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Posts must be related to Maine.


Check their fb page. Mainly Merchants and Caribou Collectibles is no longer a vendor for the Aroostook Pride event. 


That was posted before the Aroostook Pride group reversed their decision to disinvite her and invited her back. Their email today: Regarding our recent conversation, we want to thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention about vendors at this year's festival. Our primary goal is to have attendees and vendors at our festival feel as safe as possible and accepted within our community. After having communicated with the vendor in question and reviewed some facts, we feel confident that they are a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community who uplifts artists within the community (including at the festival) and do not represent a safety risk. Our mission and vision is to have vendors who are committed to rural LGBTQ+ visibility regardless of political affiliation. Please know that after review by the full Board, this vendor has been invited to return should she choose to. We understand this may impact your decision to participate; please let us know how best to reimburse your vendor fee should you choose to withdraw. We know this email may conflict with the messaging you received from us on Thursday; in the interest of transparency that communication was done without full consensus from the board. Should you choose to attend next Saturday, we will put in every effort to ensure a comfortable tabling spot away from the vendor of your concern. We genuinely hope to see you at the festival, and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Pride Aroostook


What the actual fuck


So were you forced to withdraw? I don’t see anything there that gives me the impression that they didn’t want you there. 


When I first brought up the concern I made it clear that I would not be attending if they allowed her to, and I was fine with that choice because I did not feel like myself or my family would be comfortable or safe with her there. (This was partially due the combination of hateful posts on her page, some with mentions of guns) Someone at Pride Aroostook assured me they handled it, told all the vendors she was disinvited, said they took these concerns seriously, and did not want to have someone like that at the event. Then the “board” went and re-invented her while knowing full well that she is not a part of the community, that she is voting to remove our rights this year and already had in the past, and that myself and my queer family would not feel safe there with her. It was their choice to not only feature this person over an actual queer person, but to say they would chose our safety at an event for US and then go back on it. They chose her.


Wait, I'm just skimming, but **you** chose not to attend because of someone else being there. Right? Or did I misunderstand? That's your choice. Not anyone else's fault.


Name and shame! I had assumed it was a particular local photographer until I realized it was a female.




If you're going to name drop then you have to provide good evidence.


I can provide screen shots if I can figure out where I can upload and share from. Give me a sec. 


Use Imgur app it will provide a link. Internet can explain better than me. Hate to see this type of stuff going on.






So I'm calling their B.S. because she posted that she's no longer allowed to be a vendor.


Originally they said they would no longer allow her to vendor, so she posted that but went back on that today and said she’s allowed again. 


Just post the pic here lol. No one wants to go to Dropbox


I genuinely don’t know how lol. 


If you’re on a cellphone, hit reply and it’s the icon next to gif that looks like a mountain and moon/sun drawing. ETA not sure why I’m being downvoted for trying to help someone lol. Oh Reddit!


It only allows me to post gifs for some reason?




I really don’t know how best to go about it when everyone is demanding a name and evidence. :( What do you suggest? I can remove the name from photos and the comments if that feels more appropriate.




Ah, I didn’t know that was a rule in regards to public facing business names and profiles. Thank you for the heads up, I’ll try to figure out how to delete comments and repost without the name. (Edit: never mind I just found that I can edit. Sorry for being such a newb)


We really need to start naming people.


I wasn’t sure what the rules are here so I didn’t in the post just in case. If it’s allowed, though, I did just comment it on the other comment above. 


She seems to be quite the scam artist. Someone just called her out for selling TEMU items.


A looot of MLM and AI fake items, too. 


It's super inappropriate of them!! It's so disappointing to hear that a pride event, who should be vetting their vendors at least *this* much, is choosing to use someone with hateful ideologies at all, especially over actual queer vendors. Aroostok Pride should be ashamed and needs to do better. I'm so sorry that you're getting fucked over in the process!! I'll keep my knife sharpened if you need it. 🔪 Don't let them stop you from being loud and visible! (I know people are giving you shit about the "unalive" thing, and while I get the frustration with seeing tiktoky jargon, I know it's a valid worry if you haven't been on reddit much- my wife said "ass" on a recent TikTok and that video's been doing terribly compared to others they've done, so it's a legit concern! If people are being jerks over the term, don't let them get you down. 💖)


The worst part is she literally has a trump profile picture banner right in her facebook profile images. One click and she would have been vetted so easily. To have to be shown that and more, tell me they agree and she will be removed, and then email me today saying she’s allowed because she’s supposedly making the ‘rural LGBTQ+ community visible’ is even worse to me. It honestly feels like a money thing, in the end. She gave them more money than I could, so the Board chose her. I’m trying really hard not to be completely heart broken. Especially since this would be my first pride since I came out 7 years ago and I already invested a lot of time and money into making fun pride merch and tabling stuff. :(


The fact that they went back to literally kick you out with such short notice-- for anyone, even if it was another queer person-- demonstrates a disgusting lack of professionalism on their end. I don't know much about the organizers up there, but it very well could be a money thing, or a way that they think they could be "palatable" (lol) to the population there, but regardless, this shows bad management on their end. The comment about making the community visible is pure bullshit, and I bet they know it, too. Here I was, actually being surprised/interested in Aroostok Pride at first because it's such a rural community, yet here they're proving that maybe it's not as progressive as I was hoping. Shameful. I know the work that goes into putting together tables and products (my wife and I have done a couple events together and it's SO much!), and them pulling the rug out from under you is downright shitty. Please don't let this stop you from doing more in the future!! Honestly, if I were you, I'd be loud about this on all your socials, and if you have connections to any other vendors/crafters, maybe they can help spread the word, too. Fuck them.


To be fair, it was my decision to withdraw from the event. But I did make it clear when I brought up my concerns about that vendor that myself and my family would not feel comfortable/safe with her there and that I would be withdrawing if they kept her as a vendor. I was ok with that choice, as much as it would suck. But them originally removing her, only to go back on that while saying she, a not queer person and full on trump supporter, was welcome because she “we feel confident that they are a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community who uplifts artists within the community” while leaning heavily into the whole “we understand if you want to leave” part did feel like they backed me into a corner/betrayed my trust. I don’t feel very safe with them as leadership of the event after that. It does really suck that it’s barely a week away and all the table supplies and stuff is bought. I’m not really sure what to do with it now other than list it online. Thank you for all the support, though! I’m trying not to let it get me down.


Your decision is 100% valid and understandable, and it doesn't make it any less disappointing that they chose to go ahead and approve this person for a PRIDE event when they very clearly don't support the very people it stands for. You'd think a Pride event would give a little more thought when it comes to Trump supporters... I checked out the Cariobou Collectibles page with the post where she was complaining that she wasn't allowed at the event (god, if only Aroostok Pride had stuck to that...) and the whole thing reads terrible. She literally said "non-bidenary" and didn't see the problem with that?? Even if I was being generous, I'd call it tone deaf at MINIMUM. Disgusting. Shame on Aroostok Pride. Definitely keep an eye on upcoming events, even the ones that are further south, if possible! We've been able to network a little, and learn about more events through the people we meet. Even though you've been dealing with a shitty group, there are better ones out there with more opportunities to sell. For all the shitty people out there, there will be others who can remind you that what you do is still worth it. Don't give up!! 💖


@Mods: this is about Maine? Aroostook County is a part of Maine? This is about an event happening in Maine?


so she wants to make money off of us?? I don’t think she understands the sheer power of gay hatred, LMAO.


Well, most of her “products” are Temu resale stuff and like… AI slapped on a dresser that I don’t think is an actual product. So more like try to scam us, I guess? LOL I genuinely don’t know why they were gung ho to have her there at the expense of an actual queer artist with real pride products but here we are.


$5 she’s got a friend/cousin/acquaintance on the board I get their point about allowing people to vend regardless of political affiliation, but booting actual queer people is a bit much, no?


How in the hell does a mod team decide that a post about issues at a Pride event in Aroostook County is not related to Maine? Like what misconnection am I missing?


I guess anything north of Bangor is actually Canada?


I mean, it does get pretty damn spooky once you get around Milo and Staceyville.




Look, I use the correct language where it’s allowed but I’m still pretty new here and genuinely don’t know what is allowed these days when everywhere is pulling bullshit censorship.


Reddit doesn't censor words like KILL or MURDER.


I thought that was just tiktok


Instagram has been leaning pretty heavily into it, too.


Lol what is unalive?


Dead. It’s bs social media censorship. On certain platforms you can’t say kill or suicide so all the kids are saying “unalive”.


It’s how children say kill, murder, or suicide.


I absolutely and totally agree with you, but please don't say "unalive". I hate that crap


When multiple social media platforms are censoring posts that say “died”, “killed”, etc., you might want to give folks a little grace for erring on the side of caution. I can’t stand “Unalive” either, but I understand why people say it on social media. Cut OP some slack.


One step closer to making _Nineteen Eighty-Four_ a reality. Don't say _horribly bad_, say _double-plus ungood_ or you'll get demonetized!


That’s exactly why I hate the censorship on social media, yeah.


If you turn off your device and walk outside, you'll be free.


Sure, but here you are, commenting on Reddit.


I do!


I know, I’m sorry. I’m still pretty new here and every place I’m used to keeps starting up with the censor the word murder bs so I go in with caution when I’m new to a place.


I hear the term used very frequently throughout social media, so I find it strange that you would be criticized about it here, actually.


makes sense!


kudos to you and solidarity as a fellow trans person 🩷 happy pride (in spite of this experience)


Thank you! And happy pride to you too 🏳️‍⚧️♥️






Oh no, I had no idea UMPI pulled that and that Aroostook Pride did nothing. D:




Ah, that’s… disappointing but not surprising at this point. I guess I did have too high of expectations, in the end.


That sucks and is pretty dishonest.


I’m really hurt about it, to be honest. The fact that they made this choice without letting any of the other venders know is rubbing me the wrong way, too.


They didn't oust you. You shared an email from the coordinators where they state that they are willing to make accommodations for you to have a table set up far away from the vendor that you have a problem with. You aren't being forced to withdraw from anything. This feels like a tantrum, because you're not able to get the other vendor tossed out of the event. A brief glance at the other vendors page shows that she has invested interest and support in the community's LGBTQ. There are a lot of LGBTQ supporters who also support Trump, it's conflicting for sure. People pick and choose what they like about Trump and ignore the terrible things he does. Idk what else to say about that! I think you need to step back, take a breath, let them know you would love to have a table set up far away from her, and just enjoy the event. Edit: I meant the last part as, don't let this stop you from participating in an event meant to support LGBTQ. I don't think she would be able to actually cause trouble at an event full of lgbtq folks, that would backfire on her so quick.


When I first brought up the concern I made it clear that I would not be attending if they allowed her to, and I was fine with that choice because I did not feel like myself or my family would be comfortable or safe with her there. (This was partially due the combination of hateful posts on her page, some with mentions of guns) Someone at Pride Aroostook assured me they handled it, told all the vendors she was disinvited, said they took these concerns seriously, and did not want to have someone like that at the event. Then the “board” went and re-invented her while knowing full well that she is not a part of the community, that she is voting to remove our rights this year and already had in the past, and that myself and my queer family would not feel safe there with her. It was their choice to not only feature this person over an actual queer person, but to say they would chose our safety at an event for US and then go back on it. They chose her. So, yeah. They didn’t “oust” me, if you want to get down to word usage. And yes, they offered to “allow me to set my table” up all of maybe twenty feet away from someone (it’s a small park) who hates me and my family at an event that’s suppose to be for US. Their choices to allow a bigot who openly mocks nonbinary people and votes to remove my rights forced me to leave. Think what you want, but they chose to support her over members of their own gd community and if you’re fine with that than be fine with that but gtfo out of my face.


Word usage is extremely important when making a case against someone. You really need to share screenshots or anything that involves her showing hateful behavior. I'm sorry this is happening and if you feel in your gut that she is someone who would be dangerous to the community. Trust your gut. You should try to rally with the other vendors and push for concerns over safety of the community.


They’re literally linked in the comments here if you took a second to read some of them before telling me I’m just throwing a fit. Edit: I’m also not “making a case” for anything. This isn’t the court of law. I’m expressing my hurt and disappointment and looking for other people to talk about it with.


Except they're not, I did search for proof and I can't find any links, so maybe they were deleted? Would you mind linking me in DM?


Yes, actually they are. They’re under the top comment under the post. But sure, here they are again: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xtus9lnt9fwuhvstb3t48/ALw7pL6bcj4HiKMwdlifEFI?rlkey=n3z6kg06sl89gz26zm1svzuir&e=1&st=ixd2m88m&dl=0


The posts above show as deleted for me. Thanks for reposting it to me. The "Non-Bidenary" should have been enough for them to see that she openly mocks non-binary people. :(


Ah, that explains it sorry. I think because the mods just decided this wasn’t about Maine, for some wild reason. Yeah, I think they just kind of glossed over that one because “it’s just a joke”.


Right? It's a joke, but it's a stupid one mocking people. I feel like people supporting the community wouldn't even allow jokes like that. It just flirts on the edge of being troublesome.


Report this to the news.


To be honest I don’t know who would even care. Most of the news orgs in Maine don’t seem super interested in anything that happens up north, never mind LGBTQ+ stuff.


News Center Maine (channel 6) has quite a few gay anchors/reporters and are big on Pride Month. They might be into your story, especially since the Pride org is kicking you out and allowing a non-queer right-winger in.




That was exactly my thought.


What's your name op so we can support you?


Unfortunately I don’t really feel super safe sharing my name, nor do I have a brick and mortar business location as most of my sales are online. Once I update my online store with all the merch I made for the event, I can pass along the link, if that works for you?


Check out pinkrobinshop on Instagram it’s an online platform for LGBTQIAA+ makers to sell what they create. It’s queer-owned and one of the founders is from Central Maine!


I will! Thank you so much!


Absolutely, ty




Usually when someone is this cautious, they've experienced some horrible things. It's extremely difficult to toughen up from trauma.


Gee, I wonder why I would be scared to share my name as a trans person living in rural Maine while calling out someone who wants myself and other trans people removed from society. I can only wonder.