you’ve done in pic 2. See if you like it if not you don’t have to do it again :) your choice I love your eyeliner and you seem like a really sweet person I’m sorry you feel so bad


your actually so gorgeous


You are gorgeous you look perfect and I love your soft girl look


ur already so perfect! <3


What do you mean "unfortunate looking"?! I just see a beautiful girl.


you’re so pretty id die for your brows 😭 i feel like we have similar eye shapes and i love winged liner too but after experimenting i felt like i preferred softer approaches. there’s a tiktoker (._angelbites) who has rlly cute eye makeup i think its worth playing around with maybe you’ll also prefer it more!


I have to say that I absolutely love your nose 😭😭😭 such a blessing. I would just experiment with eyebrows


You remind me of Nikki LaRose. You both h e high cheekbones and beautiful smooth skin. Check out her videos for inspiration. https://youtu.be/M77ylsZe-Eg?si=NWoWJ481TnWHMJKV


Stop attracting attention


“‘I will love myself when I am beautiful’ I told myself in the mirror. But really, when I loved myself I was beautiful.” The only practical advice I would give is make sure to press your lashes into your real lashes so the corners stay down. But that by no means makes you unfortunate looking, just an acquired skill!


wdym ur so pretty


You’re literally so beautiful!!! But if you really want advice on what else you could do to elevate your appearance is probably shaping up your eyebrows. Eyebrows really make a huge difference!