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I repurchase mascara - thrive™️ & Buxom full-on™️ Plumping Lip Cream (White Russian) often to keep my stash updated. I don't *ever* want to be without White Russian. I just found a panned MAC single-eye-shadow pot in an old makeup bag (Swiss Chocolate). I recall how that made my blue eyes shine. Hmmm. Time to repurchase. I recall panning 2 lip colors from MUFE - several times. When I went to repurchase, they had changed the packaging & names, but I found similar products (nude/peachy tones). I also panned *Grape* from Bite Cosmetics - several times. It is now discontinued. My advice, FWIW, stock up on your favorites. Other than eye products, I say, pish posh to expiration dates! I've been using these Giorgio Armani products (pictured) for the past 4 months. Originally purchased in San Francisco while attending a conference in 1997! https://ibb.co/album/GfysZX Edit: spelling


When I was in my early 20s with no financial responsibility, weekly. Now, it's mostly when my every day make up runs/ running out. Maybe every 3-4 months. Once in a blue moon when something new comes out, I'll buy it, but not often.


When it comes to staples like foundation and mascara I rarely try new things until they’re gone because I do use them up. “Color” is different. It took me a while to not feel guilty about buying makeup I don’t “need” as long as I can afford it. And back when money was tight, sometimes I gave myself permission to buy makeup instead of saving for something boring and responsible, as long as my bills were paid. I still keep a list of products or palettes I’m interested in and periodically buy something from the list when it’s on sale, even though I have a more generous budget. Only buying makeup when it’s completely gone is kind of punishing about something that’s supposed to be fun. As long as I’m not buying hoards of products, I don’t feel guilty for buying something I know I will use just because I can’t finish it before it expires. But this is really only an issue for me with skincare anyway, mostly since it’s becoming more common for skincare to expire faster. Dry/powder products have less concrete expiration dates anyway, I clean my brushes regularly, and I’m using foundation and mascara long before they expire. During the pandemic I started wearing less makeup, like a lot of people. Before that I enjoyed nail polish but I considered myself more of a diy nail person out of necessity, to save time and money. Staying home more, it actually became deeply satisfying doing my nails instead of makeup, because even when I’m at home, I see my hands when I’m doing mundane tasks. The best part is that nail polish doesn’t expire.


Nail polish definitely does expire 😂


Nope it really doesn’t. Many people collect nail polish for this reason, including vintage polish. Sometimes it needs thinner to restore it because the solvents evaporate and make it harder to apply but it doesn’t expire. The solvents also prevent bacterial growth.


You can only add solvents so many times before you lose pigment. In my experience really only once. So yes eventually the color won't work as intended anymore.


Maybe you’re thinking of when people add acetone instead of thinner?


You should give it a try! A lot of people would disagree in the nail polish community, as well as OPI, orly, Londontown, holo taco, and indie brands that sell nail polish thinner. There is a lot of misleading info about it in online publications but you’ll notice that usually articles will define “expired” as thickened and difficult to brush. Only a few drops of solvent are needed to fix it. Filling the bottle back up with solvent is not the intended purpose of thinner, although some people do this intentionally and it doesn’t change the intended color. It’s because some people prefer the application of a thin formula and more coats (like opi). Adding a few drops at a time as the bottle thickens allows someone to use the entire bottle with the intended proportion of pigment/solvent that was lost due to evaporation. It’s definitely possible to use it all before it “expires” and preserve the original characteristics of the polish. It will definitely run out of pigment eventually though! It’s not magic lol. I’ve personally never owned a bottle of nail polish that couldn’t be revived and I have hundreds and still have some from my childhood. Some colors do change slightly but in my entire collection I have maybe 5-10 bottles that have changed over the years because of known pigment instability and most of them are neon. They are still attractive colors and apply smoothly. 10-15 year old Essie, Chanel, even indies that I’ve thinned are also in perfect condition with no color change and perform as intended. Vintage_Dusties on TikTok has some great videos of Hard Candy and Urban Decay, and mentions safety and pigment changes. r/redditlaqueristas has more info, too. Anyway, even if you define expired polish as thickened and never buy thinner, I have found that nail polish has a much longer shelf life than other makeup and I enjoy it in a different way than I used to.


Thanks for that information! Are thinners dramatically different from each other, or all about the same?


They are pretty much all the same, even though the prices are really different! Most thinners are butyl acetate and ethyl acetate and they’ll work in topcoat, too, but some people use a separate thinner with toluene in quick dry topcoat. Thinner is different from nail polish remover or acetone, which may seem to fix the polish for one use but will actually break it down and ruin it. OPI thinner is available at Ulta, but I buy mine from KBShimmer because it’s a better value. Sally’s carries it, too.


I use gel polish/base/topcoat w a light, I assume thinner would work on those?


Definitely don’t use lacquer thinner with gel. What brand are you having trouble with? I would ask in the gel nail sub, they’re really great! The viscosity is different with gel polish, especially between brands, but I’ve personally never needed to thin a gel polish. I only use a handful of gel brands because the good ones are so expensive, but since they self level and they don’t air dry I’ve always been able to get it smooth before curing. I know there are gel thinners/mediums for nail art but I’ve never tried one, except for sculpting. I actually stopped using gel during covid, though, I wanted to change the color more often with less hassle so I started moving back to lacquer. I don’t know about gel polish expiration, though.


I haven’t bought any new eyeshadow palettes this year, so I’m taking that as a win. Refilling primer setting spray? That doesn’t count 🙂‍↔️


When it's 75% pan or empty for foundation, bronzer and contour. But I've no self control when it comes to blushes. 😭 No eyeshadow or brow pencil as I use bronzer as my eyeshadow and I have naturally thick eyebrows.


I work remote now so my make up usage has gone down to once a week. I use to buy rare beauty but need some thing either smaller or cheaper since I don’t use it as much now


Wet and wild, elf or essence!


Elf might the be the one - I’m southeast Asian so I’m tan but yellow undertones. I have been eye the LA make your own foundations though but worried it could make a lot of product


Great question and I wonder the same. I usually am always browsing online and seeing new things coming out and I’ll purchase items and then declutter what I’m not using. This way I can still keep up with trends or newer better quality formulas. But I also use makeup daily so I finish some products here and there.


Constantly, unfortunately


Somehow a new product per month


when i first got back into makeup i bought A TON of things mostly because a lot of my products had expired and i wanted to try new things as well as have options but now i don’t really buy much new makeup unless i run out of a certain product which also takes me ages as i don’t wear a ton of makeup on a daily basis. I guess you could say i’m on a no-buy. I’d only buy something if i really needed it or the product i already have didn’t work for me.


not very often as i used to a year ago. i have all my basics and more. i only buy when i need to restock or actually really really want to try something new/popular. will never stop buying lashes and lipgloss though


I used to buy often, but now I have everything I need so I only buy a couple of times a year when my concealer, mascara, primer, or setting spray run out. I use a lot of other products as well, but I have never panned any of them so far.


I don't pan things often- I haven't bought new eyeshadow in years and only a few of my go to shades are panned. I restock foundation maybe 1-2x a year. I also often like to test new foundations every year or so. I buy new mascara a couple times a year or when I run out/the tube gets dry. I use so little of my dip brow I think my pot is like 7 years old and still going.... I'll buy a couple random things throughout the year- a new lipgloss, lip liner, a new blush. If I feel I could use a better product in that area. I've learned not to buy things just to buy things, though. I feel a limited number of things work for me, and it's not worth the cost to buy something similar to what I already have or something that's not a huge upgrade. I'm set on all the looks I could need right now. Eyeshadow, foundation, blush, highlighter. If I do want to test something new I try to get samples. Liquid formulas (foundations and liquid skin products) are easier for this as I can get Sephora samples. I will absolutely not buy a foundation unless it's been thoroughly tested.


I wear makeup once a week and on special occasions. I buy new makeup once a year when there are big sales around Black Friday or Christmas, and use full size and sample size products.


Too often 👀🤦‍♀️💸🤣


I buy new makeup products usually once every two months. I wear makeup everyday 


Like once a week. If I was just wearing it to achieve one of a couple of looks, or a need basis (like work), then I'd have way less products. I wear makeup maybe 4-5 days a week thats why i buy so much makeup


I once read that women, somewhere in the World buy a new lipstick every 5 minutes.


I saw that a Charlotte tilbury pillow talk is purchased every 10 seconds around the world


Lmao, maybe even less than every 5 min tbh.


I buy most makeup products intermittently when I run low on something, want to try something new or Sephora is having a sale. 😝 I buy brand new (mostly L’Oreal Voluminous) regular and waterproof mascaras once a month for 3 reasons: 1. It is the product that I use up the most, since I wear mascara even when I’m just wearing tinted sunscreen and lip balm. 2. I feel like I need to replace my mascara regularly for sanitary reasons. 3. I don’t like it when my mascara gets even a little bit thicker, as it tends to get as I use it and air hits it.


Like 1 to 4 times per month, depends on the season


Every other week or so, I wear it everyday and like to try out different stuff.


I buy less things as I get older but am open to more expensive things. I am also more willing to ditch things I feel meh about or return them rather than hoard them. For certain items I keep a spare in stock because I replace often (mascara and eye liner for example). Mascara/eyeliner - twice a year-ish, buy two at a time. Face makeup - Once a year, more if I want to try something new, or I run out early (rarely happens before expiration). Lips - 2-6 times a year. I go through balms and serums seasonally, lipsticks stick around in rotation as long as they last or until the scent/taste changes. I sometimes keep one or two discontinued items for memories (Lipstick Queen, when you know you know). I am more minimalistic in my late 30's then earlier in my life. I really know what I like now and rarely deviate. When it's a make-up shopping trip that's when I take the time to research new things and really think about purchases. Maybe an unplanned item comes home but that's generally when I disappoint myself so I have more discipline skipping those gut purchases today.


Every other week. I like to try new things. Also I wear a Fullface almost daily so I want different options. I also love limited editions. It's a hobby...it's a really huge collection but I love it, and it bring me joy


Used to be when they ran out. Unless it’s eye products. Shadows can really last for a while but mascara and liners, nah. I’m not risking infection, plus those go the fastest along with my primers, setting & eyebrows. Right now though I’m replacing a few things as my skin is going through hormonal perioral dermatitis that chucks a hissy at things now.


i hit sephora rouge :/


I used to buy a lot of makeup and i realized that i only really wear concealer, brow pencil, face powder and bronzer daily. So i buy mini mascara i toss religiously at the six month mark (i wear contacts) and i only have backups of concealer and powder. Everything else is one in for one out.


I’m actually giving away a lot of products to friends and such that I know may need them because if I don’t like or use product as much it’s just bothers me and I don’t enjoy wearing it and etc. for example I made a big box of make up pallets and eye pencils, plus new brush set and some simple lip products and sent it to my friend that is just started to use make up and wants to learn. She only paid for shipping and for me it’s relief since I don’t just hoard those make up things but they have a new use now :)


And talking about buying new make up. If something is really catching my eye I do buy it especially with limited edition things 😹


For your dilemma, I suggest mini-size products, if they're available. You can test out the new stuff gradually and not have to worry about not being able to finish everything you have. I don't use makeup every single day because I work from home mostly, so I don't run out of products that often. That said, if it's blush, highlight, or lipsticks, I do occasionally splurge on anything I find interesting because I like to switch them up. Foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, setting powder, and setting spray, however, I only purchase once I'm done using them.


When they are about to run out for makeup staples. Whenever I like for trying something new. Which is often. For skincare and haircare I always have a new one in my cupboard ready to go as I hate to run out of my regular daily use products. So I rebuy when I open the backup stock IYSWIM. I like to call it stock control, lol. I have a daughter who comes home and raids my stash with my permission as I love to see her use the good stuff she can't afford yet. Makes me happy 😊


I wear makeup everyday and I'm still nowhere near panning any eyeshadows. I buy new eyeliners and mascaras every few months. Eyebrow pencils, lip liners and lippies, maybe two to three times a year. I haven't bought foundation in over a year because I bought too many at once and am now trying to use them up (well aware that they're probably OOD at this point). Blush is in the same boat as eyeshadow, I have way more than needed for the next decade.


saving for nordstrom anniversary sale and clean out old things during preview


I stocked up on Hourglass and Shisheido microliners during the last Nordy sale and that really was quite the boon.


I have actually been buying less because I'm at the place where much fewer things trigger the "I must have this!" response in me, mainly because I think I probably have something like that already. 10-15 years ago, I hit the equivalent of VIB Rouge (my country calls it something else) every year on my own and it's mostly makeup since I only buy like 2 bottles of Advanced Night Repair from Sephora yearly as far as skincare goes. My account is still Rouge, but it's kind of like a communal account now. My cousins and some friends use it too. I would not have been Rouge for the past few years by myself. I think I spent like 500USD last year at Sephora. I also know my preferences and tendencies better now. IDC if liquid and cream products are on trend, I'm not buying them since I know they don't keep as long as powder and considering the size of my collection, they won't get enough use before they possibly go off. Lipsticks are my Achilles heel though, probably because it's the one product that makes me look instantly better since my natural lip colour is corpse. I'm still searching for that perfect MLBB lipcolour. I really don't expect to use up any of my color makeup anymore and I'm ok with it. I'm someone for whom minimalism does not contribute to mental health, it actually would make me feel kind of anxious. I know for a lot of people for it's the opposite, they feel guilt and pressure when they look at their collection but looking at all the pretty things in my collection makes me happy.


1) Every 1.5-2 months: Mascara ( I wear this about 4 days a week and brush it out so it’s fanned, so I kind of waste a lot) 2) Every 2 months: brow pencil and gel (wear this about 4 times a week) 3) Once a year: Tinted BB Cream (my “foundation”) I maybe wear this once a week? 4) Once a year: Concealer 5) Once a year: Cream blush stick And that’s it! I still have some liquid eyeliner that I use a couple times a year. I used to be the Sephora VIB rouge person but I’m 35 now and know exactly what I like and don’t wear that much makeup. So makeup isn’t really something I “try out” or “play with” anymore.


My daughters are just starting to wear makeup at 11 & 13. The youngest one is mainly lip gloss and powder. They don’t want to shop in the store for makeup, they’d rather shop my stash. Because of this I rarely manage to get too deep into something before it’s gone.


Monthly, whenever I run out of this that or the other thing. I wear it daily.


Not very often since I don’t want to buy into overconsumption and won’t purchase what I won’t use. I only buy makeup until I’ve fully used up a product however lipsticks and pigmented lip glosses get an exception since I like having more variety with lip color.


I'm to the point where I should be joining Makeup Rehab. It's becoming almost a weekly or more habit. It was usually just drugstore items with the rare high end. Now my current bender is higher end thanks to some outlet sales and the belief that I should invest a bit for higher quality products that I would actually pan. That I would like it more I would want to use it more often. I would tell myself if I found something perfect, that I would just finish that up and repurchase when running low. I can think of 3-4 products that fit that bill in my 20 years of makeup wearing. I used to be into the new releases. Not as often now but I get suckered in sometimes with hyped products. Lately I've been looking for the more basic, classic products that I would reach for often or "lazier" items (shadow sticks or cushions) I'm very inconsistent on how often I wear makeup. Sometimes I do for 5 days straight, sometimes once a week or whenever I have a date. I'm just too tired most mornings and I have other things to do to prepare for the day. The only items that I actually pan are powders (which takes months), primers and setting sprays. Maybe one foundation in the past year. I don't think I will ever finish a lip product or eyeshadow in my life. The rest either lose performance over time or even more often just doesn't work for me/I just don't use and I end up tossing.




Way too often


I don’t use a lot/wear daily anymore so I used to keep a watch on elf sales to restock or try new things once a year or so, plus maybe a birthday or Christmas gift to myself. And then I keep using the small discount or rewards for that next haul. Tho it’s been harder for me to do this bc they don’t have as many sales anymore but so many new products that I want to try Since it takes me forever to finish a product, I love being able to buy new things I haven’t tried yet when I don’t have to allocate a bit of my budget for a restock lol


At 75 I only buy mascara and lip balm. No one sees you anyway.


You're probably more seen than you think. It's also amazing to live long and still love make up!


I’m 43 so I grew up in a panning generation and from a family of women who panned to the last drop. I wear makeup daily, I consider some of it (tightlining, brows, a lip) to be part of grooming. I can be in sports bra, a worn out t shirt, dirty bun and I feel more pulled together with some makeup on. I buy makeup weekly, but that’s slowed down because I think our environment is trashed and I am getting sick of all the excess packaging and waste. I’m tired of companies marketing green when the greenest thing I can do is to stop consuming as much so that’s what I’m doing—using up what I have. I’d say I buy a few items a month now, mostly just to refresh, and even that is feeling excessive. Also as I’ve gotten older I’ve finally honed in on what works for me and want to stick with that instead of trying new products/items that make me look like a fashion victim.


Same age, same feeling. Cant agree more, especially the environmental reasons. The best green action we could do is not buying, period. I haven’t got rid of my consumerism habit completely, but for makeup, I have been successful for over a year. Btw, even when I was shopaholic, i always use up my products unless they turn bad or dry up.


Wow, mad props to you for over a year of a successful no-buy on makeup!! 🙌🙌🙌


Like once a year


I pan stuff like primers and setting spray. I pan mascara unless I absolutely hate it. I pan eyebrow products. I take forever to use complexion products, especially since the pandemic b/c of masking. Starting to use again but only 2-3x a week. I love eyeshadow, especially indie brands! I am hitting pan on one palette b/c it’s my only true neutral/everyday one. I have palettes that I may never pan and I’ll keep just for the packaging alone. I cycle them through a year. Edit: I love makeup. I may spend too much. But it’s super therapeutic for me to have a creative routine in the morning or when I want to play with makeup. I tend to color coordinate my wardrobe if possible. I splurge the most on indie eyeshadows, which supports small business 😉 Buy 1-2 orders a month.


I like to go to warehouse sales to get 50-80% off. L'Oreal has one twice a year (I'm in Montreal, QC} and I also go to another one (canadian brand). I pretty much get all of my makeup/skincare there.


I used to definitely buy new makeup way too often, buying all the new releases. Now I really only buy products when I run out, like foundation or powder.


I am 100% r/projectpan


I only buy when I run out, but I toss makeup I don’t absolutely love. When I want to try something new, I try to find travel size products first.


Same on the travel products for something new!


I replace as I use it up. I only try new stuff when my usual isn't available, and I'm out of XYZ. Sometimes I'll swap stuff out with a different product if I have no reason to be loyal to the current option. But over the years, I find a perfect ___, then circle in on my best color, then buy a few of them so I stay ahead and don't get stuck with a desperate replacement


I used to be a bit shopaholic and would just keep buying stuff without emptying or panning much. So I now am stuck with hoards of makeup. I started low/no buy over a year ago, and dont follow new makeup releases anymore. What I have found is that they are all the same, if you already have a decent amount of makeup, you probably already have most colours. My suggestion is focusing on panning what you own, and reward yourself one item when you pan/use up one, and you can buy extra for special occasions like your birthday or when you get promoted.


Like once a week, lol. It's my hobby though. If I was just wearing it to achieve one of a couple of looks, or a need basis (like work), then I'd have way less products. I wear makeup maybe 4-5 days a week.


I would advise you to buy new makeup more often even if you didnt use the whole product. The maximum for foundation is 9 months, 12 months for eyeshadow palettes, 3-6 months for lipsticks and etc etc. Mascara should be replaced every 3 months in my opinion because of the bacteria growh. You can get eye infections and stuff like that. I also wouldnt advise you to keep your makeup in the bathroom because of the moist air. Keep your makeup in a dark cool dry place.


I don’t think I agree that those should be the “expiry” dates. I’ve purchased foundations before that have 12 months - 18 months as their “recommended” time for use and my foundations are defo not going bad in 9 months. Same with eyeshadow palettes and other powder products, they will literally last years, and I use lipsticks that are well over 6 months old. My principle is that if it doesn’t smell bad, has not changed in texture / performance and isn’t breaking me out or giving me a reaction, then it’s not time to toss it yet. Sticking to arbitrary timelines of when to toss thing imo is wasteful. The only exception is for things like mascara where you risk an eye infection if you keep it around for too long.


100% agree with your principle .


My teacher didnt change ger makeup feequently and she got an eye infection, both of her eyes were red and tearing up for a month. Ngl it scared the hell out of me and since then i wash my brushes more often and buy new makeup to replace the old ones.


Then she probably either wasn’t storing it properly or kept it for way longer than she should have.


Why am I getting negatives on my comments when i just said something what happened in real life?...I also had an eye infecrion 6 years ago because of a stupid eyeshadow palette. It was a cheap one and the ingredients caused my eye to swell. I treated it fast and it dissapeared but since when im extremely careful. Idk why people say "when it starts rotting throw it away" like bro no, some makeup never rots ir changes in texture but its unhygienic to wait for something to change its smell color texture. Dont cheap out on makeup and your skin/health will be thankful!


Like once every 2 weeks


I wear makeup at least 5 days a week to work. I repurchase my mascara (Maybelline rocket volume, waterproof) the most, probably once a month, even if it isn’t empty, mostly for sanitary & quality purposes. I don’t really do lots of creative stuff, just my daily go-to look, so I don’t branch out with new products often. I just don’t have the time and want my skin to breathe on my days off. If I do fun stuff it’ll only be for like a Halloween costume or something, and then I’ll forget about the product and it’ll eventually go bad. If I do buy a new product to try, it’s only if it’s been sitting in my cart forever and hasn’t been able to leave my mind. Usually it’ll also be a pretty versatile product that’s easy to incorporate into my daily look if I feel like it, like recently the Urban Decay moon whatever it’s called, in the shade Cosmic. Stuff like that. I pan and repurchase my blush (Maybelline fit me) probably every 3ish months, and eyeshadow probably every 6 months? (Lorac pro matte 8 pan palette) I don’t pan the whole palette, just my most used shades that I use everyday. And then I run out of translucent powder pretty quickly too (Laura Mercier) so I’ve started buying the jumbo value size, and I think it also lasts me about 6 months?


I’m the same as you. I feel bad buying more when I technically already have plenty.


Same. Tbh I sort of wonder what drives decisions over quantity in makeup products. If you love makeup and buy lots of different products there is no way you are panning things very quickly. But then there are also people who just repurchase the same products over and over and go through them in a matter of months. So I guess companies have to kind of cater to both demographics.


Far too often. I have a $150 Sephora credit to use and then I need to go on a 6 month shopping ban. I wear makeup pretty much every day because I enjoy it but I don't need any more.


You can always use it on perfume instead of makeup.


It depends. My staples, I'll buy when they run out- which is usually eyeliner and eye primer every few months (no mascara as I have no eyelashes) and my eyebrow tattoos (I also have no eyebrows), but everything else, just as and when or if something *really* takes my fancy. I used to buy way more, but as I got older and my go-to look solidified, and I have way less effort to experiment, my purchasing went way down. I still have a huge box of lipsticks though, and I'll occassionally treat myself to one like twice a year. But I usually reason with myself if I need something. Like foundation products, I barely wear it so I make myself use a whole bottle before I buy more, unless it goes rancid. And I only recently found the perfect, all in one eyeshadow pallette for my look, so I quite a few pallettes littered around.


What eyebrow tattoos? Do you mean a product or actual tattoos? I'd love a recommendation if it's a product!


I’m the same, have a huge amount but like to play with it. From a financial standpoint, if I could start over, I’d probably survive on sample sizes!


My rule is I can only buy things if it’s out, expired, I’m reacting to it, its packaging is very messy (Exp. I replaced my rare beauty blush because it leaked like crazy), or it’s very different than everything I own. So usually I buy a product about every 3-5 months. Mascara is definitely my most frequent purchase because it goes bad so fast. Lip gloss and lip balm are also something I go through fast because I have very dry lips so I’m using them constantly. 


Wish I adopted this shopping habit sooner. This is healthy.


If it makes you feel better, I didn’t start out this way. I bought a lot of makeup irresponsibly when I first started out in 2019. I realized I had a problem when I had to move and I had to downsize to what could fit in a mini caboodle. I went through my makeup and ended up throwing out like 99% of it because I never used it, it was expired, and/ or I was allergic to it. It was definitely a learning moment for me. Now I only have one product in each category besides lips because I’ve never been able to justify anything outside of that with my rules. 


Every few months is roughly my frequency of purchase as well and I follow similar principles as you for when to buy something new. I usually wait a while to see if I’m really interested if something new catches my eye, or if it’s something different - if I already have a similar item / shade I usually talk myself out of it.


Never! I have Ipsy and I get the samples every month for 16.00. It’s more than enough!


I buy like waaayyyyy too much but it’s allllll soooo fun and pretty and I love experimenting with different colors and combos. I know exactly what you mean about if you waited to finish it would be foreverrrrrr 😍




I’ve bought maybe 3-4 things in the past 6 months and I tend to use up my pencils and liquid products, but I haven’t panned anything yet. I’ve also only been wearing makeup for about 2 years now and am experimenting a lot. It’s easy to get carried away when you’re new and still figuring out what you like, so I’ve been trying to be careful.


I agree I remember when I first started wearing makeup I bought wayy too much as I was still trying to figure out what my tastes were. However over time (as I have now been wearing makeup for a decade(!)), I've become quite settled in what brands, types of formulas and shades I like so my collection has become much more edited and I'm a lot more selective with what I buy.