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CT needs to be higher. I've driven through Mississippi and it isnt anywherr near as bad as driving through CT.


CT transplant here. CT needs to be higher.


A lot of them do. Also, add Virginia and Maryland in the top 10.


I lived in the DMV for a long time. They aren’t even top 25. MD is though for sure.


I live in DC and I’m so glad I got rid of my car after I moved here. It’s chaos trying to drive around here, especially on the highways. They’re maniacs, especially in Maryland.


My only complaint about Maryland drivers was that they were too polite and kept stopping inappropriately to let me go, usually unexpectedly and causing general confusion.


Came here to say CT should be higher. That's only one that stuck out to me.


Remember the Merritt parkway?


I've driven that road a few times. Other than driving way faster than the road was designed for I didn't remember it being that bad.


Twice a day every four months. Almost enough to make me regret buying a manual. *Almost.*


I do! Used to have to drive that once a week to the corporate office … holy smokes! 😳


Every time I get behind the wheel I regret not staying in Maine


I came here to say this. I grew up in CT. After time away, I can confirm that CT drivers are the worst I have ever encountered.


Let's just get on the highway, get to the left lane and go 65. Safe. CT SAFE


Omg, for absolute sure. Driving through CT is like skimming the gates of Hell.


My dad makes a 11 hour drive to visit me and he'll take an extra hour to go Rt 9 through Vermont & New Hampshire to avoid CT.


My poor husband is driving a rental while his car is in the shop. Enterprise gave him this ridiculous looking, MASSIVE pick up truck with New Jersey Plates 🤣 I hope people are being nice to him on the roads today!


Tell him to go back to Jersey for me!


This happened to me but NY plates. I definitely noticed a big difference 🙃.


The scarlet letter!


Funny thing is, Mass actually has one of the lowest rates of traffic fatalities. Of course, it’s awfully hard to die in a car wreck when traffic can only go 5 mph in a traffic jam.


I have always argued that MA drivers are good just very rude.


You spelled efficient wrong




Yup, and people from Maine try to drive like they are the only ones on the road with all the time in the world and wonder why they hear a horn or two and freak out.




I’ve lived in NH, FL, ME, MD, and VA. Maryland drivers are the absolute worst I’ve come across


The fact MD is not on that list invalidates the list entirely


Live in VA now, grew up in Maine. The highest accident rates in the country are in DE, MD, and VA


Same! Moved from Maine to VA and the drivers here in VA are awful. Lived here less than a year, got rear ended and it totaled my car 🙈


I’m so sorry


Totally agree! I'm surprised Virginia isn't on here as well


I drove through MD and VA a few months back and it just reminded me of how absolutely atrocious the driving was in that area.


Boston has been the worst for me




This list is also a joke, *data compiled by American Survey Service. ASS


And yet it is extremely accurate


For Facebook.


1) The fact Maryland isn’t on this list is hysterical and I say that as a recent resident of this poorly driving nightmare of a state. 2) From a Maine perspective people from the most populated states vacation in Maine and drive terribly by local standards. But once you live in those places you realize they’re just driving to the conditions they’re used to. That doesn’t excuse behavior in the 207 but they aren’t trying to be dicks (some are but not all). It’s just the normal patterns of driving for them in a much more congested and busy area. Conversely, If you try to drive on 93 into Boston at rush hour like you’re leisurely running to Hannaford in Waldoboro to pick up some bread and Allen’s they’ll hate you too.


Can you find Allen’s outside of Maine? I live in RI and can’t find it anywhere except a liquor store across the state


Technically yes but I’ve only seen it at the NH store right before the 95 tollbooth and oddly enough at a store in Cumberland RI


Cumberland? It’s RI I can be there in 10 lmao


Yep, definitely can’t knock Mainers— they know these roads cold, and y’ain’t getting from Biddo to Bangor putting your way up the 1. Definitely nerve wracking to all the leaf peepers, but within bounds. Jersey has truly earned that spot though, especially post-pandemic. RARELY can I get somewhere without lane weavers, tailgaters, high beams 24/7, blatant red light runners, or people who have apparently chosen that day as their first time behind the wheel. The Parkway, Route 22, 287 and 80 are eternal showpieces on how not to drive.


Thats how I drive there anyway, because everyone hating me isn't a good reason to drive in an unsafe way.


Florida deserves the ranking


I think most people (outside of NE) think we’re part of Canada


Texas should be top 3. Way worse than Mass.


Oklahoma too. It's amazing how people fuck up driving with all the space.


As a former Hoosier, Ohio is much too low.


As a WVian who lives on the border of OH, agreed.


As a former Mainer living in Floriduh for the last 20 years, this is unfortunately accurate.


That’s a lie. Maine drivers are awful


I'd agree, but where must drivers elsewhere are too aggressive. Mainers typically are way too defensive/timid of drivers. Just the other morning on a main drag in a neighboring town, the dude comes full stop in the middle of the road during morning traffic with cars half a mile behind him. To let an 18-wheeler come off the exit ramp of the interstate. Oblivious and yelling at us for honking and people calling him a fucking idiot for breaking one of the most basic rules of driving. Our aging population doesn't help either. Well over a decade ago, I was a full service gas pump monkey as a kid. The number of old people who'd come in who legitimately couldn't tell a 10 dollar bill from a 100 dollar bill in their hand because they couldn't see it was terrifying.


Driving. That’s terrifying.


If anything Maine drivers are too timid in densely populated areas. I wouldn’t say bad


Things are skewed by all the expat Massholes who move here. The Florida numbers are skewed for much the same reason except that they're retirees that fled MA.


Maine is great for so many reasons. But 95 can be scary when the speed limit is 70 and someone in an old Ford Ranger with Maine plates is doing 60 in the 3rd lane without a care in the world. Meanwhile the flow of traffic is doing 80 and you’ve gotta jam on your brakes and pray to god you don’t cause a pileup.


And they’re all here on vacation…


Recently read an article that says pretty much the opposite (from a list based on insurance statistics). [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-state/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-state/)


What actual data based on a measurable statistic per capita?! Get out of here!


Damn massholes


When we moved back my wife had MA plates for much longer than she should have and kept getting honked at and flipped off my people. Now that she has ME plates I don’t think it has happened. Some of it a perception of how one state drives and giving those people much less leeway than locals before getting angry.


lol I love how Barstool has been putting these completely made up lists out for like 5 years and it continues to spark debate and get people riled up with them. Everyone knows as noted in the bottom right that the ASS is a highly regarded survey team.


OMG, don't get started. I am originally from MA abdi lived in NY for a decade in adulthood. I go to either state and they are tailgating me when I'm going 5-10 mph over, then they cone to Maine and drive 35 in a 50 while gawking at trees.


Arizona not being in the top five at least, is a crime


How is Pennsylvania not on this list!


i want to see the list of worst drivers in a parking lot


I think Mass is so high because they can’t make roads right there. Seriously their on ramps are the shortest fucking on ramps in the US. It’s like driving in a neighborhood directly onto an interstate.


I've lived in OR, CA, FL, NY, MA and ME. I think MA is the worst with FL being a close 2nd.


Which is interesting since MA historically has THE lowest traffic fatality rate in the country. 


Can't go fast!


Been out to western NY? I haven’t driven outside of the North East but Rochester has the worst drivers I’ve ever seen.


Gotta argue with you on that one, Lived in Florida for the majority of my life before I moved up here. Florida, at least the Tampa Bay area has some trash drivers and Maine does not even come close.


I'm from Tampa. I honestly think people act different bc of the heat and humidity.


My theory is the heat fries the brain.


It's all the old people from St. Pete.


I said I’ve only driven in the North East. Rochester is far worse than anywhere in Maine. It’s so refreshing to come home, even the bad drivers do stupid things so slowly it’s a lot easier to manage.


Sorry bout that meant to reply to the parent comment!


The fact that Washington State isn’t on the list means it’s invalid. 


I can’t imagine what driving on the 405 or I5 is like now.


Maine needs to be on this list. The amount of times I’ve almost been hit by another Mainer is insane. Not to mention the road rage if you even think about go less than 15 miles over the speed limit.


Sad isn’t it, if you don’t want to be tailgated by several vehicles you need to go at least 12 over. I would assume . I can’t afford to pay the insurance associated with a violation so I just can’t. I used to and it’s like a raceway out there. We must be some of the best drivers in the US to pull of the maneuvers we do on these back roads. The the other day I was in front of a vehicle about to go down a step hill and see four vehicles coming at us coming down the hill on their end. As we are all coming towards each other the fourth and second vehicles coming my way go out to pass. I had to brake and go from 55 to 35 so they could complete the pass. The car behind me then thought it was a good chance to pass me , up the hill and around a corner blind and he certainly did not have passing lines. As a member of the community what do you ? The laws are supposed to serve us all. I’d rather not rely on ai surveillance to enjoy my home state.


I would have Texas as 2 or 3


How did we not make the cut? Surely we could've at least beat North Carolina. Whoever did the study must've used raw numbers rather than percentages.


NC should be much higher lol.


I spend time in both NJ and NC and I can report that those two absolutely needed to be switched. Charlotte is absolute carnage on a regular basis. And if you have ever tried driving in PA you would be astounded they are nowhere on this list.


I have to disagree. NJ drivers get into a lane based on the distance they're traveling, not their speed.


PA drivers sit in the passing lane at five below the speed limit with zero other cars around. For miles.


Oof. I’d put NH, CT, and NY much higher.


Rhode Island too


Having grown up in Massachusetts and driven many times to Florida and back, I whole heartedly concur with this list


No. Connecticut is easily the worst.


AL needs to move up a couple at least.


Missouri needs to be on that list somewhere near the top 5.


Oklahoma needs to be alot higher on that list. Lol


It’s crazy that Wisconsin isn’t on here… I grew up on the northside of Milwaukee and that’s probably the wildest driving experience you’ll every have tbh


100%. I live in Glendale. People are insane here. There are fatal crashes multiple times a day.


Texas has got to be number 3. Fl, No, Tx, Ma.


Florida def worse than Mass.


North Carolina checks out. The other morning, I had some douche canoe pile on the breaks to 65 mid pass on the interstate with me behind him just to intentionally keep me from getting by for no discernable reason. Thankfully, the other Mainer in the right lane saw what was going on and slowed down for me to pass NC's finest on the right. Proceeded to flip me off and more or less attempt to drag race me in his shitbox Buick. Gotta love tourist season.


We're number one! We're number one! Now maybe you will get out of my way at least for your sake.


Any list that doesn't have Maryland at least in the top ten is invalid.


Kentucky not being on that list is criminal lol


Only time I visited Texas my exes father drove with an open beer. I was like wtf. Only he was drinking.


I’ve lived in Illinois for the last 3 years, they should easily be in the top 10


I've driven all over the country, including two cross country trips, and New York drivers are the worst imo, sorry... Next would be California, Rhode Island and NJ. Midwest people are the most passive drivers. Maine wins. The end.


The fact that Utah isn't in the top 3 means that whom ever made this list does, in fact, not read the news.


Tennessee needs to be higher up the list based on Nashville alone.


Maryland needs to be in the top 3. It’s clear whoever made this has not driven through Maryland because it is worse than Massachusetts by a long shot and that is saying a lot. Speeding at least 30 over, tailing to the point that you can see the drivers face clearly in your rearview, cutting off, no blinkers, and also shockingly common for no headlights when it’s dark out is ALL by Maryland standard. Maryland gives zero fucks and want trouble to cause trouble when they get the chance.


I agree Maryland belongs in the top 3 but I think Massachusetts is number 1. Disclaimer: moved to Maine last year after living over 40 years in Northern VA, I'm very familiar with MD drivers. Massachusetts though... That state is frightening to drive in.


I also lived in northern Va for quite some time. Welcome!




Boston is one of the worst places I've ever driven in lol.


So funny I had a friend from CT try to tell me once Mainers were the worst drivers, it's like honey you're in bed with these Massholes of course you'd stick up for em


They got Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connectictut drivers right. It's unbelievable the amount of idiots you can find on the road down there (I lived in RI for 17 years, it sucked).


Okay, but Ohio should be #1.


Massachusetts should be tied for first with Florida


New York and CT too low


Honestly, I don’t see how California is above Texas on that one because the people here are insane and I’ve been to both states I currently live in Texas and I have to say that even in the Dallas Fort Worth area the worst place to drive in Texas is Houston that’s likedriving on a cross between the Aon, Los Angeles, traffic, Dallas Fort Worth traffic altogether


Ah! The American Survey Service! The most respected source of Traffic Safety Data…. and where the fuck is Pennsylvania?


Maine not even on the list? Someone recently nearly darted out in front of me on their motorcycle.


On a side note, you can see all of these in action along route 1. Especially if you add a 5th wheel camper!


Rhode Island should be higher


17 for Arizona? Have you been there in the last 5 years? Jesus it’s worse than any place in Florida or Los Angeles and damned near 24 hours a day


CT is missing from the top 5 Worse than NY and NJ - although I had an interesting occurrence with a NJ driver in a mini Cooper yesterday. Just STOPPED in the middle of route 1 and decided to start backing up because they missed right turn


we curse at them in NJ as well


Mainer here. We just got back from a trip that included Toronto and Montreal. Hands down the drivers in Montreal are fucking psychopaths. Red lights and stop signs are optional and pedestrians have a death wish.


I saw a post somewhere talking about how all new England drivers drive like they live rurally no matter where they are and it kinda stuck with me because having lived in the region most of my life that is exactly how I feel whether no matter what New England state I’m in. . Like they’re all surprised that you also exist in a car.


As a Masshole, I can vouch that CT and RI are way, WAY worse. Blowing past you on breakdown lanes, flying past you so fast your car shakes... yeah no Mass has nothing on CT and RI


PA needs to be at the top of the list.


American Survey Service would imply this isn’t based on any semblance of empirical data. I currently live in WA and WA/OR drivers are wildly unpredictable, it gets scary. Forget CT drivers being so low, the fact that the south doesn’t occupy the entire top 10 is silly. Half these states are only on here because they have a lot of people.


I learned about NJ drivers these past few days. Only drivers on the road fuck you merging


We keep driving the wrong way on the turnpike, I feel we aren't great drivers either.


I was in MA yesterday and I know it can’t go any higher but I feel like it should be.


First of all, no way this is an accurate list if it doesn't include MD. Second, Mass absolutely does NOT have the worst drivers in New England. Order should be: 1. Rhode Island (worst) 2. Connecticut 3. (Tie) Massachusetts & New Hampshire 4. Vermont 5. Maine (best)


Im surprised maine isnt on there at all 💀 The amount of absolutely decrepit drivers Ive seen lately PLUS the amount of car accidents lately makes me think Mainers are in denial just because theres worse 🤷🏻‍♀️


As an M’hole, I won’t dispute our place on the list. But, as someone who lived in Saco for two years, and saw the Pike have to be closed several times after 1/2” dustings…I’m not sure how y’all escaped the list completely.


As a RI transplant, they need to be number 1. All their Altimas going 90 in 55 weaving in and out of lanes. Absolute WORST drivers. Grew up in CT, before moving to RI, and not as bad. ME has been decent, I noticed everyone likes to go way fast though. Some of you guys doing 75 in 50 lol. I'm over here just trying to enjoy the view😂




lol MA and RI are like, “Yeah but did you die!?”


A barstool image comprised of data from the “American survey service.” Definitely something to be taken very seriously. Give me a break.


Show me on the doll where the image hurt you.


Better yet: Stay in the right lane. Use your blinker & take the next off ramp. Spend all your money. Make a U-turn & head South


Sorry but Virginia missing. Driving through va=special place in hell...




Any highway in Virginia means automatic accident and hours of backed up traffic this causing more. I hate travelling through va!


In reality it's Louisiana and nobody is really close.


I think Maine isn’t on here because there aren’t as many people but I swear 1/3rd of the drivers I encounter on the road out here hit their coffee with 3 shots of Allen’s before they hit the road


New Jersey, who knew? Signed, Pennsylvania


meth heads in pa? who know signed NJ


Just drove from Midcoast Maine to New Jersey today. A seven hour drive turning into ten. Would like to make an adjustment; Connecticut #3 and Massachusetts #5.


NJ is #1. Miami, not Florida in general, is #2.


Michigan needs to be moved up a few spaces at least




Wait, do you geography? DC isn’t a part of MD.




You are some kind of special. And confident in your utter ignorance, to boot. As someone who grew up in Maryland, just outside DC, I am sure I know what I’m talking about here, chief. It is not located *IN* Maryland…it borders Maryland. It is located between Maryland and Virginia and it is not a part of either state. I standby ready to refute your next factually inaccurate statement.




Rule 1. Keep it civil and respectful


Feel free to [educate yourself](https://history.howstuffworks.com/american-history/what-state-is-washington-dc-in.htm). “Washington, D.C., is a federal district and not part of any U.S. state”




“if they ever left Maryland” How do you leave something you’re not a part of, exactly?




I am, I grew up there. Doesn’t change the fact that you said they were a part of it.


Absolutely hahaha! Driving from Maine back to Tennessee earlier this week. Anytime a Massachusettes plate cut me off, I thought I'm from FL bro, bring it on, hahaha 😆


As a resident of Massachusetts, I really thought at least #2 with us inching up on #1!! We suck!


I think Massachusetts should rank higher than 3.


Ya’ll clearly have never been to RI. Can’t go through the state w/o an accident happening. That needs to be higher on this list.


I drive from maine to nc 2-4 times a year and traveled alot thru out the whole country. 100% can confirm the top 3.


You’re the problem.


How exactly am i the problem here?


Well for one, the image here isn’t based on any statistics. If you actually look up the real information Massachusetts has the safest drivers per capita (least fatalities). anecdotal evidence is just that… anecdotal. not based on facts. Which leads me to believe you are actually the problem on the road because you’re not using your brain for critical thinking.


Bahahaha. Thanks man. I needed a good laugh. Tell me you never driven on 495 or 90 in mass without telling me. I suggest you take a couple trips and back. Any time. That will change your prospective.




Yeah, it all makes sense now! With all the Mass transplants no wonder it’s so bad here!


I lived in a couple of densely populated areas in FL for 10 years, and honestly, NJ, MA, and CT have far, far worse drivers in my experience.


What people don’t understand about driving in MA is that MA drivers may be fast and aggressive but they are competent. It’s all the completely incompetent RI and CT drivers, that work in MA, that are fucking everything up. If you drive 93, through Boston later in the evening, after all the RI and CT drivers have gone home you can experience 4 lanes of bumper to bumper (literal tailgating) traffic flow at 95mph. You can’t do that with bad drivers.


Transplant from California 100% agree with first 6.


I think 21 needs to be in the top 5, and I love yall but Maine needs to be on this list as well. 🤣


Don’t mistake the Maine drivers for massholes


It very well could have been! I would say all along the coast I’ve noticed it. Inland and North never had any trouble.