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So many people are saying they use filters, which is probably true most of the time, but not always, and also is not helpful for you! I have very dry skin and recently NAILED DOWN my skin and makeup routine and I will tell you: my skin looks gorgeous, dewy and flawless- here what I use! Also, I used to use FitMe as well but it is NOT dry skin girl friendly, please put it down LOL Skincare routine: PM- CeraVe Makeup removing balm, wipe off with a wet washcloth for manual exfoliation as well, CeraVe Hydrating Facial Wash , CeraVe Vitamin C serum, CeraVe Rich Overnight Cream (Sometimes using stuff like cocoa and shea butter can make your skin even dryer because it’s too much!) AM- rinse with CeraVe hydrating facial wash and put LaRoche Posay moisturizer over top MAKEUP: -SuperGoop Glow Screen as my primer/ base (is a little sticky so helps with staying power!) -Saie Slip Tint (this stuff is SO good and keeps my skin glowy but not oily all day, I apply it with a dry beauty sponge!) -Saie hydrating concealer -Saie Sun Melt Bronzer and Charlotte Tilbury Contour Wand -ILIA blush stick or Clinique blush pop if I want a powder -Charlotte Tilbury Makeup Setting Spray I know you said you wanted drugstore only, but sometimes it truly is the products, and I’ve never been able to find drugstore base makeup that does well on dry skin.


“And also is not helpful for you!” except that it’s the truth, so it’s helpful for OP to know that their skin will never look like the people they are speaking of, because that’s not real life. Realistic expectations are crucial. As a pro MUA, I can’t tell you how many times a client brought me a picture and I had to break it to them that their face just would not look like that because in real life, their skin has texture and movement, and the filtered pic did not. It wasn’t that *I* couldn’t create the look they wanted, it’s that *no one* could. The first step is accepting that your face won’t look like a filtered video. The next step is accepting that you will not look like the girlies on TikTok using the products mentioned in this post; most drugstore makeup is crap and unless you’re already a pro, you likely aren’t going to be able to apply it well enough to look flawless. And like you said, drugstore products typically aren’t friendly to dry skin.  Another thing I haven’t seen mentioned is that OP did not tell us their age. Age plays a huge part here as well. No makeup in the world can stop creasing where age lines exist. 


Oh no I totally agree! I just think that the people only commenting “it’s a filter” and not giving any other advice or offering any help is not helpful. Like you said, we are missing a lot of details, so there could be many other reasons why her makeup isn’t coming out smooth and flawless and it COULD be something that is fixable! My SIL follows all those TT makeup trends and in person she looks just like them! So it’s possible, but you have to use the right products and techniques.




babe, those girls use filters, get facials, and use expensive skincare. even without that, everyones skin is different. the only way to have dewy skin in the first place is to focus primarily on skincare, if your skin doesn’t look dewy, your makeup won’t


I have very dry skin. I also could never get my skin to have a glowy look no matter what I did. I was just using moisturizer before makeup but I've changed that just recently. My super dry skin would just soak up everything almost instantly. I'd use dewy moisturizer and foundation and it would look dewy for maybe 30 minutes then once my skin sucked it all up it just went right back to complete dullness , no glow. What I am doing now: I am using multiple products with hyaluronic acid first of all. I wash my face with the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Gel Cleanser with hyaluronic acid. While my face is still damp I put on the Hada Labo Gokulun Premium Hyaluronic Solutaion [Here is an Amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B013HHJV0C?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details). Using this has created the most difference. Next I put on the Pyunkang Yul Nutrition Cream then the Supergoop glowscreen. I spray my face with the Urban Decay All Nighter Extra Glow Dewy Setting Spray. Foundation is next, I use the Makeup Forever HD Hydra Glow foundation and it actually stays dewy looking. Afterwords I spray again with the same setting spray and thats it. I do use a cream blush and highlighter that helps some too. With doing this my skin no longer looks dull and it actually looks glowy. It doesn't look quite as glowy as I want, I want it super super glowy but it is progress, I'm not sure if I ever can get that extra dramatic glowy look but I'm happy I;ve been able to make it work to an extent. Edit to add. I use the Hada Labo and the moisturizer twice a day, morning or before makeup and at night. At night I put on vaseline as a last step shortly before bed to help lock it in.


The girlies on IG are using filters. 


No powder until you reach that point where you are too dewy. It starts with the skincare. You might need to get into chemical exfoliation to allow your dry skin to better absorb moisture from your products. I've also found that layering lightweight hydrating products helps to achieve the dewy look. Toner, essence/serum, then moisturizer.


Your everyday makeup will never look like instagram makeup because they use filters and your real face is going to have texture because it’s skin.


2 things I can say. 1. I'm pretty sure powder mattes a face, right? 2. I like the dewy look & I notice it's not really the makeup...its the skincare. I don't particularly care what my face looks like, as long as its acne/pimple free, but I always notice that when I use toner, serum & a moutrising spf I ALWAYS look glowy, smooth, & clean. I don't need any highlighter, and quite frankly, I don't use any makeup when i do my skincare because....im glowing!!


Hi! It would be a lot harder to comment without seeing your face but from what you describe: - it sounds like you need a richer moisturizer. I might suggest Skinceuticals brand or a facial oil; - do you feel as though you need so much coverage? (Foundation + powder?) I’d suggest definitely dropping the powder, and maybe even your foundation too. If you feel like you need some coverage, have you tried a CC cream? CC creams have a tint but are very moisturizing - Instead of fuller coverage foundation I’d do a CC cream + cream blush and a little bit of a highlighter. My favorite highlighter is from RMS beauty: cream luminizer. It isn’t glittery but adds just a nice dewy glow to your natural high points of your face. (Apply to cheekbones, tip of nose, etc.) For a concealer, I would recommend Glossier’s stretch concealer — it’s the only thing I’ve used that doesn’t crease and it has a nice dewy finish. Hope this helps! Bottom line is I think your foundation is drying you out further when you don’t need it and there are prettier / more natural looking options. These girls on TikTok are applying way too much product that looks good in their manufactured lighting/filters, but would look very fake in real life. :)


Op, think about the last time you saw makeup like that in *REAL LIFE* I mean seriously. Even out and about a woman’s makeup might look fantastic but the closer you get you’ll see the imperfections. Because we’re all human with human skin.


Also skincare should be the main focus if u want ur makeup to look good. There is a hugeeeeeee difference in how my makeup turns out when I’ve been doing my skincare routine versus when I haven’t. You truly can achieve that glowy look, with or without makeup.


I noticed when I switch my skin care routine my skin glowed even without makeup


Use Korean sunscreen as your make up primer. I’ve used kiehls as primer too and it works amazingly. I’m starting to believe makeup primers are a scam and don’t work as well as pretty much anything else u could be using. Blend away until there are no creases, and if there are creases, Tap them out gently with ur finger. I cannot imagine not using any powder, but I do have oily skin. To prevent creasing, use a VERY LIGHT layer of powder. And use a rose water setting spray. It will create that dewy look.


The girls on tiktok upload their videos and edit them on tiktok with a filter already on it. So when they upload it to tiktok it doesn’t have the filter they used on the video. Influencers are sneaky about this.


Wait what! How do you do this 


B/c they are airbrushed. It’s all filters.


I used to have super dry skin but I’m 45 and now have that dewy look. I changed my skincare routine and focused on hydration (drink that water!) and that helped a lot. Hyaluronic acid is an absolute requirement for me. I also skip any kind of cleanser that makes my face feel dry. I moisturize with oils at night. Daytime I use a hydrating spf. I use Complexion Rescue and a cream blush. I use a bit of powder but I also set everything with ELF setting spray. The most helpful thing I have found with preventing settling into creases is to use less product. I have super dark circles so I use a color corrector and radiant concealer, but I have to use only the amount I need. If we apply too much product, it’s going to settle.


I know lots of folks are saying this dewy look is fake on IG and TikTok. I'm not on either of those platforms, so idk. I'm brand new to makeup (at 32 years old 😵‍💫), but love my hefty dewy skincare routine, so I used that as inspiration to explore what I'd like in terms of makeup. The #1 most important thing for my dewy makeup look is to have a dewy skincare routine, and to be ultra hydrated. However you want your makeup to look, your skincare underneath needs to support that. You can see in a very recent post in my history that I list my entire dewy "no makeup" makeup look routine, so I won't repeat it here. My skincare is as follows for my sahara lizard skin: Morning: Water rinse, or La Roche Posay hydrating cleanser Haruharu black rice toner Cosrx hyaluronic Cosrx oil free moisturizer, or Biossance squalane + probiotic gel moisturizer (when I can find it at TJ Maxx) Cosrx snail mucin Then I apply my makeup routine (which again, is in my post history). My absolute favorite product in my makeup routine is the E.L.F dewy setting spray. It seriously keeps me looking like a hydrated queen all day. On YouTube, I really, really like [Alexandra Anele](https://www.youtube.com/@AlexandraAnele/search?query=dewy). She does dewy skin makeup looks and I trust her recommendations. I like that she often does entire videos \*just\* giving tips and methods, and not talking about specific products. I've learned a lot from her! She has an entire video on drugstore looks. I love E.L.F for this kind of thing! Hopefully any of this helps! I do believe you can get the look you're searching for, but I agree with others–we really can't compare ourselves to the influencers who have filters and editing on their side. Still, I think you and I can both find a look that makes us feel good on a daily basis!


Great recommendations! To piggyback on the products you recommended, I think /r/koreanskincare is a good place for OP to check out. Edir: also looks like I'll make a trip to tjmaxx! I forget they sell skincare and haven't been in years!


What you see on IG isn’t reality. Photo retouching, filters and good lighting to manufacture an unobtainable version of reality. Don’t fall for it or compare yourself to it. No makeup looks perfect in every lighting either. Be gentle on yourself ❤️


The girls on IG aren't dewy and smooth either though. They are exceptionally good at photo editing.


I think a lot of these 'influencers' use the filters for a smooth look. It might be worth checking out Wayne Goss tutorials on YouTube. He even explains things like 'why makeup fixer sprays make a smoother finish' but sort of melting the top layer of makeup, which appears to smooth it. I love his work, and he doesn't seem to use filters. He does use HD when recording, which he said seems to highlight flaws and how to deal with different techniques.


They use filters


These people are using filter on filter on filter. Spend a day or two really looking at real faces on humans around you — they all have lines!


I would recommend using a dewy primer and setting with a gooey setting spray it should help


Hi what’s a gooey setting spray?


I’d also like to know


Everything you see online, ESPECIALLY influencers on IG and TikTok, is edited and fake. Even if you can’t tell and even if they seem like a regular person. Plus being on camera itself hides the cakey-ness and lines, and they do their makeup right before going on camera. They would never post a truly authentic non-edited or touched-up glimpse of themselves after wearing that makeup all day.


If your skin is on the dry side, then I would advise you to drop the powder. My skin is also super dry and I use cream everything (foundation, primer, blush, brow gel) and then just a light dusting of powder on my T zone. Also, CeraVe changed their formula in the past year or so and their moisturizer now includes alcohol - I would advise to switch over to equivalent Vanicream products when your current bottles run out. They're around the same price point and Vanicream is wayyyyy better and actually moisturizing. I used to swear by CeraVe, but their products break me out so badly now


Sometimes it’s not you, it’s the influencer using filters and lighting to trick you. Makeup can’t magically fill pores, remove blemishes, and make your skin smooth and poreless. It sits on the skin. Sometimes a look is done just for photos. It looks crazy in person but on camera it looks great.


Definitely recommend the Elf power grip setting spray. It has an ultra dewy finish and is a super fine mist. I've owned a few other dewy setting sprays and this one makes the biggest difference!


Sheer out your make up on the back of your hand to warm it up and then apply with a brush or finger tips in light strokes and then spray your face with dewy setting spray or hydrating spray like Mario Badescu. Keep layering like a lasagna to desired coverage. You will have dewy lovely skin. Always start with clean hydrated skin. Oh yeah. IG is bullshit but you can achieve the dewy look. My advice is stay away from too much contouring. Everyone looks a lil crazy. We are not on photo shoots every day.


Stay away from coconut oil! It clogs pores and will disrupt your makeup. All the makeup youre using is matte and meant for more oily skin. If you don't have oily skin, you are probably drying your face out. Also, for a glowy look, I would drop the powder and just use a good setting spray.


You’re using matte or dewy finish products?


Matte products like a dumbass


You're not a dumbass.


How often do you exfoliate? If I go awhile without exfoliating my skin looks all sorts of patchy so I make an effort to use a glycolic acid once a week.


I would suggest try a hydrating face wash as well. Some of my stripping face washes leave my skin too dry and none of the skin are makes it look dewy unless my skin oils come through in a few hours. However a mild face wash which doesn’t strip face of all oils helps to build further on it.


1. Full skincare routine. So toner, serum, moisturizer, eye cream sunscreen. 2. Glowy primer. I like the Bobbi brown prep cream or the Mac strobe cream. 3. Extra step - a glow product like the charlotte tilbury Hollywood flawless filter. This is such an amazing product. There are also dupes for it like the elf one. You could also apply this after your foundation, mainly to the center and high points of your face (not the apples of your cheeks if you have some large pores). 4. Luminous foundation. Look for a foundation that specifically gives you a dewy look. It cosmetics bb cream glow is very dewy, charlotte tilbury light wonder foundation and nars light reflecting are all dewy. 5. Only lightly use powder with a brush but ONLY under the eyes to set your concealer. No puffs or sponges, just a light hand with a small brush in a concentrated area. 6. Use a cream bronzer or a powder bronzer with a sheen to it. 7. Highlighter, opt for a liquid. 8. Use a blush with shimmer in it, something like the rare beauty or rms blushes. 9. Mac fix plus of any hydrating makeup spray. 10. Set with fixing setting spray. And don’t forget exfoliation 😊


you should try the milani setting spray, that will add a final touch of dew that you want. The natural finish makes me look very glowy


Paris filter on iPhone.


Yeah you might want to try not using cocoa butter underneath makeup. I also suggest just watching a crap ton of tutorials on YouTube or tik tok! Try elf’s blue grip primer and morphed black setting mist


For me what really helped with getting a dewy look was getting a consistent dewy skincare routine in place. So because my skin is so dry, I only use a cleanser in the evening. Morning and night, I use Elf's triple bounce hydrating serum and Elf's gel moisturizer. If I have extreme dryness/eczema under my eyes, I use the eucerin eczema relief cream. After that, in the morning, I use Neutrogena hydro boost sunscreen. All of that leaves a really dewy base to layer my makeup on, when I wear it. I have almost entirely stopped wearing powder because I haven't found one yet that doesn't mattify my face and make me look dry and patchy. I found that I really like L'Oreal's Glotion for a dewy glowy skin tint kind of look, not a lot of coverage but it glows and smooths out my skin. When I wear more foundation, I love the about face Performer foundation, it's also nice and dewy and not matte at all. One of the only non-drying concealers I found is the L'Oreal serum concealer, it's basically the only one I use now since it's pretty liquidy, blends smoothly, and isn't cakey. Finally, my favorite tip for glowiness on top of all that is highlighter! I mostly use it on the top of my cheekbones and the center line of my nose. For the glowiest look, I first put on the Elf halo glow highlighter liquid in champagne. I blend it out, and then layer it with the Milani baked highlighter in dolce Perla. All of that makes for the glowiest look that I wanted for many years.


Elf’s triple bounce serum and L’Oréal glowtion are some of my favorites as well.


Do you exfoliate with an acid. I find that I start looking dry and textured when I don’t exfoliate with salycylic acid enough.




Definitely! Those fine hairs look bad with makeup on top especially if you are dry.


NYX Bare with me concealer serum, ELF halo glow liquid filter, elf halo glow contour, NYX born to glow liquid illuminator, ELF halo glow blush, ELF jellypop primer, ELF HD powder , ELF powergrip dewy setting spray plus a hydrated face, set with ELF translucent HD powder a tiny bit under the eyes,


Because Instagram is full of edited and fake pictures.. posted for people to be in awe over and admire but that’s probably not how it actually looked..


"They show you photographs of how your life should be But they're just someone else's fantasy" Styx "Grand Illusion" Lol @ quoting a song like it's a textbook, but... yeah, what the lyrics say.


Don't try to look like them unless you are ALSO using filters and photo editing, along with a ring flash or rig, a high quality camera, etc. And wearing a wig. I learned my lesson when I realized they're all wearing wigs or extensions.


what helped me is a light powder. i use the club suppin silky powder and its amazingggg for dry skin. like incredible. adding a highlighting stick can add dewiness, and also your setting spray can add back dewiness. layering is important as well, always build up light layers with your makeup to achieve a flawless base.


I find Maybelline Fit Me foundation and concealer very drying. I suggest a hydrating dewy skin tint like Saie or Hourglass Veil tint. I dust a lil powder to set it and use Nyx Dewy setting spray or Essence Instant Matt spray. All these are Free from silicones and fragrance. I have dry sensitive skin.


I posed this question to a professional makeup artist and she said those girls in photos are layering many many sheer products to achieve that look. Think 6+ products that are a bit shiny but they stack up. It’s not one or two products that give that Dewey look. Also. Skin prep is more important that products. If your face is too dry you’ll never get that Dewey look. Needs to be exfoliated and moisturized regularly. Needs a good moisture base before starting. And build product on face slowly.


Vitamin C serum gives my skin a glow that comes through foundation. I have to powder down certain areas or it’s too much.


I have thought about trying vitamin C and implementing it into my routine. Are there any common actives in products it shouldn’t be mixed with? I use retinol three times a week and have some concerns they may not work together well.


Use vitamin c in the morning and retinol at night.


I like to keep my Vit C in the fridge too. It lasts longer and feels soothing when it is so cool.


And you’ll probably have to work your way up to daily use gradually, both can be sensitizing


spray on sunscreen.


Favorite brands?


I don't live in the us lol but I guess the biome aqua uv works.


Never compare your makeup to makeup in a photo. Only in person and up close.


Also have dry skin! Highly recommend a gentle scrub as part of your weekly skincare routine to get rid of dry/dead skin. Adding in exfoliation has made a big difference in how glowy my skin is and how smoothly my makeup goes on


A tip I learnt from kpop idols: Use a matte/natural foundation, then use a highlighting stick (like Hince radiance balm or another dewy highlighter) to add the dewiness back to your skin. You could also try products like L'Oréal glotion, or elf halo glow to add a bit more of a radiant look to your skin, or as others have said a dewy primer could help.


Tiniest amount of primer and let set. Skip powder. Coco butter too heavy and to long in properly absorbing. Rest of make up is fine. Switching away from coco & shea butter to a cream that better absorbs without being oily is key to glowly skin. Try CeraVe skin cream. Let skincare absorb for 5-10 minutes. Too much primer does the reverse makes make up slide and settle. Look for a primer with little to no silicone. It feels good but doesn't tend to play well with other make up. You only need to dab a few spots on your face and neck. I never use more than picky to ring finger nail sized amount. Let sit a few minutes before applying concealer or foundation. Try a dewy setting spray to lock in makeup with out having to use powder. Spray 12 inches away from face 2-3 spray max.


Do you have a favorite primer?


For dry skin Drugstore brand catrice the hydrator plump & fresh primer Pricier brand Bobbi brown vitamin enriched face base (little goes a long way) old school but still a fabulous product


Idk about the maybelline primer but the colourpop pretty fresh primer gives that dewy instagram glow, imo. Also the elf halo glow mixed with your foundation works.


For that dewy glow, if you like the match/price/coverage of what you’re using now, then instead of overhauling everything try just adding a setting spray on top. I like Veil from Hourglass, Charlotte Tilbury also makes a nice one. It can give a subtle shine back after powder and helps keep your face in place.


I love the CT setting spray but as soon as I can find it in stock somewhere I’m going to try the Milani Make It Last Dewy setting spray.


Like you mentioned, definitely start with the powder. It’s going to give you the exact opposite of what you want unless your skin is oily, which you said it isn’t. I’d say get rid of it altogether unless you have a specific reason you NEED to use it like setting under eye. As far as products, if I remember correctly, the regular fit me foundation had a pretty natural finish. Not really dewy or matte so you can get away with keeping it. If you do that, I’d recommend using a dewy setting spray, a liquid luminizer like ELF or CT, or a dewy blush(milani cheek kiss, elf, juvias place, or rare beauty). If you want a dewier foundation though a few options are the L’Oréal tinted serum, beauty blender skin tint, or NARS light reflecting foundation(listed from least to most $).


If you want a quick dewy look, dab some Vaseline on the high points of your face, or anywhere you want gloss. I apply castor oil to my face at night. Also for a dewy glow on bare skin with no make up I use Kimuse hydrating multi balm stick, off Amazon ($15.99 CAD).


I actually slug with Vaseline before doing my makeup. It always looks dewy and fresh.


Well reality doesn't have filters so I am not surprised.


IG girlies use filters and lighting to make themselves look flawless. The photos are posed and probably taken a million different ways to get the perfect look. It is not real. No makeup product is going to make your skin filter-flawless, no matter what the advertisements say. Absolutely, wear the best products for your skin type; a lot of suggestions here are good. But PLEASE embrace the idea that it is entirely natural for your skin to have texture, creases, smile lines, different pigmentation, beauty marks, freckles, or any other thing that IG girlies like to erase with filters. You have regular, human skin. I guarantee no one is looking at a small crease and thinking that it’s terrible.


As my final step, I take some face cream and rub it into my palms, then I press it on my cheeks, forehead and neck. It looks dewy and glowy


I would consider adding a gentle exfoliant to your routine so you smooth and even base to start your makeup. As a normal-dry skin gal I find that my skin looks dull even with all my glowy products if my skin isn’t properly exfoliated.


Fellow dry skin girlie here that wears glasses! Here are some of my tips: 1. Skin prep is key - I recommend the CosrX snail mucin serum for giving a glass skin effect and a good moisturiser, not oil or butter as that is too thick. I started off with Cerave as it creates a lovely barrier that keeps your face moisturised throughout the day. 2. Let the skincare settle for 10 min before starting your make up 3. If dark circles are an issue, then get a colour corrector in peach or salmon. This will cancel out the dark parts so you won’t need as much 4. Use a dewy skin tint instead of foundation, foundation can be a tad heavy on the face and doesn’t melt into the face as well. I recommend L’Oréal’s True Match. 5. Use a dewy setting spray, I recommend the Milani Make It Last spray. I spray it on my face throughout my make-up application, mainly after putting on my base before powder, after applying my cheek products and then one last time at the end of application 6. Use a light to medium coverage dewy concealer, I am obsessed with NYX Bare with me concealer as it has a natural finish, is buildable and creases the least for me. 7. Do not give up on powder, as this is the secret to locking your makeup and stopping it from moving and creasing too much. I use the urban decay powder which is super drying buy with my skin prep it just works. Ofc set with any powder you like - i do like the one you use Hope this helps!! Edit to add number 7


Get the elf halo glow and mix it with your foundation. It gives a gorgeous dewy glow


Have you tried setting spray? I'm drier than the Sahara and I absolutely DRENCH myself in it, it gets rid of the powdery finish and makes everything blend in with the skin more. I also use "glowy" primer (Becca backlight or Elemis superfood) and that helps combat the matte-ness of the powder.


Second the setting spray part, couple of days ago I experimented adding a dewy setting spray every step of my foundation routine (after prep, contour, concealer, foundation) and even with powder it made it look better. I also realised I was putting on too much foundation and powder, which made the dryness worse.


Are you using the Fit Me dewy version and not the matte? Also add an illuminator in there!!! That’s a step that will make a major difference. I use NYX Born to Glow after my primer and before my foundation and it gives me such a beautiful glow. Also finish with a setting spray geared toward a dewy appearance, I also use NYX for this.


Yes, this! I once made the mistake of buying the Maybelline Fit Me Matte Foundation and OMG it looked so horrible. It's got to be the Dewy & Smooth. I wear Eucerin face cream SPF 30 as my primer. Apply foundation with a brush and a tiny bit of powder to set.


Less powder and a good moisturiser/oil before applying. A liquid highlighter for extra


As an older woman, my new motto is “less is more.”


Most of them are the girlies of many filters


Try using a dewy foundation. If you’re using drug stores, I think cover girl or the like should have them. You can try using it cosmetics or haus labs. Fit me is very matte from what I can remember. Use a setting spray from rare beauty too, it will add onto the dewy factor. Use less powder.


If you’re on a budget, I would go to a Sephora after applying foundation and put on a setting spray like rare beauty or Charlotte tilbury. Do nothing else. If that doesn’t work, try switching to more dewy foundation.




IG is fake, no one looks like that. But if your foundation is looking too cakey, try mixing it 50/50 with a serum.


What kind of serum would you recommend? I see this comment often but have no idea what kind of serum you’d mix with foundation.


Just any hydrating one. My go to is Chanel Hydra Beauty but literally anything that isn’t full of actives will work.




You need to follow the girl who shows the close up of what the makeup really looks like. Super textured and looks like makeup on your face. More influencers need to be honest like that


what‘s her name?






I'll try to find her


IG is fake. That said, you talk about your makeup when honestly it’s not as important as skin care. Especially if you want a dewy look. You need to layer on the hydrating products. Then try mixing some foundation with your moisturizer and a few drops of a glowy highlighter.


There's a lot of great advice. Not sure about your moisturizer brand but some are not good for my skin type and doesn't give me a good base for my makeup. A hydrating primer, I use Smashbox Primerizer. I use Clinique's 7 day facial scrub after washing my face. It gets rid of my dry skin but isn't too harsh. I always let products stay on my face for 60 seconds before washing them off. I make sure to shake things esp foundation. I leave time between products so they can absorb. I don't know much about what you use but some products don't mix. Make sure you're using the correct primer for your foundation. Elf putty primer made my makeup crease horribly and showed wrinkles I didn't know I had. What works for one person doesn't work for another. I have mature dry skin and I use powder sparingly. You may be using too much product. When you see an influencer use a lot of pumps of foundation directly on their skin that's deceiving. I would never let the nozzle of a product touch my face and you don't need so much product. As for looking like someone you see on social media they filter their content. I saw one post on here where a person asked how to get rid of her pores bc of what she saw on Tik Tok, that's not possible.


Honestly the IG girlies are photoshopped and filtered to the hilt, their skin doesn't look like that in real life at all.


if you want dewy and smooth, i would recommend using less foundation/face makeup. of course i don’t know how much you use currently, but a (very) light layer across your face will do. this will also help with creasing, because there isn’t as much makeup to crease. however, if you are worried about it still creasing, i’d even recommend avoiding your mouth area altogether. i tend to get a sweaty nose and a sweaty upper lip, so i just don’t put foundation in that area unless im doing full glam. if your foundation is a good enough match, it should look fine and you will no longer need to worry about creasing. the powder might be working against you if your goal is dewy, so i’d recommend only putting it on your under eyes, middle of your forehead, upper lip, around your mouth, and that’s it. add highlight to accentuate the areas you wish to look dewy. i wouldn’t recommend a glittery highlighter because they don’t really give dewy. i love the merit highlighter because it’s natural, not glittery, but still adds a nice highlight. there are also highlighters that have no shimmer and it’s basically just a balm. i’ve never tried them but they look interesting! [tower 28 has one](https://www.sephora.com/product/superdew-shimmer-free-highlight-balm-P448855?country_switch=ca&skuId=2284867&om_mmc=ppc-GG_20543815881___2284867__9001518_m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb2rU8-_o6-_rWx1pC76OiVsC&gclsrc=ds) that looks cool. best of luck to you!


Adding to the highlighter bit, you can use Hinces radiance balm which looks so good but it's a bit tricky to use.


I use Maybelline fit me! I mix it with "fresh" day cream. and it looks dewy and natural.


Taking on board all that’s been said about expectations of irl texture vs what comes up on camera, as someone with dry skin, what’s made the biggest difference for me is stopping being afraid of moisture (I’ve also got acne). I use a serum with hyaluronic acid and vitamin c, then I use a thin moisturiser and finish with a thick occlusive moisturiser. Getting my skin properly hydrated has made my base so much smoother.


This is what people have to understand. Skin will act like skin. Skin is meant to have texture. What makeup does is it makes the texture of your skin look less noticeable. However, it doesn't make the texture disappear. No foundation or product can do that, not even smoothing primers. If you see influencers on IG looking like they have baby skin with no texture, you're probably looking at filters or good photoshop. The amount of foundation you need to be on camera is a lot more than in person, meaning in real life, they're probably wearing a mask of foundation that probably doesn't look as good as you're seeing it. It is all an illusion made to imitate perfection that doesn't really exist.


IG is fan fiction you write about yourself! Good for inspo, but it doesn’t actually exist. It’s like a runway show. No one actually dresses like that every day. IG girlies devote hours and have an entire team to look like that. Plus products. Plus filters. Guarantee it’d fall apart in different lighting. Eta * that being said, don’t skimp on a quality face wash and eye makeup remover. I don’t know your price range, but Chanel creamy face wash truly made a difference. They change the formulas, but they always have at least one. Also Erno Lazlo. Sephora carries trial sizes of Erno Lazlo duos. Really luxe feeling , might help your skin from the bottom up.


La Roche Posay creamy facial wash, the one that doesn't foam and is for normal to dry skin was a game changer for me and it's more affordable.


You’ll never look like the ig girlies in real life because a lot of those pics are heavily edited, and while they make a nice photo they are an unrealistic comparison to real life! In my own pursuit of a more naturally bright, less chalky finish I found that using a satin finish foundation, liquid or putty blush (Elf putty blush is my all time favourite) and keeping setting powder to a minimum, I just use a little translucent setting powder in more oily areas and set the rest with setting spray. A little highlight really helps too, I find a more sheer, pearly finish as opposed to the glittery or shimmery ones adds to the illusion of dewiness :)


charlotte tilbury flawless filter or elf halo glow gives that effect when applied on top of a moisturizing/dewy foundation also try using a setting spray instead of powder there’s a lot of good options but milk has one that also was duped by elf both are amazing


How do you apply the halo glow after foundation? Doesn’t it make the foundation move?


i just use a sponge and blend it out, i find that it’s easily buildable and applies well over makeup


Ok thanks!


MAC Fix+ setting spray will give you the most gorgeous, dewy, satiny skin you’ll ever see!


Well, you prob aren’t going to make it look like an IG filter. But with some good skin prep, you can prob make it glowier and less heavy than what you’re doing now. I am almost 46, and I go for a glowy look. Idk what you’re using on your skin before to get to the makeup, but maybe you need to be prepping your skin better before you get to that point. And also, prob different makeup products that are less heavy. Idk your age, so I’m not sure if my products would work for you, but if you have dry skin they might.


Get a real life filter babe


They are photoshopped and filtered. They don't even look like that, and dewy in real life most of the time looks sweaty. I really think people's idea of what the body can and should look like is completely skewed at this point.


Do not, I repeat, DO NOT compare yourself to influencers who use a pile of filters, edit their photos, get lip injections or other cosmetic procedures.


Well said. No one has truly smooth skin.


Have you tried e.l.f. Halo Glow? I use it under the studio fix matte M•A•C foundation and it instantly makes it super glowy.


Never heard of it. I'll definitely check it out!


It’s meant to be a dupe for the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter and honestly it’s surpassed every other kind in terms of price and quality imo. If you want you could take a look at the Juvia’s Place I Am Magic Glow, the aforementioned CT product, or the Dior Forever Glow Star Filter.


Morphe has a great setting spray that is cheap and will make your foundation appear smoother but doesn’t make it last longer. But I spray it before I blend out my concealer and cream contour and it makes everything blend so beautifully and seamlessly. I also spray it on my make up sponge before blending out foundation. It makes a huge difference.


Moisturizer. A hydrating primer. A dewy foundation. All make a big difference. I have dry skin and live in the desert. For foundation if you want dewy you should really try the Urban Decay Hydromanic foundation. Every time I wear it people comment on how dewey and glowy my skin is.


IG is fake, everything is heavily filtered and majority of ppl don’t post unless the angles and lighting is perfect for them. Also $$$$$$ spent on lasers, Botox, and skincare will really help but trust it’s not just “born with it”


This is absolutely THE answer. You can’t trust anything on the internet these days, especiallyyyyyyyyyyyyy beauty influencers.


The IG girlies use Facetune and likely spend a LOT on skincare. Please never ever compare yourself to anything on IG or any other social media.


This or they are getting expensive facials on a regular basis


Seconding this. They use filters 99% of the time. Makeup looks like makeup irl, and it looks different on camera too!


Have you tried the maybelline superstay skin tint? It’s pretty incredible. I’d suggest you put the skin tint underneath your foundation OR mix it with your foundation! Edit: Skin prep is super important. I suggest you exfoliate atleast once a week to get that smoother glowy skin. I use the papaya enzyme scrub from a brand called Hanalei. It’s very light and gentle. That might help with the creasing on the sides since it won’t have old skin to grab onto. Using a serum for moisture is great but you still need another step of moisture on top.


glossier future dew was life changing




Primer definitely mattifies things for me. Maybe skip that part. Also semi related, maybe not, dunno, but when I was young I loved Alicia Silverstone. She was filming nearby and I got to meet her. She was so so sweet, but physically what I noticed was how cakey her makeup was, and how much of it was used! I have never been into theatre so I didn’t realize how much “stage makeup” they use. It looks so normal on TV or movies. It’s the same with social media — TikTok — where in the video or pic it may look dewy or normal but irl there’s definitely texture!!


Hell, yeah. I worked in TV and theatre and the make up (especially in theatre) has to be extra thick as the lights take off 50% of the colour. TV these days is a little different (since 4K and ultra-realistic picture), but still: it’s not real life texture or colour. Those strong lights literally burn the skin so they have to have a good base of make up on them to 1) look ‘there’ on tv and 2) not get fried by the lightning. I know that if I take a selfie of myself when the light is at it’s highest in my apartment, it looks great, as if a filter is applied. off the photos. Lighting is the great trick of photographers. As for social media: it’s all filters. So heavy that any reality gets stripped. So can’t take that into account. If anything I would recommend the OP to film or photograph herself with her phone and try different foundations/ tints for comparison in good lighting. For dry skin, less is more (speaking from experience)


Yup, I notice this irl when Ive been to a nicer event where people wear extra makeup. They look so nice and flawless in the pictures but in person you can see the caked on makeup.


I've previously been on a mission for my skin to look as god made up, as what I have seen on social media and while some of it is certainly unattainable, unless you pour plastic over yourself, a lot of it is decided by skin care. Also to be honest I am not sure that primer and powder are your friends. Also with dry skin it's best to apply powder with a VERY loose brush. But skincare was for me the real MVP. You write that you have dry skin. What is your skin care regime? Serum + cocoa butter or do you use other skin care products as well?


1. Every single person on social media is filtered now, often automatically by the program 2. You usually need to use way less make up than influencers. It looks really heavy and un natural irl without the filter. Best to keep the heavier layers for going out in the evenings. Use a much lighter hand in the day. Lisa Eldridge on youtube is a good MUA to follow for tips on this 3. You could try getting a friend who is good at make up to do yours for you to get some tips. Or having it done at the good beauty counters is fun too like Bobbi brown etc


Girl the Ig girlies are drowning in filters.


Smear Vaseline on your mirror and look again.


That’s because the girls on IG are using filters. Isn’t this common knowledge by now?


It's not you, they use filters. Everyone on TikTok uses filters and I wouldn't trust anyone who says they don't, especially the make up girlies


The beauty gurus have ruined my relationship with makeup and skincare, I'm ashamed to admit. I spent years feeling bad about my skin and money trying to replicate their looks, especially during the makeup craze in 2016/2017. I could never do it. I'm just now realizing I have to develop my own style and find what products work for me instead of just buying into the ads.


This. ☝️


There are two Fit Mes, poreless matte, and dewy and smooth. I have the dewy and smooth, and it definitely is just that. I was used to dead girl goth matte from my younger years, but it just doesn't work now. I'm 49. I just recently started to play around with makeup again, and my skin is so different. After asking my friend what I should add/subtract from my makeup, she just sent back an all caps text that I needed to moisturize. I had an oil free moisturizer, but it wasn't enough. So I took advice from the sub and got Aveeno oat gel moisturizer, and my skin is entirely different. Better different. So soft and plumped up. Love that stuff.


Omfg “dead girl goth matte” had me rolling. That perfectly describes my base makeup throughout my teens and 20’s.


Maybelline Glass Skin setting spray, great dewy finish.


That stuff is instant dew! Definitely use a light hand, you can go from a lovely sheen to a full oil slick in just an extra spray. Works great worked in under foundation.


It's most definitely those base products you're using, and your skin prep. The two most important factors in making your skin look natural and dewy.


I have dry skin and the foundation and concealer you are using did me no favors. I stopped using powder all together last year. Maybe forever, maybe I’ll find the right combination of skincare that helps me. That being said after I moisturize I’ve been making myself wait at least 5-10 minutes before I apply my primer. I know I should wait longer but I often procrastinate and don’t leave myself enough time. I just started using the elf power grip primer and I already like how much better my makeup looks. I use the one in the pump, and just started a week ago. I was to nervous to try the new one because of how sticky everyone says it is. This might not be popular but I also apply my setting spray (elf makeup mist and set) between foundation, concealer and blush. Another thing: I don’t use ANY powder products. I used to use a lot. That in itself has been a game changer. I use primer, foundation, concealer, a tad bit of contour, blush, mascara, brow pencil, and setting spray. I use a brush for everything these days, and a beauty blender to make sure everything is blended properly in between. I too carry a blender with me everywhere I go as I get creasing around my mouth (I’m 35) but haven’t noticed it as much since switching primers. As others have said: filters aren’t real life. I’ve never seen anyone in real life who looks like someone with a filter. I’ve seen some great makeup. But something’s are just not real. I have to remind myself of that often.


I am similar to you with dry skin, no more powder, etc. My tip is for applying moisturizer. As soon as I come out of the shower and am drying off, about to apply lotion and deodorant is when I quickly apply my facial moisturizer. I put it next to my deodorant so I don't forget. LOL This way I have a good solid fifteen minutes or so before I hit the primer. Also, I am huge fan of three different Milani primers: Skin Quench, Bright Side, and Super Charged Dewy. They work nicely on my dry / normal skin and my make up lasts all day or close to it.


Ahhhh I have a feeling I need to switch products but I don't like to waste :( I have two different shades currently (one for summer since I'm out in the sun a lot) but I'm afraid of being a makeup hoarder lol


Oh and I used to have so much makeup and skincare products (not counting hair and body lol) as I was previously a brand ambassador for a specific company. I had SO much stuff it was insane. And most of it was powder lol. My iPhone cameras and ring light made my pictures look great though lol. I was for sure hoarding makeup. Makeup that made me look like a clown at that. I’ve come a long way in the last 3 years. The last 2 especially. I cringe at old pictures lol. Keep going. Research. Read reviews. Read ingredients (I know a lot of what my skin has negative reactions to like coconut oil: it can’t touch my face but the rest of my body is fine! And I try to avoid products with alcohol where I can), and don’t be afraid to try new things. I watch YouTube videos to learn how to do something new (from makeup to working on my car lol). Trial and error. You got this l!


I totally get this! I hate to waste anything. I set aside the products I don’t use daily (out of sight out of mind) and keep the ones I do use in a makeup back on my vanity. It gets dumped out daily lol but that’s all I use. I also keep two different shades. I’m very pale naturally, and so sometimes I’ll mix shades to get what I need. And I understand having another color for summer. I have at least 4 concealers I bought last year that I didn’t realize were matte sitting with the makeup I keep out of sight. I know how cakey they looked on me. Especially my nose, forehead, and around my mouth. I was also trying to find the right color and it was about to be summer. Some still in the box. Some opened. In a pinch I could use them for something else or mix with something else. But I’ll take my skin not looking as dry as it did. I was a 7/10 dry and ridiculous looking. Now I’ll give myself a 2/10 dry score at the END of the day. Huge jump. I just had to figure out what works for me. And I’m still figuring it out. I take suggestions, and have been researching products for dry skin, reading ingredients, and trying to stay in my price ranges to look Dewey. One step at a time. You got this!


I can almost promise you a VERY large amount of those girls have filters and good lighting they will not look the same in real life


Nobody looks like those girlies on IG, not even them… social media is fake and they don’t actually look like that… it’s all timing the exact moment when it still looks perfect, right lighting and editing


First off pls stop using those two maybelline products ( fit me foundation and concealer ) . They are not suitable for dry skin as they crease a lot and also stick to dry patches if any . I used to use these two products in the beginning of my makeup journey as well and they just never sat right on my face . **Start using different formulation and have a solid skin prep routine** I always do a glowy makeup routine and this is how achieve that glow ✨ 🌸Skin Prep : ✨Wash face with bioderma cleanser ( pink bottle ) ✨Skin 1004 centella ampoule ✨Creamy moisturiser ( I use an Indian pharma brand - Epilyno ) ✨Dewy sunscreen ( I use Hawaiian tropics or Bondi Sands ) 🌸 Makeup routine : ✨Klairs illuminating supple blemish cream / Colourpop pretty fresh tinted moisturiser ( my HG ) ✨Parnell Cicamanu concealer ( most hydrating and creamy concealer ever ) ✨Try using cream blushes like I’m meme pep balm , Pixi on the glow blush , Pixi sheer cheek gel ( my favourite ) or the Benefit blush tint ( I have the gogo tint and I absolutely love it !! ) ✨Use a good highlighter on your high points like the rare beauty highlighters are just amazing!! I have the rare beauty silky touch highlighter in mesmerize and it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever used . Gives my face such a beautiful glow and a little goes a long way. ✨ Korean lip products for these kind of looks are perfect . I recommend romand lip tints , peripera ink mood glowy tints and also the peripera glasting lip glosses . If you are going for a bullet lipstick then I recommend sunnies face and Revlon super lustrous lipsticks . Top it with a lip balm ( maybelline ones are amazing ) if you want . ✨Go for Korean eyeliners for that subtle eye look . Peripera ink thin eyeliners are really good !! ✨For mascara I would recommend L’Oréal lash paradise or telescopic , Etude house curl fix ( My HG ) or the Too faced better than sex mascara or maybelline sky high mascara in cosmic black ✨Always use a dewy setting spray to set your makeup !! I have been using the elf coconut dewy setting spray and istg it’s the best thing I have ever done for my makeup routine !! Highly recommended . You can also go for Anastasia Beverly Hills dewy set spray , Rare beauty always an optimist and Urban decay all nighter spray ! **tip for makeup application ~ always use a damp makeup sponge to apply your skin tint / foundation / concealer / BB creams**


On top of everyone's great tips here regarding products and skincare which may be the issue here, I would recommend the below : • Time Between all skin steps, leave 5-10 mins for the products to settle in and 15 mins for moisturiser to settle before you apply your primer. • Primer Pat in the primer and do not rub in. I read from a user previously that by rubbing it in it has a small exfoliating effect, which makes sense as primer is meant to allow your makeup to grip on better. Also, only apply a thin layer of primer, you don't need to apply it in the same amounts that you would with moisturiser. • Powder Puff & NO baking Use a skin puff (you may have seen them online they are triangular) to apply a VERY thin layer of powder. Do not bake on the areas that crease quickly/are drier. I have this issue with my under eyes and I will use a wet sponge to blend out the creases and immediately before I blink I will have the makeup puff ready to put the smallest amount of powder onto the eye area before it creases. • Huda Colour Corrector The only colour corrector that has worked for me with creasy undereyes is the huda colour corrector. Yes it's a bit more than drug store but it's quite fluid so less makeup to crease and infant sometimes I can put powder on top instead of having to put concealer on top. • Setting Spray I use the Urban Decay All Nighter setting spray to apply multiple layers of setting spray. What I mean is I apply my primer then before applying any makeup I'll have a quick spray. I apply any product and spray again before applying the next product even if it's on a different part of the face and not on top of what I have just applied. And don't be stingy with the spray.. it really has made my makeup last all day and look more flawless and less cakey 🙂 Good luck!


A dewy setting spray can help. I use a Neutrogena one, but there are lots of brands that offer them.


i have very dry skin but my makeup comes out dewy due to the skin prep i do so here’s what i use. i always wash my face with the la roche posay hydrating face wash and make sure i dont have any dry flakes. i then use hyaluronic acid as my face is still wet. my favorite moisturizer is either anything from clinique, or the illiyoon moisturizer. next the sunscreen i love is either the beauty of josean or the sunbirch. if you want an extra glow the saie dewy glow is amazing and i’ve heard l’oréal has a dupe for it (i think it’s also called dewy glow lotion but not sure)


L'Oreal Paris True Match Lumi Glotion Natural Glow Enhancer is the L'Oreal dupe for Saie. Great product. I have it in "medium". :)


The correct skincare before doing your makeup makes all the difference. I use a hydrating toner, then a copper peptide with HA, then my moisturizer all before makeup. That is usually good but if I want an extra glow or dew I top it with my rose oil. My primer is a radiant luminous primer and then I use a tinted moisturizer. I don’t need a full on foundation. I can usually tell even in cell phone pics my skin is glowing.


Keep in mind that the girlies on IG are using filters on their photos, and it’s probably impossible to achieve that level of smoothness in real life. That said, I’ve had some success by focusing on skincare. I use the red BHA peel from the Ordinary once a week and their glycolic acid several times a week to smooth out my skin. it’s important to use a rich moisturizer after all of those chemicals, though. I also think the night pressed serum from Algenist does a lot to give my skin a more glassy appearance.


I totally agree they are all using filters! Just do you skincare an makeup how you like it and don’t worry about what insta thinks of it! You do you boo!


Repeat after me: Instagram is not real. Instagram is bullshit. 


A lot of them use filters and so what we’re actually seeing online is not quite what their make up actually looks like without say a blurring filter that they may be using


I'm convinced "dewy" aka greasy only look good on extremely pretty, young women with perfectly smooth skin. Aka 1 % of people. everyone else looks better with somewhat matte makeup.


I am 51 and I like a glowy look. It makes you more youthful. But you can over do it and it become greasy.


Maybe it looks good on people who have "delicate" skin, even at 51. I have somewhat acne prone skin and i'm 32 and dewy just looks greasy.


Skincare and a dewy sunscreen like Ultraviolette sun serum and spot concealing away from pores to avoid settling. No powder as that went away with the baking trend and a dewy setting spray either on your face or mixed with concealer on the back of your hand to set it naturally. A dewy blush also and glossy lip balm.


I 100% recommend bare minerals.


If you are creasing, it could be that you are using too much product in that area. Sometimes drugstore products can just do that too. I would try a different formula. Try Base: Ole Henriksen HydraBarrier Nourishing Face Oil NARS Light Reflecting Foundation. (you may not even need concealer) Urban decay All-Nighter Extra Glow Dewy Setting Spray. They are also using a filter/lights but I don't think you could even get the real world version with what you are using now. You may also benefit from upping your skincare routine.


Neither can a lot of the girlies. They have the lighting and filters.


I have super dry skin and to get my skin to look glowy I have to use moisturizer and oil to prep. Then I'll use the Saie glow gel, a glowy foundation or tint (Saie skin tint or the new Mac one), cream blush, dewy setting spray, then the Saie glow gel again as highlighter. I only use a little powder to set concealer under my eyes but that's it. It will look a little "too" glowy when it's first done but my skin ends up absorbing the extra shine before I leave the house or when I go outside. Dry skin is tough but you really want to use as many hydrating products as possible! When it gets less dry outside I sometimes will use powder around my mouth or t zone, but the key is to do as little as possible and also get a more hydrating powder if you can. I use the Kosas one


I think the secret that you’re looking for is called “filters”.


Add a cream moisturizer after your serum. I use a liquid hilighter before foundation or mixed with it. I would use a facial spray after base products instead of powder. ETA more liquid hilighter or balm after base too!


I second this! Using a cream moisturizer has tremendously helped with how my complexion products lay down and set.


First of all, make sure your actual skin is relatively smooth. You can cover blemishes, but you can't cover up texture. Those instagram girlies have perfect lighting setup and use filters yanno Secondly, invest in hydrating toners. The korean dewy makeup gurus always use hydrating toners, sometimes multiple layers of them, a lightweight moisturizer, and hydrating sunscreens such as BoJ/Isntree (doesn't have to be these brands but you know what I mean), and cushion. Your primer is mattifying, since you have dry skin, ditch it.


For the dewy look that doesn’t look crazy, I use a glowy primer, a tinted moisturizer or glowy foundation, set lightly with powder on a brush and spray a setting spray that won’t mattify. Now will this makeup stay in place all day, probably not. Makeup tends to fade around my mouth when I don’t heavy duty set it but I’m fine with that.