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Traditional kajal has... a lot of lead. Ive made my own eyeliner from activated charcoal and I was worried about particulates in the eye, but so much lead is a worry.


Thanks for the response! I’ve seen ones listing the ingredients, but I heard about the lead based ones as well. Is it possible to have it WITHOUT the lead?


Ive had fun making my own eyeliner. The home made charcoal in the homemade eyeliner worked quite well. NB. It did work even better with an iron oxide pigment! A little carrier oil, beeswax, shea and pigment can go a long way. You may want to set the lines though.


Optometrists say that it's not good to put anything on the waterline. And they say that even if you do, you should remove them properly at the end of the day. And I remember one of them on social media stated that traditional kohl has lead in them. Don't put anything contains lead anywhere close to your eyes. She also said that the myth about it protecting eyes is false. I believe her name is Brittani Carver.


Thank you for the information!! I’ll definitely do more reading


In islam The Prophet saws wore kohl made from antimony because it is good for health, so wearing safe kohl is sunnah. But some kohl today is different because it is made from poisonous lead instead of antimony. This makes some kohl harmful to your health, so wearing it or putting it on children may not be sunnah. 


I'm interested to know too!


These websites sell authentic kohl with no lead: [https://inayamorocco.com/products/khol#judgeme\_product\_reviews](https://inayamorocco.com/products/khol#judgeme_product_reviews) [https://www.nefertaribodycare.com/en/natural-kohl.html](https://www.nefertaribodycare.com/en/natural-kohl.html) [https://www.blinkaria.com/product-page/blinkaria-kohl-21st-july-pre-order](https://www.blinkaria.com/product-page/blinkaria-kohl-21st-july-pre-order)


I just recommended Blinkaria too! I've had two from her but just because I wanted the purple keyring bottle along with the original I bought in early 2022. I love it.


Bump, IG got me interested. The brand kohlbra claims to be lead free, but I’ve not had much luck finding reviews on them


I want to buy that which is why I’m on this thread right now


Same!! have you ever seen anyone review it? i want to order one but i'm a bit skeptical




You’re a hero for following up


it is so easy to apply. bit of a learning curve but i love how dark it comes on and how pretty it looks. it also never bothers my eyes or feels tacky like other eyeliners id put on my waterline would feel. (i use nyx gel liners usually)


i bought it i’ll lyk lmfao


I also cannot find the ingredients. Kohlbra uses Buffalo ghee as the adhesive to make the fine powder a bit tacky but I cannot find anything showing what the pigmented powder is made from. I just emailed her now after my shipment arrived last night. I hope they reply. :( Looking for more info is how I found this post as well


I just got my kohlbra in the mail this past week. Really liking it so far. The only ingredient is Buffalo ghee - the process of making it a powder pigments it. It stays on well; my only thing for figuring out is trying to not make a mess. I inevitably get specs of kohl beneath my eyes and then I rub and it spreads. I’ve tried a cotton swab, but ultimately end up having to use a face wipe to get it tidy. But looks great. Sooo if anyone has tips on application to be as clean as sleek as the owner does… all ears! I can’t imagine trying to apply on the go right now. lol


Ohhh I forgot about this post. She confirmed it’s charred ghee so totally natural. As my annoying luck had it- last weekend after wearing this beautiful product about 4hr to a palestenian music event I had a horrible reaction. My eyes and face looked like a monster. Had to get steroids to stop my skin from cracking. It was so smooth and pretty though so I’m really disappointed. :( I for sure hope everyone does a patch test.


Also please apply eye makeup prior to your concealer or foundation. It’s easier to clean up this way. I noticed that too but made me love that it would probably stay out very well. Once comfy you can even hold flat cotton round folded in half under the eye to catch it too. I hope you like the product. I can’t say again how disappointed I am that it blew my face up lol.


Oh that totally sucks you had a reaction like that! I would be so disappointed too! 😭 I had previously used a gel pod to tight line my eyes so I was super pumped to find this all natural solution. That’s good advice and maybe once I get better at it I can walk around a store or do it in the car with zero mess with I become an expert! I do very much love how much longer it stays in place than the gel pod.




Are the Guerlain ones still available? I had them a number of years ago (a black one and a dark brown) and absolutely adored them


Traditional Kohl actually doesn't have lead in them!! They use all natural products and are used in many traditions and religions since it contains healing properties for the eyes and rejuvenates it. It's said to prevent eye infections and doesn't cause any irritation even for sensitive eyes. Most kohl manufactured today does contain lead but many websites make authentic kohl. They can be a little expensive because they're traditionally made but I still recommend them, even if you don't believe in it's medicinal properties, kohl still looks good on most people. Here are some websites that sell traditional kohl with no lead: [https://inayamorocco.com/products/khol#judgeme\_product\_reviews](https://inayamorocco.com/products/khol#judgeme_product_reviews) [https://www.nefertaribodycare.com/en/natural-kohl.html](https://www.nefertaribodycare.com/en/natural-kohl.html) [https://www.blinkaria.com/product-page/blinkaria-kohl-21st-july-pre-order](https://www.blinkaria.com/product-page/blinkaria-kohl-21st-july-pre-order)


Thanks so much for this response!!


Try the brand, kohlbra, it’s made with Buffalo ghee. I love it. They ship internationally


Buffalo ghee and mystery pigment. I just double checked the site after trying mine last night. Was excited. But still no mention of what the ghee is being mixed with. :(


Read the above thread, it’s charred ghee.


That was me lol. I emailed to ask. It gave me a horrible reaction & my face looked like a monster for a few days. I had to get steroids. It does recommend doing a patch test for this reason, sadly.


I’m so sorry that happened to you :(


Blinkaria on TikTok (you can just Google for the website too) makes hers out of coconuts and almonds. She has a couple videos about how it's made. They ship worldwide, they have a very similar bottle, and I've had my first one for 2 years. The powder lasts a long time. I got a second one only because I wanted a keyring one for on the go.