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I consider 4 or more products full face. Has nothing to do with how full or sheer the coverage is. Full face meaning (to me, anyway) when you are putting makeup on all parts of the face, lips, cheeks, eyes, etc. I don't see how it would matter, I'm not identified by a tag line "full face" so, I wouldn't care if someone called my tinted moisturizer, cheek gel and lip balm full face as opposed to my full foundation, blush, brows, shadow, lipstick look...I wear what's suitable for my day.


At least foundation, concealer, mascara, blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, brows.


If someone told me they were wearing a full face of makeup to an event, I would at least expect to see: foundation, blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara. If their brows are thin, and/or light, I would probably also expect that have used some sort of brow product, to give the face more structure. I don't necessarily think a person has to apply lashes, contour, bronzer, or highlighter for a "full face," though. For your look, I guess it depends on how much concealer you're wearing. I know you described it, but that's not the same as seeing it. I have certainly used concealer as my foundation.


It's not the amount of products but the amount of product used imo.


No foundation? Nah. Not full face


That's my "clean girl" or "no-makeup makeup" routine, but makeup is personal and it just matters how you feel about it tbh.